Shuttle Discovery's Last Mission (2013)
장르 : 다큐멘터리
상영시간 : 46분
With more than 27 years of service, the space shuttle Discovery has clocked more time in space than any other shuttle. She has flown more than 148 million miles, and has become one of the most storied spacecraft in American history. Join us as we celebrate her remarkable past and follow her final flight: to the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. It's an emotionally charged mission full of logistical challenges. Discovery is a robust, but very fragile aircraft, and getting her to D.C. in one piece will require some innovative engineering.
미국에서 영국으로 공수 중이던 문레이커가 공중에서 탈취를 당한다. 조사를 맡은 007은 문레이커를 개발, 제조한 장본인인 드랙스가 배후의 인물임을 알아낸다. 드랙스 산업기지에 위장 취업한 CIA 요원 굿헤드와 연합으로 조사하던 중 드랙스가 인간만을 죽이는 독가스로 지구를 깨끗이 청소한 뒤 선택받은 젊은 남녀들로 신인류 제국을 건설하려는 야망을 가지고 있다는 것을 알아낸다. 007과 굿헤드는 몰래 그들 틈에 숨어 드랙스의 우주 기지로 날아간다. 레이더 방해 장치를 파괴하여 지상에 이곳의 존재를 알린 007과 굿헤드는 발사된 독가스 캡슐을 걱정한다.
가까운 미래, 기후변화로 인해 지구에 갖가지 자연재해가 속출한다. 세계 정부 연합은 더 이상의 재난을 예방하기 위해 세계 인공위성 조직망을 통해 날씨를 조종할 수 있는 '더치보이 프로그램'을 개발한다. 하지만 프로그램에 문제가 생기면서 두바이의 쓰나미와 홍콩의 용암 분출, 리우의 혹한, 모스크바의 폭염까지, 세계 곳곳에서 일어날 수 없는 기상이변이 일어나는데...
주인공 부부 핀과 에이프릴은 플로리다 올랜도로 여름휴가를 떠나기로 한다. 하지만 갑작스레 백악관 행사에 초대된 핀은 워싱턴에 남게 되고, 에이프릴은 친정어머니인 메이와 딸 클로디아와 함께 올랜도로 향한다. 한편 워싱턴에 거대한 폭풍과 함께 하늘에서 상어가 떨어지는 이른바 ‘샤크네이도’가 사람들을 공격하기 시작한다. 인정사정 없이 물어뜯는 식인상어들은 동부해안까지 상륙하고, 가족을 구하러 올랜도로 향하는 핀. 이전보다 강력해져 돌아온 샤크네이도의 공격에서 가족을 구하고 무사히 살아남을 수 있을까?
미국 남부 알라바마주의 헌츠빌에 소재한 우주센터는, 여름이면 꿈많은 청소년들에게 기초적인 우주여행 훈련을 시키는 스페이스 캠프를 운영한다. 여름캠프에 참가한 티쉬를 비롯한 소년들은 어느날 밤 어른들 몰래 스페이스 셔틀에 올라 조종장치를 만지며 장난을 친다. 그런데, 장난으로 작동하던 셔틀이 작동되어 발사대를 떠나 하늘로 치솟게 된다. 당직근무를 하던 직원들이 비상소집되고, 셔틀과의 교신이 시작되는데...
During a Space Shuttle mission a satellite rams a unidentified flying object. The UFO afterwards performs an emergency landing in the deserts of Arizona. However the White House denies its existence because of the near presidential elections. The UFO is brought to the secret Hangar 18 and the accident is blamed on the incompetence of the astronauts Bancroff and Price. But the two fight against this and try to hunt down the UFO.
1986년 1월 28일 발사 된지 75초만에 폭발해서 상공에서 공중분해된 챌린저 호의 조사를 담당했던 리차드 파인만의 이야기를 그린 교육용 다큐멘터리 영화.
우주비행사가 꿈인 13살 지미는 어느 날 우주로켓 센터에서 개최하는 여름 우주캠프에 선발되었다. 우주왕복선에 탑승할 수 있는 기회가 주어지는 우주캠프에서 그와 함께 선발된 다른 다섯 명의 특출난 경쟁자들. 지미를 포함한 여섯 명의 십대들의 경쟁이 점점 더 열기를 더해갈 무렵, 우주정거장에 위험한 사고가 발생하게 되는데...대니 글로버, 미라 소르비로 같은 낯익은 헐리우드 스타들이 함께 하는 워너브라더스의 어린이 우주 모험극.
(2013년 제4회 국립과천과학관 국제SF영상축제)
1990년 4월, 인류 최초의 우주망원경 허블이 우주로 떠났다. 전세계는 허블이 눈을 뜨는 순간을 숨죽여 기다렸고, 허블이 최초로 우주의 영상을 지구로 전송한 순간은 역사상 가장 위대한 순간이 되었다. 그로부터 19년 후, 허블을 지키기 위한 마지막 임무를 위해 7인의 우주 비행사들이 우주로 향한다. 초속 2800km로 이동하는 허블을 따라 수리와 업그레이드를 해야 하는 NASA 역사상 가장 위험하고 어려운 미션. 90분마다 해가 뜨는 곳, 놀랍도록 경이로운 비밀이 숨겨져 있는 그 곳, 생생하게 살아 숨쉬는 우주로의 여행이 지금 시작된다!
