Jacques Tourneur

Jacques Tourneur

출생 : 1904-11-12, Paris, France

사망 : 1977-12-19


Jacques Tourneur (also known as Jack Turner; November 12, 1904 – December 19, 1977) was a French film director known for the classic film noir Out of the Past and a series of low-budget horror films he made for RKO Studios, including Cat People, I Walked with a Zombie and The Leopard Man.

프로필 사진

Jacques Tourneur
Jacques Tourneur
Jacques Tourneur

참여 작품

In Memory Of
시한부 환자가 죽음을 용납하고 마지막 생을 어떻게 살아가는지를 생생하게 엮어가는 인기절정의 TV프로그램. 카트린느는 이 프로의 주인공이 되었다. 의사가 준 진정제를 복용하지만 죽음은 시시각각 그녀를 위협하고 그녀를 취재하는 매스컴의 열기도 그녀에겐 죽음의 재촉제일 뿐이다. 촬영기사 로디는 방송국측의 권유로 눈에 카메라를 장착하고 자연스럽게 그녀에게 접근함으로써 좀 더 리얼한 "데쓰워치"를 촬영하는데...
Ciné regards: Jacques Tourneur
Interview with film director Jacques Tourneur which first appeared on the French television series "Ciné regards".
War-Gods of the Deep
A chance discovery leads American mining engineer Ben Harris and acquaintance Harold to discover a lost city under the sea while searching for their kidnapped friend Jill. Held captive in the underwater city by the tyrannical Captain (Vincent Price), and his crew of former smugglers, the three plot to escape...
공포의 코미디
술고래에다 아내에게 포악하기까지 한 장의사 왈도는 상도덕도 없어 장례식이 끝나면 시신을 아무렇게나 묻어 버리고는 관을 다시 쓰기 위해 도로 가져간다. 장례식 의뢰는 점점 줄어드는데,집주인 블랙이 찾아와 밀린 집세를 내지 않으면 내쫓을 거라 경고하자 왈도는 궁지에 몰린다. 생각 끝에 왈도는 조수 펠릭스와 함께 직접 나서서 고객을 만들기로 하고, 한밤중에 젊은 아내와 사는 부유한 노인의 저택에 숨어든다. 블랙 유머가 가미된 코믹 호러. 사악한 목소리와 표정으로 공포 영화의 아이콘이 된 빈센트 프라이스, 독특한 표정 연기로 누아르 등 장르 영화를 주름잡은 피터 로어와 같은 주연 배우들의 천연덕스러운 연기가 연신 웃음을 유발한다. ((재)영화의전당)
Fury River
Rogers Rangers fight the French & Indians in Canada while searching for a waterway which will lead to this ocean.
Aftermath was the pilot for an unsold TV series called The Code of Jonathan West; it aired as part of The General Electric Theater. The film takes place just after the Civil War, in a small southern town – war-ravaged, impoverished, and seething with hatred and resentment.
Mission of Danger
After his Rangers are caught during a raid, a major must infiltrate the French army to save his men.
The Giant of Marathon
A Greek soldier leads the fight against an invading Persian army.
An American wheeler-dealer woos a colonel's wife amid danger at a French Foreign Legion fort.
Frontier Rangers
A pastiche of three episodes from the 1958 TV series Northwest Passage, stitched together as a feature and released theatrically in Europe.
더 피어메이커스
A Korean War veteran returns to Washington D.C. only to discover his business partner had died and their public-research business sold, so he works there undercover to find out the truth.
