
The Debt Collector (1999)

Some debts can never be paid.

장르 : 스릴러, 액션, 범죄

상영시간 : 1시간 45분

연출 : Anthony Neilson


Mean, gritty, dirty and low, and that's just the policeman Gary Keltie, out for retribution for the horrendous crimes against the helpless people of Edinburgh during the 1970s, by notorious, torturous, and killer, debt collector Nickie Dryden.


Billy Connolly
Billy Connolly
Nickie Dryden
Ken Stott
Ken Stott
Gary Keltie
Francesca Annis
Francesca Annis
Val Dryden
Iain Robertson
Iain Robertson
Annette Crosbie
Annette Crosbie
Alastair Galbraith
Alastair Galbraith
Ford Kiernan
Ford Kiernan
Ronni Ancona
Ronni Ancona
Valerie's sister
Phil McKee
Phil McKee
Tattoo official
Shauna Macdonald
Shauna Macdonald
Jimmy Logan
Jimmy Logan
Valerie’s father


Anthony Neilson
Anthony Neilson
Anthony Neilson
Anthony Neilson
Damian Jones
Damian Jones
Graham Broadbent
Graham Broadbent
John Wilson
John Wilson
Dick Pope
Dick Pope
Director of Photography
Liz Bunton
Liz Bunton
Line Producer
Adrian Johnston
Adrian Johnston
Original Music Composer
Mark Geraghty
Mark Geraghty
Production Design
Ken Wheatley
Ken Wheatley
Art Direction

비슷한 영화

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겟썸 4
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The princess
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