
America, Here We Come! (2014)

장르 : 코미디

상영시간 : 1시간 30분

연출 : Razvan Savescu


Six Romanian artists get to live the dream of their life in a road-movie full of adventures: America, here we come! Coming all the way from Targoviste - a little town near the capital, the five actors, director, and a little child with his huge teddy bear, cross the ocean to perform in New York. Not everything goes according to plan though. The six decide, for some extra money, to start working with a local agent, also Romanian, settled in The States for some time, who promises them a major tour.


Mihai Călin
Mihai Călin
Tania Popa
Tania Popa
Adrian Văncică
Adrian Văncică
Ioana Blaj
Ioana Blaj
Mira Furlan
Mira Furlan
Alina Berzunțeanu
Alina Berzunțeanu
Ioan Sapdaru
Ioan Sapdaru
Gheorghe Ifrim
Gheorghe Ifrim
Alexandru Bindea
Alexandru Bindea


Razvan Savescu
Razvan Savescu
Razvan Savescu
Razvan Savescu
Oana Ioachim
Oana Ioachim
Tudor Giurgiu
Tudor Giurgiu
Jonathan Whittaker
Jonathan Whittaker
Marius Mihalache
Marius Mihalache
Liviu Mărghidan
Liviu Mărghidan
Director of Photography
Tudor Pojoni
Tudor Pojoni

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