Montagu Love

Montagu Love

출생 : 1880-03-15, Portsmouth, Hampshire, England, UK

사망 : 1943-05-17


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Montagu Love (15 March 1880 – 17 May 1943), also known as Montague Love, was an English screen, stage and vaudeville actor. Born Harry Montague Love in Portsmouth, Hampshire, he was the son of Harry Love (b. 1852) and Fanny Louisa Love, née Poad (b. 1856); his father was listed as accountant on the 1881 English Census. Educated in Great Britain, Love began his career as an artist and military correspondent with his first important job as a London newspaper cartoonist. Love honed basic stage talents in London, and in 1913 sailed to the Canada and crossed the border into the United States in November with a road-company production of Cyril Maude's Grumpy. Usually Love was cast in heartless villain roles. In the 1920s, he played with Rudolph Valentino in The Son of the Sheik, opposite John Barrymore in Don Juan, and appeared with Lillian Gish in 1928's The Wind. He also portrayed 'Colonel Ibbetson' in Forever (1921), the silent film version of Peter Ibbetson. Love was one of the more successful villains in silent films. One of Love's first sound films was the part-talkie The Mysterious Island co-starring Lionel Barrymore. In 1937, he played Henry VIII in the first talking film version of Mark Twain's The Prince and the Pauper, with Errol Flynn. Love played the bigoted Bishop of the Black Canons in The Adventures of Robin Hood, starring Flynn, too. However, he also played gruff authoritarian figures, such as Monsieur Cavaignac, who, contrary to history, demands the resignation of those responsible for the Dreyfus coverup, in The Life of Emile Zola (1937), as well as Don Alejandro de la Vega, whose son appears to be a fop but is actually Zorro, in the 1940 version of The Mark of Zorro, starring Tyrone Power. In 1941, he played a doctor in Shining Victory, which also starred James Stephenson, Geraldine Fitzgerald and Donald Crisp. In 1939's Gunga Din, it is Montagu Love who reads the final stanza of Rudyard Kipling's original poem over the body of the slain Din. Love's last film to be released, Devotion, was released three years after his death aged 63 in 1943. He was interred at Chapel of the Pines Crematory. His last acting stint was on Wings Over the Pacific (1943).

프로필 사진

Montagu Love
Montagu Love

참여 작품

A narrative feature made from a collage of clips from various films around the world.
Torpedo of Doom
Col. White
This is a TV-movie feature edited from the 1938 Republic serial "Fighting Devil Dogs"
Rev. Brontë
In Victorian England, literary siblings Emily and Charlotte Brontë vie for the affection of the Rev. Arthur Nicholls. Along with their sister Anne, Emily and Charlotte also try to help their tormented brother Branwell, a gifted artist whose life is being destroyed by alcohol.
Wings Over the Pacific
Jim Butler
An American officer discovers a Nazi plot to take over an island in the Pacific on which oil has been discovered.
The Constant Nymph
Albert Sanger
The daughter of a musical mentor adores a promising composer, who is quite fond of the adolescent. When her father dies, an uncle arrives with his own grown daughter, who begins a romance with the composer which culminates in marriage but creates an emotional rivalry that affects the three.
Forever and a Day
Sir John Bunn
In World War II, American Gates Trimble Pomfret is in London during the Blitz to sell the ancestral family house. The current tenant, Leslie Trimble, tries to dissuade him from selling by telling him the 140-year history of the place and the connections between the Trimble and Pomfret families.
Tennessee Johnson
Chief Justice Chase
The tumultuous presidency of 19th-president Andrew Johnson is chronicled in this biopic. The story begins with Johnson's boyhood and covers his early life. During the Civil War, Johnson stays a staunch Unionist and upon Lincoln's reelection in 1864, becomes his Vice President. After Lincoln's assassination, Johnson becomes the President and became the first U.S. president ever to be impeached.
셜록 홈즈와 공포의 목소리
General Jerome Lawford
England, at the start of World War Two. Mysterious wireless broadcasts, apparently from Nazi Germany are heard over the BBC. They warn of acts of terror in England, just before they take place. Baffled, the Defence Committee call in Holmes ...
The Remarkable Andrew
General George Washington
When Andrew Long, hyper-efficient small town accountant, finds a $1240 discrepancy in the city budget, his superiors try to explain it away. When he insists on pursuing the matter, he's in danger of being blamed himself. In his trouble, the spirit of Andrew Jackson, whom he idolizes, visits him, and in turn, summons much high-powered talent from American history...which only Andrew can see.
레이디 포 어 나이트
Gambling boat operator Jenny Blake throws over her gambler beau Jack Morgan in order to marry into high society.
Shining Victory
Dr. Blake
In a Scottish sanitarium, a brilliant research psychiatrist works on a treatment for dementia praecox. He falls for his altruistic female lab assistant and they begin a passionate, tragic relationship.
데블 앤 미스 존스
The wealthiest man in the world, John P. Merrick, is a private person who likes to stay anonymous. One of his many assets is Neeley's Department Store. There is labor unrest at the store, and the employees' anger is directed at him, who they hang in effigy outside the store despite not knowing what he looks like. Merrick, not happy at what he sees going on, decides to mete out the rabble-rousers. So he goes undercover as a sales clerk in the shoe department.
Hudson's Bay
Governor D'Argenson
Highly fictionalized early history of Canada. Trapper/explorer Radisson imagines an empire around Hudson's Bay. He befriends the Indians, fights the French, and convinces King Charles II to sponsor an expedition of conquest.
