Saint Petersburg (2010)

Saint Petersburg

장르 : 모험, 코미디

상영시간 : 2시간 0분

연출 : Behruz Afkhami


A newly released prisoner and an ostensibly rich youth become aware of the place of Tsar's long lost treasure by a twist of fate.


Peyman Ghasemkhani
Peyman Ghasemkhani
Mohsen Tanabande
Mohsen Tanabande
Bahare Rahnama
Bahare Rahnama
Shila Khodadad
Shila Khodadad
Andisheh Fooladvand
Andisheh Fooladvand
Sorush Sehhat
Sorush Sehhat
Amin Hayaei
Amin Hayaei


Mehrab Ghasemkhani
Mehrab Ghasemkhani
Peyman Ghasemkhani
Peyman Ghasemkhani
Behruz Afkhami
Behruz Afkhami
Touraj Aslani
Touraj Aslani
Director of Photography

비슷한 영화

씨민과 나데르의 별거
씨민과 나데르 부부는 별거 중이다. 아내 씨민은 딸의 교육을 위해 이민을 떠나고 싶어 한다. 그러나 치매인 아버지를 두고 떠날 수 없었던 나데르는 친정으로 떠난 아내를 대신하여 아버지를 돌봐줄 가정부를 고용한다. 임신 중임에도 가난에 떠밀려 남편까지 속이고 가정부 일을 시작했던 소마예는 어느 날, 나데르의 아버지를 침대에 묶어두고 잠시 외출을 한다. 그 사이 아버지가 위독했음을 알게 된 나데르는 격분하여 소마예를 해고하고 그 과정에서 소마예는 유산을 하고 만다. 이윽고 소마예 부부는 나데르를 살인죄로 고소하고 법정에서 만난 두 가족의 변명과 거짓말이 이어진다.
모래와 안개의 집
북부 캘리포니아의 한 바닷가. 캐시는(제니퍼 코넬리) 아버지가 30여년동안 돈을 모아 마련한 집에서 이혼의 충격을 딛고 새로운 인생을 모색하며 힘겹게 살아간다. 그러던 어느 날. 일주일 뒤에 집을 찾아오겠다는 엄마의 전화에 아침 잠을 설치던 캐시의 집에 법원직원과 경찰이 들이닥친다. 세금 체납으로 집이 경매로 넘어갔다며 퇴거 명령을 내린다. 캐시는 집이 경매로 넘어가는 것을 막으려 변호사를 찾지만 이란 출신의 이민자 베라니 (벤 킹슬리)가 자신의 전 재산을 털어 그 집을 헐값에 사들인다. 베라니는 전망 좋은 이 집을 수리해 비싼값에 되팔아 재기를 노린다. 그러나 아무도 자신을 도울 수 없는 처지에 놓인 캐시는 레스터(론 엘다드)라는 경찰의 도움으로 집을 다시 찾으려 하지만 집을 둘러싼 싸움은 점차 심해지고, 베라니의 부인 (소레 아그다슬루)과 아들 에스마일(조나단 아두트)까지 혼란에 빠지며 걷잡을 수 없는 파국으로 빠져드는데…
밤을 걷는 뱀파이어 소녀
죽음과 고독의 냄새가 풍겨나는 곳 ‘Bad City’. 한 뱀파이어 소녀가 밤마다 스케이트 보드를 타고 고요한 길거리를 누비지만 도시의 사람들은 알지 못한다. 어느 날, 소녀는 우연히 만난 소년에게서 슬픔을 느끼는데… 외로운 뱀파이어 소녀와 고독한 인간 소년의 핏빛로맨스가 시작된다.
코뿔소의 계절
이란의 이슬람혁명 당시 반혁명 죄로 30년간 투옥되었던 쿠르드족 시인 사데그 카망가르의 실화를 바탕으로 만든 영화이다. 쿠르드족으로 인기 시인인 사헬과 아내 미나는 이슬람혁명기에 체포되어 투옥된다. 5년 후 풀려난 뒤 미나는 남편이 죽은 것으로 알고, 교도소에서 낳은 아이들을 키우며 살다가 터키로 이주한다. 30년 뒤 풀려난 사헬은 터키로 그들을 만나러 가지만, 또 다른 비극을 맞는다. 그리고, 이 모든 비극의 원흉인 악바르를 죽이고, 자신의 죄값도 치르려 한다. 사헬 역의 베흐루즈 보수기와 미나 역의 모니카 벨루치의 열연은 이 작품의 비장미를 극대화한다. (제 17회 부산국제영화제)
The advocate for a young Iranian refugee held in detention. Amir Ali claims to be an Iranian student persecuted by the government but the Department of Immigration dispute his identity. When Julia meets Amir, he is severely depressed and close to deportation. Julia throws herself obsessively into Amir's case, causing friction between Julia and her husband, Peter. Julia eventually frees Amir and the young Iranian man moves in with Peter and Julia. As Julia helps Amir adjust to ordinary life, she finds herself increasingly attracted to this handsome, damaged young man. But she also starts to see the subtle cracks in Amir's story. Is he really who he claims he is? Or does he have a darker, more dangerous history?
Princess of Rome
Princess of Rome, Mellika, granddaughter of Great Caesar. The story talks about her move from Byzantium in the 9th century, to avoid her marriage with Krytos, and brings her to Baghdad to become the mother of Imam Mahdi, the Savior.
Track 143
Olfat is raising her children in hardship. She has one daughter and one son called Yonos who works in Kerman copper mine. One day, she finds a note at home with this massage "My friends and I are going to enter the war as soldiers". After reading this note, Olfat and his friend's parents got worried about their sons. When operation Valfajr failed, they received news about Yonos's friend. Olfat is waiting for her son too. As she finds out that the Iraqi radio announces the Iranian captives' names, she ties a radio on her back and carries it everywhere.
The story of two youngsters who one night meet a woman Khatoon who has take refuge in a billiard club. This put them on many challenges.
Any Day Now
Bahman, Mahtab, Ramin and Donya Mehdipour are enjoying a perfect summer in a small Finnish town. Their routines are fractured by a negative decision on their application for asylum by the Finnish Immigration Service. But life must go on and the 13-year-old Ramin is about to enter an entirely new school, junior high. The Mehdipours use their last chance to appeal but continue their everyday lives, fuelled by their exceptionally positive outlook and attitude.