악령의 밤
미국에서 학술회의에 참석하고자 영국 땅을 밟은 홀든은 초자연적인 것의 존재를 믿지 않는 차가운 이성의 소유자이다. 하지만 그는 마술사 캐스웰과 만나면서 자신에게 알 수 없는 저주가 드리워졌다는 사실을 차츰 깨닫기 시작한다. 믿음과 회의주의, 판타지와 리얼리티 사이의 대립과 대화를 영화적으로 풀어낸 은 투르뇌르의 영화답게 여전히 분위기가 만드는 공포로 깊은 인상을 준다. 그런데 재미있는 것은 여기에서는 다른 투르뇌르 영화와는 달리 악마의 존재를 실제로 보여주는 장면이 나온다는 것이다. 제작사쪽의 압력에 따라 어쩔 수 없이 삽입된 그 장면은, 만약 그것이 없었더라면 믿음과 모호함이란 주제에 좀더 어울리는 영화가 나오지 않았을까, 라는 생각을 하게 만든다. 하지만 은 그런 아쉬움에도 불구하고 흥미롭게 볼 수 있는 투르뇌르의 후기작이다. 영국에서 만든 이 영화는 비슷한 시기에 나온 해머 영화와 비교하면 투르뇌르의 특징을 더 잘 볼 수 있게 해준다.
An innocent man turns fugitive as he reconstructs events that implicate him for a murder and robbery he did not commit.
그레이트 데이 인 더 모닝
After a card game, Southerner Owen Pentecost finds himself the owner of a Denver hotel. Involved with two women, he then has to make even more fundamental choices when, with the start of the Civil War, he becomes one of a small minority in a strongly Unionist town.
Former buffalo hunter and entrepreneur Wyatt Earp arrives in the lawless cattle town of Wichita Kansas. His skill as a gun-fighter makes him a perfect candidate for Marshal, but he refuses the job until he feels morally obligated to bring law and order to this wild town.
Stranger on Horseback
A circuit judge in the old west attempts to bring a suspected killer to justice. The judge runs afoul of the killer's rich cattle baron father in the process.
Appointment in Honduras
On a tramp steamer off Central America are Mr. and Mrs. Sheppard, five prisoners en route to a Nicaraguan prison, and Corbett, an American carrying money for a Honduran counter-revolution. Denied permission to land in Honduras, Corbett releases the prisoners and with their aid hijacks the ship. They land, taking the wealthy Sheppards as hostages, and start the arduous trip upriver to Corbett's rendezvous, meeting jungle hazards
웨이 오브 어 가우초
1875년 아르헨티나, 갑작스러운 결투에서 상대 가우초(남미의 카우보이)를 죽이고 만 가우초 마틴은 징역 대신 군대에 들어가게 된다. 그러나 험악한 살리나스 밑에서의 힘든 군 생활과 사막의 모래바람에 진저리가 난 마틴은 군에서 도망친다. 가우초 무리를 이끄는 우두머리가 된 마틴은 광활한 초원 지대 팜파스를 잠식해 오는 철도 회사와 대치하게 된다. 한편, 전역 후 경찰이 된 살리나스가 마틴의 행방을 쫓는다. 아르헨티나의 광활한 초원을 배경으로 한 서부극으로, 실제로 아르헨티나에서 촬영하여 대초원의 풍광을 담았다. ((재)영화의전당)
인도 제국의 앤
카리브해를 누비는 무시무시한 해적 검은 수염과 그의 후계자 프로비던스. 어느 날, 프로비던스가 영국 선박을 나포하는데, 그 배에 타고 있던 프랑스 군인 라로셸이 프로비던스의 눈에 띈다. 라로셸은 앤 프로비던스가 미모의 여자 선장임을 알고 놀란다. 해적 선장이었던 라로셸은 배를 빼앗긴 뒤 신분을 숨긴 채 자신의 배를 되찾을 궁리를 하고 있었다. 라로셸이 속셈을 드러내지 않은 채 기회를 엿보는 사이 앤은 라로셸을 사랑하게 된다. 활력 넘치는 여자 해적 캐릭터가 등장하는 액션 모험극. 영화 〈선셋 대로〉 〈이창〉 등의 음악을 만들었던 작곡가 프란츠 왁스만이 음악을 맡았다. ((재)영화의전당)
Circle of Danger
An American comes to Britain to investigate the murky circumstances of his brother's death that occurred during a WW2 commando raid.
