Paisa (2014)
장르 : 액션, 코미디
상영시간 : 2시간 24분
연출 : Pasupuleti Krishna Vamsi
Prakash (Nani) is a streetsmart Sherwani model in the old city who believes that money rules the world. His dream is to earn 1 crore and settle. Noor (Catherine) is a girl in the neighbourhood who loves Prakash to the core but he doesn’t acknowledge her feelings. One day Prakash comes across Sweety (Siddhika), daughter of a wealthy politician (Charan Raj) and feels she is his ticket to settle in life. But one incident happens and that ends up with Prakash and Noor on the run along with huge money bags belonging to Sweety’s father. How that happens and where it leads forms the rest of the tale.
뉴욕에서 워싱턴, 워싱턴에서 시카고로. 고객을 목적지까지 안전하게 모시는 것 외에 그 어떤 즐거움도 없던 민항기 1급 파일럿 ‘배리 씰’(톰 크루즈). 어느 날 배리를 찾아온 CIA 요원 ‘몬티 쉐퍼’(도널 글리슨)에 의해 그의 삶은 180도 뒤바뀌기 시작한다. CIA와 손을 잡고 무기 밀반출을 돕기 시작한 배리는 찰나의 불법 행위로 거액의 돈다발을 거머쥐게 된다. 점점 더 큰 범죄 세계에 발을 들이게 된 그는 결국 FBI, CIA, 백악관 그리고 세계 최대 마약 조직까지 손을 뻗치게 되는데…
뉴욕 경찰로 돌아온 브루스 윌리스의 요절복통 코믹 액션물! 뉴욕의 베테랑 경찰 지미 몬로(브루스 윌리스)는 정말 아끼는 소장품인 희귀본 야구 카드를 도난당한다. 수집가들 모두가 탐내는 이 카드가 딸의 결혼식 비용을 마련할 수 있는 유일한 수단이었기에 지미는 젊은 파트너 폴과 함께 절박한 마음으로 카드의 행방을 추적해 나간다. 그런 가운데 가브리엘라란 이름의 여인을 구조한 지미와 폴은 뜻하지 않게도 멕시코의 마약 딜러들을 상대하게 되는데...
Two aspiring boxers and lifelong friends get involved in a money-laundering scheme through a low-level organized crime group.
After unknowingly robbing a money laundering operation the heist crew must avoid mobsters.
Cheech and Chong are hired to drive a limo from Chicago to Las Vegas by two shady Arabs - Mr. Slyman and Prince Habib. Unbeknownst to them, five million dollars of dirty money has been stuffed throughout the car.
A tale about the relationship between a businessman who launders money for a Mafia figure and his gangster bodyguard.
Voilà dix ans que les chemins de René et de François se sont séparés. De l'époque glorieuse où, flics, ils écumaient le quartier Montmartre, il ne leur reste qu'une poignée de souvenirs, l'argent de leurs ripouseries s'étant évaporé avec le temps. Tout à une fin. Jusqu'à ce que ça recommence. René, à la limite de la clochardisation, survit avec pour domicile un bateau déglingué...
India's most wanted Black Money agent, Vicky Chaddha, gets arrested in Malaysia and is kept in a safe house by the Malaysian authorities, along with his wife. A team of four is being sent to Malaysia to bring them to India. Apart from the growth of inter-personal relationships, the mission has quite a few twists and turns on its way. The story follows Karan as he uses his brain and brawn to recover all of the laundered black money.
조직범죄가 모의되고 있다는 정보를 입수한 강력반 형사 세스는 상부에 보고없이 자신만의 판단에 입각해 잠입수사를 시작한다. 이러한 과정에서 내사과의 의심을 받게 되자 일을 마무리하려 하지만 이미 조직의 보스인 소피로부터 신임을 받고 있던 세스는 너무 깊게 발을 들여 놓았음을 직시한다. 그러던 어느 날, 동료 경찰인 커티스와 세스가 만나는 장면을 목격한 소피는 조직원인 시스코에게 의외의 제안을 하게 되는데...
경찰 비나약 (아짓 쿠마르)은 뭄바이 크리켓 도박 조직의 멤버 파이잘 (아 라빈 드 아카 쉬)을 돕다가 정직을 당하지만 도박 조직의 보스 아루 무가 (자야 프라 카쉬)의 신임을 얻고 아루 무가의 딸 산자나 (트리샤)에게 접근 그녀의 마음 마저 차지하는데 ...
