Wittmann v Ekins: The Death of a Panzer Ace (2010)

장르 : 다큐멘터리, 역사, 전쟁

상영시간 : 1시간 17분


At about 1230 on the 8th August 1944 near St Aignan in Normandy Hauptsturmführer Michael Wittmann the top German tank ace and Coy Comd in an SS Heavy Tank Coy (Tiger) was killed when his tank was knocked out in counter attack against British and Canadian Forces taking part in Op Totalise. Over the years much controversy had grown up over who destroyed Wittmann's tank Joe Ekins of the British Northants Yeomanry, a Canadian tank of the Sherbrooke Fusiliers or a rocket from an RAF Typhoon. In this film the BHTV examine the latest information on the ground, including testimony from German survivors and Joe Ekins himself.. The BHTV team believe that the main weight of the evidence shows that it was most probably Ekins Sherman Firefly that struck the killer blow.


Tim Saunders
Tim Saunders
Richard Hone
Richard Hone
Tom Dormer
Tom Dormer


비슷한 영화

왕이 되려던 사나이
두 사기꾼 모험가 피치 카라한(Peachy Carnehan: 마이클 케인 분)과 다니엘 드래보트(Daniel Dravot: 숀 코넬리 분)는 인도에 주둔했던 영국 군인으로, 절도, 총기밀수, 협박 등 건달짓을 일삼다 인도에서 추방된 뒤 아프가니스탄 동부의 산악지대 카프리스탄 외지로 떠나 통치자 행세를 하기로 결심한다. 가혹한 기후를 이겨내며 힘들게 산을 넘은 두 사람은 아름다운 골짜기에 도착하고, 거기서 만난 빌리 피쉬와 함께 사제들의 보물을 훔쳐내려는 음모를 꾸민다. 그들 일행은 배교자들의 도시 시칸더굴을 습격하고, 그 와중에 다니엘이 가슴에 화살을 맞게 되지만 펜던트 덕분에 목숨을 건지게 된다. 이를 본 원주민들은 화살에 맞고도 죽지 않은 다니엘을 신이라고 믿게 되고, 알렉산더 대왕의 화신이 된 듯 한 다니엘은 그들에게 재산을 바칠 것을 요구한다. 다니엘은 점차 자기 기만적인 오만에 빠져들고 보물을 갖고 떠나기보다는 자신이 진짜 신이라고 믿기 시작한다. 원주민 여인과의 결혼까지 강행하는 다니엘. 그러나 신과 결혼한다는 두려움에 떨던 원주민 여인, 록산느는 다니엘의 얼굴을 물어뜯고, 다니엘의 얼굴에서 흐르는 피를 보고 그가 신이 아님을 알아챈 원주민들은 두 사람을 공격하기 시작하는데....
영국에 유학해 변호사 자격을 딴 간디(벤 킹슬리)는 1893년 남아프리카에 가 소송사건을 맡는다. 간디는 그 곳에서 유색인종에 대한 차별대우를 받게 된다. 이를 계기로 그는 남아프리카의 인도 거류민을 돕기 위한 다양한 활동을 시작한다. 이후 1915년, 간디는 인도로 돌아와 인도독립을 위한 노력을 하게 된다. 그는 비폭력운동을 주도하면서 수차례 투옥되기도 한다. 인도는 마침내 1947년 8월 영국으로부터 독립을 이룬다. 그러나 힌두교와 이슬람교의 종교적 대립으로 인해 인도와 파키스탄으로 나뉘어 독립을 하게 된다. 이후에도 종교분쟁을 해결하기 위해 노력했던 간디는 1948년 1월 과격파 힌두교도가 쏜 총탄에 암살당한다.
Somewhere in Camp
Army buddies help Private Trevor court the daughter of their commanding officer. All efforts fail - until a hero is revealed and the sergeant masquerades as a housekeeper!
A new batch of Army recruits, from diverse backgrounds and with varying degrees of commitment, is shaped into an efficient fighting unit.
Our Father
The Second World War is experienced through the journey of Private Cole, a dramatic study of the contrasting nature between the innocence of childhood and the reality of war, and the emotional struggle that accompanies it.
Pegasus Bridge
Funding ceased due to Brexit pullout by backers. In the early hours of the 6th of June 1944 Allied Airborne Forces launched one of most daring assaults in history. 181 men in 6 gliders landed at night to capture two bridges vital to the success of the D-Day landings, one of these would become known as Pegasus Bridge.
벌지대전투 지옥의 사수작전
아르덴숲 방어선에 배치된 미군 카파 중위의 소대는 독일군과 전투를 벌이며 전선을 유지하고 있는데 대대적인 독일군 기갑부대의 공격이 시작되며 최후의 방어선을 사수하기 위한 격렬한 전투가 벌어진다
Operation Market Garden: Arnhem - Battle for the Oosterbeek Perimeter
