
In the Turmoil of the Russian Revolution (2017)

장르 : 다큐멘터리, TV 영화

상영시간 : 0분

연출 : Patrick Cabouat


2017 marks the centenary of one of the most significant events of the 20th century - the Russian Revolution. Using the private journals of Pierre Gilliard, tutor to the Romanov children, this film is an intimate and eye-opening account of the Russian Imperial family in those days of turmoil. How did they get through their days? How did they perceive their lives as their world crumbled around them?


Marie-Cécile Lucas
Marie-Cécile Lucas
Orlando Figes
Orlando Figes
Hélène Carrère d'Encausse
Hélène Carrère d'Encausse
Pierre-Frédéric Gilliard
Pierre-Frédéric Gilliard
Daniel Girardin
Daniel Girardin
Jean-Jacques Marie
Jean-Jacques Marie
Maxime Dorian
Maxime Dorian
Lucie Leporowska
Lucie Leporowska
Mathilde Marillat
Mathilde Marillat
Mathilde Marillat
Mathilde Marillat
Hugues Meissel
Hugues Meissel
Mathieu Trémenbert
Mathieu Trémenbert
Frédéric Valentin
Frédéric Valentin


Patrick Cabouat
Patrick Cabouat
Patrick Cabouat
Patrick Cabouat
Christian Dumais-Lvowski
Christian Dumais-Lvowski
Charlotte Teillard d'Eyry
Charlotte Teillard d'Eyry

비슷한 영화

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