Debt (2004)
Who owes whom?
장르 : 다큐멘터리
상영시간 : 1시간 30분
연출 : Jorge Ernesto Lanata
DEBT is the story of a frantic pursuit: the search for the responsible for the televised cry of hunger of Barbara Flores, an eight-year-old Argentinean girl. Buenos Aires, Washington, the IMF, the World Bank and Davos; corruption and the international bureaucratic lack of interest.
미국 리먼 브라더스의 파산 신청과 최대 보험사 AIG의 몰락은 미국 경제를 뒤흔들었다. 월 스트리트 쇼크로 글로벌 주식 시장은 그 즉시 휘청거렸다. 전 세계는 수십 조 달러의 빚더미에 올라앉았고 경제 침체는 계속되었다. 집 값과 자산은 대폭락했고, 3천만 명이 해고됐으며, 5천만 서민들은 극빈자가 되었다. 세계 경제를 파탄으로 내몰았지만… 여전히 돈과 권력을 손에 쥐고 있을 주범들은 과연 어디 있는가.
Through interviews filmed over four years, Noam Chomsky unpacks the principles that have brought us to the crossroads of historically unprecedented inequality – tracing a half-century of policies designed to favor the most wealthy at the expense of the majority – while also looking back on his own life of activism and political participation. He provides penetrating insight into what may well be the lasting legacy of our time – the death of the middle class, and swan song of functioning democracy.
British historian and author Niall Ferguson explains how big money works today as well as the causes of and solutions to economic catastrophes in this extended version The Ascent of Money documentary. Through interviews with top experts, such as former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker and American currency speculator George Soros, the intricate world of finance, including global commerce, banking and lending, is examined thoroughly.
빌 클린턴 정부 시절 노동부 장관인 로버트 라이시가 U.C. 버클리에서 강의한 '부와 빈곤(Wealth and Poverty)' 강의를 각색한 다큐멘터리 영화.
미국은 자유의 나라로 알려져 있다. 미국의 모든 용감한 기업 개척자들은 자유를 외쳤고, 또한 일찍이 정부의 헌법제정자들은 이를 민주주의라는 형태의 포맷으로 취해왔다. 그리고 어디서나, 어떤 방식으로든 "자본주의"라는 형식은 미국의 역사 길을 따라오게 되었고, 그것은 헌법이나 권리장전에서 항상 신성시 되어 왔다. 마이클 무어의 다큐멘터리 영화인 "자본주의: 러브스토리" 는 자본주의의 결점과 약점을 부각시키고 변호하는 방식으로 감독 본인의 추측을 기반으로 만들어진 주관적이면서 객관적인 다큐멘터리이다.
마이클 무어 감독은 최근 미국에 닥친 불황은 예측 가능했던 사건의 일례라고 주장한다.
영화를 보고 나면, 특히 부가영상들까지 보고 나면 (부가영상에는 관객들의 쉬운 이해를 위해 각종 관계자들의 인터뷰와 스피치, 강의내용 등을 기록하였다) 관객들은 다른 형태의 상거래가 존재한다는 것을 깨닫게 될 것이며, 또한 "자본주의" 라는 말과 "미국"이라는 단어는 같은 의미로 받아들여도 무방할거라는 의식을 관객들에게 심어주고 있다.
마이클 무어는 이 영화를 본 관객들은 이 영화에 감사하는 마음을 가지고 자리를 뜨게 될 것이라 확신한다. 미국 개봉에선 뉴욕과 LA의 4개 극장에서 1주일간 맛보기 상영한 후, 2주차에 전국 962개 극장으로 확대상영에 돌입한 첫 주말 3일 동안 445만 불의 수입을 벌어들이며 주말 박스오피스 8위에 랭크 되었다.