사고로 우주공간으로 올라가게 된 최초의 초음속 여객기 스타플라이트. 승객들을 구하기 위한 작전이 벌어지는데....
A sweeping overview of humanity’s accomplishments in space, as well as our ongoing activities and future plans.
On the eve of the Challenger explosion in 1986 one engineer goes to the extreme to stop the launch. This hot-headed engineer makes a desperate race against the clock to call off the billion dollar multi-delayed Challenger launch, convinced the O-ring seals will fail and kill everyone on board. The Company, Marshall Space Flight and NASA made a business decision. He made a human decision.
The story of the space shuttle - it's triumphs and disasters - and the dream of building an affordable and reusable spacecraft
Geoffrey Graves is a secret agent who comes ourt of retirement for a mission in South Africa. Stella Stevens stars as an enemy agent.
The Dream Is Alive takes you into space alongside the astronauts on the space shuttle. Share with them the delights of zero gravity while working, eating and sleeping in orbit around the Earth. Float as never before over the towering Andes, the boot of Italy, Egypt and the Nile. Witness firsthand a tension-filled satellite capture and repair and the historic first spacewalk by an American woman.
In the last month of the space shuttle programme, Kevin Fong is granted extraordinary access to the astronauts and ground crew as they prepare for their final mission. He is in mission control as the astronauts go through their final launch simulation, and he flies with the last shuttle commander as he undertakes his last practice landing flight. Kevin also gains privileged access to the shuttle itself, visiting the launchpad in the company of the astronaut who will guide the final flight from mission control.
“Whatever falls from heaven, you may keep.” So goes the unwritten law of the Kazakh steppes. A law avidly adhered to by the inhabitants of a small village, who collect the space debris that falls downrange from the nearby Baikonur space station. The last two youthful members of the village are the radio operator Iskander, known as Gagarin, and the spirited Nazira. While Nazira finds it increasing difficult to conceal her love for Iskander by means of her unconventional behaviour, Iskander is evidently not only crazy about Baikonur and the vastness of outer space, but also deeply smitten with the beautiful French astronaut Julie Mahé, whose journey to the stars he wistfully follows on television.
In July 2011, Space Shuttle Atlantis will blast-off from the Kennedy Space Center, marking the end of an era. After 34 flights into space, this iconic craft, along with the rest of the shuttle fleet, is entering retirement. The combined effort of thousands of people, from every corner of the globe, will be brought together in one place, for one awe-inspiring moment – the final space shuttle launch. This film winds back the clock and follows the shuttle as it is prepared for its last mission. It draws on personal testimonies of key characters - the engineers, astronauts and others who have spent their lives working on the Shuttle Program. For them, this flight is loaded with mixed emotions, immense pride and nostalgia for the program and great sadness that it is coming to an end.
E.J. Mackernutt, Jr., an 11-year-old boy who has always been fascinated by space and astronauts, sneaks into Cape Kennedy and becomes a stowaway on a spaceship scheduled for a lunar landing. After he is discovered, NASA at first cancels the landing, but E.J. and the astronauts convince them to go forward with it. Problems arise when one of the astronauts is incapacitated by illness and the other two are stranded on the moon's surface, but E.J. is able to command the space capsule and save the day.
An idea born in unsettled times becomes a feat of engineering excellence. The most complex machine ever built to bring humans to and from space and eventually construct the next stop on the road to space exploration.
Challenger Disaster: Lost Tapes follows the story of the Space Shuttle Challenger and its crew, specifically Christa McAuliffe, the first civilian to be launched into space. The events of the days leading up to the disaster are detailed in this unique film, which uses no narration and no interviews. Instead the story is told solely with reports of journalists covering the story, extensive recordings from the NASA team, and interviews with McAuliffe and others who were part of this one-of-a-kind mission. Using rarely seen images and audio recordings, this show takes viewers behind the scenes of this compelling and historic story in a way never before seen.
A little bumblebee is tired of her daily routine and the other boring bumblebees. She flies to the place of her dreams and meets a frog who is also seeking something new. Despite their differences, the two animals become friends and start their adventure together. This children’s animation film was a success in East German cinemas. Older viewers, however, saw it as a metaphor for their longing to escape – daily life, or even their walled-in country.
O Descobrimento do Brasil (The Discovery of Brazil) is an impressive historical epic recreating Álvares Cabral’s voyage to the New World in 1500, with a score especially written by the renowned composer, Heitor Villa-Lobos. One of the earliest examples of Brazilian cinema, this film depicts the perilous journey of Pedro Álvares Cabral’s armada from Portugal to Brazil. Though somewhat rudimentary compared to other films of the period, The Discovery of Brazil distinguishes itself with its scenes of indigenous people and Portuguese explorers on the beach, and in the imaginative lighting on board the ship. But the real star is the beautiful cantata by Villa-Lobos that permeates the film.