The Son of Monte Cristo
Prime Minister Baron Von Neuhoff
Rightful owner of the kingdom, the Duchess of Zona, is engaged in a power struggle with the evil General Gurko. Edmond, the son of Monte Cristo, dons many disguises to come to the aid of the Duchess.
쾌걸 조로
Don Alejandro Vega
돈 디에고는 베가 알레한드로의 아들로서 스페인에서 생도 생활을 하다가 아버지의 부름을 받고 고향인 캘리포니아로 돌아오게 된다 돈 디에고가 스페인에 머무는 동안 베가 알레한드로는 부패한 관청으로부터 뇌물을 먹인 악인 돈 루이스 꾸안테로에게 시장 자리를 뺏기고 그의 수하인 에스테반 대령과 합심하여 시민들의 세금을 갈취하고 강제 노동을 시키는 등 민심을 흉흉하게 만든다. 고향에 돌아와 이 모든 사실을 알게 된 돈 디에고는 겉으로는 철부지 인척 어리광만 부리다가 밤이면 정의 실현을 위해 조로로 변신하여 가난한 노동자들을 위해 돈을 나눠주고 어려움에서 구해준다 결국 조로 때문에 큰 위험에 처한 꾸안테로와 에스테반 대령은 조로에게 높은 현상금을 걸지만 소용이 없고 영웅이 된 조로는 꾸안테로 시장을 찾아가 스페인으로 이주하라며 권고한다 돈 디에고는 꾸안테로의 조카인 로리타에게 한 눈에 반하게 되고 오해가 있었지만 곧 조로라는 것을 알고 그녀도 믿고 사랑하게 된다 하지만 곧 꾸안테로의 덫의 걸려 조로라는 것이 탄로가 나는 돈 디에고, 하지만 곤경에서 빠져 나와 에스테반 대령을 죽이고 궁지에 몰린 꾸안테로 시장에게 시민들에게 직접 사직 연설을 하라고 시킨다 후임으로는 선임 시장이었던 디에고의 아버지 베가 경을 지명하고 꾸안테로 전 시장은 스페인으로 부인과 함께 떠난다. 돈 디에고는 로리타와 결혼을 하게 되고 캘리포니아는 다시 평화를 되찾는다.
북서 기마 순찰대
Inspector Cabot
Texas Ranger Dusty Rivers ("Isn't that a contradiction in terms?", another character asks him) travels to Canada in the 1880s in search of Jacques Corbeau, who is wanted for murder. He wanders into the midst of the Riel Rebellion, in which Métis (people of French and Native heritage) and Natives want a separate nation. Dusty falls for nurse April Logan, who is also loved by Mountie Jim Brett. April's brother is involved with Courbeau's daughter Louvette, which leads to trouble during the battles between the rebels and the Mounties. Through it all Dusty is determined to bring Corbeau back to Texas (and April, too, if he can manage it.)
A Dispatch from Reuter's
German Julius Reuter sends 19th-century news by carrier pigeon and then by wire, founding a news agency.
King Philip II
제프리 토프는 모험적이고 용감한 해적. 그는 스페인 배는 약탈하지만, 영국 배는 약탈하지 않는다. 어느 날 한 배를 추적하는데 성공하고 그는 배 안에서 스페인의 귀족 도나 마리아와 만나게 된다. 제프리는 도나의 아름다움에 입을 다물지 못하고 그녀와 가까워지고 싶어하지만 도나는 그에게 전혀 관심이 없다. 그는 일개 해적이기 때문이다.
All This, and Heaven Too
Marechal Sebastiani
When lovely and virtuous governess Henriette Deluzy comes to educate the children of the debonair Duc de Praslin, a royal subject to King Louis-Philippe and the husband of the volatile and obsessive Duchesse de Praslin, she instantly incurs the wrath of her mistress, who is insanely jealous of anyone who comes near her estranged husband. Though she saves the duchess's little son from a near-death illness and warms herself to all the children, she is nevertheless dismissed by the vengeful duchess. Meanwhile, the attraction between the duke and Henriette continues to grow, eventually leading to tragedy.
Private Affairs
Noble Bullerton
A girl decides to consult her natural father, whom she's never seen, for advice on her mixed-up love life.
Northwest Passage
Wiseman Clagett
Based on the Kenneth Roberts novel of the same name, this film tells the story of two friends who join Rogers' Rangers, as the legendary elite force engages the enemy during the French and Indian War. The film focuses on their famous raid at Fort St. Francis and their marches before and after the battle.
Dr. Ehrlich's Magic Bullet
Professor Hartmann
True story of the doctor who considered it was not immoral to search for a drug that would cure syphillis.
The Lone Wolf Strikes
Emil Gorlick
Delia Jordan's father is murdered and some very valuable jewelry stolen. She hires The Lone Wolf.
We Are Not Alone
Major Millman
A British doctor and his son's Austrian governess have an affair and are accused of killing his wife.
Rulers of the Sea
Malcolm Grant
The struggle of a man to build a steam ship to take him across the Atlantic in spite of all setbacks, and his win against a crack sailing boat in the early 19th century.
