The Miracle of Hope (2007)

Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir

Gênero : Documentário, Música

Runtime : 1H 41M


Known for years as one of the most dangerous maximum-security prisons, Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola is the setting for one of the most moving concerts ever given by The Brooklyn Tabernacle Singers. Recorded live, this new DVD features a magnificent, full concert PLUS a powerful docu-video complete with inmate interviews and testimonies focusing on the amazing spiritual revival that is occurring within the prison.




Another Day of Life
No Verão de 1975, Ryszard Kapuscinski, um dos maiores repórteres de guerra do século XX, é enviado para Angola, numa altura em que os portugueses estão em debandada e os movimentos de libertação se envolvem numa guerra civil sem tréguas. De uma Luanda transformada em cidade fantasma sitiada, até à fronteira sul à beira da invasão sul-africana, Kapuscinski é uma testemunha ímpar do nascimento conturbado de um novo país.
Blood Diamonds
Blood Diamonds is a made-for-TV documentary series, originally broadcast on the History Channel, that looks into the trade of diamonds which fund rebellions and wars in many African nations. The program focuses primarily on two nations: Sierra Leone and Angola. Diamonds which are traded for this purpose are known as blood diamonds.
Campo Minado
Christian Erickson Lundgren) é um soldado especializado no desarmamento de explosivos nos campos minados da Angola sofre pela morte do filho em um desses territórios. Seu trabalho, no entanto, não pode parar; e logo ele é procurado por Michelle (Clarie Stansfield), expert do esquadrão anti-bombas, enviada à Angola para desvendar os mistérios em torno de um novo armamento. A novidade tecnológica, chamada A-6, acaba de ser utilizada em um atentado a um senador nos EUA. Juntos, Christian e Michelle vão descobrir que por trás de toda essa violência há ainda ganância, dinheiro e poder.
Ondyelwa: a Festa do Boi Sagrado
Scenes from the three last days of the festival in which the population of the old Kingdom of Jau participate yearly.
A Story from Africa
Following the 1884–85 Berlin Conference resolution on the partition of Africa, the Portuguese army uses a talented ensign to register the effective occupation of the territory belonging to the Cuamato people, conquered in 1907, in the south of Angola. A STORY FROM AFRICA enlivens a rarely seen photographic archive through the tragic tale of Calipalula, the Cuamato nobleman essential to the unfolding of events in this Portuguese pacification campaign.
Scarpette bianche
RAI documentary filmed in 1996 about Angola, whose people, after more than ten years of anti-colonial struggle and twenty of civil war, still suffer due to the amount of active landmines scattered all over the country.
Sissako visits a war-torn Angola after thirty years of war in search of a friend and thereby through interviews reflects on the lost utopias of a generation of Africans who experienced the liberation struggles. His camera is witness to the dislocation and despair of those he encounters living in Angola, however he also discovers the resilient spirit of Africa and optimism for its future in unexpected ways.
Na Cidade Vazia
N'dala foi resgatado por uma irmã de caridade após sua família ser assassinada nos conflitos em Bié, e levado então para Luanda, capital de Angola. O menino tem apenas doze anos e não queria abandonar sua terra natal; ao chegar em Luanda foge do grupo, acreditando conseguir chegar em Bié novamente sozinho. Mas N'dala vivia em uma tribo, e não conhece a cidade; muito menos os perigos que ela tem.
The Recce
After the South African Defense Force wrongfully declares young Recce Henk Viljoen dead behind enemy lines, it’s up to him alone to use every skill and tool in his arsenal to make it back to his grieving wife.
Domingos is a member of an African liberation movement, arrested by the Portuguese secret police, after bloody events in Angola. His wife goes from a prison station to another, trying in vain to find out where he is.
Luanda ya no es de San Pablo
What Makes Quim Run?
A young jet pilot fighter Quim has great difficulty accepting that his recently born child is disabled. His mother advises him to see a witch doctor, but Quim refuses. Instead he looks for his former mistress Djamila. His mind is completely confused and he no longer can distinguish reality from fantasy. A metaphor of Angola after its independence.
Set in the area surrounding the Angolan capital of Luanda, 'Liberdade' follows a young couple, Betty a seductive but domineering Chinese immigrant and Liberdade, a troubled young Angolan. When Betty tries to take the relationship to the next level Liberdade must go beyond his physical and psychological limits.