경찰의 고위 간부가 크리켓 도박에 연루되어 자살하는 사건이 발생하자 특수본 팀장 프리트비 라지 (아르 준)는 '범죄와의 전 쟁'을 시작하고 비나 약은 도박 자금 50 억 루피가 "범죄와의 전쟁 '을 피해 어디론가 옮겨진다는 정보를 입수하고 가로 챌 계획을 세우는데 .. 도박자금 강탈을 위한 기기묘묘 (?) 한 에피소드는 반전에 반전을 거듭하고 우여곡절 끝에 50 억 루피를 탈취하는 비나약의 곁에는 의외의 인물이 모습을 드러내는데 ...
뉴욕에서 자금세탁 감독원으로 일하는 ‘듀란’은 갑작스럽게 고향 엘바 지사로 발령받게 된다. 전임자의 업무를 정리하던 그는 우연히 의심스러운 가상화폐 거래 내역을 보게 되고, 비트코인에 빠져 있는 친구 ‘얼’의 도움을 받아 사건을 조사하게 된다. ‘듀란’은 점점 사건을 파헤칠수록 가상화폐가 러시아 마피아 조직과 연관되었다는 사실을 알게 되는데…
1921년, 좀도둑질을 일삼던 누들스는 친구들과 함께 밀수품 운반 일을 하며 돈을 벌어들인다. 누들스 무리에 위협을 느낀 벅시는 누들스의 친구를 죽이고, 분노한 누들스는 벅시를 살해한 후 감옥에 들어가게 된다. 1932년, 출소한 누들스는 어린 시절 첫사랑 데보라와 밀주 사업으로 크게 성공한 맥스를 다시 만나지만, 금주법 철폐로 밀주 사업도 위기를 맞는다. 맥스는 누들스에게 연방준비은행을 털 것을 제안하지만 누들스는 거절한다. 1968년, 베일리 재단 파티에 초대 받은 누들스는 재단 창립 기념 사진 속에서 데보라를 발견하고 그녀를 찾아가는데...
금융전문가로 일하는 샘(페트릭 스웨이지)과 도예가인 몰리(데미 무어)는 동거생활을 하며 행복한 나날을 보낸다. 그러던 어느날 샘이 괴한의 총에 맞아 죽게 되는데, 육체에서 분리된 영혼은 지상에 남게 된다. 홀로 남겨진 몰리를 보호하고자 하는 샘은 지하철에서 만난 영혼으로부터 물건을 움직일 수 있는 방법을 배운다. 그러나 자신의 존재를 몰리에게 알릴 길이 없어 고심하던 샘은 점성술사 오다매(우피 골드버그)를 찾아가는데...
범죄마저 대물림 되는 미국 최대 범죄도시 보스턴. 전직 아이스하키 선수였지만 지금은 막노동꾼으로 보이는 더그(벤 애플렉)의 진짜 본업은 은행 강도다. 실패를 모르는 최고 은행 강도단의 리더 더그는 우연히 자신이 인질로 잡았던 여자를 사랑하게 된다. 그녀를 사랑하게 되면서 더그는 보스턴을 벗어나 새로운 삶을 꿈꾸지만, 죽음이 아니고서는 절대 보스턴을 떠날 수 없다는 조직의 수칙이 그를 얽맨다. 결국 그는 거액이 걸린 마지막 한탕을 앞두고 조직에 대한 배신, 그리고 FBI까지 얽힌 피할 수 없는 전쟁을 선포하는데...
부와 명성만 있으면 최고의 대학에 들어갈 수 있다. 미국을 뒤흔든 입시 사기 사건. 그 뒤에 숨은 자는 누구인가. 믿지 못할 범죄의 수사 과정을 재연한 다큐멘터리다.
막 출감한 전과자로 아파트 수리를 하는 터프한 여자 코키와 옆방에 살고 있는 마피아 조직원 시저의 동거녀 바이올렛은 엘리베이터에서 처음 만난 순간부터 은밀한 눈빛을 주고 받는다. 어느날, 배수구에 빠뜨린 귀걸이를 찾아달라며 바이올렛은 코키를 자신의 방으로 부르고…
Angered by the corruption that stopped him from becoming a CBI officer, a young man forms a gang who pose as CBI officers and raids the corrupt.