John Huston, a pioneer of film noir, westerns, war films and epic dramas. We explore his life and works, which include classics such as 'The Maltese Falcon', 'The Treasure of the Sierra Madre', and 'The African Queen'.
This story is told by academician S. Yuryshev, Director of the Institute of applied biochemistry. The events in it are developing in 20 years during the Civil war, when he sent a geologist searching for copper in the coal mines of the merchant Stasova, and in the 70s, when the head of the Institute. His thoughts and actions as if he reconciles his past, revolutionary romanticism 20-h his life's work was the discovery of a new chemical element. He believes in getting it even when the explosion in the laboratory takes the life of his closest friend and colleague, when his grown-up adopted son, becoming also a chemist, suffered during the experiments. Believe when testing on military ground again fail…
The 6 minutes film unfurls the story of self discovery in the strangest time through a MakeUp Artist. His only guest happens to be economic crisis. With the moist eyes and the time he is left alone with, his sight is beclouded. So, he turns to himself to see a face he has never seen beneath his brushes, a face he has never bothered to acknowledge.
The son of an astronomer hides the family cat in his father's telescope.
Dr. Gu finds a fly, but he didn't recognize it, thinking it was a newly discovered bug in the world.
Astronaut Prince Sultan bin Salman went to space in 1985 and launched ArabSat. A Pan Arab satellite that changed the entire Arab world. This film interviews a number of Saudi scientists involved in the NASA journey, as well as, eye witnesses who remember the 80's and how this mission change there lives for ever.
Black comedy about a couple who become convinced that their best friends are aliens and that the Earth’s days are numbered.
Karel Doing follows the route taken by his uncle Ed Huis in ‘t Veld, who was executed in 1942 by Japanese forces on the Indonesian island of Tarakan. In this intimate travelogue, Doing visits the harbours where the mail ships stopped on their way to the Dutch Indies (Amsterdam, Genoa, Port Said) and films in Jakarta, Surabaya, Borneo and the oil-rich island of Tarakan. Fragments from his uncle’s letters, archival footage from the extensive Eye Filmmuseum collection and the director’s diary are combined in a fascinating mix.
Minori Oyamada, a put-upon editor at a travel-guide publishing company, is asked by an old friend to plan her forthcoming wedding party in Hawaii. After persuading her boss that it will be a work trip, Minori departs for Hawaii with the intention to find and marry a rich man. But when Minori arrives, she encounters three different men who complicate her original goal...
IN 1988, rising star Kenneth Branagh tackled the role of Shakespeare’s prince of Denmark for the first time in his professional career under the guidance of celebrated actor Derek Jacobi. Narrated by Patrick Stewart, this hour-long film documents how Kenneth Branagh and Derek Jacobi, two intelligent and passionate men, found new depths in Shakespeare’s classic drama, Hamlet. Filmmakers Mark Olshaker and Larry Klein follow the company through four weeks of rehearsals, from the first read-throughs to opening night.
A show commemorating the 30th anniversary of the former Beatle's death. His contemporaries and current commentators reflect on the role of John Lennon, the artist and radical thinker.
World Report cameras have had unique access to the mission of Shuttle Discovery. From the events leading up to the STS-114 launch, to the touchdown of the spacecraft, relive this historic series of events through the eye of HDNet's high definition cameras.
Thirty years after the disappearance of her father, a woman discovers she can make phone calls to her past self.
Wolves have been demonized for centuries, blood thirsty beasts haunting our nightmares. We were determined to dispel this myth and show the true nature of wolves. Compassionate family animals, both playful and affectionate. For six years in a tented camp in the wilderness of Idaho, we lived among a pack of wolves, listening to them, earning their trust.Now in "Living With Wolves," we share more of the story of The Sawtooth Pack, first told in our two-time Emmy Award-winning documentary, Wolves at Our Door. Our own lives, brought together by a devotion to wildlife, were forever changed by these elusive, intelligent animals who accepted us. Overcoming forest fires, marauding mountain lions and sub-zero winters, we share with you a heart-warming and unique partnership of human and predator, built on trust and defying the storm of controversy surrounding the wolf.
영화의 원제 ‘발견의 해’는 콜럼버스가 아메리카 대륙을 발견한 1492년을 지칭한다. 반면 현대 역사에서 ‘발견의 해’로 얘기되는 1992년은 바르셀로나 올림픽과 세비아 엑스포가 열려 ‘강국 스페인’으로서의 이미지를 다시금 내세운 해였다. 또한 무르시아 지역 산업 위기로 엄청난 규모의 노동자 시위가 일어난 때였으나 미디어는 ‘잔치’만을 기록하기에 바빴다. 영화는 1992년과 현재를 오가며 무르시아 시내 한 카페에서 다양한 연령대의 사람들이 나누는 대화를 기록한다. 일상 얘기부터 노동조합, 인종 차별, 파시스트, 독재로 이어지는 토론까지 카메라는 화자와 청자를 클로즈업해 보여준다.