
Plantagenstraße 19 (1979)

장르 : 드라마, TV 영화

상영시간 : 1시간 36분

연출 : Helmut Krätzig



Erwin Geschonneck
Erwin Geschonneck
Richard Matuschke
Annekathrin Bürger
Annekathrin Bürger
Helga Arnold
Horst Drinda
Horst Drinda
Wolfgang Arnold
Hans-Otto Reintsch
Hans-Otto Reintsch
Hartmut Arnold
Stefan Naujokat
Stefan Naujokat
Alexander Arnold
Barbara Dittus
Barbara Dittus
Marianne Madäus
Peter Reusse
Peter Reusse
Manfred Madäus
Walfriede Schmitt
Walfriede Schmitt
Frau Tillack
Klaus Manchen
Klaus Manchen
Elsa Grube-Deister
Elsa Grube-Deister
Horst Weinheimer
Horst Weinheimer
Dietmar Richter-Reinick
Dietmar Richter-Reinick
Werner Tietze
Werner Tietze
Christian Stövesand
Christian Stövesand
Axel Kaboth
Axel Kaboth
Thomas Stecher
Thomas Stecher
Günter Sonnenberg
Günter Sonnenberg
Helmut Krätzig
Helmut Krätzig
Peter Dommisch
Peter Dommisch
Harald Warmbrunn
Harald Warmbrunn
Egon Geißler
Egon Geißler
Peter Heiland
Peter Heiland
Katrin Heinze
Katrin Heinze
Elke Sehrt
Elke Sehrt


Helmut Krätzig
Helmut Krätzig
Helmut Krätzig
Helmut Krätzig
Erich Schlossarek
Erich Schlossarek
Karl-Ernst Sasse
Karl-Ernst Sasse
Margrit Brusendorf
Margrit Brusendorf
Rolf Sohre
Rolf Sohre
Director of Photography

