
Sacred Water (2016)

장르 : 다큐멘터리

상영시간 : 56분

연출 : Olivier Jourdain
각본 : Olivier Jourdain


Sacred Water is a film about female ejaculation and the discussions around it.



Olivier Jourdain
Olivier Jourdain
Olivier Jourdain
Olivier Jourdain
Olivier Jourdain
Olivier Jourdain
Melanie Le Clech
Melanie Le Clech
Mathieu Pierart
Mathieu Pierart
Guy Ndoli
Guy Ndoli
Sound Editor
Sebastien Wielemans
Sebastien Wielemans
Sound Editor
Michel Dutry
Michel Dutry

비슷한 영화

섹스 앤 더 시티
여자들은 원하고, 남자들은 궁금해 하는 그녀들의 짜릿한 연애, 솔직한 섹스, 완벽한 스타일의 모든 것! 당신을 황홀하게 할 그녀들이 온다! 뉴욕을 대표하는 잘나가는 그녀들 캐리, 사만다, 샬롯, 미란다! 남부러울 것 없는 완벽한 직업, 가던 사람도 뒤돌아보게 만드는 화려한 스타일로 뉴욕을 사로잡은 그녀들에게도 고민은 있다! 그건 바로 ‘사랑’. 뉴욕을 대표하는 싱글녀이자 유명 칼럼니스트인 ‘캐리’는 오랜 연인인 ‘미스터 빅’과의 완벽한 사랑을 꿈꾸고, 10살 연하의 배우와 불꽃 같은 사랑에 빠진 ‘사만다’는 그를 따라 할리우드로 떠나지만 자유로운 섹스와 뉴욕, 그리고 우정에 목말라한다. 쿨하고 이지적인 변호사 ‘미란다’는 평화롭기만 했던 결혼 생활에 뜻밖의 위기를 맞이하고, 남부러울 것 없는 결혼생활을 하고 있지만 아이를 가질 수 없어 고민하던 ‘샬롯’에게는 반가운 소식이 찾아오는데! 화려한 도시 뉴욕에서 영원한 해피엔딩을 꿈꾸는 그녀들. 하지만 인생에는 항상 반전이 있기 마련! 해피엔딩을 꿈꾸는 그녀들의 섹스보다 솔직하고 연애보다 짜릿한 사랑이 시작된다!
카메론 포스트의 잘못된 교육
지극히 평범한 일상을 보내는 소녀 ‘카메론’은 자신의 연인 ‘콜리’와 아슬아슬한 관계를 이어가다 보수적인 가족들에 의해 작은 교회가 운영하는 ‘동성애 치료 센터’에 강제 입소하게 된다. 자신의 성 정체성을 부정하고 교육하는 학교에서 ‘카메론’은 진짜 자신의 모습을 찾아 나서는데…
투 두 리스트
메리워터 고교 사상 최고 학점, 독보적인 교내외 활동으로 주목 받는 모범생 브랜디 클락(오브리 프라자). 그러나 졸업생 대표 연설에서 “숫처녀는 꺼져!”라는 야유를 듣고 내려온 브랜디는 충격에 빠진다. 절친 웬디와 피오나의 꼬임으로 광란의 맥주파티에 가게 된 브랜디는 그곳에서 섹시한 킹카, 러스티(스콧 포터)를 만나고 잠재된 욕망이 꿈틀대는 것을 느낀다. 좀 놀아본 언니 앰버와 날라리 친구들의 충고로 대학 입학 전까지 꼭 숙제(?)를 마치기로 한 브랜디는 최종 목표를 러스티와의 섹스로 정하고 그 역사적인 순간을 위해 “해야 할 일의 리스트”를 만든다. 수영장 응급구조원으로 일하게 된 브랜디는 자신의 최종 목표를 달성하기 위해 하드 트레이닝에 들어가고, 각종 음란 도서를 탐독하며 주변 남자들을 상대로 다양한 성적 경험을 해본다. 한편 브랜디를 마음에 품고 있던 연구실 동료 캐머런(조니 시몬스)도 그녀의 연습상대가 되고, 캐머런은 브랜디를 향한 마음이 더 커진다. 드디어 디 데이. 모든 연습을 마친 브랜디는 러스티와의 섹스만을 남겨두고 있는데…
미니의 19금 일기
미니는 다른 10대 소녀들처럼 자신을 수용해 주고 목적의식이 있는 사랑을 갈망한다. 미니는 “세상에서 제일 잘생긴 남자”인 엄마의 남자친구 먼로와 복잡한 밀회를 가지게 되는데...
여대생 처녀파티
오랫동안 친구였던 슈, 쉐릴, 렉시는 이제 대학 초년생이다. 그녀의 엄마들은 산부인과 산후조리원에서 만난 동기생들. 이들의 긴 인연은 매년 함께 생일 파티를 여는 식으로 십수년 째 이어지고 있다. 그런데 올해는 상황이 달라졌다. 바로 18세 생일이기 때문. 그녀들은 이제 처녀성 따위는 버려버리기로 결심하는데…….
During casting sessions, young women from Copenhagen talk candidly about their sexual experiences. Initially, the two female directors wanted to make a film as a way of better understanding their own sexual desires and frustrations. In response to a casting call, more than a hundred ordinary young women turned up and talked straight into the camera about their erotic fantasies. As shooting progressed, the filmmakers realized that these intimate casting sessions should in fact be the final film.
#여성 쾌락
A plea for the liberation of female sexuality in the 21st century. The film questions millennial patriarchal structures, as well as todays omnipresent porn culture. It accompanies five extraordinary women around the globe, reveals universal contexts and shows the successful fight of these courageous women for a self-determined female sexuality and an equal, passionate relationship between the sexes.
도쿄 아이돌스
1만 명에 달하는 여자 아이돌, 머리가 희끗희끗한 오타쿠 삼촌팬. 악수마저 상품화된 일본 아이돌 시장에서 삶에 찌든 남성들은 순수한 소녀를 꿈꾸며 아낌없이 지갑을 연다.
커밍 순
Privileged teenage friends Jenny, Nell and Stream spend their senior year on a quest to rid Stream of her virginity. However, Stream wants more than just her first sexual experience. She wants to have an orgasm -- but achieving this proves problematic, as the boys she meets are hardly sensitive enough to provide her the release she seeks. When it becomes clear that Nell and Jenny have never experienced an orgasm either, all three set out to get one.
