Six Romanian artists get to live the dream of their life in a road-movie full of adventures: America, here we come! Coming all the way from Targoviste - a little town near the capital, the five actors, director, and a little child with his huge teddy bear, cross the ocean to perform in New York. Not everything goes according to plan though. The six decide, for some extra money, to start working with a local agent, also Romanian, settled in The States for some time, who promises them a major tour.
Revenge. Feels so good. Are you ready to pay the price for it?
On the morning of Christmas Eve, Robert travels, together with his daughter, from Tulcea to Bucharest. Robert has to take some black spawn to Mrs. Zina, a wealthy woman who lives in a select neighborhood in the capital. For his daughter, this is the first visit to the capital.
Security guard Aurel (Andi Vasluianu) and his wife Irene have a moderately happy marriage and a moderately comfortable lifestyle in urban Romania. Irene takes a working trip to Cairo and returns invigorated with the swell of success. She sets out again and never returns. What follows is both predictable and unpredictable. Aurel, and the audience, are suspicious of the official explanation of her death so the foundation is laid for the traditional who-dunnit. Aurel proceeds on an emotional search against all odds.
삼십대 후반의 남성 태비, 그는 어느 날부터인가 그의 딸 알렉산드라가 더 이상 그를 “아빠” 라고 부르지 않음을 깨닫게 된다.
- 2008 오버하우젠국제영화제 최우수 단편영화상
Third SS Officer's Wife
독일의 유대인 학살에 침묵한 ‘교황청’ 위선에 가득찬 기득권을 고발한 두 남자. 나치제도 그리고 바티칸과 연합군들의 외교. 이 두 가지 시스템 안에서 투쟁하는 두 남자가 있다. 컬츠 게르스타인은 유태인 집단 처형장의 책임자이지만 그는 가족의 목숨을 걸고 이런 학살을 연합군과 교황 그리고 독일 시민에게 알려주려 애를 쓴다. 그리고 사제 리카르도는 자기 목숨을 걸고 나치제도에 반항한 모든 교회인을 대표한다. 이 영화에서는 알면서도 모르는 척 하던 교황청을 비롯한 모든 권력의 중심부에서 자신의 안위만을 염려하던 기득권 세력들의 위선과 허식 감추어진 양심을 지닌 사람들의 냉담함을 재판한다.
Along the Black Sea coast, we see a man and a woman arguing. They are apparently vacationers. Before long, the man has gotten back into their car and driven off, stranding the woman in a remote area. She hitches a ride with a delivery truck driver. At one of his stops, she gets off his truck to go to get some water. When the driver comes back to his truck and sees her gone, he assumes she has found another ride, and leave her. Once again, she is stranded. This time, the location is a lighthouse. She and the keeper have no recourse but to become acquainted, and for the next few days, that is what they do. Eventually, the man who left her in the lurch comes back to look for her, and finds her at the lighthouse.