Spanish Ambassador
과거 1600년대 루이 13세는 아들이 생기며 그의 온 국민들과 좋은 시간을 보내고 있었다. 같은 시각 왕에겐 또 한 명의 아들이 생기면서 문제가 생긴다. 그의 신하 콜베트경은 분쟁을 피하기 위해 총사대장인 달타냥에게 2번 째 아들을 키우게 왕에게 제안한다. 왕은 그의 제안을 받아 드려 그 아이에게 필립이라 이름을 지어주고 달타냥은 그의 고향인 가스코뉴로 향한다. 20년 후 루이 14세는 그의 신하 푸케경의 계획에 따라 온 갓 세금을 올리고 국민들의 생활은 점점 힘들어져만 간다. 왕은 스페인의 공주 마리아 테레사 공주와의 약혼식을 앞두고 가스코뉴에 납세를 거부하는 반역자들이 있다는 소식을 접하고 그들을 체포하란 명령을 내린다. 다음날 왕은 대성당으로 하는 중 암살을 계획하는 자들이 있다는 소식도 접한다. 왕의 명령으로 체포된 자들은 달타냥의 총사들의 필립. 왕은 필립을 보고서 놀람을 감추지 못하고 그를 대성당으로 보내 죽음을 피할 계획을 세운다.
Jose de Montares
The newly-named emperor Maximilian and his wife Carlota arrive in Mexico to face popular sentiment favoring Benito Juárez and democracy.
Sons of Liberty
George Washington
Set during the American Revolution, this colorful 2 reel short tells the story of Haym Salomon, American patriot and financier of the American Revolution.
건가 딘
Colonel Weed
인도에 주둔하고 있던 스코틀랜드 연대를 구하고 전사하는 인도 청년 건가 딘의 활약을 그리고 있다. 인도의 '사그단'이란 비밀결사에 의해 통신이 두절된 스코틀랜드 연대의 통신시설을 복구하려 맥, 카터, 펄 등 삼총사가 파견되었으나 이들은 '사그단'의 포로가 되고만다. 여기서 카터의 군 심부름꾼 건가 딘이 목숨을 걸고 나팔을 불어 연대는 위기를 모면하지만 건가 딘은 전사하고 만다.
If I Were King
General Dudon
King Louis XI masquerades as a commoner in Paris, seeking out the treachery he is sure lurks in his kingdom. At a local tavern, he overhears the brash poet François Villon extolling why he would be a better king. Annoyed yet intrigued, the King bestows on Villon the title of Grand Constable. Soon Villon begins work and falls for a lovely lady-in-waiting, but then must flee execution when the King turns on him.
Professor Beware
Professor Schmutz
Egyptologist, Dean Lambert, accused of car-theft, skips bail and begins a cross-country trek to join a group in New York headed for Egypt. With the police close on his trail he gets in and out of scrapes along the way.
Colonel Whitehead
Robert Louis Stevenson's hero David Balfour joins rebel Alan Breck Stewart in 18th-century Scotland.
The Fighting Devil Dogs
General White
Two marine lieutenants battle a masked would-be world conqueror who uses electricity as a weapon.
로빈 훗의 모험
Bishop of the Black Canons
영국의 국왕 리처드는 십자군 순례 때문에 영국을 떠났는데 오스트리아에서 리오 폴드한테 잡혔다. 영국에서는 동생인 존이 지배를 하고 있어 노르망디 족과 색슨족간에 싸움이 일어났다. 노르망디 족은 리처드의 몸값이라고 하며 세금을 걷는다는 명목으로 모든 것을 약탈한다. 복종하지 않는 사람들은 고문 당하고 매맞고 때로는 죽기도 한다. 이런 불의를 못 참기에 로빈 훗은 셔우드 숲에 무법자들을 모아 돈 많은 사람들로부터 돈을 빼앗아 가난한 사람들에게 나누어준다. 존은 로빈을 죽일 궁리를 하고 있다. 그러다 리처드가 돌아온다. 리처드가 돌아왔다는 사실을 안 존은 비밀리에 리처드를 살해하라고 하는데…
The Buccaneer
Admiral Cockburn
French pirate Jean Lafitte rescues a girl and joins the War of 1812.
M. Courtois
When upper-class Parisian Charles Dupont and his family hire Tina and Michel as their servants, they have no idea that the domestics are in fact Tatiana, the Grand Duchess Petrovna, and her husband, Mikail, Prince Ouratieff. Recent exiles from the Russian Revolution, Tatiana and Mikail befriend the Dupont family, keeping their true identities a secret -- until one night when Soviet official Gorotchenko arrives for dinner.
Adventure's End
Capt. Abner Drew
Pacific pearl diver Duke Slade escapes angry natives by joining a whaler whose dying captain persuades him to marry his daughter who is already being wooed by the first mate.
A Damsel in Distress
Lord Marshmorton
Lady Alyce Marshmorton must marry soon, and the staff of Tottney Castle have laid bets on who she'll choose, with young Albert wagering on 'Mr. X'. After Alyce goes to London to meet a beau she is restricted to the castle to curb her scandalous behavior. Albert then summons Jerry to Alyce's aid in order to 'protect his investment'.
에밀 졸라의 생애
M. Cavaignac
, 으로 유명한 프랑스의 자연주의 작가로서의 삶보다는 인종차별이라는 이유로 프랑스의 역사적인 사건 드레퓌스 사건의 희생양이 되버린 대위 드레퓌스의 석방을 위해 끝없이 투쟁하고 정의를 구현시키기 위한 에밀 졸라의 노력에 대해 다룬 감동적인 휴먼 드라마
The Prisoner of Zenda
An Englishman who resembles the king of a small European nation gets mixed up in palace intrigue when his look-alike is kidnapped.
London by Night
Sir Arthur Herrick
A newspaperman, his canine companion, and an adventurous socialite investigate an umbrella-wielding murderer who is terrorizing a London neighborhood.
