
한계상황 (2018)

성공을 위해 어디까지 할 수 있지?

장르 : 다큐멘터리

상영시간 : 1시간 14분

연출 : Marta Prus


엘리트 러시아 리듬 체조 선수인 마가리타 마문(Margarita Mamun)의 올림픽 챔피언이되기 위한 과정


Margarita Mamun
Margarita Mamun


Marta Prus
Marta Prus
Anna Kępińska
Anna Kępińska
Maciej Kubicki
Maciej Kubicki

비슷한 영화

Wildwood, NJ
This film takes you down the shore with an all-women crew to Wildwood, NJ, the last great American blue-collar seaside carnival town. Wildwood, NJ moves beyond gum-cracking, big hair, and press-on nails to look into the souls of women raised on the boardwalks rides and beaches. A Wildwood honeymoon, virginity lost to a boardwalk stranger, fistfights, madness, babies, and no matter what, returning to Wildwood year after year as they grow up and grow old.
A film crew follows three grieving participants of Miami’s annual T Ball, where folks assemble to model R.I.P. t-shirts and innovative costumes designed in honor of their dead.
This Czech documentary presents a visit to the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (a.k.a. Trans-Dniestr) as a trip to a museum of communist totalitarianism. The country, whose independence has been recognized by only a few other states, remains an isolated multi-ethnic enclave held together by an authoritarian regime. In a country where you are only allowed to film out the window of a train, the locals are afraid of being denounced but are glad to live in a comfortable refuge from the hectic modern world, and songs on television celebrate the president.
Always a Bridesmaid
Nina Davenport's journey through her life as a wedding videographer who is unable to receive a marriage commitment from her boyfriend. As she attempts to make sense of her life, Davenport interviews elderly women who never married and her own mother, who was quite the prize in her day.
뷰티풀 플래닛
A breathtaking portrait of Earth from space, providing a unique perspective and increased understanding of our planet and galaxy as never seen before. Made in cooperation with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the film features stunning footage of our magnificent blue planet — and the effects humanity has had on it over time — captured by the astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS).
Beauty School
Take a trip to dog grooming school.
The Road of Fraternity and Unity
This first-person documentary provides an inside look into the terrifying and bloody events that shook Central Europe in the 1990s, as the filmmaker takes a trip along the road that once united the disparate states of Yugoslavia, from Slovenia to Macedonia. A film about memory, hatred, love and hope.
They Called Him Mostly Harmless
When an unidentified hiker is found deceased in the Florida wilderness, authorities release a sketch. Multiple hikers call in claiming to have met the man. There's only one problem – he never told them his name. It would take two years, thousands of devoted internet sleuths, and a miracle of science to identify him, and that's when the trouble really starts.
Sentenced Home
This film is a gripping documentary exploration that humanizes the United States' tragically flawed immigration policy. The film follows the story of 3 Cambodian-American immigrants living in Seattle (who came as children in the early 80s, when a multitude of Cambodian refugees were given housing in the city's projects) whose teenage rebellions catch up with them in a horrific way.
Going Up the Stairs
Akram, an illiterate Iranian woman, shows us that true talent will always refuse to be stifled, and that you don't need an education to understand, to feel, and to paint. She discovered her talent quite by chance at the age of 50, when she was helping her grandson with his homework…
더 레드 필
