
Naakhara 2 (2011)

장르 : 공포

상영시간 : 1시간 20분

연출 : Valery Shadrin, Evgeniy Pavlov




Valery Shadrin
Valery Shadrin
Evgeniy Pavlov
Evgeniy Pavlov
Evgeniy Pavlov
Evgeniy Pavlov

비슷한 영화

블레어 윗치
1994년 10월 21일, 세 명의 영화학도 헤더 도나휴, 죠슈 레오나드, 마이클 C. 윌리암스 는 메릴랜드의 블랙힐 숲 속으로 떠난다. 이들의 과제는 200 여년 동안 전해내려 온 블레어 윗치 전설에 얽힌 진실을 다큐멘터리로 제작하는 것. 하지만 16미리 필름과 비디오 카메라, 그리고 녹음기와 메모지를 들고 숲 속으로 들어갔던 그들은 흔적도 없이 사라진다. 1년 후, 블랙 힐 숲에서 발견된 것은 그들이 직접 찍었던 필름 뿐. ‘블레어 윗치’는 메릴렌드주 블레어라 불리는 깊은 숲속 지역에서 발생된 어린이 대량학살의 원인으로 불리는 초자연적 유령에 대한 시골 전설로서, 이들 3명은 이것을 다큐멘타리로 기록하기 위해 블렉 힐 이라는 숲 속으로 들어간 후 자취를 감춘다. 팀의 주장이라 할 수 있는 헤더는 8mm 비디오로 상세한 여정을 기록하고자 항상 찍어대고 조슈아는 흑백 16미리 촬영을, 마이크는 음향 녹음을 담당하여 깊은 숲속으로 나침반과 지도만을 따라 들어가는데...
The Real Ghost Seekers
Danny tries to relive past glories by trying to revive his cancelled ghost hunting show.
1979년 환자 42명의 집단 자살과 병원장의 실종 이후, 섬뜩한 괴담으로 둘러싸인 곤지암 정신병원으로 공포체험을 떠난 7명의 멤버들. 원장실, 집단 치료실, 실험실, 열리지 않는 402호. 괴담의 실체를 담아내기 위해 병원 내부를 촬영하기 시작하던 멤버들에게 상상도 못한 기이하고 공포스러운 일들이 실제로 벌어지기 시작 하는데…
The Investigation: A Haunting in Sherwood
Private Investigator Gareth Morris went missing in 2018 whilst investigating noises coming from a house in Sherwood. He hacked into the home's security system and recorded everything.
레슬리 버논의 살인 일기
한 싸이코 연쇄살인범의 제의로 그의 살인을 기획(?) 단계부터 다큐멘터리로 기록하게 된 이들의 소름끼치는 살인일기. 80년대 틴에이지 슬래셔 무비의 공식을 따르는 이 살인계획에 종지부를 찍을 사람은 ‘처녀’이다. 그러나 결국 이 다큐멘터리는 장르의 전형을 깨는 새로운 것이었는데...
A couple are given a camera and a set of instructions which they must follow or else someone will die.
그레이브 인카운터
어느덧 6회째를 맞은 리얼리티 TV쇼 ‘그레이브 인카운터’의 진행자인 랜스 프레스톤과 촬영팀은 도시의 폐가이자 귀신이 출몰하는 것으로 유명한 콜링우드 정신병원을 찾는다. 수십 년 전 폐쇄된 이 건물 안에서 충격적인 영상을 담기 위해 하룻밤 동안 묵으며 모든 현상을 기록해 나가던 촬영팀.점차 시간이 지날수록 미로처럼 변해버린 건물과 위협적인 존재에 대한 공포감에 사로잡히게 된다. 급기야 촬영팀들도 한 명씩 사라지게 되고, 콜링우드 정신병원은 실제 공포의 공간으로 변모한다. 그로부터 몇 개월 후 발견된 여러 개의 테잎, 그리고 그 안에 담겨진 충격적인 영상… 과연 그들에게 무슨 일이 있었던 것일까? 병원에 숨겨진 공포의 실체는 무엇인가?
파라노말 액티비티: 도쿄 나이트
도쿄의 한적한 단독 주택에 사는 27살의 장녀 하루카(아오야마 노리코)는 여행을 갔던 미국에서 교통사고를 당해 두 다리가 복합 골절되어 휠체어를 타고 귀국한다. 재수생인 19살의 코이치(나카무라 아오이)는 새 비디오 카메라를 들고 그런 누나를 맞이한다. 아버지는 해외 출장이 많아 부재중인 탓에 6개월은 걸을 수 없다는 하루카의 간호는 코이치의 차지가 된다. 그러던 어느날. 하루카의 방에 놓아둔 휠체어가 아침이 되면 어딘가로 옮겨져 있거나, 소금이 흩뿌려져 있는 등 이상한 사건이 일어난다. 심상치 않은 기운을 느낀 코이치는 누나인 하루카를 설득해 비디오 카메라를 방에 설치하고 그곳에서 일어나는 일들을 촬영하기로 한다. 촬영을 거듭할수록 이제껏 볼 수 없던 미스터리한 사건들이 두 사람을 위협하기 시작하고, 급기야 누나인 하루카는 미국에서 자신이 낸 교통사고에 대해 차에 치인 여자가 바로 케이티였다는 충격적인 사실을 고백하는데…
더 포킵시 테잎스
포킵시라는 마을에서 대량의 비디오 테이프가 발견되는데 그 안에는 연쇄 살인범의 끔찍한 짓거리(?)들이 담겨있습니다. 이 연쇄 살인범을 다룬 "페이크" 다큐멘터리
헌티드 하우스
새 집을 장만한 신혼부부가 귀신과 함께 살게된다는 설정 하에, 최근 몇년동안 개봉한 공포영화들을 코믹스럽게 패러디한 영화.
그레이브 인카운터 2
영화를 전공하는 알렉스. 어느 날 그에게 의문의 이메일이 전송된다. 그레이브 인카운터를 촬영 후 실제 실종된 제작진과 정신병원에 대해 알려주겠다는 의문의 제보자. 무언가 비밀이 있다고 직감한 알렉스는 이야기의 근원을 파헤치기 위해 친구들과 함께 정신병원으로 향하는데...
