Her Private Life (1929)
Billie Dove more radiantly beautiful than ever before
장르 : 드라마, 로맨스
상영시간 : 1시간 20분
연출 : Alexander Korda
A English aristocrat causes a scandal when she divorces her husband and runs off with a young American.
The south sea island Tonga is full of plantations and scoundrels. Ellen Bradford arrives expecting marriage to respectable and successful plantation owner only to find he is a drunk and gambler. Being the only white woman she is the desire of scoundrels and cut-throats.
세계 1차 대전의 상황에서 헨리는 작가의 꿈을 접고 의료병의로 자원하여 근무하게 된다. 어느날 영국에서 온 임시 간호원 캐서린을 만나게 되고, 헨리가 부상을 당해 병원에 입원해 있는동안 캐서린의 간호속에 두사람은 깊은 사랑에 빠지게 되고 꿈같은 시간을 함께 보내던 어느 날 캐서린은 자신의 임신 사실을 헨리에게 알린다. 하지만 당시 유부녀는 전방에 있을수 없다는 규율 때문에 결혼은 불가능 했다.전방으로 간 헨리 중위를 기다리고 있는것은 과로로 정신이 이상해진 리날디 소령이었다. 자신의 도움을 필요로하는 부상병을 버리고 후퇴했다는 자책감으로 헛소리를 하는 리날디 소령을 헌병들이 독일 첩자라 단정짓고 체포한다. 그를 변호하던 헨리 중위도 같이 체포되고 리날리 소령의 총살형 장면을 목격한 헨리는 군사 재판소에서 탈주를 한다. 간신히 캐서린은 헨리중위를 설득하여 스위스로 탈출을 감행한다. 무사히 스위스에 도착한 헨니와 케서린은 아이의 출산만을 기다리며 행복한 나날을 보낸다. 마침내 진통이 시작된 캐서린은 생각지도 못한 난산을 격게 되는데...
금주령 시대, 탐 파워스는 술집, 당구장 등을 어슬렁대며 퍼티 노우즈 같은 불량한 친구들과 어울린다. 곧 탐과 맷은 무자비하지만 품격있는 밀주업자인 패디 라이언에 의해 고용되고 거침없는 성공에 힘입어 그들은 업계의 정상에 이르는데... 개봉 당시 선례 없는 섹스와 폭력 묘사로 악명을 떨쳤으며, 브로드웨이 댄서 출신의 마이너 배우에 불과했던 제임스 캐그니를 스타덤에 올려놨다. 윌리엄 웰먼은 이 영화의 성공을 모두 제임스 캐그니 덕분이라고 했는데, 그것은 그가 누구도 흉내 낼 수 없는 '순진한 소년의 모습을 간직한 갱스터'를 연기해냈기 때문이다.
참고 사항. 하워드 휴즈의 전기 영화 에도 표현되어 있듯, 현재까지도 비행 전투 장면에 있어서 최고의 장면으로 기록된다. 3명의 조종사가 촬영 도중 사망했고 '유성 영화'가 등장하자 처음부터 재촬영을 했던 전설적인 영화다.
A circus performer falls in love with the son of a plantation owner in antebellum New Orleans. When the young man's stepmother objects to the wedding, the couple break apart and go their separate ways for a time. Also in the mix are two circus comics who feud over the heart of another Southern belle.
After a road accident in Hungary, the American honeymooners Joan and Peter and the enigmatic Dr. Werdegast find refuge in the house of the famed architect Hjalmar Poelzig, who shares a dark past with the doctor.
A condemned murderer, in the process of being executed, relives the events that led to his being sentenced to die in the electric chair. Told in flashback, we witness a sleazy dancehall girl (Vivienne Osborne) dupe a high rise riveter (Edward G. Robinson) into marriage so she can live off of him. But when he loses his job and his marbles, she ends up supporting him with money from her side man--and misses no opportunity to rub it in Robinson's face that she's now supporting him in his emasculated state. As the animosity grows and things get more and more unbearable for Robinson, he is eventually driven to desperate measures.
제임스 파커와 해리 홀트는 아프리카로 그들에게 부를 안겨 줄 상아가 있는 코끼리 무덤을 찾아 떠난다. 한편 예상치 못하게 파커의 아릿다운 딸 제인이 찾아오게 되고 그들의 탐험에 함께 합류하게 되는데, 해리는 제인에게 끌리게 되면서 그녀를 정글의 많은 위험들로 부터 보호하기 위해 최선을 다한다.
Infamous burglar "The Bat" commits a daring jewelry theft despite heavy police presence. Soon after, a bank theft occurs, which may be the work of the criminal as well. Meanwhile, Cornelia Van Gorder has various people arrive at her old mansion, including her niece, Dale, a bank employee, and police detective Anderson. When guests start turning up dead, Cornelia begins to suspect that The Bat may be lurking around the estate.
Dale Jordan is first accepted by the aristocratic first-cabin passengers on a south-bound Panama-Pacific liner until they discover she is a member of a troupe of cabaret girls led by Trixie Snell en route for the Bull Ring Cabaret in Panama City.
Lee is a fresh young kid from the South when he gets a job with The Press. His first assignment on gangsters gets his name in the paper, the police on a raid and Lee in the hospital.
Dee is a naive chorus girl living in a boarding house full of low-paid actors. Dee and Billy are in love and he helps her to move from chorus girl to star. Things run afoul when jealousy, misunderstandings and sleazy men enter the picture.
Two flappers try to get their newspaper reporter boyfriends to pay attention to them.
The lives of the residents of a Manhattan apartment building are intertwined with the actions of a crooked investor.
A trio of veteran pilots joins an aerial circus.
Wilkie and Mitchell, trying to desert their draft into the army, stow away on a ship which takes them into the war zone. While AWOL, the rivals for Mary's affections accidently destroy an ammunition dump.
Margot Rande, a basically decent woman, is led down the path to perdition by her bank robber husband.
Too bad for presidential hopes of banker T.K. Blair; his party feels he has too little flair for savoir faire. But at a medicine show, the party bosses find Blair's double: huckster Doc Varney. Of course, they scheme to make Varney T.K.'s public spokesman; at first, he even fools Blair's girlfriend Felicia, providing a romantic complication. As election eve approaches, the conspirators face the problem of what to do with Varney...who has difficult decisions of his own to make.
An honest and naive schoolteacher gets a lesson in how the world works outside the classroom, when a rich Baron and his mistress use the teacher's name and outstanding reputation in a crooked business scheme.
A society man's loving, devoted wife, upon learning that he has been unfaithful and is planning to leave her for the other woman, strategically pretends to be having an affair of her own. The woman's friends gladly assist in the deception.