The Gift (2003)
장르 : 다큐멘터리
상영시간 : 1시간 20분
연출 : Michelangelo Frammartino
In 1950, the small Calabrian village of Caulonia still numbered nearly 15,000 souls, but there now remain no more than a few hundred. A phlegmatic old man and a young disabled woman are among the last inhabitants who haunt the deserted village. They seem to be waiting apathetically for their end and resemble the old boat abandoned on the shore. Il Dono is the story of those who have left, told by those who have stayed; a tale of disaster and exodus.
Retired police detective Roland Hassel (Lars-Erik Berenett, who played Hassel on TV in the 1980s) is determined to solve the 1986 assassination of Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme. Without access to police files, however, the best he can manage is to attend an inept re-enactment on the 25th anniversary of the murder...
Loving cult film and idiosyncratic musical portrait of summer festivities in the Catalan village of Crespià, with early performances by the well-known faces from the work of Serra.
Trudging through the snow in his hometown, Felix sees a billboard advertising sunny Egypt, and says that he'd give four of his nine lives to be there rather than freezing in the snow. He then hears crying coming from his friend Abdul's carpet shop, and it turns out that Abdul's girlfriend has been kidnapped by an Egyptian sheik. Felix promises to rescue her, and hops on a magic carpet Abdul has lying around the shop, says the magic word and flies off to Egypt to keep his promise.
In Men of the City, Isaacs takes a more stylised approach to the lives of workers in the City of London during the recent financial meltdown, balancing sensitive portraits of diverse individuals striving to retain their dignity and humanity in the midst of the crisis. Strong human characters are at the heart of all of Isaacs' work, and with these films he continues to create a unique vision of modern Britain.
Four types of visual interpretation of four songs by Karol Szymanowski. Polish words by Julian Tuwin, English translation by Jan Sliwinski.
A family's place in the wilderness, outside of time; free-range animals and children, junk and nature, all within the most sublime landscape. The work aims at an idea of freedom, which is reflected in the hand-processed Scope format, but is undercut with a sense of foreboding. There's no particular story; beginning, middle or end, just fragments of lives lived, rituals performed.
A documentary of the life of record collector Joe Bussard.
About the Chinese drivers who transport coal from the coal fields to the buyers.
One of America’s foremost practitioners of the essay film presents a major new work inspired by the writings of Gilles Deleuze on cinema. Andersen’s The Thoughts That Once We Had is a richly layered journey through cinematic history, masterfully edited as it playfully moves across decades and genres, and suffused at every turn by the renowned filmmaker and critic’s lifelong passion for the movies.
Short science fiction film, a companion piece to Kluge's Der Große Verhau and Willi Tobler und der Untergang der 6. Flotte.
다큐멘터리와 픽션, 동화를 넘나드는 이 대서사시는 그 자체로 하나의 거대한 미로다. 소설가이자 작곡가인 폴 볼스의 이야기와 관측적인 푸티지가 결합된 이 프로젝트는 시네마의 본질인 환영에 대한 다층적인 탐구라 할 수 있다. (2016년 제17회 전주국제영화제)
"Budapest Tales" is about a group of people (consisting of Szabo regular Andras Balint along with Ildiko Bansagi and Karoly Kovacs) who find a broken down tram while trying to go to the city. The people band together and try to get the tram back on the train tracks and head towards the city. Along this journey the passengers encounter many people who join them on the tram. What started out as only a handful of people has now turned into a small village. As the people travel on to the city each person takes on certain roles and through the course of time these roles will change. Some people fall in love, others out of love, and a few even die. But life goes on. The people keep the tram going hoping to reach Budapest.
Originally aired on Russian television, this five-part semi-documentary series tells the story of a Russian naval commander in charge of an Arctic-based ship. The film provokes a meditation on solitude and isolation, while revealing the daily duties associated with the ship. Voice-over narration by the commander, other sailors, and even a third-person voice provide the "confession" of the title.
Four short stories from Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Finland.
An hour-long filmed profile of Amos Vogel, 82-year old New York resident and Austrian emigre, founder of the New York Film Festival and America's most important film society, Cinema 16.
이 작품은 35mm로 촬영되었고, 영화 전체를 걸쳐 다중 노출을 사용한다. 여러 이미지가 한데 보이는 장면들은 우리에게 자연에서 도시로 변화하는 것을 동시에 보여준다. 오닐은 또한 긴 패닝과 트래킹 샷을 사용하는데, 이는 특별히 디자인된 컴퓨터로 작동하는 움직임으로 컨트롤한 것으로 오리지널 테이크에 정확하게 다른 레이어를 추가할 수 있게 한다. 그는 또는 영화의 많은 부분에 저속 촬영을 사용했다.
27년 간의 식물인간 상태에서 깨어난 소설가 신효. 누구에게도 인정받지 못했던 젊은 시절과 달리 현실에서 그는 ‘전설’이 되어 있다. 그러나 그는 출판된 소설들이 자신이 쓴 원작과는 완전히 다르다는 것을 발견하고, 의문을 풀기 위해 ‘우연제’와 단서를 쥐고 있는 27년 전의 인물을 찾아 나서기 시작한다. 젊은 작가들의 작업실 ‘우연제’를 만든 당대 최고 소설가 김기진의 아들이지만 아버지에 대한 열등감을 감추고 있는 성환, 신효의 재능에 헌신했지만 결국 그를 파멸로 몰고 가는 여자 재혜, 여공 출신의 성공한 젊은 소설가지만 문단의 질시로 주저앉고 마는 경미. 과연 신효를 대신해 불멸의 명작을 완성한 이는 누구일까?
Short propaganda film. Warsaw's post-war reconstruction as seen through the eyes of the passengers of a red bus.
A stunning study of real-time light changing from day to night which was filmed in a forest high up in California’s Sierra Nevada Mountains
"Blushing Charlie" - Truckdriver and bachelor Charlie meets homeless and seven months pregnant Pia. They both dream of finding someone to share their lives with. Charlie then faces a dilemma whether to take part in a demonstration in favor of Cuba, and in addition with his employer's truck.