Richard Carlson

Richard Carlson

출생 : 1912-04-30, Albert Lea, Minnesota, USA

사망 : 1977-11-26


Richard Dutoit Carlson (April 29, 1912 – November 25, 1977) was an American actor, television and film director, and screenwriter.

프로필 사진

Richard Carlson
Richard Carlson

참여 작품

3-D Rarities
(archive footage)
Selections include Kelley's Plasticon Pictures, the earliest extant 3-D demonstration film from 1922 with incredible footage of Washington and New York City; New Dimensions, the first domestic full color 3-D film originally shown at the World’s Fair in 1940; Thrills for You, a promotional film for the Pennsylvania Railroad; Stardust in Your Eyes, a hilarious standup routine by Slick Slavin; trailer for The Maze, with fantastic production design by William Cameron Menzies; Doom Town, a controversial anti-atomic testing film mysteriously pulled from release; puppet cartoon The Adventures of Sam Space, presented in widescreen; I’ll Sell My Shirt, a burlesque comedy unseen in 3-D for over 60 years; Boo Moon, an excellent example of color stereoscopic animation…and more!
Dr. Research (archive footage) (uncredited)
빌리 펠처(자크 걸리건)은 기이하면서도 귀여운 생물을 크리스마스 선물로 받는다. 그러나 그 생물(모과이) 다루는 규칙 세가지를 소홀히 하여 개체를 불린 모과이들에게 작은 마을이 위협을 받게 되는데...
체인지 오브 해빗
Bishop Finley
진보적인 의사 존 카펜터는 빈민가에 진료소를 만들고 3명의 수녀를 간호사로 고용하여 진료를 시작한다. 간호사로 고용된 미셸수녀는 기타를 치는 존 카펜터의 멋진 모습에 사랑을 느끼게 되고 혼란에 빠진다.
공룡 지대
인디언들과 서부의 카우보이들의 숨막히는 추적과 싸움을 담은 쇼를 보여주며, 놀라운 서커스까지 보여주는 세비지 쇼단은 순회공연중 리오 그란데에 오게 된다. 이곳에는 노천극장이 있어서 투우사의 쇼와, TJ(Theresa Juanita 'T.J.' Breckenridge: 질라 골란 분)라는 여인의 쇼를 선보여 관객들의 열띤 환호를 받는다. 그런데 TJ를 계속해서 따라다니는 미남 키비(Tuck Kirby: 제임스 프란시스커스 분)는 서부의 카우보이다운 야성미를 지닌 매력적인 사나이. TJ도 그의 이 매력을 무시 할 순 없었다. 요번 공연에도 예외없이 TJ를 따라 이곳에 발을 들려놓게 되는 키비. 단원 중의 한 사람인 투우사 칼로는 우연히 야불로라는 이상한 말을 얻게 된다. 이 말은 보통 말과는 다른 아주 작은 크기의 마로 단원들이 새로운 쇼를 구상할 수 있는 소재를 마련해 주었다. TJ는 이 비밀스런 짐승을 키비에게 보여주는데, 키비는 이것을 공룡 전문교수에게 몰래 보여준다. 학구열과 명예욕에 불타는 교수는 이 말을 훔치기 위해 마을의 집시들과 모의를 해서 빼내오는데. 집시들은 이 말을 전설처럼 내려오는 그들의 믿음대로 풀어주게 되고, 교수와 쇼 단원들은 야블로를 되찾기 위해 이상한 계곡에 들어서게 된다. 놀랍게도 그곳에서 그들은 선사시대에나 존재했었던 공룡과 대면하게 되는데.
The Power
Prof. Norman E. Van Zandt
One by one members of a special project team are being killed by telekinesis - the ability to move things with the power of the mind alone. The race is on to determine which of the remaining team members is the murderer and to stop them.
The Doomsday Flight
Chief Pilot Bob Shea
A bomb on board an airliner has an altitude-sensitive trigger. Unless a ransom is paid, it will explode when the plane descends to land.
