The Young in Heart (1938)
A top-notch cast... in a film that will capture your heart!
장르 : 코미디
상영시간 : 1시간 30분
연출 : Richard Wallace
각본 : Paul Osborn
The Carletons make a living as card sharks and finding new suckers to mooch off of. When their latest scam backfires, they are asked to leave Monte Carlo. At the train station, they meet Miss Fortune, a very wealthy but lonely elderly lady. As a reward for saving her life after the train derails, Miss Fortune invites the Carletons to come live with her. The family hopes that by winning her affection, they can eventually be named sole beneficiaries in her will. But will a change of heart soften their mercenary feelings before that time comes?
Julie, a girl from the valley, meets Randy, a punk from the city. They are from different worlds and find love. Somehow they need to stay together in spite of her trendy, shallow friends.
Based on Geoffrey Fletcher’s book, this captivating documentary exposes the real London of the swinging sixties. Turning its back on familiar sights, the film explores the hidden details of a crumbling metropolis. With James Mason as our Guide, we are led on an tour of the weird and wonderful pockets of London from abandoned music-halls to egg breaking factories.
Gary Oldman is Lynch, a strangely charming hit man in this explosively funny dark comedy in the tradition of Snatch and Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels. With an all-star cast including Terence Stamp, Elena Anaya, Robert Carlyle and Billy Zane, Dead Fish is a chaotic tale of criminals looking for love, money and revenge that will have you falling out of your chair laughing!
해리 파비안은 런던의 거리를 헤매는 야심 많은 사기꾼으로 돈을 벌기 위해서라면 수단과 방법을 가리지 않는다. 어느 날 그는 은퇴한 세계적인 레슬링 선수 그레고리우스를 만나고 생각지도 않은 음모에 휘말리게 되는데…. 감독은 억압된 사회 속에서 생존을 위해 투쟁하는 사람들에게 초점을 맞춰 인간 본성을 탁월하게 묘사했다.
Jeanne, a receptionist at a travel agency, is looking for the love of her life. She thinks she has finally found it with Olivier. However, Olivier reveals he has AIDS and disappears from her life after her profession of love and confession of infidelity.
Angered that her sister Celia has stolen her fiance, Dell Faring kills her and allows Celia's husband David, knocked out in an argument with Celia, to take the blame and end up on death row. Later Dell, finding out that David's young daughter Susan was witness to the crime and is undergoing psychiatric treatment, plans to eliminate her before her memory returns.
Notorious shootist and womanizer Quirt Evans' horse collapses as he passes a Quaker family's home. Quirt has been wounded, and the kindly family takes him in to nurse him back to health against the advice of others. The handsome Evans quickly attracts the affections of their beautiful daughter, Penelope. He develops an affection for the family and their faith, but his troubled past follows him.
과학자인 제프리는 휴가 중, 반 헬싱 교수가 살인 혐의로 스코틀랜드 법정에 기소되었다는 소식을 드고 반 헬싱 교수를 만나게 되는데, 그로부터 뱀파이어에 관한 얘기를 듣고, 존경하는 교수를 구하기 위해 백방으로 노력한다. 그러던중 매력적인 여인 잘레스키 백작 부인을 알게되는데, 이후에 발생하는 기괴한 사건때문에 백작 부인이 뱀파이어 임을 알게된다. 한편 제프리를 사랑하게 된 흡혈귀 잘레스키는 제프리를 유인하기 위해 그의 여비서를 납치해가는데...
A loyal henchman is ordered by his boss to keep an eye on his mistress, and trouble begins when he refuses to kill her.
Anna Kalman is an accomplished actress who has given up hope of finding the man of her dreams. She is in the middle of taking off her face cream, while talking about this subject with her sister, when in walks Philip Adams. She loses her concentration for a moment as she realizes that this is the charming, smart, and handsome man she has been waiting for.