화염과 화살
12세기 이탈리아 북부의 롬바르디아는 독일에서 온 울리히 백작의 지배를 받고 있다. 아들 루디를 홀로 키우는 궁수 다르도는 용맹하고 정의로워 마을 사람들의 지지를 받고 있다. 어느 날, 광장에서 다르도는 울리히 백작과 그 곁에 있는 프란체스카를 보게 되는데, 그녀는 백작이 빼앗아 간 다르도의 아내이다. 다르도와 백작 사이에 신경전이 벌어지고, 수려한 활 솜씨를 가진 다르도가 백작이 아끼는 매를 쏘아 떨어트린다. 그러나 달아나던 도중 루디가 그만 백작의 손에 잡히고 만다. 〈미드나잇 카우보이〉(1969, 존 슐레진저) 등을 쓴 각본가 왈도 솔트가 각본을 맡은 액션 모험극. 중세를 배경으로 로빈 후드와 같은 주인공이 등장한다. ((재)영화의전당)
스타스 인 마이 크라운
캣 피플, 과거로부터, 등과 같은 호러 스릴러와 필름누아르 장르 면에서 활약한 거장 "자크 투르뇌르" 감독이 명배우 조엘 맥크리어, 딘 스톡웰 등과 함께 한 서부극이자, 미국의 명평론가 "조너선 로젠봄"이 뽑은 최고의 미국영화 중 하나입니다
Easy Living
A football halfback has a heart condition, a nagging wife and a team secretary who loves him.
Berlin Express
Robert Ryan leads a group of Allied agents fighting an underground Nazi group in post-war Europe.
피터 보그다노비치가 “가장 묘하게 시적인 범죄스릴러 가운데 하나”라고 말한 는 자크 투르뇌르의 대표작일 뿐만 아니라 필름 누아르의 역사를 통틀어 최고작 가운데 하나로 꼽힐 만하다. 어느 한적한 마을에서 주유소 일을 하고 있는 제프에게 한 남자가 찾아온다. 그 남자는 과거에 사립탐정이었던 제프를 고용했던 휘트의 하수인이다. 예전에 제프는 휘트로부터, 자신에게 총을 쏘고 4만달러를 가지고 달아난 아내 캐시를 찾아서 자기한테 되돌려달라는 제안을 받았지만 그 여자와 위험한 사랑에 빠진 적이 있었다. 그렇게 지나갔던 과거가 이제 제프의 삶에 다시 어두운 그림자를 드리우기 시작한다. 제목에서 드러난 대로 는 결코 달아날 수 없는 과거에 발목 잡힌 사람들, 그러면서도 영속적인 도주의 상태를 꿈꾸는 사람들의 운명을 복잡한 내러티브와 빼어난 비주얼로 포착해낸다. 아마도 위험한 것에 대한 매혹과 그로 인한 운명의 길을 이처럼 매혹적으로 그린 영화는 영화사상 그리 많지 않을 것이다.
패시지 계곡
1856년, 서부 개척지에서 운송업을 하는 로건은 친구 조지의 약혼녀 루시를 조지가 있는 오리건의 잭슨빌까지 데려다 주기로 하는데, 잭슨빌까지의 험난한 여정 속에서 로건과 루시는 서로에게 끌린다. 한편, 일확천금을 꿈꾸며 도박에 빠진 조지는 로건이 준 돈도 잃고, 광부들의 금에까지 손을 대고, 도박꾼의 아내에게 추파도 던진다. 로건 역시 경쟁자 브래그와 대치하는 가운데, 마을에서는 살인 사건이 일어난다. 존 포드의 〈역마차〉(1939)의 원작을 쓴 미국의 서부 소설 작가 어니스트 헤이콕스의 『협곡 통과』를 바탕으로 한 서부극. 서부 개척지를 배경으로, 꿈과 야망, 우정과 사랑을 비롯해 도박, 살인, 인디언과의 갈등 등을 다루고 있다. ((재)영화의전당)
Motion Picture Industry Red Cross War Fund Week Trailer
Discovered in the Rose Theatre of Port Townsend, Washington, during renovation in the late 1990s, this short promotional film features actress Ingrid Bergman in a nurse’s uniform making a plea to theater patrons to support Red Cross initiatives during World War II. Using staged scenes of American soldiers in a Japanese POW camp, the film provides a firsthand look at how important the Red Cross packages are to fighting men.