With 2 Para isolated at the Arnhem Bridge and both 1 and 4 Para Brigades thwarted in their attempts to fight their way into Arnhem and falling back, what became the Oosterbeek Perimeter started to form around Divisional HQ at the Hartenstein Hotel. Beaten but not defeated, the remnants of 1st Airborne Division fought a grim battle with the SS supported by reinforcements and armour rushed to Oosterbeek from all over the West. Veterans and experienced battlefield guides vividly relate their experiences and take the viewer to the scene of the action. The seven days of grim and bloody fighting in the Oosterbeek Perimeter was amongst the hardest fought of all the battles in the West. It was one that the SS veterans of the Eastern Front in the Hohenstaufen Division christened the Hexenkessel or “Witches Cauldron”. All the while the the airborne soldiers were waiting for XXX Corps to arrive from the south, with the enemy pressing ever closer.
제1차 세계대전이 한창인 1917년 4월 6일. 독일군에 의해 모든 통신망이 파괴된 상황 속에서 서부전선의 영국군 병사 스코필드와 블레이크에게 하나의 미션이 주어졌다. 독일군의 함정에 빠진 영국군 부대의 수장 매켄지 중령에게 에린무어 장군의 공격 중지 명령을 전달하라는 것. 블레이크는 데본셔 연대에 있는 형을 구하기 위해 기꺼이 임무를 수행한다. 동료인 스코필드는 처음엔 당황스러워하지만 이내 1600명의 동료들을 구하기 위해 전쟁터 한가운데를 가로지르는 여정에 동참한다.
Assault on Normandy: 6th Airborne
The Overlord plan called for the use of airborne troops to secure the flanks of the D Day landing and to form a buffer to keep the German counter-attacks away, thus allowing 3rd Division to advance from Sword Beach to seize Caen. 6th Airborne Division was given this task. It was later to be joined by Lord Lovat's Commando Brigade..These tasks included seizing Pegasus Bridge and Merville Battery by 9 Para, whose guns were thought to dominate Sword Beach.Meanwhile, the remainder of the 3 and 5 Parachute Brigades were to secure key objectives. In the event they were widely scattered and facing counter-attack by 21st Panzer Division. Despite this the men of 6th Airborne heroically achieved their mission.
Assault on Normandy: Gold Beach - Battle for the Beachhead
69 Infantry Brigade had a highly successful landing and now had to fight its way through German defences to its objectives eight miles away. It was here that the veteran warrior, Sergeant Major Stan Hollis, continued the actions that led to him receiving the only D Day Victoria Cross.Meanwhile, 231 Infantry Brigade,were attempting to recover the situation and fight through German strong points towards Arromanches and Point 54 ridge. These battles lacked the coordination between infantry and tanks achieved by 69 Brigade and were up against field grade German infantry. Hours behind schedule, the village of Ryes was taken. This allowed the much delayed second wave consisting of 56th and 151 Infantry Brigades to deploy and exploit the early successes, reaching the outskirts of Bayeux by dusk. Meanwhile, in the west, the hard pressed 231 Infantry Brigade and 47 Commando continued its advance through enemy held territory to Port en Bessin, Arromanches and the Longues sur Mer Battery.
Operation Market Garden: Nijmegen
Following on from the story of Hell's Highway, the series reaches the battle to seize the great Bridges over two of Europe's largest water ways; the Maas and the Waal at Nijmegen. Here the 82nd US airborne were, as elsewhere, denied coup de main attacks to seize the bridges by the air commanders. While the Grave Bridge was captured, confusion in US orders meant that the barely defended bridge in Nijmegen was only attacked when the Germans had taken the opportunity to reinforce the garrison. The resulting battle to regain control of the situation is an epic of Anglo-American military history. This programme tells the story of the amazing courage of the American and British soldiers who won this battle against desperate odds.
Battle of the Bulge: Kampfgruppe Peiper
