
Tsunami - Killer Wave (2005)

장르 : 다큐멘터리

상영시간 : 52분


The globe learned on December 26, 2004, that tsunamis can bring death and devastation to the world's coastlines. The product of undersea earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, tsunamis can race across oceans at more than 500 miles an hour, leaving a huge wake of destruction when they hit shore. Because it is difficult for scientists to predict how large these massive waves can be, tsunamis are one of the least understood of nature's forces, and one of the most dangerous. With insight from some of the scientific community's foremost researchers, and vivid accounts from past tsunami survivors, Tsunami: Killer Wave depicts nature at its most extreme, profiles the efforts being made to curb its effects, and illustrates the financial, physical and emotional toll it can leave on its victims.



Kevin Bachar
Kevin Bachar
James Bernanke
James Bernanke
Dena Seidel
Dena Seidel
Paul Atkins
Paul Atkins
Director of Photography

비슷한 영화

The Little Mermaid
Rusalochka opens in modern day Copenhagen, Denmark. Several tourists gather around the capital's famous mermaid statue, as a tour guide explains its significance. A fish in the water below the tourists scoffs at their foolishness, and then, proceeds to tell about the doomed love of the mermaid. Upon reaching her 15th birthday, the Little Mermaid is allowed to swim up to the surface above. As soon as she does, however, the Mermaid spots a young prince caught up in a dreadful storm. She admires the man's bravery and decides to save him, declaring that, "The beautiful and the brave should not perish." After the mermaid returns to the ocean, she decides that she wants to become human.
더 임파서블
‘마리아’와 ‘헨리’는 크리스마스 휴일을 맞아, 세 아들과 함께 태국으로 여행을 떠난다. 아름다운 해변이 보이는 평화로운 리조트에서 다정한 한때를 보내던 크리스마스 다음날, 상상도 하지 못했던 쓰나미가 그들을 덮친다. 단 10분만에 모든 것이 거대한 물살에 휩쓸려가고, 그 속에서 행방을 모른 채 흩어지는 헨리와 마리아 그리고 세 아들. 서로의 생사를 알 수 없는 절망적인 상황 속에서도 희망의 끈을 놓지 않는데…
제주도 남단, 7광구의 망망대해에 떠있는 석유 시추선 이클립스 호. 산유국 꿈에 부푼 대원들의 예상과는 달리 시추 작업은 번번히 실패로 끝나고, 결국 본부로부터 철수 명령을 받는다. 철수를 위해 본부에서 베테랑 캡틴 정만이 투입되고, 오랜 시간 공들인 7광구에 석유가 있다고 확신하는 해저 장비 매니저 해준은 본부의 일방적인 명령에 강하게 반발한다. 철수까지 주어진 시간은 한달. 해준과 대원들이 마지막 시추작업에 총력을 가하던 어느 날, 갑자기 본부와 통신이 끊기고, 이클립스 호에는 이상 기류가 흐르는데...
The Tsunami and the Cherry Blossom
On 11 March 2011, an earthquake caused a tsunami to hit the Tōhoku (Northeast) region of Japan. In this film, survivors of the tsunami rebuild as cherry blossom season begins. The film is a stunning visual haiku about the ephemeral nature of life–and of the healing power of Japan's most beloved flower.
Main subject of Serengeti is the mass migration of wildebeest , which in search of nutritious grass hundreds of kilometers annually by the savannah draw. At the end of the rainy season, they break into a huge herd of over a million animals on the north. The wildebeest and other animals are joining the migration, as zebras and gazelles , continuously exposed to hazards, particularly by predators such as lions and cheetahs . A highlight of the great migration, the crossing of the Mara is: There, the wildebeest have to overcome not only meter high cliffs, they are also crocodiles delivered. With the onset of the rainy season, however, leave the wildebeest north again what had long been a mystery. The reason for this is that the grass in the north a phosphorus deficiency , and said thus wildebeest forces to retreat to the south.
가족은 나를 버렸다. 학교도 더 이상 다닐 수 없다. 이미 평범하지 않은 나는 평범한 어른이 되는 것을 매일 꿈꾼다. 쓰나미 이후 모든 것을 잃은 사람들과 나를 좋아하는 같은 반 차자와까지 내게 손을 내밀지만, 나는 그저 땅 속의 두더지처럼 평생을 조용하게 살고 싶다. 하지만 세상은 나를 그냥 두지 않는다. 먼지보다 못한 목숨이지만, 한 번쯤은 누군가를 위해 내 목숨을 훌륭하게 사용하기로 결심했다. 오늘이 바로… 그날이다!
Great Rift - Der große Graben
156명의 선원을 태운 미핵잠수함 USS 몬타나가 정체불명의 물체에 의해 바다 깊숙이 침몰되는 사고가 발생하자 미해군은 침몰된 핵잠수함의 생존자 수색을 명목으로 민간석유시추선 딥코어와 연합 수색전을 펼치게 된다. 딥코어의 책임자인 버드 브리그먼(Virgil "Bud" Brigman: 에드 해리스 분)은 강인한 성격과 탁월한 리더쉽으로 딥코어 선원들의 전폭적인 신의를 받고 있는 인물이다. 버드 브리그먼과 그의 선원들은 커피 중위(Lt.Hiram Coffey: 마이클 빈 분)가 이끄는 해군측 특수부대와 함께 바다 속으로 수색작전을 편다. 한편 해군에 파견되어 온 해양 장비 전문가인 린지(Lindsey Brigman: 매리 스튜어트 매스트란토니아 분)는 버드와 결혼한 사이지만 고집 센 그녀의 강한 성격 때문에 관계가 원만치 못해 얼굴만 대하면 다투고, 커피 중위는 비밀지령 수행을 위한 지나친 독단적 행동으로 버드와 처음부터 갈등을 야기한다. 이들은 곧 잠수함을 찾아 생존자 수색을 하지만 예상대로 생존자는 없었다. 그런데 린지는 생명체가 살지 않는 심연에서 빛을 내며 지나가는 정체불명의 수중 생물을 발견한다. 동료 재머(Jammer Willis: 존 베드포드 로이드 분)가 고압병으로 지나친 산소를 흡입하여 쓰러지고, 설상가상으로 태풍이 불어서 사고가 발생하는데...
더 배니싱 프레어리
Story of the American Prairie as it was when vast herds of bison and elk grazed.
투 더 아틱
▶지구 온난화로 사라지고 있는 북극의 빙하. 빙하에서만 살 수 있는 북극곰은 점점 살 곳을 잃어간다. 아기 북극곰 2마리와 함께 살아가는 어미 북극곰의 북극에서의 생존 다큐멘터리. ▶북극 생물의 생존에 관한 다큐멘터리. 지구온난화 문제를 꼬집었지만 북극에서 생존 문제를 겪는 동물들을 포괄적으로 다루지 못해서 설득력이 부족하고, 북극곰의 생존 문제를 절반 이상에 걸쳐 다루었지만 내용이 풍성하지 못한 어정쩡한 다큐멘터리이다. 북극곰의 수준급 수영 실력과 아기 북극곰들의 귀여운 몸짓 등을 보는 것에 만족할 수밖에 없다.
Prowlers of the Everglades
Part of the "True-Life Adventure Series"; Disney filmmakers take their cameras to Florida, not to document the swamps that would become Walt Disney World, but to capture the lives of creatures in the everglades. Focusing primarily on alligators, we also see the behavior of animals such as snakebirds, raccoons, and even otters who like to "play" with the alligators.
