
Fordlandia (2014)

장르 : 다큐멘터리

상영시간 : 30분

연출 : Melanie Smith


Fordlandia is a small settlement on the River Tapajos in the Brazilian part of the Amazon, where Henry Ford set up a rubber industry in the 1920s. Mainly due to the resistance of nature, the project failed and was abandoned some 20 years later. Fordlandia is a voyage of (de)colonisation whereby the drifts and detours of modernity in uncertain places are highlighted, turning away from whatever their historical imaginaries were. The tensions between industrial and natural landscape are levelled off in a certain horizontality of hierarchies between form and content, and at the same time the animal resignifies possibilities of the community of the living.



Melanie Smith
Melanie Smith

비슷한 영화

구약 성서에서, 산은 베헤모스라는 이름의 괴수가 거주하는 곳이다. 현대에 와서는 거대한 광산 기업들이 괴수의 공간을 차지했다. 단테의 『신곡』에서 영감을 받은 감독은 보이스오버를 통해 지옥으로 변해버린 중국의 낙원 찾기에 대한 그의 시적인 성찰을 공유한다. 전설 속의 괴수는 한 번이라도 이런 꿈을 꾼 적이 있었을까? (2016년 제13회 서울환경영화제)
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Fordlandia is a small settlement on the River Tapajos in the Brazilian part of the Amazon, where Henry Ford set up a rubber industry in the 1920s. Mainly due to the resistance of nature, the project failed and was abandoned some 20 years later. Fordlandia is a voyage of (de)colonisation whereby the drifts and detours of modernity in uncertain places are highlighted, turning away from whatever their historical imaginaries were. The tensions between industrial and natural landscape are levelled off in a certain horizontality of hierarchies between form and content, and at the same time the animal resignifies possibilities of the community of the living.
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