2008년 월스트리트, 전세계 금융위기 하루 전. 갑작스런 인원 감축으로 퇴직 통보를 받는 리스크 관리 팀장 에릭은 자신의 부하직원 피터에게 곧 닥칠 위기상황을 정리한 USB를 전하며 회사를 떠난다. 그날 밤 에릭에게 전달 받은 자료를 분석하던 MIT박사 출신의 엘리트사원 피터는 자신들이 관리하고 있는 파생상품의 심각한 문제를 발견하고 상사에게 보고한다. 그리고 이른 새벽 긴급 이사회가 소집되고, 그들만이 살아남기 위한 작전에 돌입하는데…
포츈지 기자의 베스트 셀러에 기초하여 미국 역사상 최대의 스캔들로 기록된 엔론의 파산을 다룬 다큐멘터리. 7대 기업에 속하던 엔론이 파산하던 순간, 엔론의 최고 경영진은 10억 달러 이상의 돈을 챙겨서 유유히 사라졌으며 투자자와 노동자들은 모든 것을 잃어버렸다.
패션산업의 화려함과 저렴함 뒤에 숨은 '진짜 비용'은 과연 무엇일까? 인간과 환경, 그리고 우리 자신을 착취하는 의류산업의 진상을 낱낱이 고발한다.
스물 여섯의 야심만만한 옥스포드 졸업생 마가렛은 세상을 바꿔보겠다는 부푼 꿈을 안고 지방 의회 의원 선거에 나가지만 낙선하고 만다. 실망한 그녀를 눈 여겨 본 사업가 데니스는 특유의 유머와 따뜻함으로 그녀를 사로잡으며 평생의 후원자가 되기로 약속하고, 행복한 결혼 생활을 시작한다. 남편의 전폭적 지지 속에 마가렛은 꿈에 그리던 의회 입성에 성공하고, 곧이어 모두가 불가능하리라 여겼던 영국 최초의 여성 총리로 선출된다. 연거푸 3선에 성공, 철의 여인이라 불리며 막대한 권력과 세계적 정치 지도자로서의 위상을 떨치던 그녀는 자신의 신념과 정책을 당당히 추진하지만 이에 반대하는 이들과의 격렬한 대치가 이어지고 각료들은 11년간 지켜온 총리직에서 물러나라고 종용하기에 이르는데...
Heist: Who Stole the American Dream? reveals how American corporations orchestrated the dismantling of middle-class prosperity through rampant deregulation, the outsourcing of jobs, and tax policies favoring businesses and the wealthy. The collapse of the U.S. economy is the result of conscious choices made over thirty five years by a small group: leaders of corporations and their elected allies, and the biggest lobbying interest in Washington, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. To these individuals, the collapse is not a catastrophe, but rather the planned outcome of their long, patient work. For the rest of the country, it is merely the biggest heist in American history.
From the acclaimed director of American Movie, the documentary follows former Los Angeles police officer turned independent reporter Michael Ruppert. He recounts his career as a radical thinker and spells out his apocalyptic vision of the future, spanning the crises in economics, energy, environment and more.
세 권의 책이 연속으로 실패하고 슬럼프에 빠진 찰스 디킨스는 무턱대고 크리스마스 전까지 새로운 소설을 발표하겠다고 선언한다. 그에게 남은 시간은 고작 6주.불현듯 ‘스크루지’라는 고약한 구두쇠 캐릭터를 떠올린 그의 눈 앞에 상상 속의 ‘스크루지’ 영감이 실제로 나타난다. 하지만 사사건건 방해를 놓는 ‘스크루지’ 때문에 소설은 마무리가 되지 않고 꼬여만 가는데... 과연 그는 6주 만에 새로운 소설을 완성시킬 수 있을까?
1999년 마틴 암스트롱의 사무실에 들이닥친 FBI는, 그에게 3조원 규모의 폰지사기 혐의를 씌우고 그가 개발한 경제전환예측 컴퓨터 프로그램을 압수한다. 정부의 의도는 과연 무엇이었을까? 법정 모독 혐의로 재판도 없이 7년 동안 수감되었던 그는, 오늘날 국가 부채 위기의 도래를 예언하며 2015년 10월 1일 이후 경제위기가 전세계로 번져나갈 것이라고 말한다.
If income inequality were a sport, the residents of 740 Park Avenue in Manhattan would all be medalists. This address boasts the highest number of billionaires in the United States.
