
In the Name of God (1992)

A Film for Communal Harmony

장르 : 다큐멘터리

상영시간 : 1시간 15분

연출 : Anand Patwardhan


The film explores the campaign waged by the Hindu right-wing organisation Vishva Hindu Parishad to build a Ram temple at the site of the Babri Masjid in Ayodhya, as well as the communal violence that it triggered. A couple of months after Ram ke Naam was released, VHP activists demolished the Babri Masjid in 1992, provoking further violence.



Anand Patwardhan
Anand Patwardhan
Anand Patwardhan
Anand Patwardhan
Pervez Merwanji
Pervez Merwanji
Simantini Dhuru
Simantini Dhuru
Paromita Vohra
Paromita Vohra
Production Assistant
Pervez Merwanji
Pervez Merwanji
Production Assistant
Narinder Singh
Narinder Singh
Production Assistant
Simantini Dhuru
Simantini Dhuru
Production Assistant
Shashi Mehta
Shashi Mehta
Production Assistant

비슷한 영화

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쿠 53
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Liberation Day
Under the loving but firm guidance of an old fan turned director and cultural diplomat, and to the surprise of a whole world, the ex-Yugoslavian cult band Laibach becomes the first rock group ever to perform in the fortress state of North Korea.
Silence and Cry
Set during a turbulent era of disquiet, fear, persecution and terror, which permeates every corner of post-WWI Hungarian society. In 1919, after just a few months of communist rule the Hungarian Republic of Councils falls victim to a nationalist counter-revolution. Admiral Horthy, leader of the nationalist far right movement, becomes the self-proclaimed regent of Hungary, and assumes power as the legal Head of State. Soldiers of the short-lived Hungarian Red Army are now on the run from relentless secret policemen and patrol units of the nationalist Royal Gendarme. If caught, ex-Red Army soldiers are executed without mercy or proper trial. István Cserzi, a former soldier of the Red Army has fled to the Great Hungarian Plains and has taken refuge on a farm, which is run by two sympathetic women. Due to the generosity of these women and a former childhood pal...
무지의 밤
인도의 어느 대학 영화과 학생 L이 멀리 떨어져 있는 연인에게 쓴 편지가 내레이션으로 낭독되는 가운데 영화는 인도 대학생들의 삶을 담은 파운드 푸티지들을 재구성하여 전개하면서 개인적인 이야기와 가장 첨예한 정치적인 이슈들을 탁월하게 엮어낸다. 2021년 칸영화제 감독주간 상영, 황금눈상 수상.
크리스마스 위드 어 캐피탈 C
An attorney returns to his small home town in Alaska and quickly rocks the boat by getting an injunction against the nativity display tradition and attacking Christmas.
Set amid the European community in an unspecified North African country, a colony on the verge of nationalism just before the war. And colonized is what happens to a French diplomat, Julien Rochelle, when he meets the mysterious beauty Clothilde de Watteville. Schmid 's favorite axiom, that love is projection, never had such a thorough airing. Is Clothilde really the wife of a French official now holed up in Siberia? Or is she Hecate, goddess of black magic and devourer of the Arab boys she meets far from the European quarter? Only our projections know for sure; for the rest, she is a "woman looking out into the night." Drawn from a novel by Paul Morand, who based the main character on his wife Helene, Schmid's film achieves an atmosphere of magic in which psychological credibility is not so much absent as irrelevant-a film that distances itself from the drama it invokes, perhaps as the elusive Clothilde turns her back on the madness she provokes.
The Basque Ball: Skin Against Stone
An attempt to create a bridge between the different political positions that coexist, sometimes violently, in the Basque Country, in northern Spain.
Asie-Pacifique - la nouvelle poudrière
As soon as he came to power in 2012, Xi Jinping clearly stated his ambition for a national renaissance. He will combine this with the construction of a powerful army and a certain vision of Chinese territory, which includes the reunification of Taiwan. In this quest, control of the oceans has become a crucial issue, and America an obstacle. In the South China Sea and the Pacific, the Chinese Communist Party has been pursuing a strategy to undermine American influence for the past decade. Relying on the active participation of maritime militias - fishermen trained by the military - China is creating a grey area between war and peace that destabilizes both its neighbors and the world's leading military power.
Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports Exposed
Alex Jones interviews Walter Burien, commodity trading adviser (CTA) of 15 years about the biggest game in town. There are over 85,000 federal and regional governmental institutions: school districts, water and power authorities, county and city governments – and they own over 70 percent of the stock market.