
Dancing North (2000)

장르 :

상영시간 : 1시간 38분

연출 : Paolo Quaregna


Franco, singer of a successful rock band, is tired of a job that is more repetitive than creative. On a whim, he decides to go far away to recharge his batteries: he agrees to coach a group of musicians in a small Inuit village in Canada. It will be a difficult initiatory experience, the approach of a different civilization and culture leading to musical crossbreeding.


Frédéric Deban
Frédéric Deban
Sabrina Leurquin
Sabrina Leurquin
Noah Aragutak
Noah Aragutak
Eric Atagotaluk
Eric Atagotaluk
Ginette Boivin
Ginette Boivin


Paolo Quaregna
Paolo Quaregna