무한 이윤을 추구하는 기업이란 무엇인가? 은 놀랍고도 쇼킹한 자료화면을 풍부하게 이용하여 관객들과 함께 역사와 현대의 '기업'들에 관한 스터디 케이스를 시작한다. 노엄 촘스키, 마이클 무어, CEO 레이 앤더슨과 밀톤 프리에드만의 인터뷰를 통해 미래의 비젼을 명료하게 말하면서 사기업 뒤의 기관에 대한 집요한 기만성을 없애려 하고 있다.
Bailouts, stimulus packages, debt piled upon debt…Where will it all end? How did we get into a situation where there has never been more material wealth & productivity and yet everyone is in debt to bankers? And now, all of a sudden, the bankers have no money and we the taxpayers, have to rescue them by going even further into debt! Money as debt II explores the baffling, fraudulent and destructive arithmetic of the money system that holds us hostage to a forever growing DEBT… and how we might evolve beyond it into a new era.
He was one of Germany's leading investment experts with an income of several million Euros per day. Now, he sits on one of the upper floors of an empty bank building in the middle of Frankfurt, overlooking a skyline of glass and steel. And talks. In an extended mix of a monologue and an in-depth interview, which is as frightening as it is fascinating, he shares his inside knowledge from a megalomaniac parallel world where illusions are the market's hardest currency. Marc Bauder's 'Master of the Universe' is based on meticulous research and provides us with geniune insight into the notoriously secretive and self-protective 'universe' of which our nameless protagonist experiences himself a master. Where other films on the financial meltdown have focused on the epic nature of larger-than-life business, Bauder probes the mentality that made it possible in the first place. A tense drama where psychology meets finance - two things that are more closely linked than you would like to believe.
A documentary about the closure of General Motors' plant at Flint, Michigan, which resulted in the loss of 30,000 jobs. Details the attempts of filmmaker Michael Moore to get an interview with GM CEO Roger Smith.
대기업이 사회의식을 갖춘 브랜드 이미지로 교묘하게 탈바꿈하면서 사회를 장악하는 행태를 정당화하는 과정을 폭로한다. 영화는 다보스포럼에 모인 기업 엘리트들과 기후변화, 불평등 심화 문제를 거쳐 극우파 지도자들의 부흥, 코로나 19, 인종 차별 문제에 이르기까지, 기업들이 행사하는 파괴적인 권력을 낱낱이 파헤친다. 한편 영화는 이러한 힘에 맞서 사회 정의와 환경 문제를 위해 거리로 나서는 사람들이 늘어남에 따라 거대한 저항의 물결이 생겨날 수 있다는 점 역시 시사한다. (서울환경영화제)
Moody, atmospheric ghost story starring Mason as a retired tradesman who purchases an old mansion that has been vacant for 40 years because it is believed to be haunted by the spirit of a young woman who had died there. Unaware of the mansion's reputation, Mason and his wife Mullen move in and hire a young woman, Lockwood, to keep house. Soon after Lockwood's arrival, strange things begin to happen in the household, and it becomes apparent that she is possessed by the spirit of the dead girl, though Mason scoffs at the idea. On death's door and bedridden, Lockwood asks for the same doctor who treated the woman who died 40 years ago. He arrives and treats her. The next morning Lockwood is cured, and it is revealed by the police that the doctor's dead body was found in his carriage hours before the time Mason claims he arrived to see Lockwood. Convinced that not only the ghost of the girl but that of the doctor as well entered his home, Mason finally believes in the supernatural.
A filmmaker returns to Normandy thirty years after a working on a movie based on a local homicide and tries to find the actors who worked on the project.
A loving couple struggle to fend for themselves in modern day Los Angeles, One a loner and down and out, the other a lonely but hardworking secretary. Eventually, as cracks form in their passionate relationship, they resort to robbing an aging actress for money.
This is not merely another film about cinema history; it is a film about the love of cinema, a journey of discovery through over a century of German film history. Ten people working in film today remember their favourite films of yesteryear.
I love Vienna is a social comedy that explores the clash of cultures and values.
Based on a story by Vietnam veteran Paul Staples, the film concerns six American Green Berets, held for 17 years in a Vietnamese POW camp. They are finally released in secret, during a delicate trade-talk session between Vietnam and the United States. Captain Tom Watkins, the ex-prisoners' CO, begins to suspect that government-man Adam Roth, who is in charge of the debriefing, may be pursuing a hidden agenda that will result in the early deaths of Watkins and the five men under his command.
