
Japanese Devils (2001)

장르 : 다큐멘터리, 전쟁

상영시간 : 2시간 40분

연출 : Minoru Matsui


A documentary recording the testimony of fourteen former Japanese soldiers as they recount atrocities and war crimes committed during the Second World War, including the the infamous Unit 731 medical experimentation group. Having been trained by their country to be nothing but killers, the soldiers claim to have become morally numb and unable to see non-Japanese as even human. Perhaps feeling some remorse for what they have done, they now choose to tell their stories for the world to hear.


Yoshio Tsuchiya
Yoshio Tsuchiya
Himself / Former 2nd Lieutenant, MP / Witness #1
Hakudo Nagatomi
Hakudo Nagatomi
Himself / Former Sergeant, Army / Witness #2
Yoshio Shinozuka
Yoshio Shinozuka
Himself / Former Corporal, Army / Witness #3
Tsuyoshi Ebato
Tsuyoshi Ebato
Himself / Former Sergeant, Army / Witness #4
Taisuke Funyu
Taisuke Funyu
Himself / Former Sergeant Major, Army / Witness #5
Masao Shikada
Masao Shikada
Himself / Former 2nd Lieutenant / Witness #6
Yoshio Suzuki
Yoshio Suzuki
Himself / Former Sergeant Major, Army / Witness #7
Yasuji Kaneko
Yasuji Kaneko
Himself / Former Corporal, Army / Witness #8
Masayo Enomoto
Masayo Enomoto
Himself / Former Sergeant Major, Army / Witness #9
Ken Yuasa
Ken Yuasa
Himself / Former 1st Lieutenant, Army Medical Corps / Witness #10
Ichiro Koyama
Ichiro Koyama
Himself / Former Sergeant, Army / Witness #11
Shozo Tominaga
Shozo Tominaga
Himself / Former 1st Lieutenant, Army / Witness #12
Tetsuji Kubota
Tetsuji Kubota
Himself / Former Sergeant Major, Army / Witness #13
Takeshi Kobayashi
Takeshi Kobayashi
Himself / Former Corporal, Army / Witness #14


Minoru Matsui
Minoru Matsui
Minoru Matsui
Minoru Matsui
Minoru Matsui
Minoru Matsui
Kenichi Oguri
Kenichi Oguri
Director of Photography
Kenichi Oguri
Kenichi Oguri
Sound Recordist
Ryosuke Sato
Ryosuke Sato
Original Music Composer
Hiromi Hanai
Hiromi Hanai
Assistant Director
Kenichi Oguri
Kenichi Oguri
Minoru Matsui
Minoru Matsui

비슷한 영화

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더 킹: 헨리 5세
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