Do Women Have a Higher Sex Drive?
For years men have thought women had a lower sexdrive? Can men be proven wrong again? The film explores the the scientific, historical, biological and social aspects behind the female sex drive and female gaze.
커니의 성인식
이 영화는 모래 속의 진주같은 발견이다. '스무스 토크'는 노벨 문학상 후보로 거론 되어온 미국작가 조이스 캐롤 오츠(Joyce Carol Oates)의 1966년 단편소설 'Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?' 원작으로 초프라 감독의 남편 톰 콜(Tom Cole)이 각색했다. 여기에 인기 가수 제임스 테일러(James Taylor)가 음악감독을 맡았으며, 그의 히트곡 '핸디맨(HandyMan)'이 피날레에 흐른다. 흥행엔 실패했지만, 1986년 선댄스 영화제 심사위원대상을 수상한 수작이다.
플레저 오브 스킨 감각탐구
피부학 교수 마리는 섹스가 피부에 미치는 영향을 연구한다. 직접 다양한 남자와 관계를 맺으며 몸의 변화를 기록한다. 남편은 이런 연구를 이해 못하고 집을 나가버린다. 게다가 제자는 동료 교수를 성폭행으로 고소하고 딸은 벌써 많은 경험을 갖고 있다고 고백하는데… 여교수의 실전 감각 여행을 훔쳐본다!
와일드 체리
주인공 체이스(루머 윌리스)는 십대 성관계에 대한 다큐멘터리 찍으며 새로운 친구들을 사귀게 된다. 체이스 와 친구들은 남친들의 비밀들을 알게 되면서 골탕먹일 계획을 세워 귀여운 복수극을 펼친다. 남친들 의 나체사진을 찍어 게시판에 올리고 화가 난 남친들은 사정 물을 얼려서 여친들 을 골탕 먹이려다되려 자기들이 먹게 된다. 체이스 와 친구들은 계획수행에도 불구하고 적당한 때에 성을 개방할 생각으로 서로 비밀 조약을 하게 되는데 …
Inside Her Sex
Inside Her Sex is a thought-provoking, feature-length documentary that explores female sexuality and shame through the eyes and experiences of three women from different walks of life, each brave enough to chart her own course of sexual discovery: Elle Chase, a popular sex blogger, Candida Royalle, the creator of Femme Productions Inc., a feminist, adult film company designed to speak with a woman's voice and Samantha Allen, the ex-devout Mormon and current gender, sex, and tech writer for The Daily Beast.
Le Clitoris
Women are lucky, they get to have the only organ in the human body dedicated exclusively for pleasure: the clitoris! In this humorous and instructive animated documentary, find out its unrecognized anatomy and its unknown herstory.
소녀혁명 우테나 - Adolescence 묵시록
기숙사제의 전문학교 오오토리 학원에 전학 온 텐죠 우테나는 교내에서 '장미의 신부'라고 불리우는 소녀 히메미야 안시와 만나게 되고, 그 때문에 학생들간의 결투에 휘말려든다. 우테나는 점점 안시와 가까워지지만 그럴 수록 안시가 감추고 있던 비밀을 하나 둘 알아가게 된다. 결국 우테나는 안시와 함께 '바깥세계'로 탈출하기로 결심하는데...
Passion & Power: The Technology of Orgasm
This is the story of one simple invention, the vibrator, and its relationship to one complex human behavior, the female orgasm.
An intimate statement about the filmmaker’s need for self-expression through her own nudity and simultaneously an effort to reject the taboo of patriarchal society. Using diary entries, anger-filled personal reflections, and discussions with a mother painting her nude daughter, the film opens the topic of overcoming shame for one’s own physicality and female sexuality.
The Little Death
Even now, in times of an ubiquitous sexualisation of everyday life, the female orgasm continues to remain a mystery. In the documentary essay LA PETITE MORT, women of different ages and with different sexual preferences share how they experience orgasms, describe what it feels like and open up about a failed climax. Removed from pornography and excessive eroticism, they open up in indirect conversation with director-narrator Annie Gisler, who illustrates the sensual narratives of her protagonists with poetic, abstract and metaphorical images. Driven by the desire to overcome taboos and expectations that still overshadow female sexuality, the young Swiss filmmaker provides a sensitive and humorous examination of feminine intimacy in all its multifaceted richness. A dialogue among women, for women. And men.
A documentary about slutshaming.