Sea Otters: A Million Dollar Baby
The trials and tribulations of a sea otter pup growing up on the coast of California. The Californian sea otter is one of the rarest, and possibly cutest animals in the world. So when a sea otter mum decides to have her pup amongst the yachts of a millionaires' marina, it is a unique event. The mum must teach her baby how to dodge the boats and find the food in this busy harbour. However, the arrival of a tough male sea otter signals disaster for the family. When mum is attacked, the poor pup is left on her own and must fight for survival.
Rhino Rescue
From award-winning filmmakers Beverly and Dereck Joubert, comes the unbelievable story of the black rhino and those who are fighting to save the last of these amazing creatures. Infuriated and desperate after witnessing poachers kill the last black Rhino in Botswana, the Jouberts enlisted the help of the Botswana Defense Force and began a massive relocation effort. After years of hard work, a small population of black rhinos is now thriving in Botswana.
Atmospheres: Earth, Air & Water
Sample the sights and sounds of three distinct environments with this exotic National Geographic program that takes you to the vast grasslands of the African savannah, the dense rainforests of the Amazon and the icy plains of the Arctic. Users can also choose from two different audio tracks to accompany the slate of ever-changing imagery -- a selection of world music or an assortment of natural sounds.
'Guadalquivir' is a feature length documentary directed by Joaquín Gutiérrez that features a fox, an animal that has adapted, living in packs and alone and that is a carnivore, vegetarian and even carrion. The camera follows the path of the fox by the Sierras de Cazorla, Segura and Las Villas.
National Geographic: Living With Gorillas
Deep within the dense jungle of the Congo Basin, people are bringing the once-deserted village of Lossi back to life. In the spirit of Jane Goodall's work with chimps, Explorer joins primatologist Magdalena Bermejo as she conducts groundbreaking research of the western lowland gorilla in its natural environment. Skilled local trackers help Bermejo and Illera look for clues in crushed leaves, half-eaten plant stems, and dung. The team is finally rewarded in an area less than two miles outside of Lossi, surrounded with ancestral eyes peering from the forest. Bermejo focuses her study on a magnificent 350-pound male she names Apollo and his family. Journey with Explorer into the heart of equatorial Africa to sit amidst swarms of sweat bees and stinging ants that would try the patience of the most dedicated biologists for an intimate view of a noble silverback and his tribe.
PLASTICIZED is a film that places the viewer aboard a transatlantic expedition, as if one of the crew, revealing the unembellished evidence that the human footprint has reached every corner of the earth, even if we have not been there. Despite rumors of massive garbage islands, an immeasurable amount of plastic pollution of all sizes is floating throughout every major ocean in the world. With the numerous ghost nets of trash or larger windrows of rubbish dominating the the occasional headlines, tiny bits of plastic particulate from frail chunks is the overwhelming contaminant that is secretly infiltrating all levels of sea life like a cancer.
The World's Biggest Cave
In 2009 a team of British cavers went on an expedition deep within the jungle of central Vietnam. To their amazement they discovered an enormous cave which they believe to be the biggest in the world. The team, the first humans ever to enter the cave, traveled 6 kilometers underground until their way was blocked by a gigantic rock face they dubbed 'The Great Wall of Vietnam'. Now they have returned, but this time with the right equipment to climb the wall and with a geologist and zoologist to discover if this is indeed the Biggest Cave in the World and what secrets lie deep within?
Science of Steroids
It is one of the most controversial issues of our day, jeopardizing the health and smearing the reputations of Olympians, professional sports players and even high school athletes. The government has declared them illegal without a prescription, athletes call them unfair, and some doctors say they are potentially deadly. What are the real dangers of these drugs? We've seen what's happening outside the body; now NGC reveals what's happening inside the body, in the Science of Steroids.
Wild Alaska
The rugged coast of our biggest state harbors the most incredible wildlife in America. When winter breaks, animals make the most of the endless sunshine before this world closes again in darkness. This is the story of the creatures that endure this harsh reality along the shoreline—Alaska's life on the edge.