While shooting a documentary on the suspicious disappearances within the homeless community, a filmmaker and his crew go missing while uncovering a terrifying and vicious secret below the city's surface.
The Truth Will Out
Thomas Laboss host of "Hard Streets UK", hits the road interviewing families from differing cultures across the UK, uncovering truths, whilst being his usual exploitative self. But there's something a bit more sinister about one particular family and he may not get out of this one alive!
File 253
In 2013 a psychiatric clinic which served for more than 50 years caring for patients in Mexico City was demolished. A few months before its demolition, four young men came to investigate the clinic, determined to discover the truth about rumors of strange and paranormal events, recording everything with which they encounter. Today, the whereabouts of these four young men are unknown, remaining only fragments of their recordings.
8ight After
After discovering a secret box in the wall of her house, a demonic presence begins terrorizing a YouTuber, at 8 after 1:00am every night.
파라노말 헌터
초자연적 현상을 조사하는 남자. 친구들과 위험한 게임을 한 후 완전히 딴사람이 되었다는 청년의 사연에 관심을 갖게 된다. 청년의 부모에게 도움을 요청받고 집안 곳곳에 카메라까지 설치한 상황. 청년은 정녕 악령에 사로잡힌 것인가.
In his latest film, Shirome, Stardust Promotion's relatively new pop idol unit Momoiro Clover star as a group of girls who enter an old abandoned school hoping to have their wishes granted by a spirit called Shirome. The girls initially had no clue they were being filmed for a movie at all. Instead, they were told that they were being filmed for an upcoming television show exploring haunted locations. The result is a faux documentary style in the same vein as "The Blair Witch Project" and "Paranormal Activity".
A video blogger's desperate search for his girlfriend, only visible via his video camera as hostile entities stalk him from the darkness, tearing away his reality to reveal a horrifying truth: this is their domain, he's their test subject.
빅풋: 더 로스트 코스트 테입스
Sean Reynolds, a highly acclaimed investigative journalist (who strongly believed in paranormal phenomena), destroyed his career when the most watched episode of his reality show, based on paranormal phenomena, turned out to be a hoax. Sean saw a news report on a "Bigfoot Hunter" (Carl Drybeck) who claimed to possess the body of a dead Sasquatch. He believes Drybeck is a phony and decides to create a new show that reveals people's paranormal claims as hoaxes. Sean assembles his old film crew and heads to Northern California's "Lost Coast" to meet with and interview Drybeck. Obsessed, Sean is staking his comeback, his life and the lives of his documentary film crew on proving Drybeck's claim to be a hoax.
Alien Overlords
A man learns about alien agendas from a dying agent and feels compelled to warn the world about the impending danger.