William Ewart Gladstone
Irish politician Charles Stewart Parnell struggles to free his country from English rule, but his relationship with married Katie O'Shea threatens to ruin all his dreams of freedom.
The Prince and the Pauper
Henry VIII
Two boys – the prince Edward and the pauper Tom – are born on the same day. Years later, when young teenage Tom sneaks into the palace garden, he meets the prince. They change clothes with one another before the guards discover them and throw out the prince thinking he's the urchin. No one believes them when they try to tell the truth about which is which. Soon after, the old king dies and the prince will inherit the throne.
One in a Million
American theatrical manager (Menjou) discovers Henie preparing for the Olympics in Switzerland and brings her to Madison Square Garden.
Lloyd's of London
Norfolk, England, 1770. The nephew of an innkeeper and the son of a reverend maintain a very close friendship until, after living a great adventure, they must separate their paths. The former will head his footsteps to London and bound his destiny to Lloyd's, a thriving insurance company; the latter will eventually become one of the greatest heroes in the history of the British Empire.
Sir Basil Crawford
Newspapers around the world proclaim the birth in Moosetown, Canada of the 3,000th baby brought into the world by the doctor, John Luke, known for delivering the famous Wyatt quintuplets. To honor the doctor on his retirement and to publicize their town, the Moosetown chamber of commerce decides to hold a reunion of all the babies delivered by the doctor, some of whom have become famous.
Sing, Baby, Sing
Robert Wilson
The "Caliban-Ariel" romance of fiftysomething John Barrymore and teenager Elaine Barrie is spoofed in this delightful 20th Century Fox musical. Adolphe Menjou plays the Barrymore counterpart, a loose-living movie star with a penchant for wine, women, and more wine. Alice Faye plays a nightclub singer hungry for publicity. Her agent (Gregory Ratoff) arranges a "romance" between Faye and Menjou. Eventually Faye winds up with Michael Whalen, allowing Menjou to continue his blissful, bibulous bachelorhood. Sing, Baby, Sing represented the feature-film debut of the Ritz Brothers, who are in top form in their specialty numbers--and who are awarded a final curtain call after the "The End" title, just so the audience won't forget them (The same device was used to introduce British actor George Sanders in Fox's Lancer Spy [37]).
The White Angel
Mr. Bullock
In mid-nineteenth century England the medical establishment does not recognize the value of skilled nurses, cleanliness, nutrition and kindness. Florence Nightingale's heroic measures slowly changes all of this.
Champagne Charlie
Ivan Suchine
The story is told in flashback. Backers want a gambler to marry a rich girl for her dowry.
Frankie and Johnnie
Colonel Brand
The story of a woman, Frankie, and the man who has done her wrong, Johnnie.
The Country Doctor
Sir Basil Crawford
A doctor has a rough time obtaining the money for his services in a lumber town until he delivers quintuplets.
Sutter's Gold
Capt. Kettleson
Story of the gold strike on an immigrant's property that started the 1849 California Gold Rush.
The Man Who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo
A Russian prince goes to Monte Carlo just after World War I with money supplied to him by Parisian Russians. He wins but the casino operators want him to honor the tradition of returning to the tables.
Hi, Gaucho!
Hillario Bolario
The son and daughter of feuding ranchers defy their fathers in the name of love.
Hollywood Extra Girl
Crusades Actor
Semi-documentary of a typical "extra girl" on a C.B.DeMille film.
The Crusades
The Blacksmith
King Richard the Lionhearted launches a crusade to preserve Christianity in Jerusalem.
Clive of India
Governor Pigot
Fort St. David, Cuddalore, southern India, 1748. While colonial empires battle to seize an enormous territory, rich in spices and precious metals beyond the wildest dreams, and try to gain the favor of the local kings, Robert Clive (1725-1774), a frustrated but talented clerk who works for the East Indian Company and struggles to earn his fortune, makes a bold decision that will change his life forever.
Limehouse Blues
Pug Talbot
Fresh from Chinatown in New York, Harry Young has taken over the illegal import business in the seamy Limehouse district of London, where he cold-bloodedly disposes of rivals and runs a smoky nightclub. He falls for a low-class, white pickpocket, diminishing his pride in the Chinese half of his heritage and sparking the jealousy of the nightclub's moody star performer.
Police Inspector
A psychotic man stalks three innocent people whom he believes are responsible for his brother's death.
The Expectant Father
Ernest Truex's wife is in the hospital to give birth to their first child, and she wants him there. But his boss, Montagu Love, is in a typically terrible mood.
His Double Life
Duncan Farrel
Priam Farrel is a celebrated artist but a social recluse. When his valet dies of a sudden illness, a mix-up leads to the body being identified as Farrel's. The timid artist then assumes the identity of his former servant, but finds himself faced with constant dilemmas as a result.
At Twelve Midnight
Captain James alias The Fox
A hero in a robbery comes up against a crime boss and the crooked guardian of the girl he loves
Out of Singapore
Capt. Scar Murray
While a ship's captain is being slowly poisoned, a gang of thugs try to take over the ship.
The Midnight Lady
Harvey Austin
The hard-boiled owner of a big-city speakeasy is reunited with her daughter, who has been raised to believe that her mother is dead, then finds herself accused of murdering her daughter's no-good boyfriend.
