Free Hand for a Tough Cop (1976)
장르 : 액션, 범죄
상영시간 : 1시간 30분
연출 : Umberto Lenzi
A cop recruits a criminal and his cohorts to help track down a violent crime lord who has kidnapped the ill daughter of a rich family.
A seasoned FBI Agent's child-genius son assists him on catching a child-killer, a schizophrenic mohab nut who believes he's been chosen by god to be a new Noah.
보험사정원 전준오는 한 여자로부터 걸려온 상담 전화를 받는다. 며칠 후, 보험가입자의 집. 방문을 요청했던 남자는 준오에게 거실 옆 방문을 열어 줄 것을 요청한다. 그곳엔 7살 어린 아들이 목을 매단 채 죽어있었다. 그러나 그를 더욱 혼란에 빠트린 것은, 그 순간 자신의 눈치를 살피는 그 아버지의 눈길이었다.
A U.S. Vietnam vet comes to Hong Kong to look for his wife who seemingly has disappeared whilst modeling. As he digs deeper he discovers the people behind her disappearance are a crime syndicate that deal in trafficking young girls. He assembles a group of men to put down the operation once and for all.
The Daughter of Dawn is a silent Western, and one of the few films of the silent era to have an entirely Native American cast. It tells the story of a Kiowa woman and her lover, his feats of bravery, and their trials at the hands of a jealous rival and Comanche warriors. Completed in 1920, it was only shown a few times before being considered lost. Five reels of the movie were found in 2005, and restored by the Oklahoma Historical Society in 2012.
Jill, a young and beautiful girl Australian party for a vacation in Italy. In Rome Pierluigi meets the young, a boy sympathetic and fascinating. The two begin to frequentarsi and what began as a simple friendship soon turns into a much stronger feeling. Everything seems to wonder proceed between the two, as in a beautiful tale with a happy ending, as long as it abides Pierluigi victim of a bad car accident.
A man has been killed on the Dover/Boulogne car ferry. What is the connection between him and the attempts being made to kill Jane Kerrell, a young girl in her early twenties? As she speeds through the French countryside to the South of France, several attempts are made on her life as she is deliberately forced off the road by another car. But when she reports these attempts, the local Cap Ferrat Police Inspector and the sinister psychiatrist, Dr. Forla believe these attempts are in her imagination and Dr Forla, concludes that Jane is mentally disturbed. At her wits end Jane finds an ally in the young English painter, Paul Hedley who finally believes her life is in danger following an attempt to murder him. When Inspector Malling of Scotland Yard and Mr. Breese arrive in Cap Ferrat trying to uncover the connection between Jane and the murdered man on the ferry, this thrilling puzzle of international intrigue begins to unravel against the backdrop of the French Riviera.
죽음보다 더 참혹한 (실종) | 범인이 잡혀도 끝나지 않는 공포와 분노 몇 일 째 소식이 없는 동생의 연락을 기다리던 언니 현정(추자현 분)은 동생의 휴대폰을 위치 추적 한 후, 어느 시골 마을에 있다는 것을 알게 된다. 현정은 인근 파출소에 동생의 실종 사실을 알리고 수사를 의뢰하지만, 증거 불충분으로 거부당하자 홀로 마을 곳곳을 다니며 사라진 동생의 행적을 찾기 시작한다. 한 목격자를 통해 마을에서 노모를 모시며 사는 판곤(문성근 분)의 집 근처에서 동생을 봤다는 말을 듣게 된 현정은 판곤의 집을 찾는다. 어딘지 모를 수상함에 경찰과 동행하려 하지만, 마을 사람들은 평소 판곤은 그럴 사람이 아니라며 두둔하고, 현정 역시 마음을 돌린다. 떠나려는 현정 앞에 나타난 판곤은 현정이 보여준 사진 속 동생의 목걸이를 주웠다는 말에 또 한번 판곤의 집을 따라간다. 그리고, 그 곳에서 흔적도 없이 사라진 동생의 사건을 듣게 되고 그녀 역시 끔찍한 현장과 마주치게 되는데…
Marjorie Turner is suffocating. Her younger sister Jeanine has no ambition, and her 8 year marriage to Harry puts her in constant competition with his family (all doctors)..
