Dr. Jeckel & Ms. Hide (1993)
You're going to think twice about your sexuality
장르 : 공포, SF
상영시간 : 1시간 21분
연출 : Michael Craig
Ashlyn Gere is the very famous scientist whose experiments into what stimulates the depths of human depravity unleash a monster whose sexual longings not even she can rein in. As is true of the better-known, mainstream version, this movie takes on the now familiar theme. The difference here is that the uncomfortable truths mined by Ms. Hide deal with man's repressed sexual nature, rather than his restrained violent side.
A reconstruction, made from still photographs, of the lost 1927 Tod Browning film London After Midnight (1927) starring Lon Chaney.
After her sister and brother-in-law's tragic deaths, an American woman who is the guardian for her young niece and nephew is invited to a royal European castle for Christmas by her late brother-in-law's father, the Duke of Castlebury. Feeling out of place as a commoner, she is determined to give her family a merry Christmas and surprises herself when she falls for a handsome prince.
Scientists Culp and Wallach suspect that there is someone other than their research primates inhabiting their polar station.
National Lampoons mockery of everything that is wrong with cable TV.
If you were a brilliant young scientist diagnosed with only months to live, what choices would you make? To have faith that you were taken early for a reason and go quietly, or to use cryogenics to hope you could be cured someday in the future, or to download your consciousness into computer memory where you could still continue to interact with the ones you love?
Dr. Janet Furie comes to believe that her husband and fellow scientist were set up to die in a lab accident. She blames another scientist, not only for the murder but also for taking credit for her husband's groundbreaking work. When she can't prove her husband was murdered, she spins a web of intrigue and deceit that results in the suspected scientist being framed for another murder that never actually happened.
A psychological thriller about a research biologist who, angered when an associate is given a position over him based on stolen research findings, agrees to assist his former professor in a cloning experiment in which a duplicate of himself is created -- and which then, with a mind and will of its own, falls in love with the biologist's wife.
Le Bourgeois gentilhomme satirizes attempts at social climbing and the bourgeois personality, poking fun both at the vulgar, pretentious middle-class and the vain, snobbish aristocracy. The title is meant as an oxymoron: in Molière's France, a "gentleman" was by definition nobly born, and thus there could be no such thing as a bourgeois gentleman.
The Police Tapes is a 1977 documentary about a New York City police precinct in the South Bronx. The original ran ninety minutes and was produced for public television; a one-hour version later aired on ABC. Filmmakers Alan and Susan Raymond spent three months in 1976 riding along with patrol officers in the 44th Precinct of the South Bronx, which had the highest crime rate in New York City at that time. They produced about 40 hours of videotape that they edited into a 90-minute documentary.
After the sudden death of their father, four children face cruel treatment from their ruthless grandmother.
In the first feature-length animated movie based on the Hanna-Barbera series, Jonny Quest fans get to meet the women behind the adventurous men. Joining scientist Benton Quest, his plucky son Jonny, bodyguard Race Bannon and Jonny's young pal Hadji are Benton's biologist wife Rachel, Race's ex-wife Jade and young 12-year-old Jessie, who harbors a big secret. Throughout, Team Quest battles the evil schemes of modern-day alchemist Dr. Zin, who has cloned himself and created an army of mutant reptiles in the Peruvian rain forest. The clash there results in a tragedy that changes Jonny's life forever - and later leads to a worldwide pursuit of Zin that includes examining rare Leonardo da Vinci documents in Paris, exploring the Roman catacombs and a final confrontation in the Australian outback.
Gary Coleman plays the son of a U.S. diplomat who imagines himself in fantastic situations.
A pragmatic PhD candidate must let go of her logic when she finds a list of items to give away written by the late mother she never knew. With the encouragement of her enthusiastic new mentor, she attempts to return everything on the list and begins to encounter unexplainable coincidences that lead her to understand the world’s smallest marvels have the greatest meaning.
When a driven doctor doesn't get the prestigious position she planned for, she unexpectedly finds herself moving to a remote Alaskan town. While she meets the locals and even starts a new romance, she has to learn to let the life she planned for give way to a love she never could have imagined, and finds this festive small town is hiding one big holiday secret.
An American scientist up to no good (as usual) by creating the half-pterodactyl, half-barracuda: Pteracuda. When the creature inevitably escapes, it's up to Sharktopus to stop him.
멕시코만의 아폴로 기지에서는 지구 소비에너지를 친환경 재생에너지로 바꾸려는 실험 도중, 예상치 못한 실수로 날씨에 영향을 끼치게 된다. 그렇게 난데없이 시작된 초 대형 태풍은 걷잡을 수 없는 재앙이 되어 미국 전역에 많은 인명 피해를 내게 되고 이런 끔찍한 태풍을 막기 위하여 주인공’네이선’이 자신의 목숨을 걸고 태풍과 맞서지만 거대한 자연의 힘 앞에 이마저도 쉽지 않다. 시간이 지날수록 태풍은 더욱 거세지고 인류 전체가 없어질 위기에 처하게 되는데..
When a novel virus devastates the world in 1976, Dr. Earnshaw notices that it resembles a virus that a Dr. Henderson found a cure for in 1871 Chicago. However, the doctor perished and his notes were destroyed in the Great Chicago Fire. Earnshaw is approached by a government agent, Jeffrey Adams, who informs him of a Top Secret time traveling technology and asks for his assistance in finding Dr. Henderson and his cure. But their adventure becomes a race against time when a glitch sends them back to the day before the fire instead of the planned four days.
몬스터하이 시리즈를 기반으로 한 영화로, 클로딘 울프는 어두운 비밀을 감춘 채 몬스터 하이에 입학한다. 친구 드라큘로라와 프랭키 스타인의 도움을 받아 클로딘은 진정한 몬스터가 되고 무너질 위기에 처한 학교를 구한다.