사랑, 그 희망의 날개짓... | 사람들은 꿈을 꾸고 사랑을 한다 모든 것이 무너진 폐허에서도... | 2005년, 당신의 여름을 사랑으로 채울... 이와이슌지의 감성대작 “너의 꿈을 이룰 수 있다면...내 목숨조차 아깝지 않아”가상의 시대. 일본은 세계 최강국이다. 일본의 엔화는 세계에서 가장 높은 가치를 가진 화폐이고 그 엔화를 벌기 위해 각국의 불법 이주민들이 도쿄 변두리를 가득 채운다. 사람들은 그 이주민들을 “옌타운”이라 부르고 이주민들은 일본을 “엔타운”이라 부른다. “엔타운”에 사는 “옌타운” 창녀 ‘그리코’. 어느날 그녀를 찾아온 나비같은 소녀 ‘아게하’. 그리고 그들을 오빠처럼 돌봐..
러시아의 첩보(FSB)장교인 그레고리는 러시아의 악명 높은 사업가 아이반을 제거하기 위한 비밀 임무를 띄고 파견된다. 아이반을 함정에 빠트리기 위해 파견된 또 다른 첩보원 앨리스(CIA소속)는 아이반의 자금을 세탁하는 데 도움을 준다. 혼란을 느낀 FSB의 그레고리는 앨리스에게 접근을 하게 되고 순식간에 그 둘은 사랑에 빠지게 되는데.. 서로의 신분을 숨긴 채 시작된 위험한 사랑의 끝은 어떻게 될까?
A furious youngster takes on a politician, a police officer and a criminal owing to the injustice meted out to his kith and kin
In Yamalokam retirement age comes from Senior Yama and he gives charge to his Son. However experienced Chitragupta is retained much to his disappointment. He decides to teach a lesson to new Yama and plans to get a person from Bhulokam who can create chaos in Yamalokam. That person turns out to be Bullet Raja a mass character. He falls in love with Taapsee. Though he is yet to complete his lifespan,Chitragupta plays a game and Bullet Raja gets killed only to come to hell. Here he discovers the plot and demands to get back to earth. Since his body has perished, Yama and Chitragupta send him inside the home ministers body. What happens from there and how things change forms rest of the story.
Bangaram is a local reporter who dreams of getting into an international news channel. To fulfill his own dream he meets Peddi Reddy, a factionist.
Yadagiri (Prakash Raj) is a handicapped mafia leader in Hyderabad and KR (Raghuvaran) is a rich business man. Bhagyamati(Aarthi Agarwal) is daughter of Yadagiri. Bobby(Mahesh) is son of KR. The story of this film deals with what happens when these two kids fall in love with each other.
Seenu (Ravi Teja) is fondly called as Dubai Seenu. His sole aim in life is to fly to Dubai and earn tonnes of money. In the process, he gets hold of a broker and gets duped by him in Mumbai. He along with his friends starts a small canteen to earn his llivelihood. and eventually falls in love with a girl called Madhumati (Nayana Tara). He then witnesses an incident that prompts him to return back to Hyderabad. The rest of the story is all about how he helps out Madhumati.
Shaka killing his own brother for particular information about a hidden treasure. Another man who knows about it is Veeru Dada. In the encounter of Veeru Dada jumps off into a river from a cliff. After 18 years, we have Veeru Dada with a leg cut off giving info to Raja a mischievous thief who robs off the money from banks in a style. Raja gives Veeru Dada a share of 50% for his entire tip offs. Raja becomes more daring as the price tag on his head increases by thousands. There is another mischievous thief Panasa along with uncle follows Raju so that she can dupe him and escape with all the looted money of Raja. As the things go on a frolicking way between Panasa and Raja, the desperate Shaka is searching for Veeru Dada in all the places. Rest of the story is for whom will get that treasure
Geeta's father disapproves of her relationship with Siddhu as he isn't too pleased with the fact that the latter's parents are divorced. Determined to marry Geeta, Siddhu promises to reunite his parents.
Chukkallo Chandrudu (Telugu: చుక్కల్లో చంద్రుడు) is a Telugu film released on 14 January 2006 and was directed by Mani Ratnam's associate, Siva Kumar. The film has Siddharth Narayan, Sadha, Saloni Aswani, Charmme Kaur, and Akkineni Nageswara Rao playing important roles but this film story lines nearly equals to Jagapathi Babu film Allari Premikudu.
