Brother Regulo
은퇴를 앞둔 CIA 요원 잭 퀸(Jack Quinn: 장 끌로드 반담 분)에게 내려진 CIA의 마지막 임무는 크로아티아의 미군기지에서 탈취당한 플루토늄을 되찾는 것이다. 작전은 성공하고 잭은 은퇴한다. 그로부터 3년 후 임신한 아내와 평범하게 살고 있는 잭은 이번에도 마지막임을 강조하면서 CIA로부터 국제적인 테러리스트인 스타브로(Stavros: 미키 루크 분)를 체포해달라는 요구를 받는다. 폭파와 요인 체포가 주특기인 잭은 무기 취급 전문가인 야즈(Yaz: 데니스 로드맨)의 도움을 받아 다시 CIA의 작전에 투입되지만 스타브로를 놓치고 만다. 이 과정에서 스타브로의 어린 아들과 아내가 잭의 대원들에게 피살된다. 잭은 스타브로를 추격하는 과정에서 스타브로가 장치한 폭탄의 폭발로 인해 의식을 잃은 후 사라져버린다. 모든 사람은 잭이 죽은 것으로 믿고 있다. 정신을 차린 잭은 자신이 콜로니(Colony)란 섬에 와있음을 알게 된다. 콜로니는 작전 중에 죽은 것으로 되어있는 전직 CIA요원들의 비밀 정보국. 이곳은 특수 전자장치에 의해 외부세계에선 침투할 수 없는 비밀 기지이다. 잭은 아내를 구하고 복수를 위해 이곳 콜로니를 극적으로 탈출하고
다리가 조금 불편한 공대생 톰마소(세르지오 루비니 분)는 강의를 마치고 늦게 돌아오는 길에 횡단보도에서 갑자기 뛰어든 금발의 여인을 자동차로 치게 된다. 가벼운 외상을 입은 그녀는 바로 병원으로 실려가고 이에 걱정된 톰마소는 병원으로 찾아간다. 그리고 다음날 비온다라는 이름의 그녀가 그의 집을 찾아와 자신이 누군지도 모른다며 자신의 기억상실증을 호소하면서 도와 줄 것을 간곡히 부탁한다. 그녀의 잊혀진 기억을 되찾기 위해 둘이는 사고 현장을 하나씩 더듬어 가지만 번번히 실패로 끝난다. 톰마소와 비온다는 서로 사랑을 하게 되고 즐거운 나날을 보낸다. 어느날 길을 걷다가 갑자기 기억을 되찾게 된 그녀는 말 한마디 없이 톰마소를 떠나 버린다. 그녀를 잊지 못하는 톰마소는 그녀가 주고간 시계의 이니셜로 전화번호를 찾아내 전화를 걸지만 그녀는 냉냉하기만 하는데.
Minister Poletti
Four ambitious women are ready to do anything to make a name in show business.
When his girlfriend dies of a drug overdose, a former Green Beret decides to take vengeance on the drug gangs responsible for her death.
Finanza General
On March 16, 1978, far-left terrorists of the Red Brigades kidnap Aldo Moro, leader of the Christian Democracy, the ruling party in Italy since the end of WWII. 55 days later, his body will be found in the trunk of a car. This is a neutral and factual account of what happened in between.
Police Chief
14살 소년 알라딘은 아빠를 일찍 여의고 할아버지, 어머니와 함께 어렵게 살면서 방과 후에 골동품가게의 점원으로 일하고 있다. 그런데 하루는 바닷에서 건진 골동품 램프 하나를 손질하던 중 옛날 아라비아 이야기속의 지니가 나타나서 알라딘을 램프의 주인으로 모시게 된다. 어머니가 폭력배 두목의 집에서 피아노를 쳐주는 일을 하여 가난하게 살아온 알라딘을 램프의 주인이 된 후,지니의 힘을 빌려 자기가 하고 싶었던 여러가지 재미있는 일을 해본다. 또한 알라딘은 지니의 힘을 빌려 자기의 가족을 비롯한 선량한 사람들을 괴롭히고 돈을 뜯어온 폭력 공갈단을 소탕한다. 그리고 이를 경찰에 신고하여 공을 세운 후 알라딘의 할아버지는 거액의 상금을 타고 나이트 클럽의 주인이 되어 마음을 돌리고 착실한 사람이 된다. 그러나 지니의 불가사의한 행동을 수상히 여긴 경찰은 지니를 체포한다. 지니의 힘을 빌려 나쁜 짓을 해볼려는 경찰서장은 지니를 수술하여 분석하려 하지만 실패한다. 지니는 알라딘과 함께 경찰서를 탈출한 후, 램프를 바다에 버려 아무도 찾지 못하게 할 것을 알라딘에게 제안하고 알라딘도 이를 수락한다. 그러나 램프를 버리기 직전 알라딘은 지니를 현재의 인간으로 변화시켜 자기집이 된 나이트 클럽의 피아노 연주를 맡기고 함께 재미있게 산다.
