
Confession (1998)

장르 : 다큐멘터리

상영시간 : 4시간 20분

연출 : Aleksandr Sokurov


Originally aired on Russian television, this five-part semi-documentary series tells the story of a Russian naval commander in charge of an Arctic-based ship. The film provokes a meditation on solitude and isolation, while revealing the daily duties associated with the ship. Voice-over narration by the commander, other sailors, and even a third-person voice provide the "confession" of the title.


Aleksandr Borisov
Aleksandr Borisov


Aleksandr Sokurov
Aleksandr Sokurov
Leda Semyonova
Leda Semyonova
Alexey Fedorov
Alexey Fedorov
Director of Photography
Aleksandr Sokurov
Aleksandr Sokurov

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