Gold and Copper
A Tehran mullah-in-training struggles to take care of his ailing wife and their children in this profoundly moving melodrama. A film of near-universal appeal, it puts a human face on Iran's Muslim clergy with its unusual tale of a man forced by hardship to become a better husband and father. Seyed Reza has just moved with his family to Tehran so he can study the Koran, and he relies on his lovely wife Zahra to look after their two young children and weave the intricate rugs that earn them a living. But one evening Zahra collapses and is taken to the hospital, where she's diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Scarcely able to process the tragedy, Seyed is left to cook, change diapers, walk his daughter to school and take his toddler son with him to his classes, where peers and elders treat him with scorn. But Seyed eventually learns to cope, his prayers and devotional studies taking on deeper meaning as he attends to the hard nightly work of rug weaving, getting through with a heavy ...
Wooden Bridge
It is about life of a young couple who want to migrate from their country. But the arrival of Nazli makes problems...
The Willow Tree
Youssef, a blind university professor, is suddenly diagnosed with a fatal disease and must undergo treatment in France. Back home, will he find the life he had before?
Ice Age
In the tenth year of marriage, Babak and Manizheh face the biggest challenge of their life. Financial problems and difficult social situation cause Babak to work very hard and this leads to a deep gap between him and his wife, in a way that Manizheh starts a new relation, the relation which leads her to addiction and immorality. On the verge of her complete collapse, she wakes up to the truth that she has lost her life.
The New Country
A 15-year-old Somalian boy meets a 40-year-old Iranian man in a refugee camp in Skåne, in the south of Sweden. With the threat of deportation hanging over them, they decide to take their faiths in their own hands and together they go on a journey in the Swedish summer.
Women's Prison
Spanning 18 years in an Iranian women's prison, this follows two women: the new prison warden, a tough as nails devout Muslim who has served in the army on the Iraqi front, and a young midwife, Mitra, who is serving her sentence for killing her mother's abusive husband. In the early years, Mitra is repeatedly punished as the warden tries to break her. This includes punishment for delivering a baby in the prison cell while all of the prison staff has taken shelter during an Iraqi bombing. The warden's attitude starts to change after 8 years, when Mitra tries to protect a new inmate from rape at the hands of her older cellmates. When the baby comes back in 1991 as a 17 year old delinquent, Sepideh, the warden respects Mitra enough to protect the girl.
Award-winning Iranian filmmaker Rakshan Banietemad ends her eight-year hiatus from feature filmmaking with this ingenious, mosaic-like narrative, which knits together the stories of seven characters to create a microcosm of Iranian working-class society.
The movie is the story of a gang of men who decide to participate in Iran-Iraq war, also known as First Gulf War, which lasted from September 1980 to August 1988. the main character, Suzuki, who is there to satisfy his beloved's father that he is worthy of marrying his daughter, goes through some moving experiences in the war and his character changes to a level that he even tries to sacrifice himself to save the others in the war. the Movie ends by his martyrdom.
A sharp-edged look at people who live outside the constraints of Islamic law.
Democracy in Daylight
The story of life of an Iranian army leader who has faults in his life and now in purgatory wants to retaliate for his faults.
No Where No Body
A young couple need easy money. A few friends join them to plan a kidnap, but nothing goes right when some of them go after revenge and betray each other.