The Riding Tornado
Walt Corson
Newcomer Torrent wins $500 from Olcott and $500 and a wild horse, by riding the horse, from Engle. Then loses the $1000 to Engle in a poker game. Torrent goes to work for Olcott. Torrent fights with Stark and Stark quits and goes to work for Engle. Rustlers are stealing horses. Carson suspects Olcott and Olcott suspects Carson. Sheriff prevents war between them. Torrent stops wild horse stampede. Starks spills beans on Engle. Torrent kills Engle and wins Patsy Olcott.
The Silver Lining
Michael Moore
A women in prison tale. Ones rich ones poor. Can they prosper after prison?
Vanity Fair
Marquis of Steyne
An ambitious and ruthless young woman advances from the position of governess to the heights of British society.
Love Bound
John Randolph
A gold-digging woman wins a big settlement against an older married man, which threatens to destroy the man's family. His son, discovering that the woman is part of a ring of blackmailers and that she is planning to flee the country, takes along his hulking chauffeur and follows her onto an ocean liner. There the two pretend to be a pair of wealthy playboys so that the woman will make a play for him and try to blackmail him, too, so he can then expose her and prove his father's innocence. Complications ensue.
On her first night as a dockside dancer, Mary Foster loses her job when she tries to fend of the advances of first mate Groder. On the street and being pursued by a Policeman who thinks she is a prostitute, Mary seeks shelter on an old freighter. She is soon discovered by second mate Tommy and they quickly fall in love, but with first mate Groder lurking around will their lives work out in the end?
Alexander Hamilton
Thomas Jefferson
The founding father has an extramarital affair and meets with the likes of Thomas Jefferson.
The Cat Creeps
Disappearances and strange goings-on in a spooky old mansion.
The Jailer
Hajj, a rascally beggar on the periphery of the court of Baghdad, schemes to marry his daughter to royalty and to win the heart of the queen of the castle himself. This film is believed lost.
Alexander W. Brett
A film by George Crone
Outward Bound
Mr. Lingley
A group of strangers find themselves aboard an unmanned ship, surrounded by fog and uncertain of their destination. As they attempt to make sense of their situation, the group of passengers discover that all they have in common is that each is dead and en route to their final judgment.
Inside the Lines
Governor of Gibraltar
During World War I, German spies will stop at nothing to spy on the allied war plans stored at Gibraltar.
Back Pay
Charles Wheeler
Bored with small town life, a woman leaves for the big city and winds up becoming the mistress of a ruthless businessman.
A Notorious Affair
Sir Thomas Hanley
A scheming musician seduces a wealthy woman for love and money.
Double Cross Roads
Gene Dyke
Based on a novel by William R. Lipman
Love Comes Along
An American sailor comes to a seedy banana republic, and finds a fellow yank, a stranded girl, as a saloon singer. They fall in love, but a misunderstanding about her feelings toward the local dictator threatens their happiness.
The Mysterious Island
On a volcanic island near the kingdom of Hetvia rules Count Dakkar, a benevolent leader and scientist who has eliminated class distinction among the island's inhabitants. Dakkar, his daughter Sonia and her fiance, engineer Nicolai Roget have designed a submarine which Roget pilots on its initial voyage just before the island is overrun by Baron Falon, despotic ruler of Hetvia. Falon sets out after Roget in a second submarine and the two craft, diving to the ocean's floor, discover a strange land populated by dragons, giant squid and an eerie undiscovered humanoid race.
The Mysterious Island
On a volcanic island near the kingdom of Hetvia rules Count Dakkar, a benevolent leader and scientist who has eliminated class distinction among the island's inhabitants. Dakkar, his daughter Sonia and her fiance, engineer Nicolai Roget have designed a submarine which Roget pilots on its initial voyage just before the island is overrun by Baron Falon, despotic ruler of Hetvia. Falon sets out after Roget in a second submarine and the two craft, diving to the ocean's floor, discover a strange land populated by dragons, giant squid and an eerie undiscovered humanoid race.
A Most Immoral Lady
John Williams
Laura Sergeant (Leatrice Joy), together with her husband, Humphrey Sergeant (Sidney Blackmer) operates a scam scheme to extort money from millionaires through blackmail and victimization until she mistakenly victimizes Tony Williams (Walter Pidgeon), the man she really loves.
Her Private Life
Sir Bruce Haden
A English aristocrat causes a scandal when she divorces her husband and runs off with a young American.
Charming Sinners
George Whitley
Charming Sinners was a stilted adaptation of Somerset Maugham's play The Constant Wife. Robert Miles (Clive Brook) starts the ball rolling when he falls in love with Anne-Marie Whitley (Mary Nolan), the best friend of his own wife Kathryn (Ruth Chatterton). In retaliation, Kathryn begins a flirtation with her former boyfriend Karl Kraley (William Powell). After reels and reels of verbal fencing, the status quo is re-established, and Robert and Kathryn are reunited.
Dr. Nelson
Following a successful experimental operation to reverse age, a wealthy businessman stages his own death and assumes the identity of his nephew. His spurious pursuit of a very young woman eventually catches up with him, as does his age.
Bulldog Drummond
Bulldog Drummond is a British WWI veteran who longs for some excitement after he returns to the humdrum existence of civilian life. He gets what he's looking for when a girl requests his help in freeing her uncle from a nursing home. She believes the home is just a front and that her uncle is really being held captive while the culprits try to extort his fortune from him.
The Voice Within
Early talkie starring Eve Southern and Walter Pidgeon.
정염의 미녀
Capt. Hardy
Lady Hamilton's love affair with Admiral Horatio Nelson rocks the British Empire.