Kid Rodelo
An embittered ex-convict cowboy sets out to find the hidden gold his partner told him about.
Kid Rodelo
An embittered ex-convict cowboy sets out to find the hidden gold his partner told him about.
David Stafford
Della Chappell is a very wealthy and incredibly reclusive woman. When a big company wants to develop some land that Della owns, the town sends out Barney Stafford to talk to her. She invites Barney over to negotiate the proposal. Barney soon takes a liking to Della's equally reclusive daughter Jenny Chappell. After spending some time with Jenny, he realizes that Della has a dark secret, one that keeps them from the outside world.
Tom Stewart
A jazz pianist is haunted by his dead ex-lover's crawling hand and floating head.
Johnny Rocco
Gangster and police look for a gangster's son who witnessed a murder.
The Saga of Hemp Brown
Ex-army sergeant Jed Givens and his gang rob an army payroll shipment led by Lt. Hemp Brown. Givens kills a civilian woman and all the soldiers, leaving Brown alive to face a military tribunal in which he is branded a coward, stripped of all insignia and drummed out of the army. Brown sets out to track down Givens in an effort to clear his name.
The Unchained Goddess
The Writer
A scientist and a writer explain the various meteorological phenomena to Meteora, the goddess of weather, while giving an insight into the technology involved in predicting them and warning about the threat of global climate change.
The Unchained Goddess
A scientist and a writer explain the various meteorological phenomena to Meteora, the goddess of weather, while giving an insight into the technology involved in predicting them and warning about the threat of global climate change.
The Strange Case of the Cosmic Rays
The Fiction Writer
Part of acclaimed filmmaker Frank Capra's "Wonders of Life" series of science-based films (which won an Emmy Award for Best Editing) teaches kids about the power of gamma rays and radiation.
Russell Wade
1920년 대 미국을 배경으로 헬렌 모건의 가수 인생의 일대기를 그린 영화다. 당시 가수라는 직업은 사람들에게 노래를 불러 주기 보단 저급한 춤을 선보이며 술을 파는 광대 정도로 인식이 되었다. 작은 시골 마을 출신인 헬렌은 힘든 여건 속에서도 꿋꿋이 이겨내며 진정 사람들에게 노래로 감동을 줄 수 있는 가수로서 성공하기 위해 밑바닥부터 일하고 노력한다. 그 와 중에 래리 매덕스라는 남자를 만나 사랑에 빠지지만 자신의 성공을 위해서라면 모든지 이용하는 이기적인 남자였다. 여러 차례 그에게 이용당하지만 그를 떠나지 못한다. 훗날 웨이드 라는 변호사가 그녀를 후원하게 되어 가수로서 크게 성공하게 되고 사랑도 하게 되지만 유부남인 웨이드를 떠날 수 밖에 없었다. 많은 사랑의 시련과 배신으로 심신이 지친 헬렌은 술과 담배로 나날이 찌들어 갔고 공연 중에 실신하게 된다. 이 후 명성을 떨어지고 가수로서 모든 걸 잃게 된다 하지만 정신차리고 돌아온 래리 덕분으로 재기에 성공하게 되고 노래 부르게 된다.
Appointment with a Shadow
George Nader plays a reporter whose career is ruined by liquor. A comeback opportunity presents itself when Nader is a bystander at the arrest of a well-known criminal.
Hemo the Magnificent
Mr. Fiction Writer
Professor Frank Baxter and some animated friends answer questions about blood. what makes it red? Why do little animals' hearts beat so quickly? And so much more.
Three for Jamie Dawn
An unscrupulous attorney attempts to rig the jury vote in a murder trial. Released in 1956.
Three for Jamie Dawn
Martin Random
An unscrupulous attorney attempts to rig the jury vote in a murder trial. Released in 1956.