Experiment Perilous
In 1903, Doctor Huntington Bailey meets a friendly older lady during a train trip. She tells him that she is going to visit her brother Nick and his lovely young wife Allida. Once in New York, Bailey hears that his train companion suddenly died. Shortly afterward, he meets the strange couple and gets suspicious of Nick's treatment of his wife.
Days of Glory
A heroic guerilla group fights back against impossible odds during the 1941 Nazi invasion of Russia.
Reward Unlimited
Short film about nurse service in wartime.
레오파드 맨
뉴 멕시코의 작은 마을에서 잔혹한 범죄가 연속으로 일어난다. 곧이어 마을 사람들은 한 마리의 표범이 도망쳐 마을 공동묘지에 숨어있음을 알게 된다. 코넬 울리치의 단편 「블랙 알리바이」를 영화화한 작품. 화면에서 공포를 표현하기 위한 갖가지 시도와 탐구는 표현주의 영화를 연상케 할 정도로 다양하며, 히스패닉 문화를 지닌 뉴 멕시코 중류층의 풍속 탐구도 세심하다.
나는 좀비와 함께 걸었다
제목대로 “나는 좀비와 함께 걸었다”는 내레이션으로 시작되는 영화는, 자칫 현재의 좀비영화를 생각한다면 커다란 실망감을 줄 수도 있다. 이것은 우리가 지금 알고 있는 좀비영화도 아닐뿐더러 어떤 면에서는 대단한 사건도 일어나지 않는, 그래서 분위기와 인물만이 부각되는 영화이기 때문이다. 영화는 캐나다 출신의 간호사 벳시가 폴이라는 농장주의 아내 제시카를 돌보는 일을 하러 서인도 제도로 떠나면서 시작된다. 제시카는 심한 열병에 걸린 뒤로 살아 있는 시체나 다름없는 상태에 빠져 있다. 그런데 벳시는 그만 폴과 사랑에 빠지고 폴을 위해 제시카를 살려내겠다며 부두교 주술의 힘을 빌리려 한다. 삶과 죽음, 초자연적인 요소와 일상의 삶이 실존적인 갈등을 벌이는 양상을 다룬 이 영화는 투르뇌르적인 모호함의 한 정점을 보여주면서 그것이 어떻게 매력으로 치환될 수 있는지를 증명한다. 벽에 드리운 그림자와 불길한 사운드가 두려움의 분위기를 조성하는 데 얼마나 효과적일 수 있는지를 보여주는 영화이다
캣 피플
스타일리스트로 일하는 젊은 이레나는 자신이 발칸 반도에 생존하던 캣 피플의 후예임을 알게 된다. 그들은 평상시에는 인간의 모습을 하고 있지만, 야수로 변신하는 불길한 힘을 갖고 있으며 인간과 맺어져서는 안 된다. 어떤 특수 효과나 배경 음악의 힘도 빌지 않고, 어둠의 힘만으로 투르뇌르는 관객들을 최면 상태로 몰고 간다.
The Magic Alphabet
This MGM John Nesbitt's Passing Parade series short dramatizes how the work of Dutch physician Christiaan Eijkman, who searched for a cure for beri-beri on the island of Java in the 1890s, led to the discovery of vitamins.
The Incredible Stranger
In December 1892, a silent mysterious and very private man, for whom a new house has just been built, arrives in the small town of Bridgewood to keep a promise.
Doctors Don't Tell
Dr. Ralph Snyder and Dr. Frank Blake open an office together but soon split over a rivalry for nightclub singer Diana Wayne and a difference over ethics.
Phantom Raiders
In this second Carter mystery, a mysterious rash of cargo ships sinking in Panama leads insurers Llewellyns of London to hire vacationer Nick Carter and his eccentric associate Bartholomew to investigate. Nick recognizes influential nightclub owner Al Taurez as a shady operator, but getting the goods on him depends on slick diversions involving the heavyweight champ of the Pacific Tuna Fleet, a Panamanian bombshell armed with American slang, a young couple in love and a whole raft of crooks and cutthroats.
Nick Carter, Master Detective
Detective Nick Carter is brought in to foil spies at the Radex Airplane Factory, where a new fighter plane is under manufacture.