A humorous and satirical comedy, which places a man from the year 2222 one day in the (then) present day life in GDR, East Germany under Communist regime. Using a crystal for mind reading he uncovers some improprieties and moral weaknesses in the "Beautiful future" professed by VEB ("Volkseigener Betrieb" – "State Owned Holdings").
KNOW YOUR MUSHROOMS follows uber myco visionaries Gary Lincoff and Larry Evans (two of the more expert and unforgettably mercurial characters in the community) as they lead us on a hunt for the wild mushroom and the deeper cultural experiences attached to the mysterious fungi.
The film covers a hundred years in the lives of the Ricordi family, the Milan publishing house of the title, and the various composers and other historic personalities, whose careers intersected with the growth of the Ricordi house. It beautifully draws the parallel between the great music of the composers, the historic and social upheavals of their times, as well as the "smaller stories" of the successive generations of Ricordi.
Two screwballs get mixed up with monsters, mad scientists and vampires.
The Justified Ancients of Mu Mu, King Boy D and Rockman Rock, try to find and gain access to the mystical White Room. They leave a party at their house and drive in their 1968 US Cop Car through night-time London and the dusty plains of the Sierra Nevada region of Spain. There they face judgement: will they be allowed to enter the White Room? Meanwhile their lawyer David Franks tries to find a loophole to free them from their contract with Eternity.
Emma is a teenager when she is the victim of a terrible road accident in London, and needs psychiatric care after she suffers from resulting brain injury. Her mother, Silvia, confines her in the house, and Emma's personality becomes aggressive, leading to a regrettable series of violent deaths.
This documentary examines the life and legacy of controversial Italian filmmaker Lucio Fulci through interviews with his colleagues, each of whom answers the question, "What is your fondest memory of Lucio Fulci?". The responses are as varied as the people who knew the late writer-director, providing a nuanced look at the man behind such gory grindhouse classics as City of the Living Dead and The House by the Cemetery.
Five very different characters are thrown together in one weird, mashed up day. It started out like any other, but 24 hours later everything had changed. South West 9 takes you through the windscreen of the new millenium. The death of idealism, capitalism, religion and hippies. Even the drugs don't work anymore. The 'summer of love' generation have come down and they're ready to riot. Seattle. Stockholm. Paris. Genoa. May Day riots.
Pep Munné is an aging plastic surgeon who falls for a young female assistant (Mariana Anghileri) while attending a medical conference. Soon he begins inventing new reasons to spend more time with her. His wife Cristina (María Barranco) begins meeting with a psychiatrist (Jean Pierre Noher) in order to figure out what is going on in her marriage.
David Asmmann's Football Under Cover documents the hard work involved in setting up an exhibition soccer match, known as a "friendly," between a German girls squad and Iranian women's team. In addition to showing how the two groups come from very different cultures, the documentary showcases what playing the game means to the members of both teams, and displays how passionate the fans of these two squads are.
In 1988, after much cunning political maneuvering, Loïk Le Floch-Prigent and Alfred Sirven become the chief executives at Elf. They discover a company that runs on kickbacks: in exchange for the oil rights, Elf makes handsome but discreet payoffs to the leaders of African nations. With the tacit complicity of President Mitterrand, and with eventual political and personal interests in mind, the new management takes charge of the slush fund. Within months, Sirven, Le Floch-Prigent and his wife Fatima Belaïd fill their pockets with more than they could ever have imagined.
Mother stands in for a runaway bride and marries the groom by proxy, then both set out to convince her daughter to reconsider. Later they mistake the missing bride and her companion for two escaped convicts and pursue them with a sex obsessed teenage boy in tow. All paths cross at a remote motel run by a jilted church deacon.
Adrenaline junkie Roger Gilbert leads an otherwise ordinary life until one day he rides to where no man had ridden before.... the planet Stardust 420.
A Yugoslavian man meets a woman in Paris, where he has come to do some research, and their mutual attraction leads to a liaison and shared adventures, not many good.