
Bomb Harvest (2007)

장르 : 다큐멘터리

상영시간 : 1시간 28분

연출 : Kim Mordaunt


Laos: the most bombed country, per capita, on the planet. Australian bomb disposal specialist Laith Stevens has to train a new young "big bomb" team to deal with bombs left from the US "Secret War", but meanwhile, the local children are out hunting for bomb scrap metal. Vividly depicting the consequences of war with the incredible bravery of those trying to clear up the mess.


Phonesai Silavan
Phonesai Silavan
Laith Stevens
Laith Stevens
Linthong Syphavong
Linthong Syphavong


Kim Mordaunt
Kim Mordaunt
Sylvia Wilczynski
Sylvia Wilczynski
Caitlin Yeo
Caitlin Yeo

비슷한 영화

레스큐 던
베트남전이 한참이던 1970년대, 폭격임무를 부여받고 라오스로 임무 수행을 나갔던 디에터(크리스천 베일)의 전투기가 격추되당하고 만다. 편대에서 낙오되어 홀로 베트남 한가운데 떨어지고 만 디에터는 군에서 배운 훈련과 지식이 헛되지 않게 재빨리 정글 속으로 몸을 숨기며 도주하지만, 얼마 뒤 정찰에 나선 베트콩에 사로잡힌다. 군인이 아닌 미국 시민임을 주장하지만 그에게 돌아오는 것은 구타와 고문이다. 얼마간의 시간이 흐른 뒤 디에터는 정글 속에 있는 포로수용소로 옮겨지고, 그곳에 감금되어 있던 다른 포로들과 함께 기회를 엿보며 탈출을 감행한다.
지옥의 7인
월남전이 한창이던 1972년, 전선에서 실종된 프랭크 로즈의 아버지 로즈 대령은 아들이 아직도 적진 어딘가에 포로로 생존해 있다는 것을 확신하고 끈질기게 구명 운동을 하고 다닌다. 그러나 이미 패전한 월남전에 더이상 인력과 경비를 낭비하고 싶지 않은 미국정부나 원호당국은 냉담한 반응을 보인다. 이에 로즈대령은 역시 아들이 실종된 대기업가 맥그리거의 도움을 얻어서 스스로 월남에 뛰어들어 아들을 구해내기로 결심을 한다. 로즈 대령은 타일랜드를 비롯한 아시아지역을 누비고 다니면서 미군이 수용되어 있는 라오스내의 포로수용소들을 탐문하고 마침내 프랭크가 갇혀있는 수용소의 위치와 건물배치도 등을 손에 넣는다. 아들의 옛 전우였다가 지금은 서로 연락조차없이 각각 월남전의 상처와 정신병적인 후유증속에서 은둔하고 있는 윌키스, 블래스터, 세일러, 차트를 일일히 찾아다가 택사스의 한곳에 아들 프랭크가 갇혀있는 수용소 모형을 지어 놓고 구출 작전을 연습한다. 이들은 역시 월남전에서 아버지를 잃은 어린 스코트를 훈련조교로 하여 특공훈련을 받고 방콕으로 떠나지만 미리 연락을 받은 현지 경찰에 의해 모든 장비와 무기를 몰수당하는데...
에어 아메리카
교통방송 기자 겸 헬기 조종사인 빌리는 저공 비행 때문에 조종사 자격정치처분을 받고 실직하게 된다. '에어 아메리카'란 항공사에서는 그에게 찾아와 대만의 조종사 자격증과 고액의 급여를 주며 스카웃 하려한다. 라오스에서 근무해야 한다는 게 맘에 안 들었지만, 빌리는 이에 응하고 라오스로 가게 된다. 그의 임무는 식량을 공급하고 피난민을 옮기는 것. 그러나 미국에선 그들의 존재조차 모르고 있는데...
라오스에서 의료봉사중이던 의사 존 레이크. 수석 의사와의 갈등으로 휴직을 하게 된 그는 라오스의 외딴 섬으로 여행을 떠나 휴가를 보내던 중, 우연히 강간 현장을 목격, 여성을 구해주다 강간범을 살해하게 되는데, 대사관에 도움을 청해보지만 답이 없어 보이자 패닉에 빠진 존은 숨막히는 도주를 시작한다.
Love is Forever
Michael Landon stars in this real life story about a journalist in Laos, and the extent to which he will go for his girlfriend.
Bomb Harvest
Laos: the most bombed country, per capita, on the planet. Australian bomb disposal specialist Laith Stevens has to train a new young "big bomb" team to deal with bombs left from the US "Secret War", but meanwhile, the local children are out hunting for bomb scrap metal. Vividly depicting the consequences of war with the incredible bravery of those trying to clear up the mess.
A sickly young woman experiences visions of her dead mother. She struggles to determine if the apparition is simply a side effect of her daily medication, or her mother actually reaching out to her from beyond the grave.
This Little Land of Mines
During the Vietnam War, the US bombed Laos more heavily than any other country had been bombed before. Today, the Lao people live among, and risk their lives to clear, over 80 million unexploded bombs on their doorsteps. With great beauty and empathy, this documentary reveals the unbelievable stories of the men and women at the forefront of this monumental task.
Cobra Thunderbolt
The daughter of a brilliant Thai army colonel, who invented the machine battle Cobra Thunderbolt, takes on the lao-army to rescue his kidnapped father.
Laos from Above
The Lanexang Kingdom country has been divided into three Kingdoms: the Vientiane Kingdom, the Luang Prabang Kingdom, and the Champasak Kingdom. Each of these three has developed its capital city into great cornerstones of the nation of Laos. Explore these three old capitals and other unique areas of Laos from breathtaking heights, such as Xiengkouang, where the scars of the war remain.
Good Morning, Luang Prabang
Sorn, a multiracial photographer, is assigned by his editor to take pictures of Laos, where he’s reluctant to go. Even though, Sorn is half-Laotian, going back to his homeland is never on his mind. Sorn arrives at Pak-Cher town where he hires a guide, Noi to take him out to the best picture spots in Laos.