비슷한 영화

Rammstein in Amerika
The concert film celebrates the band’s legendary show in New York’s Madison Square Garden – Rammstein’s return to the US after a ten-year absence. In HD and 5.1 surround sound. For the documentary, Rammstein provided extensive, previously unreleased footage and photos from the band archive. In numerous interviews from various periods in the band’s history, the band members speak about their experiences across the Atlantic.
독일의 북동부에 위치한 작은 마을에 아프가니스탄 전쟁에서 불명예 제대한 토마스가 돌아온다. 고향에 정착하려고 부모님의 집을 수리하던 중 터키계 사업가 알리와 묘한 분위기를 풍기는 그의 아내 라우라를 만나게 된다. 토마스는 점점 라우라에게 끌리게 되고 그녀의 불안정한 삶의 틈으로 들어가게 된다.
Go Trabi Go 2 - Das war der wilde Osten
Elated by the Italian attitude to life, family Struutz returns to Bitterfeld and experiences a shock: In the turmoil of the reunification her house must give way to a golf course. Hope Udo teacher, his wife Rita and daughter Jacqueline through the surprising inheritance of a factory near Dresden. But of market economy, the staid Saxons unfortunately have no idea. Help comes in the guise of adventurer and condoms dealer Charlie, who works as a "business consultant" and gives Udo a Rock & Roll crash course in capitalism - with unsurpassed success.
Driving Me Crazy
US-American comedy from the year 1991 with Thomas Gottschalk in the lead role. The German TV host plays an East German who can get his Trabi reach speeds of up to 250 and uses environmentally friendly turnip juice as fuel. In the USA, he wants to make it big with his invention. There, he gets caught up in a series of screw-ups.
The Fourth War
Cold War drama about two gung-ho border commanders (Roy Scheider, Jurgen Prochnow) who carry out their own private war against each other on the German - Czechoslovakia border.
전직 CIA 요원이었던 샘 보이드(Sam Boyd: 진 핵크만 분)는 나이가 많아 현직에서 은퇴한 후 3류 산업 스파이 노릇을 하며 근근히 연명해 간다. 그러던 어느날. 그는 CIA로부터 특수 임무를 부여받는다. 그 임무는 1969년 U-2 정찰기를 몰고 소련 상공을 비행하다가 격추 당해서 간첩 혐의로 소련에서 종신형을 살고 있는 소블을 200만달러를 주고 베를린에서 KGB로부터 인도해 오라는 것이다. 그러나 그 200만달러는 콜롬비아 마약상으로부터 상납받은 검은 돈으로 뒷탈을 염려한 CIA측은 정당한 접자 교환인 것처럼 가장하기 위해 미국에서 첩보활동을 하다 감옥에 갇혀있는 피요트르 그루첸코(Pyiotr Grushenko: 미카일 바리쉬니코프 분)를 데리고 가서 돈과 함께 넘겨주고 소블을 데려오게 한다. 베를린에 도착한 두 사람은 현지 요원의 안내에 따라 교환을 위한 접선장소에 나간다. 일이 성사될 즈음 갑자기 샘은 소련측에서 넘겨받으려는 소블(Sobel: 롭 셔만 분)이라는 자가 가짜인 것을 알게 되는데...
Forbidden Love
18-year old Georg and 13-year old Barbara have been playing together as children. Play becomes love later, which leads to a catastrophe , as their parents are hostile leading to file a report to the court, as Barbara is still under age.
신독일 영년
통일독일을 여행하는 자의 포스트 모던 로드무비. 로셀리니의 47년작 "독일영년"이 2차 대전 직후의 독일에 대한 이야기라면 고다르의 "신독일영년"은 사회주의의 붕괴와 베를린 장벽이 무너진 통일독일 직후를 말한다. 그리고 그 둘은 모두 이방인의 눈에 비친 독일의 현실을 보여준다. 로셀리니와 에이젠슈타인, 무르나우의 이미지와 독일의 현실을 결합시키면서 고다르는 하나의 영화-역사(이야기)를 완성시킨다.
Jette and Johannes have been living together for two years when Johannes suggests that they "legalize" their relationship. Jette loves him, but the proposal of marriage terrifies her.
Trumpeter Anton
Anton and his family moved into a high-rise building. In order for the new neighbors to accept his trumpet music, he has to perform a little "miracle" with the instrument.
Grill Point
In the style of a documentary this tragic comedy tells the story of a relationship crisis between two married couples and their longing to break out of their miserable daily lives. In this East German post-wall movie Andreas Dresen introduces the sad everyday life of two couples from Frankfurt an der Oder in a honest and tolerable manner.
Rapunzel, or The Magic of Tears
Adaptation of the classic fairytale.
Wir können auch anders ...
Die Brüder Kipp (Joachim Król) und Most (Horst Krause) machen sich auf den Weg, um das Gut ihrer Oma zu erben. Auf diesem Weg begegnen sie Viktor (Konstantin Kotljarov), einem desertierten russischen Soldaten, der die beiden kidnappt und Nadine (Sophie Rois), die sich ihnen freiwillig anschließt. Zwischendurch gibt es noch einen Zusammenstoß mit Straßenrowdies, was diesen allerdings nicht gerade gut bekommt. Auf ihrem Weg zum Erbe (oder was davon übrig bleibt) geraten die Protagonisten in manche scheinbar ausweglose Situation.
Here We Come
The story of hip hip behind the iron curtain.
데싸우 댄서스
안녕? 내 이름은 프랑크. 냉전 시대의 동독에 살고 있는 우울한 청춘이지. 하지만 어느 날 우연히 본 TV쇼가 내 인생을 바꿔놨어. 바로 미국에서 유행하는 브레이크 댄스를 알게 된 거야! 내 친구 알렉스와 나는 그 날 이후로 브레이크 댄스에 빠져버렸지. 더 신나는 건 우리 체육관의 인기녀 마티나도 우리처럼 춤을 사랑한단 거야. 그리고 실력자 미헬까지 가세해서 우리는 크루를 결성했어! 길거리에서 춤을 추던 우리를 눈 여겨 본 당 관계자가 우리에게 전국 순회 공연의 기회를 줬고, 우리는 순식간에 유명 인사가 됐어. 꺄오 >_< 그렇지만 시간이 흐르면서 당이 우리를 이용하고 있다는 것을 깨달았고, 화가 난 우린 초특급 작전을 세우기로 결심했어! 이제, 우리의 활약을 지켜봐 줘!
The Wall - The Final Days
The movie tells a true story in the life of well-known German actor Manfred Krug. Living in the German Democratic Republic he is forced to leave the country after protesting against the expatriation of singer/songwriter Wolf Biermann in 1976.
Meier, a paperhanger in East Berlin, inherits from his father in West Berlin. With this money he wants to fulfil himself the dream of his life: a journey around the world. He buys a forged West German passport and pretends to go on a trip to Bulgaria while he really is off to see the free world. When he wants to return to East Berlin he finds himself in an unbelievable predicament and his double life begins. He can't keep away from his East German friends. As with all the best comedies, the action builds up to an eventual crisis. It's a light comedy, which won several national Film Academy Awards. The film is very political, with lots of political jokes/innuendos which only Germans will understand. One is left feeling what a total obscenity that stupid Wall was, dividing one people for 30 years (1-2 Generations) simply by the coincidence on where you just happen to be in the early morning on the 13th August 1961.
Eastern Cross
OSTKREUZ tells the episodic story of 15-year-old Elfie, who literally and metaphorically inhabits a no-man’s-land between the two Germanies shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall. The film deploys a neorealist aesthetic to reinforce the difficulties confronting the girl, and by inference, Germany.
사랑의 국경선
Based on a true story, Miguel Alexandre's two-part drama focuses on an East German woman and the fight for her children. Spring 1982: Sara Bender, living with her daughters Silvia and Sabine in the East German town of Erfurt, wants to marry her colleague Peter, but shortly before the wedding, her father is killed in a road accident. As the funeral takes place in West Germany, she isn't allowed to got there, so she starts planning to leave her communist home country forever. Trying to flee via Romania, she is caught by the secret service. After years in jail, Sara is ransomed by the West German government, but without her daughters. To draw the world's attention on her desperate situation, she starts demonstrating at the Berlin border crossing Checkpoint Charlie