Third and final version of the La Cage aux Folles series has Renato's drag queen lover Albin learning that he can inherit a vast fortune from a distant relative. But the catch is that Albin must marry (a woman) and produce a heir within a year or the whole inheritance will be forfeited.
A woman searches for her blind sister in this feature-length English-language cut of the TV miniseries Seagull Island (1981).
professore inglese
Lisetta (Carmen Russo) a high-priced call-girl, that entertained her eccentric clients in her apartment and in empty theaters over opera! She met Filippo (Saverio Marconi), a bumbling astronomer , and after a series of mishaps, they got married.
il dottore
A factory worker known for his tough attitude and for fighting for workers' rights starts losing credibility when friends and co-workers see him helping a young gay man.
While hiding from the royal authorities, Giacomo Casanova, the famous romancer, encounters his look-alike: Giacomino, a fugitive petty con man. Meanwhile, the Arabian Caliph and his wife are arriving in Venice for a state visit, and she insists on a night with the legendary lover. Through a series of erotic encounters and mistaken-identity comedies, Giacomo and Giacomino make their way back to Venice for their appointment with the Caliph's wife.
The young Rimini native Stefano Santi goes to Rome, with a letter of recommendation for the maestro Melchiorri, artistic director of the Opera House, to take part in a competition for cellists. While trying in vain to be received by Melchiorri, he met an unscrupulous girl, Giorgia Muller, an architectural student temporarily linked to a fellow student. Between one misfortune and another the cello smashes, a homosexual theater manager tries to enmesh him Stefano, who now has a precarious employment in a nightclub, yields to the allurements of Giorgia, ending up in his bed. The girl, however, is unfaithful to him, so that Stefano, disgusted with her, and having now lost all hope of participating in the competition,
Insurance Director
Nick Hezard, a young con man, wants to avenge the death of a friend of his and organizes a swindle trying to cheat Robert Turner, an American businessman he thinks responsible for his friend's death. He succeeds in getting a hundred thousand swiss francs and uses them to carry out the second part of his plan.
A cop recruits a criminal and his cohorts to help track down a violent crime lord who has kidnapped the ill daughter of a rich family.
The story is about a youth named Massimo Monaldi, who, living in Rome, is a part-time college student who has some involvement in the protests that occur at his university. Massimo is also involved with drugs and he sometimes steals to make a living and support his habit (the theft of a tobacco box is very important to the story). Among his associates are his girlfriend, Cinzia, who comes from a wealthy family, and he has a wealthy male friend named Rudy who is very naive as well as strangely pampered by his overly-doting mother. Both families don't approve of their relationship with Massimo.
An aging gossip columnist, tired of the social life of the Roman Dolce-vita set, goes to New York with hopes of a literary career. He marries a nurse, but succumbs to his former mistress.
Faccia di spia tries to tell the story of the CIA and other government intelligence agencies with lots of re-creations and dramatizations and points out some of the more brutal aspects of the intelligence community from around the world. Wars are started, all facets of everyday life are controlled, innocent people are tortured needlessly and subjected to extreme violence.
