
War-Gods of the Deep (1965)

They dared the most fantastic journey that has ever challenged imagination!

장르 : 모험, 판타지, SF, 공포

상영시간 : 1시간 24분

연출 : Jacques Tourneur
각본 : Charles Bennett, Louis M. Heyward


A chance discovery leads American mining engineer Ben Harris and acquaintance Harold to discover a lost city under the sea while searching for their kidnapped friend Jill. Held captive in the underwater city by the tyrannical Captain (Vincent Price), and his crew of former smugglers, the three plot to escape...


Vincent Price
Vincent Price
Sir Hugh
David Tomlinson
David Tomlinson
Harold Tufnell-Jones
Tab Hunter
Tab Hunter
Ben Harris
Susan Hart
Susan Hart
Jill Tregillis
John Le Mesurier
John Le Mesurier
Rev. Jonathan Ives
Henry Oscar
Henry Oscar
Derek Newark
Derek Newark
Roy Patrick
Roy Patrick
Dennis Blake
Dennis Blake
Steven Brooke
Steven Brooke
Jim Spearman
Jim Spearman
Tony Selby
Tony Selby
Michael Heyland
Michael Heyland
John Barrett
John Barrett
Third Fisherman (uncredited)


Jacques Tourneur
Jacques Tourneur
Charles Bennett
Charles Bennett
Louis M. Heyward
Louis M. Heyward
Edgar Allan Poe
Edgar Allan Poe
David Whitaker
David Whitaker
Additional Dialogue
Daniel Haller
Daniel Haller
George Willoughby
George Willoughby
Executive Producer
George Willoughby
George Willoughby
Stanley Black
Stanley Black
Original Music Composer
Stephen Dade
Stephen Dade
Director of Photography
Gordon Hales
Gordon Hales
Harvey Woods
Harvey Woods
Frank White
Frank White
Art Direction
Les Bowie
Les Bowie
Special Effects
Frank George
Frank George
Special Effects