This film tells the story of one of the most contentious combats of WW2, the actions of Kamfgruppe Peiper during the Battle of the Bulge.From the outset the King Tigers of December 1944, in poor winter weather, could not cut through the forest roads as the smaller Panzers had done in 1940 but were slowed down by determined resistance by small groups of American GIs, Obersturmbannfuhrer Jochan Peiper, commander of the elite spearhead, the Leibstandarte's 1st Panzer Regiment advancing west on one of the Division's three rolbhans became increasingly frustrated by enemy resistance and poor roads. Eventually anger boiled over into atrocity and the murder of US soldiers and Belgian civilians at Malmendy and elsewhere along the route. Experienced soldiers, historians and film makers analyse events on the very ground where they happened, stripping away legend and obfuscation of all kinds to present the facts for the viewer to make their own decision..
Victory and Pursuit: The Waterloo Collection - Part 4
This final part takes us through the dramatic events when Wellington’s Anglo-Dutch Army aided by Blucher’s Prussians defeat Napoleon. The French army was outfought and Napoleon was out-generaled by Wellington. At Wavre Grouchy beat the Prussian rearguard before retreating to France. Meanwhile, the Anglo-Dutch army counted the bloody cost of the previous days fighting while Wellington wrote his controversial Waterloo Dispatch and the vengeful Prussians pursued the French towards Paris, leading to Napoleon's abdication and the occupation of the city by the Allies.
The Fallen
A powerful and poignant film in which families and friends of those who have died fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq talk openly about their loved ones and their grief. Epic in scale and spanning seven years of war, this landmark three-hour film gives a rare insight into the personal impact and legacy of this loss.
Generale - Anatomie der Marneschlacht
The movie depicts the events from July until September of 1914 which led to the defeat of the German troops at the Marne. While Sebastian Haffner explains and comments on operations and decisions on the basis of situation maps, key scenes are depicted by actors. A main focus is thereby placed by Haffner onto the controversial mission of lieutenant-colonel Richard Hentsch who is said to have, during a war patrol to the various army high commands, contributed to the abortion of the operations significantly.
Somewhere in England
In a North of England training camp, lovestruck Corporal Kenyon (Harry Kemble) is framed and demoted in rank by a rival in love for the affections of the Adjutant's daughter. Four friends rally round to help clear the Corporal's name.
At Dawn
During World War One, a British Army corporal tries to save his young friend from a terrible injustice.
Night Shadows
Just outside Belfast in 1974, a British soldier faces the realisation that he can't stand by and let his superior officers treat the public in a violent and disrespectful manner. Whilst on duty at a roadblock, the consequences of his actions will have a devastating effect on those around him.
독 솔져
스코틀랜드의 산악 지대에서 특수 훈련을 받던 영국군 소대원들이 우연히 중상을 입은 군인을 발견하게 된다. 부상당한 장교는 그의 부대원들이 정체를 알수 없는 괴물로부터 습격을 당해 소속부대원이 전멸했다고 말한다. 그 시간 이후로부터 이 산악 지대에서 훈련을 받던 영국군 특수 부대원들도 알수 없는 상대로부터 습격을 받기 시작하는데 상대의 정체를 도무지 알아 낼수 없을 정도로 그 괴물은 빠른데다가 엄청난 힘과 잔혹성을 가지고 있었다. 지능까지 가지고 있는 괴물은 부대원들에게 잔혹한 부상을 입히고 자취를 감추곤 한다. 하나 둘씩 부대원들이 생명을 잃어갈 즈음 상대의 윤곽이 드러나는데 야수의 모습을 한 반인반수의 기형체이었는데...