Minister # 2
Story of Moses. Originally a TV Miniseries recut for theaters
Police Sergeant Bernai
은퇴한 미국인 교수가 로마의 호화로운 대저택에서 하녀와 함께 조용히 살고 있다. 그러던 어느 날, 천박해 보이는 부인 비앙카가 들이닥쳐 저택에 세를 들겠다고 한다. 비앙카는 딸 리에타와 함께, 연하의 애인 콘라드와 딸의 애인 스테파노를 데리고 온다. 주로 저택에서 지내는 콘라드는 마음대로 벽을 부수는 등 문제를 일으키고, 교수의 평화로운 일상을 무너진다. 그리고 콘라드는 비앙카는 물론, 리에타, 스테파노와 함께 경계라곤 없는 방탕한 생활을 이어간다. 하지만 교수는 그들을 쫓아내기는커녕 콘라드에게 마음을 열고, 그들에게서 묘한 유대감을 느낀다. (2017년 영화의 전당 - [시네마테크] 오래된 극장 2017) 거대한 저택에 한 은퇴한 교수가 하녀와 단둘이 외롭게 살고 있다. 가족의 초상화들은 빽빽이 걸어놓은 그의 방에서도 노인의 고독과 무력감은 치유되지 않는다. 어느 날, 집에 세를 들어 살 4명의 불청객이 찾아온다. 한 중년의 귀부인과 그녀의 딸, 젊은 남성 두 명이다. 교수는 새파랗게 젊은 남자가 귀부인의 애인이고, 딸은 자유롭다 못해 방종에 가까운 성적 취향을 보임을 알게 되고, 그의 평온한 일상은 혼란에 빠진다. 그들은 층을 나누어 살면서 서로 이질적인 문화를 누리지만 죽음을 앞둔 고립된 노인은 도무지 섞일 것 같지 않은 이들로부터 가족의 관계를 느끼기 시작한다. 비스콘티의 후기작으로 그의 탐미적인 성취를 그대로 보여주면서도 평생 독신으로 혼자 살았던 비스콘티의 외로움을 대변하는 작품. (2009년 한국시네마테크협의회 - 루키노 비스콘티 특별전)
After a female art student purchases a life-size wooden sculpture of a crucifixion from an abandoned church, she has a vision of herself being nailed to a cross and soon becomes sexually tormented by the sculpture when it comes to life.
Blackmail victim
They're Italy's notorious "Ladies of the evening" catering to the strange cravings of their kinky, high-paying clients. But suddenly, the girls of the street find themselves being stalked by someone with desires even they can't satisfy. After a series of shocking crimes, the clues lead police to a pornographic film maker and his stable of lovely models and starlets. But can the authorities track down the "Hooker Maniac" before he strikes again?
Babel's Father
A spoiled rich girl hatches a plot with her hippie friends to "kidnap" her so they can get a large ransom from her wealthy father.
Jacques, the Maitre
An Italian immigrant tries to make a new life in Switzerland, taking on a series of increasingly menial jobs in order to do it. He attempts to fit into his new home and society but fails at every turn. Unable to go home again, will his tenacity and optimism be enough to live on?
Guido Leto
In 1945, the dictator of fascist Italy and Hitler's close ally Benito Mussolini faces defeat. In a desperate attempt to avoid capture, he tries to flee the country with his lover Claretta Petacci, but Italian partisans are on their tail.
Sogliani's lawyer
A beautiful but poor young girl finds all the money and material goods she never had when she becomes the girlfriend of a crime boss, but soon learns that there is a price to be paid for that kind of life.
A doctor accidentally kills his girlfriend, when he causes her to fall onto an ornamental flower which has metal spikes. He disposes of her by chopping up and then dissolving her corpse. The woman's sister accuses the doctor and an investigation begins. In the meantime, a second woman is killed and the doctor begins to receive metal petals through the post...
Don Giulio - Priest
When the eyewitness to a brutal murder decides not to testify, the actual murderer chooses to finger him as the murderer and claim eyewitness status for himself.
Daniela's lawyer
A woman goes behind bars in order to save her father's life.
Il tesoriere del granduca
In '500 a noble Tuscan gives a banquet in which they are told bawdy stories: a cardinal tells dirty stories during a banquet that turns into a purge; a marquise is induced into temptation by an abbot; a tintora has carnal relations with a brother, and the two have a son; prisoner of Charles V , Francis I of France has a relationship with two Spanish and get an acquittal advance by the Pope; a group of cardinals contain a prostitute during a council; the Marquis Cavalcanti, rejected by the bride, vents his cravings with a syphilitic prostitute.