They All Come Out
A down on his luck young man stumbles into a gang of robbers who all get landed in prison. Will he be reformed, or is he ensnared into a life of crime?
Yankee Doodle Goes to Town
Made just before America would be forced into the Second World War, this short subject is a brief dramatized history of American democracy. It targets a perceived threat to democracy from board room and soapbox fascists who advocated a government based upon contemporaneous European models.
마리 앙투아네트
Assistant Director
The young Austrian princess Marie Antoinette is arranged to marry Louis XVI, future king of France, in a politically advantageous marriage for the rival countries. The opulent Marie indulges in various whims and flirtations. When Louis XV passes and Louis XVI ascends the French throne, his queen's extravagant lifestyle earns the hatred of the French people, who despise her Austrian heritage.
Think It Over
A gang of 'professional torches' burn down stores for the insurance money.
Strange Glory
During the American Civil War, General Ulysses Grant carries out the 'Tennessee Plan,' which involves stopping the Confederate supply line on the Tennessee River. This proved to be a vital action for the North in its push south...
What Do You Think? Tupapaoo
An American trader disrupts life on a Polynesian island.
The Face Behind the Mask
This dramatized short film describes the historical mystery of France's "man in the iron mask". King Louis XIV imprisoned a man who was never identified, but who was forced to wear an iron mask for the length of his captivity, which ended only in his death. Several candidates for the identity of the man are investigated.
The Ship That Died
This MGM An Historical Mystery short traces the final voyage of the Mary Celeste, a ship discovered at sea, in December 1872, devoid - for no discernible reason - of crew, passengers and captain. At "the famed nautical court of Gibraltar", investigators propose three hypotheses.
What Do You Think? (Number Three)
This short looks at the possibility that those who have passed on can communicate with us in ways we least expect.
What Do You Think?
The narrator's voice tells of John Dough, who wakes up after a late-night party and prepares to go to work. However, a few interruptions, including thinking for a moment that he sees a woman's body in his bed, having his car key not work, and thinking he hears his mother calling, delay his departure from home by almost a minute. When tragedy strikes close by, John revisits the morning's events. A phone call from his brother in Chicago confirms how odd this morning is. Did John experience telepathy or was it all coincidence? If radio waves can carry a communication, why not a mother's love?
The Man in the Barn
After John Wilkes Booth assassinated President Abraham Lincoln, he escaped to Maryland and was discovered hiding in a barn. After he refused to surrender, the barn was set afire and Booth died in the blaze. However, in 1903 a Mr. David E. George, while on his deathbed in Enid, Oklahoma, claimed to be John Wilkes Booth. This MGM An Historical Mystery series short presents evidence of the possibility that Mr. George's claim was true.
Romance of Radium
Romance of Radium is a 1937 American short film directed by Jacques Tourneur, and released by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. This short film tells the story of the discovery of radium and how it is used in medicine. In 1937, it was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Short Subject (One-Reel) at the 10th Academy Awards
The Rainbow Pass
In Chinese culture, live theater performances are attended by all classes of society. This short shows a performance of "The Rainbow Pass," a tale of a wife who challenges her husband's murderer to combat.
The King Without a Crown
This short explores the possibility that Louis XVII, son of King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, escaped death during the French Revolution and was raised by Indians in America.
The Boss Didn't Say Good Morning
Carey Wilson narrates this MGM Miniature short in which an average office worker suffers all week-end because his boss, who had a bad case of indigestion, didn't speak to him when he came to work on Friday and is convinced he is going to get fired.
The Grand Bounce
A man writes a check for $1,000 to cover a gambling debt. The problem is that he doesn't have enough money in his bank account to cover it. The check was written on Friday afternoon, but cannot be cashed before the following Tuesday. The check is used to pay several debts until...
Killer Dog
A dog accused of murdering sheep is brought to trial.
Master Will Shakespeare
A short biography of William Shakespeare that highlights the various jobs he worked at in the theater.
Harnessed Rhythm
This Sports Parade series entry follows the life of Dixie Dan, a harness racehorse, from birth through age three.
The Jonker Diamond
Re-enactment of how the 726-carat Jonker diamond was discovered in South Africa in 1905 by the family of Jacobus Jonker; how it was sold to Harry Winston; and how it was cut by Lazarre Kaplan.