Silks and Saddles
Walter Sinclair
Jockey Johnny Spencer loses his job with Mrs. Calhoun for throwing a race. An adventuress named Sybil, who made Johnny hold back Mrs. Calhoun's horse, Lady, leaves him, and he becomes a racetrack bum. Johnny returns to Mrs. Calhoun's stable when the new jockey proves unable to manage Lady. Johnny wins the next race, thereby regaining Mrs. Calhoun's confidence and winning the love of her attractive daughter, Lucy.
Synthetic Sin
Brandy Mulane
A young woman impulsively marries a young playwright who whisks her away to New York promises her a role in his next production. Unfortunately the production is a disaster and her husband proclaims her unfit for the role. Rather then return home in defeat, she stays in New York and accidentally gets involved with some vicious gangsters.
The Last Warning
Arthur McHugh
A producer decides to reopen a theater, that had been closed five years previously when one of the actors was murdered during a performance, by staging a production of the same play with the remaining members of the original cast.
The Haunted House
Mad Doctor
Four heirs to a family fortune are summoned to appear at the family estate for the reading of the will, where they meet the estate's staff, which includes a nurse, a crazed doctor, and a sinister handyman.
레티는 쉴 새 없이 부는 바람을 뚫고 사촌이 사는 텍사스로 간다. 기차에서 만난 로디는 바람은 여자를 미치게 만든다며 레티를 겁주면서도 그녀를 유혹한다. 도착 후, 로디는 레티에게 다시 만날 것을 약속하며 떠나고, 레티는 마중 나온 사촌의 이웃 리게와 목장으로 향한다. 모두들 레티를 반기지만, 사촌의 아내 코라만은 레티를 탐탁잖게 여기고, 레티를 쫓아내려 한다. 스웨덴 출신으로 무성 영화 시대 최고의 감독 중 한 명인 빅토르 셰스트룀과 완벽히 절제된 연기로 무성 영화 시대의 여신이라 불리는 릴리안 기쉬가 함께 작업하였으며, 두 사람의 마지막 무성영화이자 쇠스트롬의 대표작이다.
Character Studies
Montagu Love pretty much plays himself in this Vitaphone short where he starts off by introducing himself to the viewer and saying most probably remember him for playing villains. He then asks that people pretend that he's surrounded by a dinner party and he's been asked to give a speech even though he's shy.
The Devil's Skipper
First Mate
The Devil's Skipper was based on Demetrios Contos, a seafaring yarn by Jack London. Effectively cast against type, Belle Bennett plays a wronged woman who becomes the most brutal and feared slave-ship captain on the Seven Seas.
The Noose
Buck Gordon
In this suspenseful silent crime drama, a hijacker proves his loyalty to his mother by killing his biological father, a blackmailing gangster who has been threatening to destroy the mother's happy marriage to the governor.
Good Time Charley
John Hartwell
Song-and-dance man Charles Edward Keene (Good Time Charley) is bereft when his wife, Elaine, dies as a result of a fall incurred trying to evade the advances of Hartwell, her manager. Years later, his daughter, Rosita, becomes an overnight sensation as a result of her cafe act under Hartwell's management, and Charley is given a bit part in the show at her request.
Jesse James
Frederick Mimms
A light approach on the life of Jesse James.
Rose of the Golden West
Gen. Vallero
Juan is about to elope with the convent-bred Elena, when he is chosen to assassinate the governor who is about to hand California over to the Russians. Since the governor also happens to be Elena's father, this puts him in quite a fix.
The Tender Hour
Grand Duke Sergei
This romantic drama was released in 1927.
The King of Kings
Roman Centurion
The King of Kings is the Greatest Story Ever Told as only Cecil B. DeMille could tell it. In 1927, working with one of the biggest budgets in Hollywood history, DeMille spun the life and Passion of Christ into a silent-era blockbuster. Featuring text drawn directly from the Bible, a cast of thousands, and the great showman’s singular cinematic bag of tricks, The King of Kings is at once spectacular and deeply reverent—part Gospel, part Technicolor epic.
The Night of Love
Duke de la Garda
Montero, son of a Gypsy leader, is about to take a bride according to primitive ritual, when the Duke de la Garda demands his right as feudal lord--to take the bride to his castle for a night. Rather than accede to the duke's advances, the girl chooses death by her own hand. Montero swears vengeance.....
족장의 아들
아흐메드 벤 하산 족장과 다이애나의 아들인 아흐메드는 부랑자 떼의 두목의 딸, 야스민과 사랑에 빠지고 둘은 사람들의 눈을 피해 밀애를 즐긴다. 하지만 아흐메드가 족장의 아들이란 걸 알게 된 부랑자들이 아흐메드를 납치해 몸값을 얻어내려는 사건이 발생한다. 가까스로 위기에서 탈출한 아흐메드는 야스민도 그들과 한패라고 오해하며 그녀에게 사랑과 증오 두 가지 마음을 품게 된다
Don Juan
Count Giano Donati
If there was one thing that Don Juan de Marana learned from his father Don Jose, it was that women gave you three things - life, disillusionment and death. In his father's case it was his wife, Donna Isobel, and Donna Elvira who supplied the latter. Don Juan settled in Rome after attending the University of Pisa. Rome was run by the tyrannical Borgia family consisting of Caesar, Lucrezia and the Count Donati. Juan has his way with and was pursued by many women, but it is the one that he could not have that haunts him. It will be for her that he suffers the wrath of Borgia for ignoring Lucrezia and then killing Count Donati in a duel. For Adriana, they will both be condemned to death in the prison on the river Tigre.