Paulina, sister of Napoleon I, is married to Camillo Borghese, presented as a helpless coward. She is eager to offer herself to all the young people that propose to her, and performs naked in front of the Roman people flocking to the walls of Villa Borghese, which she turned into a private residence. She also poses half naked for the famous statue of Canova, who is also presented as a effeminate and scoundrel. When her reputation as a depraved spreads, on the advice of the Pope, she is segregated away from all the men. when the French troops deport from Rome the Pope and the cardinals as well, Paulina sees prostitution as the only way to find herself some "fresh meat". Finally after seven years villa Borghese is reopened to the public, as Paulina goes back to Paris, to the great relief of the Roman people and the clerical circles.
Donna Costanza is married to a New Jersey mafia boss. During their 10 year wedding anniversary party he is shot and killed. His dying words to her are "Giarratana from Palermo". Costanza takes a trip to Palermo in order to avenge the death of her husband. Her target is Don Giarratana, a dangerous and influential Italian politician.
Don Claudio
A decadent countess (Françoise Prévost), middle-aged but still attractive, forces her young and timid daughter (Agostina Belli) to marry a rich butcher. But the couple’s sexual relation is troubled, because the girl has her fair share of inhibitions. So she abandons her house and seeks refuge at her sister’s place. During her absence, her husband finds consolation in his mother in law’s arms.
A couple on holiday in Haiti become involved in a series of savage murders linked to a doctors a new invention, a drug with extreme side effects.
Questore Angelini
In Mussolini's Rome a murderer is targeting young girls. The movie explores how the fascist mind works, how it plays its values off the sentiment of the masses and explores the role of the press in creating a unified narrative.
Jean-Pierre, murderer
To gain fame quickly - three actors - Mino, Giacinto and Mirella, stage a fake murder (Mirella is the "victim"), then plan to find the "body" at the most opportune moment. Unfortunately, a real murder takes place in Mirella's apartment when a young woman named Margaret is killed. Having left abundant clues to the fake murder, Mino and Giacinto realise the only way to save themselves from jail is to find Margaret's killer. Despite the intrusions of a stupid police inspector, the two men discover she was killed by a mysterious "organization". Although every witness they try to question is killed by a hitman, they eventually unravel the mystery...
A blind pianist tries to figure out who is responsible for a string of murders using a black cat with its claws dipped in curare.
어린 레이는 아버지가 갱들에게 살해당하는 것을 목격한다. 20년이 흐른 뒤, 장성한 레이는 아버지에 대한 복수로 갱들을 찾아 처단하기 시작한다. 보스 스칼로티를 제거하려다 문제가 생기자 레이는 그의 딸인 타냐를 납치하여 감금하는데, 레이와 원수의 딸 타냐 사이에 운명적인 사랑이 싹튼다. 국내 개봉 당시, 두 청춘스타 올리비아 핫세와 크리스토퍼 미첨의 인기가 대단했다. 특히, 고독한 킬러 미첨이 금발을 휘날리며 오토바이를 타고 벌이는 추격전에 대한 반응은 가히 폭발적. 루이스 바칼로프의 서정적인 선율과 Country Lovers의 ‘Run and Run’, ‘Like a Play’ 등의 노래도 잊혀지지 않는다. (2012 부산 영화의 전당 - 오래된 극장 2012: 1970년대의 기억)
The story of a young. beautiful and very frustrated woman screwing everything in sight in every possible location. She is married to a famous choreographer. She has everything material she wants: clothes, a fancy home, jewelry, servants. Except one thing: her husband refuses to have sex with her because she wants to get pregnant and have a child.
Dr. Tosi
In this adaptation of Tolstoy's story the Wurdulak, a mentally ill patient known as Nicola flashes back to horrifying experiences that he encountered while driving through the country. Upon damaging his car, Nicola sets out for help, only to meet a mysterious family that lives in total fear of someone or something. This evil force slowly penetrates the household and thrusts each of its members into a frenzy of absolute terror!
Giovanni il maggiordomo
A beautiful American woman infiltrates the home of a novelist and his wife so she can investigate the disappearance of her lover — who was her employers’ previous secretary — and soon finds herself the target of the couple's erotic desires and a murder plot.