추천 영화

Two friends escape from the village to the city in search of a better life. However, finding your place in the city is not as easy as it seemed at first. After making several unsuccessful attempts to earn money and spending the last money on entertainment, the heroes begin to engage in petty crime, not realizing what this can lead to.
His Daughter
First-grader Tanechka lives in a Yakut village with her grandparents. Although her father has not written to her for a long time, the girl has no doubt that he invisibly helps her every time she needs him. Every morning in the village house begins with the anthem of the USSR on the radio, telling about Brezhnev's meeting with the oil workers. However, Tanechka is sure that “every new day reveals something unknown and secret” and wants to tell about those events of her childhood that still cause her, already an adult woman, either tears or great joy. Looking out the window at her peers, the wise heroine asks: “Why do children play all the time? When do they think? Probably never, that's why they are happy? "
Two friends and their wise old buddy decided to go hunting. They were overwhelmed by incredible hunting excitement, the blood boiled with adrenaline. Nature exposed all their true feelings: anger and love, rage and repentance. One fatal mistake and bitter reckoning. It is here that the main character will find the answer to his puzzle and make a decisive choice.
My White Nights
Republic Z
Three years into a zombie epidemic, a group of survivors prepare to leave their wooded shelter and brave the flesh eaters in order to reach the city.
Fighter's Night
Сааскы Кэм
The story unfolds in an alternate reality. Chee-Ke works for the "dance police". By the will of fate, he has to quit. For three years there is no news about the hero. But suddenly the singer Kunnei is kidnapped by the villain Bachata, and Chee-Ke is forced to go on the warpath. The policeman and his assistant must defeat the kidnappers in dance battles.
Kerel. Invisible Beauty
Kerel is the name of a young singer making her first steps on the professional stage. Aital is a simple village guy who composes songs. Fate brought them together for a short Yakut summer, and they fell in love with each other. It would seem that nothing can interfere with their happiness. But suddenly these relationships disrupt the plans of others and loved ones, because Kerel is incredibly beautiful, and Aital has been absolutely blind since childhood
I Love You, Yakutsk
From dozens of cities, you will always recognize your city – you will recognize it by its squares, by its streets, by its colors, by its breath, by its joys and troubles, and by its love. Four directors will tell four romantic love stories in our city: the love of spouses who have already begun to forget about it; the love of wayward parents for children; the love of life, beautiful and disturbing, and even the love of the very feeling of love. The characters of the film are worried and happy, work honestly, walk noisily and look for love without end. The beating of their hearts is the rhythm of the city. Recognize your city in every frame and look at Yakutsk, which you did not know.
Black Demon
Unremarkable at first glance, the murders in different parts of the city lead a young investigator named Sergei into a maze of dirty old secrets. For a long time, Sergei can't understand the motives or thought process of the criminal. But one detainee gives him a good hint: the scenario of the killer's actions inexplicably resembles the plot of the cartoon "About the Silly Winky-String", which is shown on TV in the city of N. The intrigue grows, and as the murders continue, the events take on an increasingly sinister tinge.
Due to a violent misunderstanding a young member of a criminal syndicate is torn away from familiar grounds of urban underworld and thrown into unwelcoming wilderness of Siberian taiga. Vast and virtually uninhabited, it provides little distinction between past and present, reality and myth. He must face the ghosts of the past and shadows of the present, and rediscover himself and his destiny, however shattering and unwanted it may be.
A psychological thriller. One quite ordinary summer morning five different and unacquainted people leave their apartments at different floors and enter the lift. The doors close behind the last passenger and the lift starts descending. The moments pass, but the lift is not going to stop, the impression of endless moving appears and grows. Panic transforms into fear with every passing minute, situation is getting out of control. The lift cage transforms into closed space, into moving rattrap from which there is no escape. How would the five people behave in such hopeless situation? Their souls are assaulted by doubts and fear, they are filled with overwhelming feeling of inevitability and despair as around them the ordinary is turning into the unreal. Have you ever wondered what your companions in the lift are? Are they really what they claim to be? Or maybe you should fear them?
Russia’s answer to U.S. box-office hit “The Social Network”, the movie tells the story of a pair of Moscow students in the mid-90s who create an internet search engine that becomes one of the largest in the world.