Venkata Ramana (Venkatesh) is a ventriloquist. He goes along with the troop of artists to perform for a local Telugu association in Europe. Paris Prasad (Brahmanandam) is a tour organizer in Europe. He enjoys making people around bakras. Pooja (Trisha) is the niece of Prasad. Venkata Ramana falls in love with her. Prasad realises that only way to make Ramana bakra is to tell him that Pooja loves him too. Pooja is the daughter of a rich factionist in Rayalaseema and she is forced to return back in the middle. Her marriage is fixed with a guy she doesn’t like. The rest of the story is all about how Prasad conspires with Ramana to rescue Pooja.
The story is set in the backdrop of a college that is riven by two groups led by Prithvi and Shashank. Though there is nothing malicious between the groups, they just can't see eye to eye on anything. The only thing common between the two are their abiding passion for rugby. Whenever a problem crops between the two, it is usually settled with a bitter scrum on the rugby field. As it happens, the college land falls into the hands of a local dadha Bikshu Yadav. This is good enough reason for the two groups to forge a common identity and fight for the land. Prithvi and Shashank bury the hatchet and get back the land. This is too much of a bitter pill for the dadha to swallow. And so he dares the students for a rugby match with his own group.
A brave man decides to kidnap his friend's beloved from a forced marriage, but ends up abducting the wrong bride. Ironically, the bride he kidnapped is ecstatic because she was already planning an escape. On the run, they fall in love, but in order to get married, they must convince their families.
Babloo (Vishnu) likes to have fun and is always getting in trouble so his father (Chandramohan) gets him a job with Shanker Goud (Srihari). Shanker Goud and Bhallu are rivals and Bhallu is determined to kill Shanker Goud's sister Pooja (Genelia D'Souza). Babloo falls in love with Pooja but Shanker is planning an arranged marriage for her with Ajay (Akash) so Babloo and Pooja elope. The rest of the story is about how Babloo saves Pooja from Bhallu.
Pallavi invites Uma, her ex-boyfriend, to stay with her and her husband to convince him that she is happy in her marriage. Uma tries to create a rift between the couple, hoping to win Pallavi back.
Chanti, a young man, is rescued by Suchitra when he is beaten by thugs. He falls in love with her and tries to woo her, but she does not reciprocate his feelings.
Chandu is very passionate about kickboxing and his life revolves around his mother and his girlfriend. His life is shattered when his dying mother asks him to meet his estranged father Raghuveer.
Rishi (Ravi Teja) is an inspector in the Intelligence Bureau. His colleagues fondly call him 'Mirapakaay'. The chief of the IB, Narayana Murthy (Nagababu) gets information that Kittu Bhai (Prakash Raj), a mafia don, is trying to spread his tentacles in India and is targeting Delhi first. During the course of the investigation, ACP (Sanjay Swaroop) is killed by Shankar (Kota Srinivasa Rao), a local goon with the help of his son (Supreet). Murthy sends Rishi to Hyderabad and gets him admitted to a college as a Hindi lecturer as part of an undercover operation. Rishi meets Vinamra (Richa Gangopadhyay) at a temple & falls in love at first sight. Incidentally, she studies in the same college and in the same class to which Rishi teaches Hindi. Their love blossoms. At this juncture, Vaishali (Deeksha Seth), daughter of Kittu Bhai, joins the same college. Grabbing the opportunity, the IB chief asks Rishi to extract information about Kittu from Vaishali.
A millionaire's daughter is all set to marry her boyfriend against her father's wish. When her father finally approves the marriage, her boyfriend believes that her father should sign over his wealth to him.
Venkat and Sailaja meet on a train and fall in love. But Sailaja's father disapproves of their relationship and decides to marry her off to Bhadranna, a ruthless landlord, who is obsessed with her.
This story is all about a ambitious boy named Seenu (Ravi Teja) who dreams of becoming a don. He always likes to be called as ‘Don’ Seenu since childhood due to the strong influence of the Amitabh Bachchan starrer ‘Don’. He grows up with just one passion - that of becoming the World's No: 1 Don. Thanks to his enterprising nature, he gains access to the cream of the city's dons, and uses his cleverness to play off the top two - Machiraju (Sayaji Shinde) and Narsing (Sri Hari), fierce rivals - against each other.