Out of the Storm
Timothy Keith
Out of the Storm is a 1926 silent drama.
Brooding Eyes
Pat Callaghan
Slim Jim Carey, the leader of a criminal gang, is in reality a nobleman called Lord Talbois, and his daughter is the rightful heir to the family estate. When "Slim Jim"'s gang finds out about this, they conspire to cheat her out of her inheritance by passing off one of the gangster's girlfriends as the real daughter. Unbeknownst to the gang, however, their leader isn't dead and finds out what they're up to. Complications ensue.
The Desert's Price
Jim Martin
Returning from college, Wils McCann discovers that the long-standing feud between his family and their neighbors is actually the fault of the nasty Martin brothers. In love with neighbor girl Julia Starke, Wils succeeds in setting the record straight and disarming the villainous brothers.
The Ancient Highway
Ivan Hurd
When not cutting down trees and shouting "TIMMMM-BERRRRR!", Jack Holt has to deal with someone who's sabotaging the camp. The miscreant turns out to be the odious Montagu Love, whom Holt dispenses with in a climactic fisticuffs session. Billie Dove provides the toothsome romantic interest.
The Mad Marriage
Mary Jane is a girl born out of wedlock whose mother, Alice, attempts to offer her respectability by marrying a wealthy old colonel. As a young adult, Mary Jane meets and falls in love with reclusive writer Walter Butler. They are about to marry when he is revealed to be her natural father.
Sinners in Heaven
Native Chief
Alan Croft, a young aviator and a girl from a strict English background are stranded on a cannibal island when their plane crashes on the way to Australia. The natives worship them, believing them to be gods, until a native girl discovers that the pilot is mortal. Giving up hope of rescue, they marry in the sight of God, but when they are found by a search plane Alan is wounded and left for dead. Barbara is spurned by her friends and family as having sinned, but Alan returns to claim her legally.
A Son of the Sahara
Dan Carrington
Before he can avenge a crooked card game, Dan Carrington suffers heart failure and dies in his chair. John Tralee, the cheater, feels a pang of guilt when he discovers that he has taken all of Carrington's money and adopts the dead man's little girl, Lois. The girl grows up and the gambling hall becomes her second home.
Restless Wives
Hugo Cady
1924 picture directed by Gregory La Cava.
The Eternal City
War drama - Fitzmaurice was able to film King Victor Emmanuel III and Benito Mussolini reviewing Italian troops.
Secrets of Paris
The Schoolmaster
What's Wrong with the Women?
Men try to understand the women in their lives.
The Beauty Shop
Dr. Budd is a New York physician specializing in "beauty". His business is successful but he is still plagued by money problems. One day he gets an idea--he obtains the coat-of-arms of a long-forgotten Italian noble family, the Bolognias, and uses it as his logo on his line of beauty products.
Love's Redemption
Frederick Kent
A 1921 film directed by Albert Parker.
Colonel Ibbetson
Architect Peter Ibbetson is hired by the Duke of Towers to design a building for him. Ibbetson discovers that the Duchess of Towers, Mary, is his now-grown childhood sweetheart. Their love revives, but Peter is sentenced to life in prison for an accidental killing. Mary comes to him in dreams and they are able to live out their romance in a dream world.
The Case of Becky
Prof. Balzamo
Itinerant magician Balzamo arrives in the town where Dr. Emerson and his pretty young wife live. Smitten with Mrs. Emerson, Balzamo places her under a hypnotic spell and takes her away with him. Many years later, as she lies near death, she warns her daughter Dorothy to flee from the evil Balzamo.
The World and His Wife
Onze filmsterren
First episode of a series of reports on movie stars. Those seen include Douglas Fairbanks, Montague Love, Mary Miles Minter and James Kirkwood and various film studios.
A Broadway Saint
Dick Vernon
Dick Vernon (Montagu Love) lives in New York but hasn't succumbed to the city's vices. When his vacation comes up, he goes to Boonsburg to visit his uncle (George Bunny) and aunts (Emily Fitzroy and Annie Laurie Spence). He finds small-town life far more wicked than living in the big city. A theatrical troupe comes to town, and Dick finds his match in chorus girl Mazie Chateaux (Helen Weir). Dick's uncle inherits a huge sum of money and insists that his nephew take him to New York and entertain him. Dick, knowing what his uncle expects, takes him through a number of wild adventures, but he is happy to put all that behind him and settle down with Mazie. (Janiss Garza)
Through the Toils
Noel Graham / Lewis Moffat
Author Noel Graham goes to the little village of Mondon, where his ancestors lived, for solitude to write. While searching for a lost puppy, Noel meets Rhona Allerton, who is visiting her guardian, Lewis Moffat, a writer in his declining years. Realizing that he needs inspiration to write a passionate romance, Moffat, with the help of old Benson, a former derelict now in his service, encourages the blossoming love affair between Rhona and Noel, while planning to destroy it later and analyze their suffering.
The Cabaret
Jaffrey Darrel
Helene, who dances in a Greenwich Village cabaret accompanied on the violin by her grandfather, loses her job after his death. She then is hired as a portrait model by four artists--Jaffrey Darrel, Ned Lorrimer, Dick Turner and Stanley Sargent--all of whom become fascinated with her. Helene leaves the Village when Ned's jealousy disrupts the camaraderie of the quartet and becomes a stage star. Meanwhile, all of the artists have attained success except Jaffrey, who refuses to taint his art with commercialism.