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The Daughters of the Concierge
Madame Leclerc, concierge of a beautiful place on Montmartre, has three daughters who are ready to get married - but things do not always go as planned.
An ex-businessman, ruined and reduced to living under bridges, uses the name of one of his companions in misfortune, Rothchild, to organize a vast scam.
A man who suffers from the delirium of persecution and to the point of trying to strangle his wife is interned. His brother, needing his signature for his own business, gets him out of the asylum with the complicity of a false magistrate and against the advice of the doctor.
Le Voleur
A woman steals to have enough money to please her husband. Her nephew, madly in love with her, reports this to a detective who catches her red handed.
To Be Loved
Gérard d'Ormoise, a young millionaire tired of the easy loves that his income earned him, takes the place of a friendly bartender. He marries the young and pretty duchess who first believed him to be an honest bartender, then a vulgar burglar.
Escaping from a policeman who has caught h.im with a stolen dog, Toto (Albert Préjean), a petty crook, hides in the apartment of a typist, Ginette (Renée Saint-Cyr). The two quickly fall in love, and after a brief incarceration, Toto returns to her and schemes to have her win a beauty contest.
The Two Orphans
Assistant Director
A more small scale version of the story Griffin used for his epic Orphans Of The Storm: a doctor tries to reunite two sisters who have become separated from each other during the whirlwind of the French Revolution.
In the Name of the Law
Assistant Director
The story is about a drug ring and the finally successful efforts of the Paris police to break it up. A young detective goes into a den in Paris' Chinatown, following a clue, and that is the last seen of him until his body is found floating in the Seine several days later. The only clue is a woman's glove. The dead man's friends on the force vow to avenge him, and receive information leading them to suspect one Sandra, a beautiful foreigner, played by the stunning Marcelle Chantal.
In the Name of the Law
The story is about a drug ring and the finally successful efforts of the Paris police to break it up. A young detective goes into a den in Paris' Chinatown, following a clue, and that is the last seen of him until his body is found floating in the Seine several days later. The only clue is a woman's glove. The dead man's friends on the force vow to avenge him, and receive information leading them to suspect one Sandra, a beautiful foreigner, played by the stunning Marcelle Chantal.
All That Is Not Worth Love
Tourneur's first film tells the story of a chemist, Jules Renaudin. He welcomes a young pregnant girl, Claire, who enters his pharmacy in despair one evening. He takes care of her and gradually falls in love with her, doing everything for her. But she is attracted by the cheerfulness of young Jean Cordier, whose warehouse is a few steps away from the pharmacy.
An opera singer travelling with her company on a passenger ship encounters a mysterious young man who she falls in love with.
Dance house
Three men vie for a pretty young lady in a small Spanish port town: The boss of a dance hall who encourages her aspirations at performing, a married fisherman, and that man's unmarried younger brother.
Accused, Stand Up!
Assistant Director
Paris, 30's declared professional rivalry between two stars of the musical, Yvonne and Gaby leads to dire consequences. Yvonne's body is found in the theater. Gaby's future is threatened against the judgment to which it is subjected, with a probable prison sentence.
Accused, Stand Up!
Paris, 30's declared professional rivalry between two stars of the musical, Yvonne and Gaby leads to dire consequences. Yvonne's body is found in the theater. Gaby's future is threatened against the judgment to which it is subjected, with a probable prison sentence.
The Trail of '98
Extra (uncredited)
Fortune hunters from all over the country rushing to the Klondike in 1897 to seek their fortunes in the gold are tested by hardships of the journey.
Extra (uncredited)
In Imperial Russia, Anna Karenina falls in love with the dashing military officer Count Vronsky and abandons her husband and child to become his mistress.
The Fair Co-Ed
Marion go off to college where she joins the basketball team to be near the coach, Bob. She instantly makes a rival of Betty, who's also interested in Bob.
Extra (uncredited)
A law student becomes an outlaw French revolutionary when he decides to avenge the unjust killing of his friend. To get close to the aristocrat who has killed his friend, the student adopts the identity of Scaramouche the clown.