Let's Make It Legal (1951)
Who Cares If It's Legal As Long As It's Tempting! Virile! Tantalizing! Smooth! Wow!
장르 : 코미디, 드라마, 로맨스
상영시간 : 1시간 17분
연출 : Richard Sale
각본 : F. Hugh Herbert, I. A. L. Diamond
A woman divorces her husband of 20 years because he gambles too much.
A street level drug supplier falls in love with a college student. Despite avoiding him at first, the girl later uses him for her own benefit by acting of being in love with him. Later she falls in love with another boy but still can't break the relationship with the first lover as he accepts all her demands and changes himself leaving all his drug supplying works behind. The girl falling in dilemma hands the boy to Police. But fate brings them face to face again to experience some tragedy.
Love triangle between a cashier and two security guards of a small supermarket in a provincial town.
In Mirror Game, we meet a seemingly ordinary husband and wife, Michael and Giselle. Embarking upon a cross-country move to New England, both are doing their best to embrace change and hold on to each other. However, when Giselle stumbles upon a strange book that is not at all what it seems, their lives will never be the same-or their own-ever again.
Cardiac surgeon Alex Marsden has an affair with Marcella Duggan, but then finds himself having to operate on her husband Larry, who is also his friend.
Sara runs for an eco the same day she notices something different on her left breast. Timing and readiness might save her life besides a happy event that comes as a blessing in her life between good friday and easter day, will she be able to win the battle against this silent killer?
A multi-awarded 23 minute short film about pansexual punk rockers in a toxic relationship in London’s underground music scene
A party game in which players compete for a decreasing number of chairs, the losers in successive rounds being those unable to find a chair to sit on when the accompanying music is stopped.
Can a woman love two men at the same time? Set against the backdrop of Kyoto's rich history, this story depicts a woman's difficult choice for love. Ayako, played by Yukiyo Toake, is an international conference coordinator. Torn between her childhood sweetheart (played by Kenji Sawada) and her English professor (played by Noboru Nakaya), Ayako will seek answers to love, marriage, and choice.
A father and his daughter came to India as refugees post-war in their country. Few good hands help them to rebuild their lifestyle.
Sarah is headed back to her hometown for Hanukkah with news of her engagement. Upon returning she finds out that her father had a heart attack and things have gotten out of hand.
1916년, 시카고 슬럼가 제철소에서 고된 노동을 하는 빌은 우발적으로 공장장을 살해하고 여동생과 애인 애비를 데리고 도망친다. 텍사스까지 흘러든 빌 일행은 떠돌이 노동자들과 함께 수확철의 밀 농장에서 일자리를 얻는다. 빌은 사람들에게 애비를 여동생이라고 속이고, 이들이 남매인 줄로만 안 젊고 병약한 농장주는 애비에게 청혼한다. 우연히 농장주와 의사의 대화를 들은 빌은 농장주가 불치병에 걸렸다는 것을 알게 되고, 지긋지긋한 가난에서 벗어나려는 욕심에 애비에게 농장주와 결혼하도록 설득한다. 두 사람의 결혼으로 빌 일행은 농장주의 집으로 옮겨가 한적하고 아름다운 농장에서 꿈같은 나날을 보내게 된다. 그러나 금방 죽을 거라는 빌의 예상과는 달리 농장주의 병세는 악화되지 않고, 시간이 지날수록 빌과 애비의 관계는 모호해진다. 한편, 둘의 관계를 눈치챈 농장주는 배신감과 분노를 삭이는 가운데 애비의 마음 속엔 차츰 농장주에 대한 사랑의 감정이 싹트게 된다. 이듬해 수확철을 앞두고 거대한 메뚜기떼가 습격하여 밀 농장을 뒤덮고 잘못 던진 불씨로 인해 농장은 하룻밤 사이에 잿더미가 된다. 이 와중에 빌과 애비가 함께 있는 것을 목격한 농장주는 빌에게 덤벼드는데...
A quirky romantic drama set in remote coastal Norway takes the viewer on a tumultuous ride through surfing aspirations, extreme weather and love.
The story is about Iris' rise to the apex of a love/power triangle that includes her roguish English lover, McHeath and Art, an earnest young boxer. Within the flawed moral landscape, each character struggles to establish their sovereignty.
Young lovers in London are wrapped up in a love triangle that may not be exactly what it seems. Carmen, a beautiful Spanish woman with a tendency to lose her temper at the drop of a hat, is about to be married to Barnaby, a caring, wealthy, but slightly boring Englishman. While out with friends on her 'hen night' she encounters a stranger who suddenly sparks a passion that has been sleeping within her. As her wedding date approaches, she finds herself struggling to put this newcomer out of her mind, but his effect on her keeps growing stronger. What is it that he sees in her, and why does she feel like she's being pushed inevitably into his arms?
Three teens blackmail a serial killer into helping them get rid of a violent bully.
After getting dumped by his slutty girlfriend, Caleb falls in love with Gwen. However, thanks to Caleb's roommate, Gwen thinks he's gay and sets him up with her roommate, Marc.
40-year Maria is living in a monotonous and deadlocked marriage with her husband. In addition, she has to take care of her ill despotic father. One day, she falls in love with her sensitive neighbour Dieter. But her attempt to leave her gloomy everyday life behind leads straight into tragedy.
1890년대 와이오밍에서 실제로 일어난 사건을 배경으로 하고 있다. 보안관인 제임스는 부유한 목축업자들로부터 이주 노동자들을 보호하려 애쓰는 한편 엘라라는 여인을 사이에 두고 총잡이 네이트와 충돌한다. 개척지에서 부유한 지주들과 유럽 이주 노동자들 사이의 격렬한 충돌이 일어나면서 이들은 존슨 카운티 전쟁에서 적대적 진영으로 만난다. 적법한 절차에 따라 토지를 구매하고 농사를 짓기 위해 유럽 각지에서 몰려던 이민자들과 거대 농장을 소유하고 있던 거대 농장의 농장주들 사이의 갈등이 더욱 불거지게 되고 급기야 농장주는 자신의 가축을 훔쳤다는 등의 사소한 죄질의 이민자 150여명을 '합법적'으로 살해할 수 있는 권한을 대통령으로부터 얻어내고 50여명의 용병을 고용해 이주민 마을을 습격하게 되는데...
Set in Genoa, the film concerns the financial struggles and emotional strain that occur after Michele loses his job. He and his wife Elsa are forced to give up their affluent lifestyle and cope with the tensions of moving into a smaller home, finding new work, and making sacrifices.