베이커리 숍을 운영하며 사회적으로 성공한 이혼녀 제인. 안정된 생활을 유지해가던 그녀에게 어느 날, 20살 어린 젊은 여자와 재혼한 전 남편 제이크가 찾아온다. 점점 결혼 전 연애시절을 돌이키려는 제이크. 이와 동시에 제인의 집 인테리어 공사를 맡은 건축가 아담이 제인에게 조금씩 호감을 보이는데…
During World War II, a small plane somewhere over the Caribbean runs low on fuel and is blown off course by a storm. Guided by a faint radio signal, they crash-land on an island. The passenger, his manservant and the pilot take refuge in a mansion owned by a doctor. The quick-witted yet easily-frightened manservant soon becomes convinced the mansion is haunted by zombies and ghosts.
웨이트레스로 근무하는 팜은 어느날 폭행을 당한다. 마침 이곳에 온 크리스는 팜을 따뜻하게 보살펴 준다. 경찰이 직업인 크리스는 팜을 좋아하게 되고, 둘은 서로에게 호감을 갖고 결혼한다. 팜은 자유분방하고 삶에 대한 감정이 강렬해 조금은 비현실적인 인물. 그녀에게 있어서 정상적인 삶이란 무의미하고 지겨울 뿐이다. 어려운 형편과 팜의 부추김으로 부부가 함께 여러번 은행털이를 하다 결국에는 꼬리가 밟혀 둘다 자살을 하는데...
Jay Austin wants to sell you a used car, but watch out! Many victims have fallen prey to his smiling face and hasty promises. Austin does everything his way until his dishonesty and manipulation are exposed. Like many men, he becomes disgusted by the masks he wears and the lies he tells. In every man's life, there can be a turning point. When Jay makes his turn, he never looks back.
Edie Bouvier Beale and her mother, Edith, two aging, eccentric relatives of Jackie Kennedy Onassis, are the sole inhabitants of a Long Island estate. The women reveal themselves to be misfits with outsized, engaging personalities. Much of the conversation is centered on their pasts, as mother and daughter now rarely leave home.
A wannabe surfer parties on the French Riviera while awaiting the perfect wave.
A drama set in the 1920s, where free-spirited Janie Crawford's search for happiness leads her through several different marriages, challenging the morals of her small town. Based on the novel by Zora Neale Hurston.
세계 제2차 대전의 끝 무렵, 새 소설의 소재를 찾던 모리스(랠프 파인즈)는 정부 고위 관료 헨리(스티븐 레이)가 연 파티에 초대된다. 헨리의 아내 사라(줄리앤 무어)를 만난 순간, 모리스는 사랑에 빠지고 사라도 모리스를 사랑한다. 두 사람은 계속되는 폭격에도 개의치 않고 거부할 수 없는 열정에 빠져들고, 둘의 관계가 계속될수록 모리스는 사라에게 집착하기 시작한다. 여느 때와 마찬가지로 두 사람이 사랑을 나누던 어느날, 집이 폭격을 받아 모리스는 정신을 잃는다. 5분 후, 그는 깨어나지만 모든 것은 바뀌어 버린다. 함께 있어달라는 모리스의 요구를 무시하고 사라가 떠난 것. 그로부터 2년 후, 우연히 헨리를 만난 모리스는 그가 아내의 외도로 고민 중이라는 것을 알게 된다. 다시금 사라에 대한 기억이 떠오른 그는 그녀를 추적하고 사라가 모리스를 떠날 수 밖에 없었던 이유를 알게 되는데..
Nicola, paralyzed after a car crash, falls in love for his physiotherapist Lucia. Franco and Manuela, a young couple unfit to have children, fly to Barcelona for a specialized treatment for fertility. Filippo and Fosco, two gay men, decide to marry. Ernesto, waiter in a chic restaurant, has a liaison with Cecilia, the new Spanish help.
An unhappy car dealer believes that a dime-store philosopher has the answers to life's important questions.