피터는 선조가 유산으로 남긴 성을 확인하기 위해 미국에서 오스트리아로 온다. 그곳 관계자로부터 ‘바론의 저주'를 듣게 되는데, 고문을 즐겼던 성의 주인 바론이 마녀에 의해 저주를 받아 근방에 묻혀 있다는 것. 흥미가 동한 피터는 밤에 몰래 성으로 잠입해 바론을 살려낼 수 있다는 주문을 외치게 된다. 마침 무덤이 갈라지면서 바론이 살아 돌아오고 마을에는 끔찍한 살인이 벌어진다.
The relatives of a young rebellious hier to a fortune (Dean Reed), who spends most of his time on a yacht, try to have the kid interned as a madman, but are mysteriously killed one by one, in the family's villa. A girl (Stefania Careddu), lost at sea and saved by the young man, will also have some surprises in store… This giallo was filmed in 1969 but not released until two years later and remains extremely rare.
Police Inspector
Two young sexually free hippies, Dick and Ingrid, finance their travels by selling naked snaps of Ingrid until their plan is brought to an abrupt end by the Police. Forced on the run the two seek refuge at a seemingly empty isolated large villa. As it turns out the house is inhabited by the middle-aged Barbara who invites them in for some potential three-way hanky-panky that soon locks them into something far more twisted and chilling!
A wealthy English lord is suffering a mental breakdown following the death of his red-headed wife, Evelyn, whom he feared was cheating on him. He tours local bars and dives, scouring for lovely red-heads willing to come back to his decaying castle in the country, where he seduces them, then tortures and kills them. His friend the doctor talks him into marrying again to help heal his slowly-rotting mind, which he does--but are the doctor's orders really what he needs?
Quinn Paradine
Arms trafficking with the Indians on the one hand and acquiring documents concerning the ownership of a goldmine on the other are the principal interests of Quin and Gomez, the highly suspicious guests at Papa Martinez' inn. The unexpected arrival of the sheriff Thomas, and the journalist, George, upsets the plans of the two unsavoury allies and they have to try every kind of trick to win out against such adversaries.
Manuel's ex-lover
범죄성향을 결정짓는 것으로 추정되는 XYY 염색체 전문연구소에서 경비원이 살해된다. 사건 발생 당일 그 앞을 지나다 우연히 두 남자의 대화를 들은 시각장애자 프란코는 리포터 카를로와 함께 범인 찾기에 나선다. 살인사건이 줄을 잇는 가운데 복잡한 실타래를 서서히 풀어간다.
After his Western triumphs, Valerii stepped out of the shadow of Sergio Leone with this distinctly Bergmanesque sexual melodrama.Dionisio is perfect in the title role and this remains her best film, Valerii turns up along the way too. Just when the film hits a period of auto pilot John Steiner turns up in the final reel for a climax that is quite unforgettable. A bit difficult to trace but well worth the effort.
주인공 제라드는 체코슬라바키아의 외무부 차관이다. 요즈음 그는 누군가 자신을 감시하고 미행하고 있다고 느낀다. 그리고 어느 날, 그는 체포되어 독방에 감금당한다. 인민의 최고의 종복이었던 제라드는 수사과정에서 정신적인 고문을 당하면서 자신이 국가 반역에 대한 자백을 강요당한다. 체코슬로바키아의 공산주의자였던 아더 런던의 실화를 바탕으로 하고 있는 반공산주의 영화이지만, 동시에 전체주의에 반기를 들고 있는 작품이다.
Lisa, a widow on vacation with her son, meets Alessandro and falls in love. The man is actually a former agent of the communist Germany who escaped from Berlin and is pursued by some former colleagues.
Alberto Ranieri
이탈리아 로마에 살고 있는 미국인 작가 샘 달라스는 늦은 밤, 화랑 앞을 지나다 화랑 주인의 아내가 살해당하는 것을 목격한다. 죽어가는 여성은 유리창 너머에 있는 샘에게 도움을 요청하지만 샘은 그녀를 돕지 못한다. 다행히도 여자는 살아 남아 악명 높은 연쇄 살인범의 희생자들 가운데 최초의 생존자가 된다. 샘이 목격한 것은 검은 장갑을 낀 남자였고, 그는 유일한 목격자로서 경찰에게 신변 보호를 받는다. 시간이 흐르는 가운데 샘은 살인 사건의 진범을 알 수 있는 중요한 사실을 뒤늦게 깨닫게 되는데...