비슷한 영화

A group of divers set out on a journey to film and explore the beauty of the ocean. However, during their latest dive, their oxygen runs low, risking their lives as they encounter sharks and other marine wildlife.
Hidden Dragon
In a magical undersea world where dragons rule and humans are feared, a naive young dragon forms an uneasy alliance with the sea's greatest enemy - a human girl.
Females Is Fickle
Olive brings her new goldfish onto Popeye's ship, but the fish jumps out of its bowl and into the sea. Olive convinces Popeye to go after it, but the fish wants to play and manages to avoid Popeye until both get trapped inside a jellyfish. After taking a severe pounding from the jellyfish, Popeye eats his spinach, takes on various other marine life, and returns the goldfish to its bowl. But Olive can see the fish is unhappy in the bowl, and sets it free again, which is more than Popeye can stand.
Ray Pelletier just wants to spend a pleasant and relaxing weekend ice fishing with his family. Alas, Ray's plans are ruined by the unwanted presence of the obnoxious big city father and son duo of Steve Cote and Stevie Jr. However, the two squabbling families are forced to set aside their differences and work together after a vicious monster awakens from the cold waters of the remote frozen lake area they are staying at.
쥬라기공원: 다이노어택
테러에 의해 납치된 인질을 구출하는 임무를 마치고 귀국하던 특공대원들은 적의 로켓포에 헬기가 격추되어 미지의 섬에 불시착하게 된다. 특공대원들은 불시착된 곳에서 먹을거리를 찾아 지역 탐색을 하는 중에 계속해서 주변을 감싸는 이상한 기운을 감지하게 되는데...... 섬 안에 공룡들이 서식하고 있다! 공룡의 위협을 피해서 본부에 구조 요청을 하려고 고군분투하는 부대원들. 하지만 설상가상으로 포로로 잡혀있던 게릴라 대원이 틈만 나면 군인들 사이에서 탈출하려 하여 부대원들은 위기에 빠지게 되는데.... 그들은 무사히 공룡들에게서 탈출할 수 있을까?
Based on a true story of Polish submarine "Orzel" (The Eagle): September 1939, "Orzel" is coming to Estonian neutral harbor in Tallin. Under pressure from Germany Estonians have intern the ship. Commander Grabinski decides to escape to England through the Baltic Sea, without any maps that has been confiscated and with only small amount of fuel on board.
Operation Bikini
The film takes place aboard an American submarine in the Pacific during World War II. The sub's commander is ordered to stop and pick up an underwater demolition team led by Lt. Hayes, whose mission is to locate and destroy a US submarine sunken in a lagoon off Bikini Atoll before the Japanese are able to raise it and capture the advanced radar system on board.
Underwater Thailand: Swimming with Sharks
The dive sites around Phuket are among the most fascinating in the world. Colourful coral reefs, puffer fish and turtles are among the extraordinary sea dwellers living in an 85 meter-long sunken ferry. These 3D dives in paradise make a spectacular highlight. Experience a unique underwater tank dive with sharks at Siam aquatic World in Bangkok. For anyone who meets the three half-meter-long sand tiger sharks in this way, their experience is never to be forgotten.
The Alien Within
Crew of an undersea mining platform falls prey to mysterious and dangerous parasite. The parasite has the ability to affect people's minds, so survivors can't be certain who is safe and who is infected.
Pagan Island
The survivor of a shipwreck finds himself on an island populated only by women.
The Blue Elephant 2
Khan Kluay is an elephant of King Naresuan the Great. Shaba Kaew, his beloved one, keeps a secret that she is pregnant. He must face three properties that belong to him - sacrifice, courage and stable love deep in his heart - to struggle through obstacles.
새미의 어드벤쳐 2
5대양 6대주 해양 세계일주를 떠났던 ‘새미’와 ‘레이’는 이제 막 세상에 태어난 손녀 엘라와 손자 리키가 바다로 나가는 것을 도와주며 평화로운 생활을 만끽한다. 그러던 어느 날 갑자기 불법 포획을 일삼는 밀렵꾼이 나타나 새미와 레이를 잡아가고, 할아버지 바다 거북이들은 세계 최대 규모의 두바이 아쿠아리움에 갇히게 되는데... 아쿠아리움 속 블로브피시, 건방진 랍스터, 과묵한 상어, 펭귄 가족들과 친구가 되어 함께 탈출을 계획하던 새미와 레이! 하지만 아쿠아리움의 독재자 해마 빅D가 이들의 탈출 계획에 브레이크를 걸면서 아슬아슬한 위기를 맞게 되고... 한편 비록 꼬마 거북이들이지만 할아버지들을 구하기 위해 위험한 모험을 시작한 엘라와 리키는 새미와 레이의 행방을 찾아 넓은 바닷속을 헤엄쳐 다닌다. 그러던 중 귀여운 아기 문어 애나벨을 만나게 된 이들은 문어 엄마 마가렛의 도움으로 할아버지들이 있는 아쿠아리움으로 잠입을 시도, 우여곡절 끝에 아쿠아리움 안으로 들어가게 되지만 무시무시한 뱀장어들에게 쫓기며 위험한 순간을 맞는데... 새미와 레이를 구하기 위해 아쿠아리움으로 뛰어든 엘라와 리키의 짜릿한 바닷 속 모험이 시작된다!
Unknown Island
Adventure-seeker Ted Osborne has convinced his finacee Carole to finance his expedition to an uncharted South Pacific island supposedly populated with dinosaurs...
도리를 찾아서
니모를 찾고 1년이 흘렀다. 말린, 니모 부자와 그들의 가족 같은 친구 도리는 산호초에서 평온한 일상을 보낸다. 심각한 단기기억상실증으로 과거에 대한 기억이 없는 도리는 어느 날 빠르게 지나가는 가오리떼를 보고 부모에게서 급물살 훈련을 받던 기억을 떠올린다. 캘리포니아 모로베이의 보석이라는 지명을 비롯해 고향과 가족에 관한 기억들도 불쑥 떠오르기 시작한다. 이름도, 모습도 제대로 기억하지 못하지만 부모가 어디선가 자신을 기다리고 있을 거라 생각한 도리는 그들을 찾아 떠나기로 한다. 가족과 떨어져 지내는 아픔이 뭔지 아는 말린 부자는 두말없이 도리를 따라나선다.
해저 에이리언
Man has finally conquered the ocean. America's first self-contained undersea laboratory is the pride of the nation, and expectations are high for an elaborate undersea mining operation. What wasn't expected was the inhabitants of an undiscovered world.
Empires of the Deep
For thousand of years, legends of beautiful mermaids have enchanted people from all over the globe. Their fascinating and mysterious world has always captured the imagination of humans. In film history, there hasn't been a single movie that has uncovered and explored this mystical world. What secrets lurk beneath the depths? And why do beautiful mermaids seduce human men? "Mermaid Island" is the first underwater fantasy film to unveil and answer these questions.
The Firefly
Story of a firefly
Fascination Coral Reef: Mysterious Worlds Underwater
Often referred to as "The Pearls in the Indian Ocean," the Maldives' true treasures are to be found beneath the waves: the coral reefs. See breathtaking colorful coral forests. Observe turtles searching for food as they swim by. Duck your head as huge swarms of colorful fish take refuge in the numerous caves and crevices. And wonder at the incredible diversity of life on the coral reef in this 53-minute experience.
The Deep
Metal objects of the past come to life in the depths of the sea.
Peep in the Deep
Olive has a map to a sunken treasure, but Bluto stowed away and is determined to beat Popeye to it.