Deliver Us (2016)
장르 : 드라마
상영시간 : 1시간 44분
연출 : Mel Chionglo
각본 : Ricardo Lee
Father Greg, a diocesan priest, is reassigned to a parish up in the mountains. He embarks on a mission to help solve the crime, a mission which leads him to the discovery of his own personal salvation.
갑자기 전 세계의 뛰어난 외모와 운동신경을 가진 여자아이들이 전염병처럼 사라져 간다. CIA는 이 사건을 수사하지만 곧 미궁에 빠지고 만다. 이 납치의 배후에는 여자아이들을 전문 암살범으로 훈련시키려는 마담 M이 숨어 있다. 그로부터 6년 후... 위치 추적이 불가능한 감옥 같은 곳에서 철저한 감시 속에 체력 훈련과 테러교육을 받아오던 아이들은 가장 강한 자만이 살아 남을 수 있는 프로그램에 투여되고 살아남기 위해 친구마저 죽음으로 몰아야하는 살인 병기로 키워진다. 프로그램에 살아남은 아이들은 마지막 시험 무대에 오른다. 사방이 가로막힌 철창 속에서 벌이는 죽음의 서바이벌 게임. 결국, 샬린(매기 큐), 캣(안아), 질(이행지)만이 살아남아 세계 최고의 암살자가 된다. 그리고 이들은 스페인과 필리핀, 홍콩 등지에서 각종 테러에 투입되고 마지막으로 홍콩에서 한 남자를 살인하라는 임무를 맡고 작전에 투입된다. 그러나 샬린은 그곳에서 오래 전 헤어진 엄마를 만나면서 충격을 받고, 이로 인해 CIA요원 잭(오언조)과 마주친다. 잭은 샬린의 과거를 되찾아 주고, 마담M을 제거하겠다고 약속하는데...
After completing his training of ninjutsu within Japan, an American Angolan Bush War veteran by the name of Cole visits his war buddy Frank Landers and his newly wed wife Mary Ann Landers, who are the owners of a large piece of farming land in the Philippines. Cole soon finds that the Landers are being repeatedly harassed by a CEO named Charles Venarius.
Winona, a sassy and spunky girl is just diagnosed with lupus, Bong, a guy who secretly loves her, will do everything for her to live to the fullest before she expires.
The story about a teenage boy, Antonio, whose emerging gay sexuality alienates him from his friends and family, until his libertine uncle, Jonbert, comes to live with him and his mother...
Evo and Grace are from different worlds. Their paths cross serendipitously when Grace, a waitress in a girlie bar, agrees to fill in for a stripper friend on a bachelor party attended by Evo. His not-so gentlemanly behavior during the party doesn’t endear him with Grace, and unfortunately, neither with his girlfriend who instantly breaks-up with him. Wanting his girlfriend back, Evo arrives at a scheme upon discovering that Grace happens to be his bestfriend’s girlfriend.
1941년 12월, 일본의 침략에 맞서 필리핀을 방어하기 위해 존 브리클리 중위가 이끄는 어뢰정 부대가 마닐라로 급파된다. 하지만 존의 부대는 환영받기는커녕 주둔 부대의 놀림감이 된다. 작은 어뢰정은 도움이 되지 않는다며 존의 부대를 무시하고, 본부에 구축함을 요청하는 해군의 행태에 존의 부하 라이언은 분노한다. 그러나 일본군이 진주만을 습격했다는 비보가 전해지고, 곧 일본군의 공격이 시작되는데, 전투가 진행될수록 전장에서 효율적으로 움직이며, 효과적으로 적의 배를 공격해 침몰시키는 어뢰정의 활약이 돋보인다. 하지만 전투력에서나 수적으로나 열세였던 미군은 점점 수세에 몰리고, 섬을 일본군에 빼앗길 위기에 처한다. 2차 세계대전 당시 어뢰정(PT boats)을 몰고 참전했던 미 해군의 활약을 그리고 있는데, 제목에서 어뢰정 부대를 해군이 어떻게 생각했는지 알 수 있다. 병사들의 모습이나 전투 장면은 매우 사실적으로 느껴지며, 전쟁이 끝날 무렵 미국이 승리를 앞둔 시기에 만들었음에도 영화 속에는 패배의 어두운 그림자가 드리워져 있다.
Women cope with various problems while earning a living in the city.
Melinda Uy is a half-Filipino, half-Chinese struggling mother to four children married to a full-Chinese blood man. Her family was believed to bring curse to Olive's famiily. Because of this, Melinda was not accepted by Uy's family as one of their members. Melinda's struggling as a mother begand when she has nothing else to do but to strive and work more.
Carol Jeffries is a naive American woman staying in the Philippines. She is given ten years in prison after being set up by her drug-dealer boyfriend, Rudy. She endures the harsh conditions, sadistic head matron and attempts on her life, then convinces her cell-mates to try to escape with her through the jungle, in spite of the knowledge that ruthless trackers will be sent out after them.