Von Krassel
Seven masked bandits, whose chief calls himself "Mormon", kidnap young Susy, cousin of the mayor of Clayton City, Frank Clonny. Frank accepts the $15,000 ransom requested by the bandits and thinks of a plan which will permit him, with the help of Benson, the sheriff, to free his cousin, recover the money and capture the outlaws. The plan, though, is destined to fail, because one of the mayor's men, Donovan, allows the bandits to escape the trap. Benson then decides to call in Sartana, who the Mormon immediately tries to eliminate with the help of four killers: Buffalo, who kills with a bullwhip; Martinez, an expert knife thrower; Sullivan, a giant of incredible strength and Silky, a sly and fast gunslinger.
Il vescovo
Through the childhood and the adolescence of Giacomo Casanova (from his memoirs), this is a description of how people live in the Venice of the 18th century: customs, habits, medicine, religion and most of all - the omnipresence of hypocrisy. Written by Yepok
Giorgio, a young mining engineer, moved to work in Africa. His wife does not want to follow him and he suspects a betrayal. In the cast also Rocky Roberts singing two songs.
When the Germans recapture a Mediterranean Island during WWII, a squad of US soldiers is left behind to destroy an important radio base.
A criminal (Giuliano Gemma) seeks vengeance when his double-dealing brother (Klaus Kinski) steals his jewels and mutilates his shooting hand.
Giuseppe Rosati's first production as director and only espionage film Scacco internazionale aka The Last Chance concerns an international crime syndicate threatened by certain information given to American journalist Patrick Harris (Tab Hunter) and it sets out to kill him...
George Van Donan
A youth potion transforms an old crone into a ravishing beauty. Unfortunately, her new-found gorgeousness forces the heroine to form a pact with the Devil.
Anna is a girl who has been under psychiatric therapy for a long time and she needs lots and lots of love.
Police Commissioner
A chastity belt provides an endless amount of grief for a woman whose jealous husband has gone off to the Crusades.
Rev. Garrett Emerson Langry (uncredited)
Guy Madison has a high old time as a would be feudal baron in the Wild West. No one is willing to stand up to Madison and his henchmen, no one that is, except mild-mannered inventor Tom Bosley. It seems that Bosley has welded together a robot gunslinger, whom he calls "The Bang Bang Kid". Only trouble is, the "Kid" breaks down at the darnedest times. The film goes off in too many directions, but generally delivers the goods laugh-wise. (Source: SWDB)
A man escapes from a Russian prison and then from a United States embassy, taking with him some very important top secret information from both sides.
Jack MacDougall (as Umi Raho)
A retired ex-criminal, the notorious Mister X, must clear his name when an up-and-comer commits a heinous copycat crime.
Three musicians arrive in a Mexican village destroyed by El Supremo and learn, from the only survivor, of the lost treasure of Montezuma hidden in an Aztec temple. Along comes Pecos and the search is on. Source: SWDB
Italian drama written and directed by Brunello Rondi.
Pecos Martinez rides into Houston looking to settle an old score with gang leader Clane, who is after the money that disappearred from a recent robbery. The hunt for the loot and Pecos' quest become intertwined with the efforts of the locals to stay alive long enough for help to arrive. Source: SWDB
Gen. Paul Maitland
In the 21st century, aliens with mind-control powers attempt to take over the earth.
Jordan is an ex-secret agent who, after many years of service, gets the boot for "health reasons". So he plans to sell a secret and highly sought after formula - if he can locate all three pieces of paper that the formula is written on, that is. His former superiors believe that he is close to getting the formula all for himself, so they send one of his old friends to convince him to cooperate with them again.
Gen. Paul Maitland
A rogue cop must stop a scientist from taking over the world with his deadly female robots, who are shrinking the world leaders.
Tourist in Paris
A tough CIA agent is called in to put a stop to a shipment of weapons to the Viet Cong from an arms smuggling ring in this intercontinental spy thriller.