Insp. Levering
An American with a shady past joins with a morally-bankrupt Irishman to find treasure buried by Arabs in a deserted mosque in the Sahara. The situation becomes complicated when they are surrounded by Bedouin bandits.
The Last Command
William B. Travis
During the Texas War of Independence of 1836 American frontiersman and pioneer Jim Bowie pleads for caution with the rebellious Texicans. They don't heed his advice since he's a Mexican citizen, married to the daughter of the Mexican vice-governor of the province and a friend to General Santa Anna since the days they had fought together for Mexico's independence. After serving as president for 22 years, Santa Anna has become too powerful and arrogant. He rules Mexico with an iron fist and he would not allow Texas to self-govern. Bowie sides with the Texans in their bid for independence and urges a cautious strategy, given Santa Anna's power and cunning. Despite the disagreement between the Texicans and Bowie regarding the right strategy they ask Bowie to lead them in a last-ditch stand, at Alamo, against General Santa Anna's numerically superior forces.
An Annapolis Story
Introductory Narrator (voice) (uncredited)
Two brothers, both cadets at Annapolis, fall in love with the same girl.
Four Guns to the Border
Outlaws on the lam battle attacking Apaches.
Dr. David Reed
3억5천만년 전 사라진 인간과 물고기 사이의 기묘한 생명체가 아마존에 살고 있다는 이야기. 고생물학자 칼 마이어는 아마존에 발굴작업을 하다가 데븐기 지층에서 인간과 유사한 양서류의 화석 일부를 발견한다. 그것을 잘라 연구소로 가져온 그는 남은 화석을 파내기 위해 연구소장인 마크 윌리엄즈, 어류학자인 데이빗 리드, 리드의 약혼녀인 케이 로렌스를 끌고 다시 아마존으로 돌아온다. 그런데 남겨놓은 원주민 조수 둘이 정체불명의 괴물에 의해 살해당한다. 그 괴물은 바로 데븐기부터 지금까지 진화하지 않고 살아남았던 아가미 인간이었고, 아가미 인간은 자기 영역에 들어온 침입자인 탐사대원들을 하나씩 살해하지만 하얀 수영복을 입은 케이 로렌스에 대해서만은 뭔가 다른 생각을 가지고 있는 듯 하다.케이는 결국 아가미 인간에게 납치 당하고 남은 사람들은 케이를 구출하려 나서는데...
Riders to the Stars
Dr. Jerry Lockwood
Three men gamble their lives in space to change the history of the world
Riders to the Stars
Three men gamble their lives in space to change the history of the world
황금의 검
Narrator (voice)
아버지를 살해한 자에게 복수하기 위해 바그다드에 와서 평민으로 위장한 하룸(록 허드슨)은 공주 크라이루잔(파이퍼 로리)을 만나, 사악한 사기꾼들의 음모에 맞서 싸운다. 공주는 하룸에게 황금 검을 주고, 황금 검은 그를 무적으로 만든다.
The Maze
Gerald MacTeam
A Scotsman abruptly breaks off his engagement to pretty Kitty and moves to his uncle's castle in the Scottish highlands. Kitty and her aunt follow Gerald a few weeks later, and discover he has suddenly aged. Some mysterious things happen in a maze made from the hedges adjoining the castle.
내가 바라는 모든 것
Henry Murdoch
1900년, 나오미 머독은 무대에 서기 위해 가족을 그녀의 작은 마을에 버려두고 왔다. 10년 후, 딸 릴리는 리버델 고등학교의 연극축제에 그녀를 초대한다. 그녀의 도착일, 마을은 술렁거리고, 그녀가 떠났을 때의 문제들이 들어나고 사람들의 감정 폭풍은 새로운 국면을 맞는데...
아웃 스페이스
John Putnam
Author & amateur astronomer John Putnam and schoolteacher Ellen Fields witness an enormous meteorite come down near a small town in Arizona, but Putnam becomes a local object of scorn when, after examining the object up close, he announces that it is a spacecraft, and that it is inhabited...