A kidnapped boy proves to be more than his abductor can handle.
In the bleak near future Los Angeles has become a dangerous war zone with cops pitted against assorted law-breaking lowlifes. Sergeant Arliss Ryder (well played with customary wired intensity by the always great Wings Hauser) has an electronic device put into his back that turns him into an out-of-control psychotic killer and put on the Strike S.Q.U.A.D. (an acronym for Scum Quelling Assault Urban Devision), which is a unit of crazed cops assigned by Captain Bill Quinton (a typically gruff Alex Cord) to rid the City of Angels of criminals by using any means necessary. The only problem is that Arliss discovers what's going down and decides to put a stop to all this madness.
Two young friends, urban out-of-a-job types, work out, along with a mate -a professional pusher- a way to get out of the misery they are living in: kidnap the rich guy of the town.
Dr. Vicki Westin has no idea that losing a patient is going to wreak complete havoc on her life. But that's exactly what happens: Her deceased patient's grieving father seeks vengeance by kidnapping Vicki's husband and daughter.
Police detective Jack Flinder is already in trouble with the rest of his force for imprisoning a corrupt partner, but now he has a new problem to deal with. Another officer has been murdered in a hotel room, where he was with a prostitute named Lisa, who managed to escape with her life. Flinder has to track down Lisa to find out what happened, but the answer proves the corruption in his department runs much deeper than he had initially believed.
The film features Fernandez himself as a character named Rogellio Torres. The lion's share of the footage, however, is devoted to the romance between Esperanza, granddaughter of a common laborer, and Jose Luis Castro, the firebrand son of a landowner. Joining a revolutionary movements, Castro is disowned by his father, but Esperanza remains loyally by his side. Later on, Castro's father is killed by outlaws; in seeking vengeance, he sacrifices his own life, while Esperanza carries on his revolutionary work with their young son in tow.
열대 태풍이 휩쓸고 간 필리핀의 작은 섬. 일찍 퇴근했다는 두 자매는 집으로 돌아오지 않았고, 그녀들의 살인 용의자로 체포된 19살 파코 라라냐가는 무죄를 뒷받침할 무수한 증거들이 있음에도 불구하고 강간과 살해 혐의로 사형 선고를 받는다. 영화는 필리핀 역사상 가장 많은 논란을 불러일으킨 재판을 통해 필리핀의 부패한 사법 체계를 폭로한다. (2012년 4회 DMZ국제다큐멘터리영화제)
Australian small-town cop Gary enjoys his nearly pastoral existence, with traffic violations providing the major excitement to his normally low-key days. While away from work, Gary spends a good deal of time fantasizing about local news reporter Julia, who would just as soon relocate to the thriving metropolis of Sydney. Soon, however, a motorcyclist is found decapitated, with a construction worker, a sailor, and a cowboy and Indian also meeting the same fate. With some murderous weirdo with some sort of Village People fixation terrorizing the town, Gary -- with the help of big-wig city detective and Don Johnson-wannabe Tony Charles -- begins to realize that a cop is the last remaining victim to be murdered in order for the killings to be complete. ...
자상하고 매너있는 남자 ‘드라이버’와 왠지 모르게 눈빛이 불안한 여자 ‘베티’. 도로를 달려 어느 한적한 마을에 도착한 그들은 극악무도한 갱단으로부터 이유 없는 공격을 받게 된다. 어떠한 협박에도 전혀 당황한 기색을 드러내지 않는 ‘드라이버’. 일순간 그의 눈빛이 달라지면서 상황은 180도 달라진다. 한편, 몇 년 전 실종된 호텔 상속녀가 ‘드라이버’의 차 트렁크에서 발견이 되는데…
Frank Gorshin and his girlfriend, Joyce Taylor, are on the run from the law when apprehended and arrested by the Sherriff..
After his two brothers are captured, the third little pig invents a machine to capture the big bad wolf.