Huk Aum Lum
A famous singer has returned to his home town in the countryside. He stumbles upon his old girlfriend and realizes he still has feelings for her.
Hunted Like Animals
A documentary about the atrocities committed against the Hmong people by the Laos government. Shot by Hmong people with cameras provided to them in 2006, this film provides a unique look into one of the worst, and silent, human rights tragedies of the 21st century.
That Sounds Good
That Sounds Good is a romantic comedy that takes you on a journey with two girls, one guy, and their complicated love triangle through the magnificent landscapes of three countries: Thailand, Laos and Vietnam. When Soontri and Ter, two clumsy girls- one with thick glasses, the other with a hearing aid- meet a traveler named Somchun while on a trip to Vietnam, they soon realize that they are both smitten with him. As Somchun is more interested in Ter, the friendship between the two girls begins to get complicated.
Becoming American
Hang Sou and his family, preliterate tribal farmers, await resettlement in a refugee camp in Thailand after fleeing their war-consumed native Laos. "Becoming American" records their odyssey as they travel to and resettle in the United States. As they face nine months of intense culture shock, prejudice, and gradual adaptation to their new home in Seattle, the family provides a rare insight into refugee resettlement and cultural diversity issues.
The Most Secret Place on Earth
After 30 years of conspiracy theories and myth making, this film uncovers the story of the CIA's most extensive clandestine operation in the history of modern warfare: The Secret War in Laos, which was conducted alongside the Vietnam War from 1964 -1973. While the world's attention was caught by the conflict in Vietnam, the CIA built the busiest military airport in the world in neighboring and neutral Laos and recruited humanitarian aid personnel, Special Forces agents and civilian pilots to undertake what would become the most effective operation of counterinsurgency warfare. As the conflict in Vietnam grew, the objective in Laos changed from a cost effective low-key involvement to save the country from becoming communist into an all-out air war to cut the Ho Chi Minh Trail and bomb Laos back into the Stone Age that it had never really left in the first place. Conventional bombs equivalent to the destructive power of 20 Hiroshima-type weapons fell on Laos each year - 2 million tons
At the Horizon
Two different worlds collide: the wealthy influential people on the one hand and the poor and honest on the other hand. Sin, a wealthy boy had been spoiled by his parents and has never realized the importance of self-dependence and how to become a responsible man. The boy lives his life relying on his parent's wealth and power, making him even more arrogant and pompous. Lud, a mute middle-aged man came from a rural area to be a motorcycle mechanic in Vientiane. His wife worked as a market woman and they had a six-year-old daughter. Though Luds life was simple, his family was warm and loving. One day Lud unexpectedly faces the greatest loss of his life caused by Sin.
Always on My Mind
The love story of four people who meet during the New Year's Day in the city of Vientiane, Laos.
Laos - Alles hat seinen Preis
The Making of 'Jurassic Park'
This documentary treats film fans to a behind-the-scenes look at the making of Jurassic Park, one of the 90's biggest hits and a milestone in special effects development. Narrated by James Earl Jones, it includes footage of the filming process, as well as interviews with director Steven Spielberg, and other members of the cast and crew, who give their insights into what it was like working together on this project and the efforts it took to bring the film to completion.