Major Degan
19th-century army officer Lance Caldwell is assigned to Fort King in the Everglades. Immediately clashing with his commanding officer Major Dade, Caldwell opposes Dade's plans to wipe out the Seminole Indians. The fact that Caldwell was the boyhood chum of Seminole chief Osceola is all the more reason to resist Dade's genocidal policies. After a deadly confrontation which costs dozens of lives on both sides, Osceola rescues Caldwell, whereupon the latter is court-martialed. Later on, Osceola comes to Fort King to talk peace, and is promptly killed by persons unknown. An attempt is made to frame Caldwell for the killing, but the truth eventually prevails.
The Magnetic Monster
Dr. Jeffrey Stewart
The Office of Scientific Investigations tracks down the source of increased magnetism and radioactivity in Los Angeles, and discovers that a man-made isotope is consuming available energy from nearby mass every few hours, doubling its size in the process. Although microscopic, it will soon become big enough to destroy Earth; and how to stop it is yet to be determined. The film's Deltatron special effects footage is taken from the 1934 German sci-fi film GOLD.
Flat Top
Lt. (j.g.) Joe Rodgers
A rock hard commander trains Navy Carrier Pilots during the Second World War
장진호 전투
Capt. Paul Hansen
한국전쟁 당시 해병대의 한 중대를 지휘하게 된 미군 대위가 장진호 근처에서 중공군을 만나 부대가 전멸할 위기에서 침착하게 철수작전을 전개한다는 극영화
Whispering Smith Vs. Scotland Yard
Steve Smith ("Whispering Smith")
Mystery directed by Francis Searle.
The Blue Veil
Gerald Kean
A World War I widow loses her only child and spends the rest of her life as a children's nurse.
A Millionaire for Christy
Dr. Roland Cook
Christy Sloane is sent on a business trip to inform radio personality Peter Lockwood that his uncle has died and left him $2 million. Christy, who's in financial straits, decides to try to snag Peter. Zany hijinks ensue and romantic sparks fly.
William 'Bill' King
Italian immigrant Rudolph Valentino makes it big in silent Hollywood, but he ends up struggling between his career and the woman he loves.
The Sound of Fury
Gil Stanton
A family man -desperate for a job- latches onto a friend that encourages him into being a criminal.
King Solomon's Mines
John Goode
Adventurer Allan Quartermain leads an expedition into uncharted African territory in an attempt to locate an explorer who went missing during his search for the fabled diamond mines of King Solomon.
Behind Locked Doors
Ross Stewart
Behind the locked doors of a mental institution resides crooked politico Judge Drake, free from prosecution so long as he pretends to be crazy. To get the goods on Drake, private detective Ross Stewart has himself committed to the asylum as a patient. Meanwhile, reporter Kathy Lawrence, posing as Stewart's wife, acts as his liaison to the outside world.
The Amazing Mr. X
Martin Abbott
On the beach one night, Christine Faber, two years a widow, thinks she hears her late husband Paul calling out of the surf...then meets a tall dark man, Alexis, who seems to know all about such things. After more ghostly manifestations, Christine and younger sister Janet become enmeshed in the eerie artifices of Alexis; but he in turn finds himself manipulated into deeper deviltry than he had in mind...
So Well Remembered
Charles Winslow / Charles Winslow Sr.
A mill-owner's ambitious daughter almost ruins her husband's political career.
The Man from Down Under
Nipper Wilson
An Australian blowhard raises two orphaned children as his own in the years leading up to WWII.
Young Ideas
Tom Farrell
A widow's grown children try to break up her romance with a college professor.
For God and Country
Tom Manning
The story of the U.S. Army Chaplain Service as dramatized in the stories of three chaplains, Father Michael O'Keefe, Arnold Miller, and Tom Manning.
Presenting Lily Mars
Owen Vail
Starstruck Indiana small-town girl Lily is pestering theatrical producer John Thornway for a role but he is reluctant.