Van Bliss
A secret agent is sent to infiltrate the heavily guarded fortress of a madman bent on taking over the world.
Doc McGregor, former surgeon become player, is wrongly accused of murder and pursued by Slade, a bounty hunter. In his escape he finds Larry Kitchener's corpse and decides to impersonate him. But his problems get worse as Kitchener was a famous gunslinger hired as sheriff for the people from Baldosas to stop Reyes, a Mexican bandit who has terrorized them.
Prof. Betz (as Umi Raho)
Agent 077 - Mission Bloody Mary or Agente 077 missione Bloody Mary is a 1965 Italian action spy adventure film. The first of the Secret Agent 077 film series directed by Sergio Grieco.
An American adventurer who has a gambling den in Istanbul, who is suspected to be involved in the kidnapping of a nuclear scientist, but ultimately becomes self on the search for the disappeared and gets a striving for world domination secret organization.
Signor Palucci
10대 때 결혼한 다이아나는 결혼 생활이 흔들리자 모델과 연기의 세계에 빠져든다. TV 리포터인 로버트는 다이아나 고 권력과 부를 가진 사람들을 소개한다.에게 애정을 쏟지만 다이아나는 홍보계 거물인 마일즈를 만나자 로버트의 곁을 떠난다. 하지만 다이아나에게는 마일즈 역시 더 높이 올라가기 위한 디딤돌에 불과하다
Colonel Maxfield
During the War of Independence, a group of Southern soldiers form an alliance with the Apache Indians for the purpose of hunting down and killing the Northern soldiers stationed at Fort Worth.
Von Klage (as Robert Rains)
In a 15th century village, a woman is accused of witchcraft and put to death. Her beautiful older daughter knows the real reason for the execution lies in the lord's sexual desire for her mother.
western movie
Friar Lawrence
Two teenagers fall in love, but their feuding families and fate itself cause the relationship to end in tragedy.
Dr. Mercer
지독한 전염병이 전세계를 휩쓸고 지나간 후, 로버트 모건 박사는 유일한 생존자가 된다. 몇 년 전 중앙 아메리카에서 박테리아를 다루던 일을 하던 중 우연히 얻게 된 면역력 덕분이었다. 그는 완전히 외톨이가 되었다고 생각하지만, 밤이 되자 사정이 달라진다. 전염병으로 희생된 사람들이 무덤에서 되살아나, 오로지 그의 피를 노리며 그를 공격하기 시작한 것이다.
Lord Thomas Blackwood
한 저널리스트가 유령의 집에서 하룻밤을 보낼 수 있는지 내기를 하면서 벌어지는 이야기. 이탈리아 컬트 감독 안토니오 마르게리티의 대표작. (2012년 제13회 전주국제영화제)
Padre Cristoforo
Renzo Tramaglino and Lucia Mondella are two poor farmers who are in love, but they are hampered by the wickedness of the powerful Don Rodrigo, who secretly loves Lucia. The two run away from Lake Como where they live, and take refuge inland.
Canon Owens
A woman and her lover murder her husband, a doctor. Soon, however, strange things start happening, and they wonder if they really killed him, or if he is coming back from the dead to haunt them.
This film is the moving story of Edda Ciano, the daughter of Italian dictator Mussolini, who was unable to prevent the atrocious assassination of her husband by fanatics of her father.
Rabbi Beniamino
Rome 1943. The German Commandant of the city causes a turmoil in the Jewish community by offering them what seems to be an expensive way out of imprisonment and death.
Grand Priest
A Roman nobleman, Horatius leads an imperial legion during the long and bloody war between the Romans and the Albans. A desperate arrangement is agreed on how to settle the war. Three valiant brothers are chosen from each side to fight one last fierce and bloody duel...
Zeton, Priest
Chronicles the rise and fall of the woman who eventually became known as Queen Nefertiti.
Luigi Serra
Evocation of a dramatic episode of the Second World War told by an old guard. Boarded as a non-commissioned officer on the battleship sailed from Pola and headed south. In time of danger, the man is forced to sacrifice the lives of seven sailors and the son of the Captain, his good friend, in order to save the rest of the crew.