The Miracle of Hope (2007)

Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir

장르 : 다큐멘터리, 음악

상영시간 : 1시간 41분


Known for years as one of the most dangerous maximum-security prisons, Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola is the setting for one of the most moving concerts ever given by The Brooklyn Tabernacle Singers. Recorded live, this new DVD features a magnificent, full concert PLUS a powerful docu-video complete with inmate interviews and testimonies focusing on the amazing spiritual revival that is occurring within the prison.



비슷한 영화

어나더 데이 오브 라이프
2018년 칸영화제 공식 선정된 단 한편의 장편 애니메이션. 전쟁 종군 기자 리차드 카푸스친스키의 동명의 자서전을 애니메이션 다큐멘터리로 옮겼다. 앙골라 내전이 일어난 1975년을 배경으로 3개월간의 전장을 누비며 취재하는 리차드 카푸스친스키의 눈에 비친 전쟁에 대한 실상을 카메라가 따라간다. 리차드가 맞닥뜨린 전쟁의 참상은 애니메이션으로 구성되며, 이에 대한 증언들이 인터뷰 장면으로 교차 편집됨으로써 영화는 최대한 중립적 ‘관찰자’의 시선을 유지하려 한다.
Blood Diamonds
Blood Diamonds is a made-for-TV documentary series, originally broadcast on the History Channel, that looks into the trade of diamonds which fund rebellions and wars in many African nations. The program focuses primarily on two nations: Sierra Leone and Angola. Diamonds which are traded for this purpose are known as blood diamonds.
Dolph Lundgren is Christian Erickson, a leading demolition expert trained to disarm mine fields in a humanitarian minesweeping operation in Angola. His son is killed and he discovers that mines are being planted during the war to kill people in the area.
Ondyelwa: a Festa do Boi Sagrado
Scenes from the three last days of the festival in which the population of the old Kingdom of Jau participate yearly.
A Story from Africa
Following the 1884–85 Berlin Conference resolution on the partition of Africa, the Portuguese army uses a talented ensign to register the effective occupation of the territory belonging to the Cuamato people, conquered in 1907, in the south of Angola. A STORY FROM AFRICA enlivens a rarely seen photographic archive through the tragic tale of Calipalula, the Cuamato nobleman essential to the unfolding of events in this Portuguese pacification campaign.
Scarpette bianche
RAI documentary filmed in 1996 about Angola, whose people, after more than ten years of anti-colonial struggle and twenty of civil war, still suffer due to the amount of active landmines scattered all over the country.
Sissako visits a war-torn Angola after thirty years of war in search of a friend and thereby through interviews reflects on the lost utopias of a generation of Africans who experienced the liberation struggles. His camera is witness to the dislocation and despair of those he encounters living in Angola, however he also discovers the resilient spirit of Africa and optimism for its future in unexpected ways.
Hollow City
A group of children, fleeing the war, is taken to Luanda accompanied by a nun. When they reach the aeroplane, 12-year-old N'Dala decides to leave the group and to reconnoitre the city. The nun then starts her unceasing quest for the missing boy. N'Dala, only carrying a textile bag and a doll made of wire, walks through the busy streets filled with people and traffic. Later he finds the tranquility of the island off the coast, where he meets the old fisherman Antonio, with whom he becomes friends. Not much later, he meets the lively, whimsical Zé, who is a little older than he is. N'Dala starts to experience the city and its inhabitants as increasingly forbidding and he would most like to return to the countryside from whence he came. Then he meets Joka, a fringe figure who persuades him to help with a robbery in exchange for money. With this film, Maria Joao Ganga wanted to provide a realistic sketch of the bitter political situation in Angola. One of her most important motivations ...
배틀 오브 에너미라인
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한 여성이 포르투갈 당국에 체포된 남편을 찾아 도시 외곽에서 루안다의 중심부로 향한다. 하지만 남편의 행방은 묘연하고 아내는 그를 찾기 위해 교도소를 전전한다. 이는 이후 봉기의 발화점이 된다.
Luanda ya no es de San Pablo
What Makes Quim Run?
A young jet pilot fighter Quim has great difficulty accepting that his recently born child is disabled. His mother advises him to see a witch doctor, but Quim refuses. Instead he looks for his former mistress Djamila. His mind is completely confused and he no longer can distinguish reality from fantasy. A metaphor of Angola after its independence.
Set in the area surrounding the Angolan capital of Luanda, 'Liberdade' follows a young couple, Betty a seductive but domineering Chinese immigrant and Liberdade, a troubled young Angolan. When Betty tries to take the relationship to the next level Liberdade must go beyond his physical and psychological limits.