A Stranger in Town
Bill Adams
In the small town of Crownport local attorney Bill Adams is trying to break up the ring of corrupt town officials by running for mayor. The cards seemed stacked against him when he gets help from a visiting hunter who, unknown to Adams and the rest of the town, is actually vacationing supreme court justice John Josephus Grant.
Sucker Bait
Bill - Soldier
Military training film exposing the means used by Nazi agents to extract military information from talkative soldiers.
White Cargo
Mr. Langford
In Africa early in World War II, a British rubber plantation executive reminisces about his arrival in the Congo in 1910. He tells the story of a love-hate triangle involving Harry Witzel, an in-country station superintendent who'd seen it all, Langford, a new manager sent from England for a four-year stint, and Tondelayo, a siren of great beauty who desires silk and baubles. Witzel is gruff and seasoned, certain that Langford won't be able to cut it. Langford responds with determination and anger, attracted to Tondelayo because of her beauty, her wiles, and to get at Witzel. Manipulation, jealousy, revenge, and responsibility play out as alliances within the triangle shift.
My Heart Belongs to Daddy
R.I.C. Kay
A distinguished professor finds his well-ordered life tospy-turvy after he is forced to take in a pregnant widow.
Highways by Night
Tommy Van Steel
A young millionaire (Richard Carlson) joins the real world and meets a maid (Jane Randolph) and mobsters.
The Affairs of Martha
Jeff Sommerfield
Members of a well-to-do small community become worried when it is revealed that one of their maids is writing a telling exposé.
Dr. Geoffrey Burton
Young intern Jeff Burton, impulsively offers a lift to an odd-looking gentlemen. It soon turns out that Jeff's passenger is an inventor has just escaped from a shady sanitarium, where he has been held prisoner by Nazi spies.
작은 여우들
David Hewitt
어느 남부 지방의 목화 공장을 경영하는 한 가정. 레지나(베티 데이비스 분)는 병든 남편의 재산을 이용하여 시카고에 있는 회사의 지분을 손에 넣으려고 한다. 한편 레지나의 두 오빠들은 동생 레지나의 재산을 이용해 자신들의 욕심을 채우려고 한다. 레지나는 요양 중인 남편 호레스(허버트 마샬 분)의 동의를 얻기 위하여 알렉산드라(테레사 라이트 분)를 보내 남편을 데려온다. 하지만 호레스는 레지나 형제의 음모를 눈치채고 투자에 동의하지 않는다. 그러자 레지나의 오빠인 오스카(칼 벤튼 레이드 분)는 자신의 아들 리오(댄 듀리어 분)가 은행에서 일하고 있는 점을 이용하여 호레스의 금고를 열어 주식을 빼돌려 마음대로 투자해 버린다. 우연히 은행에 들려 이 사실을 알게 된 호레스는 자신의 변호사를 시켜 새로운 유언을 작성하게 하고 이 사실을 부인에게 알린다. 레지나는 자신도 모르는 사이에 두 오빠가 이런 일을 꾸몄다는 사실에 놀란다. 자신은 돈을 위해 호레스와 결혼했다는 독설을 퍼붓는다. 호레스는 충격으로 쓰러지고 알렉산드라는 엄마를 원망하게 된다. 결국 호레스는 혼수 상태에서 깨어나지 못하고 죽음을 맞는다. 하지만 레지나는 이런 상황에서도 오빠에게 회사 지분의 75%를 달라고 협박한다. 이런 엄마의 모습을 지켜본 알렉산드라는 엄마의 욕심에 회의를 느끼게 되고, 결국 엄마를 뒤로 한 채, 냉정하게 집을 떠난다.
Hold That Ghost
Doctor Jackson
Two bumbling service station attendants are left as the sole beneficiaries in a gangster's will. Their trip to claim their fortune is sidetracked when they are stranded in a haunted house along with several other strangers.