Stolen Orders
John Le Page
A renegade American and his innocent daughter become entangled in the snares of German secret agents during the First World War.
The Cross Bearer
Cardinal Mercier
Cardinal Mercier protects the altar of his church from desecration when German forces invade the Belgian city of Louvain during World War I. Although the soldiers commit widespread atrocities, the cardinal does his best to protect the townspeople.
The Volunteer
Self - Cameo Appearance
Madge Evans, World Film Corp. juvenile star, is sent to her Quaker grandparents, Timothy and Tabitha Mendenhall, when her father and mother go to serve in World War I. After bidding farewell to the World stars, Madge goes to her grandparent's home where she experiences stern discipline.
The Awakening
Jacques Revilly
The Dormant Power
Rasputin, the Black Monk
Gregory Novik / Rasputin
The story of the rise and fall of Rasputin, the so-called "mad monk" who dominated the court of the Russian czar in the period prior to the Russian revolution.
The Brand of Satan
Jacques Cordet
A man discovers that he has two personalities--and one of them is a notorious strangler.
Yankee Pluck
Baron Wootchi
Once a wealthy man, John Pollard now resides in reduced circumstances in Washington, D.C. with his pretty daughter Polly. Despite the poor conditions, Polly manages to move in good social circles and meets multimillionaire George Singleton and Lieutenant Richard Travers, at the home of Mrs. Madison Derwent. Also at the Derwent mansion is Baron Wootchi, a Japanese diplomat trying to obtain valuable plans that are in Travers' possession. Old Pollard owes Singleton money and tries to persuade his daughter to marry the millionaire. Polly refuses and accepts Travers' proposal instead, until her father informs her that Singleton can seize their house unless Polly pays off the debt by becoming his wife. Meanwhile the Baron offers Pollard $50,000 to produce the documents in Travers' keeping. Pollard steals the papers and goes to a roadhouse to turn them over to the Baron. Discovering the theft, Polly follows and confronts the Baron at gunpoint.
Gabriel Barrato / Benedetto Barrato
Adventuress Stefanie Paoli forsakes her lover, humble fisherman Gabriel Barrato, for the arms of a nobleman, the Marquis de Mohrivart.
The Dancer's Peril
Michael Pavloff
The Grand Duke Alexis has been happy with his wife, Lola, formerly the queen of the St. Petersburg ballet, and their baby daughter, Vasta. But the lowering cloud that has always hung over them through the refusal of the Russian Court to recognize their marriage breaks when the Duke learns there is an intrigue against his wife's life.
The Scarlet Oath
Nicholas Savaroff
Driven from Russia by the persecution of the police, who had caused the death of his wife, was Ivan Pavloff, a Nihilist, accompanied by his two infant twin daughters Olga and Nina, en route to America in search of freedom.
The Hidden Scar
Henry Dalton
Janet Hall (Ethel Clayton) is "wronged" by Henry Dalton (Montagu Love) and becomes pregnant. She has the child and begs Dalton to marry her but he refuses. However, when he comes to a sudden end, he leaves her with a cottage and a small income. Then she meets and falls in love with Dale Overton (Irving Cummings), a minister who's fond of preaching the virtues of charity and forgiveness.
The Gilded Cage
Baron Stefano
In The Gilded Cage, Alice Brady plays Princess Honore, who falls in love with a handsome prince who doesn't know her true identity (nor does she know his).
Husband and Wife
Patrick Alliston
When Doris Baker spends her husband Dick into serious debt, he embezzles funds from the bank where he works to cover some speculative investments. He is joined in these plans by one of the bank's directors, but when Doris unknowingly snubs the director's wife, he pulls out his aid. Dick finds himself in serious trouble, and then Doris leaves him after an argument. She is about to leave for the Orient with her daughter Bessie, a friend, Mrs. Prescott, and an admirer, Patrick Alliston, but they are stopped at the station because Dick is believed to be with them. He isn't, and his difficulties drive him to an aborted suicide attempt. Doris finally wakes up to what is going on and reconciles with Dick. The bank examiner looks over the books and helps Dick get back on his feet, much to the director's chagrin.
A Woman's Way
Oliver Whitney
Marion Livingston, daughter of General Livingston, boss of the Elsinore coal mines, rescues Jack Stanton, a young superintendent of the mines, from a mob of miners led by Jim Saunders, who were enraged at his having ordered them to work after it had been found that the mine is dangerous. Jack's brother, Harold, a young district attorney, comes to visit him and falls in love with Marion.
The Greater Will
Stuart Watson
Years ago Peggy Sloane, only daughter of old Cornelius Sloane, familiarly known as the Professor, an antique dealer, met millionaire art dealer Stuart Watson and was prevailed by his hypnotic power to go through a marriage ceremony with him. A week passed and she returned, broken in spirit and body. Later, when her baby was born, she died. One night, while playing chess, old Sloane learns of the return to America of this man Watson and resolves to be revenged.
Hearts in Exile
In Czarist Russia, attractive Anna Ivanovna has consecrated her life to work among Russia's persecuted poor. She dispenses food, medicine, and funds to the needy, from a busy charity headquarters. Two men, separate in station, are in love with Ivanovna: Poor doctor Paul helps as much as he can, and wealthy merchant Serge donates money. The relentless and lascivious Chief of Police, also attracted by Ivanova's beauty and virtue, determines to possess her, and sentences all three to fifteen years in Siberia and East Russia on false charges.
The Suicide Club