본래 캐시 제이는 페미니스트 였으며 원래는 남성인권단체를 비판할 목적으로 그들과 인터뷰했으나, 하지만 캐시 제이의 생각과 달리 남성인권단체가 주장하는 것들이 정말 옳다고 생각하여서 아예 남성인권 다큐멘터리를 제작하게 되었으며 그 과정에서 캐시 제이는 페미니스트를 관두기를 선언했다. 이름의 유래는 역시 1번의 매트릭스의 빨간약에서 따온 개념으로, 캐시 제이가 그간 가지고있던 남성은 항상 권력자의 위치에 있으며 혐오, 차별의 대상이 될 수 없다고 믿어왔던 기존의 페미니스트로써의 신념을 버리고 남성인권에도 관심을 가지게 되었다는 의미이다. 당연하지만 미국의 여성인권단체의 각종 항의로 인해서 몇번 극장에서 상영취소가 되기도 하였다.
In The Name of the Emperor
A matter-of-fact documentary of the massacre of over 300,000 Chinese civilians by the Japanese in the so-called 'Rape of Nanjing' in 1937. In the name of the Japanese emperor Hirohito, the desperate soldiers, enraged by intense Chinese resistance, stormed the then capitol of China and over a six week period systematically raped, tortured, and killed many of the inhabitants of that city. This is a matter-of-fact although polemical documentary, with many of the horrifyingly intense images taken from home movies made by an American missionary who was there.
Billy Bragg & Wilco: Man in the Sand
"Man in the Sand" is a 1999 music documentary that chronicles the collaboration between Billy Bragg and Wilco, which involved the musicians creating new music to accompany lyrics that were written decades earlier by folk singer Woody Guthrie. The project, which was organized by Woody's daughter Nora, spawned two albums: "Mermaid Avenue," released in 1998, and "Mermaid Avenue Vol. II," released in 2000.
회상: 지옥의 묵시록
베트남 전쟁을 배경으로 극한에 처한 인간의 광기와 전쟁의 공포를 그린 프랜시스 포드 코폴라의 1979년작 의 제작 과정에 대한 다큐멘터리. 작가이기도 한 코폴라의 부인 엘레노어 코폴라가 연출에 참여했으며, 제목은 에 영감을 주었던 영국 현대 문학의 대표작 『어둠의 심연』(1899, 조지프 콘래드)에서 가져왔다. 기상 악화, 배우들의 컨디션 난조 등의 이유로 촬영은 계속 지연되어 제작비가 눈덩이처럼 불어나자 코폴라 감독의 경력은 물론 그의 삶까지 위태로워진다. 출연 배우들과 제작진의 생생한 증언까지 들을 수 있다. (ⓒ Tamasa Distribution(France)/(재)영화의전당)
Richard Lester!
A tribute to Richard Lester, Philadelphia-born filmmaker who moved to England to direct the modern classics "A Hard Day's Night," "Petulia," and "Help!"
Running Fence
Second in the series by the Maysles brothers documenting the monuments/sculptures of Christo, whose art projects are landscape-scaled, and more "pop" performance art designed to question how we relate to art in the public sphere, especially when it's as oblique, non-political (at least, that is what he would claim), and neutral as running a fence through a landscape.
The Maysles' third film about the artists sees them trying to get three projects off the ground: wrapping the Pont Neuf, the oldest bridge in Paris; wrapping the Reichstag; and surrounding eleven man-made islands in Florida with pink plastic sheets. As the latter is the only one that gets approval, it gets the bulk of this film.
Christo in Paris
Documentary about conceptual artist Christo and his wife Jeanne-Claude's attempt to "wrap" the Pont-Neuf in Paris.
Melting Snow
In 1952, the mayor of San Juan, Felisa Rincon de Gautier, partnered with the now defunct U.S. carrier Eastern Airlines to transport two tons of snow from New Hampshire to Puerto Rico. The snow was a gift to the island meant to enchant Puerto Rican children with a “white” American Christmas. The spectacle represented an unfair economic transaction: planes brought capitalist instant gratification in the form of snow, and returned to the U.S. filled with the Puerto Rican cheap labor that would populate el barrio. Puerto Rico’s colonial captivity is condensed in the “gift” of melting snow.
De cendres et de braises
The poetic and political portrait of a working-class suburb undergoing transformation, "De Cendres et de Braises" invites us to listen to the words of the inhabitants of the Mureaux housing project, near the Renault-Flins factory. Whether they are gentle, rebellious, or sung at the foot of the project's tower blocks, at the factory entrance, or beside a fire, these words take us through the night until a new day rises.