West Point Widow
Dr. Jimmy Krueger
In this romance, a hospital nurse marries a West Point football hero. She soon gets pregnant, but this doesn't stop her from annulling the marriage so as not to interfere with her husband's military career.
Back Street
Curt Stanton
Previously filmed in 1932, and remade a third time in 1961, this second film version of Fannie Hurst's novel stars Margaret Sullavan as a fashion designer in love with a married banker (Charles Boyer). Directed by Robert Stevenson, the film also stars Richard Carlson, Tim Holt, Frank McHugh, Esther Dale and Cecil Cunningham.
No, No, Nanette
Tom Gillespie
Perky young Nanette attempts to save the marriage of her uncle and aunt by untangling Uncle Jimmy from several innocent but ensnaring flirtations. Attempting one such unentanglement, Nanette enlists the help of theatrical producer Bill Trainor, who promptly falls in love with her. The same thing happens when artist Tom Gillespie is called on for help. But soon Uncle Jimmy's flirtations become too numerous, and Nanette's romances with Tom and Bill run into trouble. Will Uncle Jimmy's marriage survive, and will Nanette find happiness with Tom, Bill, or somebody else?
Too Many Girls
Clint Kelly
Mr. Casey's daughter, Connie, wants to go to Pottawatomie College and without her knowledge, he sends four football players as her bodyguards. The college is in financial trouble and her bodyguards use their salary to help the college. The football players join the college team, and the team becomes one of the best. One of the football players, Clint, falls in love with Connie, but when she discovers he is her bodyguard, she decides to go back East. The bodyguards follow her, leaving the team in the lurch.
버지니아의 하워드
Thomas Jefferson
Beautiful young Virginian Jane steps down from her proper aristocratic upbringing when she marries down-to-earth surveyor Matt Howard. Matt joins the Colonial forces in their fight for freedom against England. Matt will meet Jane's father in the battlefield.
더 고스트 브레이커스
Geoff Montgomery
After intrepid working girl Mary Carter becomes the new owner of a reputedly haunted mansion located on Black Island near the Cuban coast, a stranger phones warning her to stay away from the castle. Undaunted, Mary sets sail for Cuba with a stowaway in her trunk—wise-cracking Larry Lawrence, a radio announcer who helps Mary get to the bottom of the voodoo magic, zombies and ghosts that supposedly curse the spooky estate.
Beyond Tomorrow
James Houston
The ghosts of three elderly industrialists killed in an airplane crash return to Earth to help reunite a young couple whom they initially brought together.
Little Accident
Perry Allerton
A baby is passed from hand to hand after her father abandons her.
Dancing Co-Ed
'Pug' Braddock
After discovering his star dancer is expecting and can't perform, film producer H.W. Workman and his publicist concoct a scheme to stage a college dance contest to find a new star.
These Glamour Girls
A drunken college student invites a dance hostess to the big college dance and then forgets he asked her. When she shows up at school, he tries to get rid of her, but she won't leave. Instead, she stays and shows up both him and his classmates' snooty dates.
Winter Carnival
Professor John Welden
A divorced glamour girl keeps warm with a professor amid sports and romance at Dartmouth College's Winter Carnival.
The Duke of West Point
Jack West
A cocky new West Point cadet from Cambridge is given the cold shoulder by his classmates because of his rule-breaking antics.
The Young in Heart
Duncan Macrae
The Carletons make a living as card sharks and finding new suckers to mooch off of. When their latest scam backfires, they are asked to leave Monte Carlo. At the train station, they meet Miss Fortune, a very wealthy but lonely elderly lady. As a reward for saving her life after the train derails, Miss Fortune invites the Carletons to come live with her. The family hopes that by winning her affection, they can eventually be named sole beneficiaries in her will. But will a change of heart soften their mercenary feelings before that time comes?
Freedom 2000
Aliens visiting Earth wax enthusiastic about the benefits of American democracy, capitalism and the free enterprise system, believing the United States' democratic and economic systems to be the greatest achievement in the history of Earth.