Popoy and Basha had been together forever. Their love story began when they first met as students at university. They had been inseparable and did everything together—eating, studying and attending parties. However, Popoy's incessant planning and nagging took a toll on their relationship leading Basha to break-up with him.
A 2010 Filipino romantic drama starring Kim Chiu and Gerald Anderson.
All her life, Lizelle Jimenez has always searched for love. When she met Dr. Adrian Benitez, she couldn’t ask for more. He showered her with love and affection and she has never felt so special. There is one thing Lizelle is struggling with as they live together- fitting in Adrian’s world. Coming from humble beginnings, Lizelle finds it difficult to belong.
도시전역에 기괴한 전염병이 돌기 시작하더니 사람들이 하나둘 죽어간다. 더구나 죽은 시체들은 육체가 다시 살아나 가족, 애인 심지어 자식까지 잡아먹는 끔찍한 일이 여기저기서 벌어진다. 죽어도 육체만 살아나 떠다니며 사람을 식육한다는 좀비들이 도시를 온통 대혼란에 빠뜨린 것이다. 홀더박사팀과 여자, 군인 몇 명만이 도시에서 탈출한다. 이들은 전염병해독제를 개발하고, 감염지역에 소독을 한다. 곧이어 희생자를 위한 특별구급대가 형성된다. 도시에는 비상경계령이 내려지고, 군당국이 관할하는데 모든 시민들의 출입을 금지시킨다. 궁당국은 좀비들이 곧 소탕되어 정상회복은 시간문제라지만 희생자는 늘어만 간다.
Desperate to provide a comfortable life for her children, Ina willingly takes all kinds of jobs available to her. But what happens when Ina's family continues to fall apart despite all her sacrifices?
Jericho Rosales portrays Filipino boxer Manny Pacquiao as he struggles out of poverty to become a champion and national hero. Yet when the pressures of his sport, his personal life and the high expectations of his countrymen take their toll, he falls from grace. With the help of his wife (Bea Alonzo), will he be able to rise once more to be worthy of being called "the People's Champion"?
Everything is falling into place for Alan Alvarez. With an impending high ranking promotion and four years of stable relationship with his dream girl, Daphne Recto, he is at the cusp of getting everything he's always wanted. Mia Samonte is getting tired of her forlorn life. She is back in Manila for the holidays after working hard for two years as a front desk officer in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. With the hopes of getting the chance to finally have a break, her family gets into another crisis that leaves her hopeless and fated. Two individuals with seemingly predestined lives suddenly find their paths crossing on a ferry boat ride that will change the course of their journeys forever.
When Lara lost her husband of five months, she didn't think she could go on living, much less love again. Now, seven months later, Lara is still in mourning. Every time a loved one died, someone else was there to cushion the blow. When her mother followed six years later, there was the rest of the family. But when her husband died, no one could offer any consolation - not her siblings, not her in-laws, not her friends. Not only was he the love of her life, he had also become her life. It would have been better if she died with him. In the meantime, her business -has taken a nosedive. She's also deep in debt with her unpaid condo and car mortgages. With all her predicament, how would Oliver and Chris figure in her life? Will she finally move on?
Shirley is a woman who wants to be in control of everything. Working as a librarian in a public school, a firm "Sshhh!" from her makes the students tremble in fear. But in her family, her unwarranted intervention in the lives of her children and their families keeps her emotionally detached from them. Realizing that she has lost the command she once had, she goes to New York to reunite with Mark , her estranged gay son who is now suffering from colon cancer. But Shirley doesn't know this and living with Mark in New York comes with a cost. She has to live with her son's lover Noel who is an illegal immigrant. Everything is going right until circumstances forces Shirley to go back to the Philippines. Now that she's back with her family, she realizes that something is wrong she is not happy.
What follows is a black-and-white silent film set in the 1890s during the brewing Filipino revolution against Spanish colonialism. A series of tragic and comic sequences tells the Three Ages of an Indio (“common man”) as he progresses from boy bell ringer in a village church to teenage revolutionary to adult theater actor rehearsing a popular Spanish play.
1945년 패전 말기의 필리핀 레이테 섬. 타무라 일등병은 부대와 병원에서 쫓겨나 소속 없는 군인이 되어 버린다. 밀림을 헤매던 그는 집결지를 향해 가는 병사의 무리를 만나지만, 이들은 살인을 하고 인육을 먹는 극한 상황에 빠지게 된다. 전쟁의 참혹함과 기아에 몰린 군인을 그린 이 영화는 스산한 공기와 신체의 움직임마저 느끼게 하는 아쿠타가와 야스시의 음악이 적막함을 실감나게 전하고 있다.