추천 영화

Cena de matrimonios
Small Gods
After her son gets killed in a car crash, Elena loses all lust for life. Recovering from the crash in a hospital a stranger, David, kidnaps her and takes her for a mysterious journey in an old camper.
Maria Bethania: Music is Perfume
Brazilian singer Maria Bethania has a 40-year singing career. A documentary shows her concerts and famous family.
El bracero del año
The movie theme is the migration of Mexicans to the United States in search of the "American dream". Piporro crosses the Rio Grande swimming illegally, and lives a series of events that lead him from walking away from the police to winning the award for "Bracero of the Year" for his work in the harvest. Prize that he will lose before returning to Mexico just as he had gone: no money in the bag.
Jimmy Rivière
Jimmy Rivière is a young Gypsy, has a sunny but nervous disposition. Sometimes too nervous. Under pressure from his community, he converts to Pentacostalism and renounces his two passions: Thai boxing and Sonia. But how can he refuse the new fight that his trainer proposes? And how can he resist the powerful desire that draws him to Sonia?
30 Miles
An act of kindness leads to the destruction of two lives in just thirty miles, when a hitchiker and his ride let down their guards and reveal intimate, dark secrets about their pasts
La edad de piedra
Capulina chip and are transported back to prehistoric times with a time machine. There they live crazy adventures.
First-Year Student
Marina Orlova couldn't even imagine how many adventures are expecting to her in a first grade...
The Shadow of the Other
Una divertida aventura de Viruta y Capulina en donde se verán enredados en un lío de boxeadores confundiendo tanto la situación que ni sus bellas amigas los podrán salvar de una gran golpiza.
Hollywood Talkies
Hollywood, 1927. The talkies have just been born and the big movie studios, responding to the demand of millions of Spanish speakers, begin to produce Spanish versions of their most ambitious productions. It is when a group of Spanish directors, screenwriters and actors decide to settle in Los Angeles in order to make a name for themselves among the biggest stars.
The Riders of the Whistling Skull
When Professor Marsh disappears while searching for the lost city of Lukachukai, his daughter enlists the help of the Three Mesquiteers.
El que tenga un amor
Victor must leave his life of partying and change his girlfriend, Lucero, for the bride that awaits him in his hometown.
These ladies prefer the mambo
Private Diary
Private Diary documents photographer Pedro Usabiaga working with a variety of amateur models. The audience sees how the relationships between the photographer and the subjects changes during their time together, as well as how the individual photographs begin to take shape. Pedro Usabiaga is a well-established Basque photographer whose chief concerns are figurative photography and whose passion in photographing the Spanish male. In this hour long conversation with the artist we are given entry into that process of selecting models (none of the models he uses for this book to be titled 'Private Diary' are professional, but instead are randomly chosen as Usabiaga observes athletes in action) and then allowed to follow Usabiaga and his crew as they photograph these men in natural settings and natural light.
Miss Kiet's Children
Kiet Engels is the kind of teacher one wishes every schoolchild could have. She is strict but never harsh. She is loving but never soft. Her patience in endless. Miss Kiet’s pupils have only just arrived in Holland. Many are refugees. Everything is new and confusing. Some at first are quarrelsome and headstrong. But Miss Kiet’s firm but loving hand brings calm and awakens interest. She not only teaches her pupils to read and write Dutch, but also helps them learn to solve problems together and respect one another. Slowly the children gain skills and confidence.
Of God and Dogs
A young Free Syrian Army fighter confesses. He says he killed a man he questioned extensively, and knew to be innocent. He narrates how he had to shoot a short range bullet, before going to bury him in tears. Then he promises to avenge the God who led him to commit the murder. And he asks the director to stop filming.
Black Roots
Black Roots is the fourth feature-length film produced and directed by American independent filmmaker Lionel Rogosin. The film gathers a number of African American folk and blues musicians in a room, where they share stories and songs about the black experience in America.
Stylistic documentary about the cyberpunk movement. William Gibson, author of cyberpunk classic Neuromancer, and Timothy Leary, famous advocate of psychedelic drugs, share their thoughts on the future of society and technology.
A largely plotless, fado-scored journey through the gloomy cobblestone streets, zombie bars, and fetid basements of a sordid harbor town populated by German-speaking sots and Portuguese guest workers. An unhappy young couple, Leni and Anton, quarrel and split separately into the rat’s ass of the evening. Everyone is looking for love, but no one finds any—although Leni does pick up a trick.