
Tonka (1958)

The untold story behind the West's strangest legend!

장르 : 모험, 드라마, 가족, 서부

상영시간 : 1시간 38분

연출 : Lewis R. Foster
각본 : Lewis R. Foster, Lillie Hayward


Young Indian brave White Bull captures and tames a wild stallion and names him Tonka. But when White Bull's cruel cousin claims Tonka for his own and mistreats the horse, White Bull sets him free. Tonka finally finds a home with Capt. Keogh and the 7th Calvary, and in 1876, rides into the Battle of Little Big Horn with General Armstrong Custer, becoming its only survivor.


Sal Mineo
Sal Mineo
White Bull
Philip Carey
Philip Carey
Captain Myles Keogh
Jerome Courtland
Jerome Courtland
Lieutenant Henry Nowlan
H.M. Wynant
H.M. Wynant
Yellow Bull
Joy Page
Joy Page
Prairie Flower
Britt Lomond
Britt Lomond
General George Armstrong Custer
Rafael Campos
Rafael Campos
Strong Bear
Herbert Rudley
Herbert Rudley
Captain Benteen
Sydney Smith
Sydney Smith
General Alfred Howe Terry
John War Eagle
John War Eagle
Chief Sitting Bull
Gregg Martell
Gregg Martell
Corporal Korn
Slim Pickens
Slim Pickens
Robert "Buzz" Henry
Lieutenant Crittenden (as Robert Buzz Henry)
Jim Alderman
Jim Alderman
Cavalryman (uncredited)
Alma Armstrong
Alma Armstrong
Minor Role (uncredited)
Larry Baxter
Larry Baxter
Cavalryman (uncredited)
George Bernier
George Bernier
Ace's Man (uncredited)
Charles Biles
Charles Biles
Cavalryman (uncredited)
Myrtle Brashear
Myrtle Brashear
Claude Brennan
Claude Brennan
Officer (uncredited)
Tom Bride
Tom Bride
Ace's Man (uncredited)
Cliff Burdette
Cliff Burdette
Lynn Burke
Lynn Burke
Minor Role (uncredited)
Monroe Carlson
Monroe Carlson
Major Marcus A. Reno (uncredited)
Pat Castor
Pat Castor
Officer (uncredited)
Armand Delmar
Armand Delmar
Minor Role (uncredited)
Leroy Ditmore
Leroy Ditmore
Cavalryman (uncredited)
Jack Dusick
Jack Dusick
Minor Role (uncredited)
Chuck Fite
Chuck Fite
Cavalryman (uncredited)
Stan Frank
Stan Frank
Indian Scout (uncredited)
Harold Green
Harold Green
Indian (uncredited)
Alvin Grimes
Alvin Grimes
Officer (uncredited)
Johnny Guerin
Johnny Guerin
Indian (uncredited)
O. Hensel
O. Hensel
Wayne Houston
Wayne Houston
Cavalryman (uncredited)
Wallace Lee Hug
Wallace Lee Hug
Child (uncredited)
Peggy Jaques
Peggy Jaques
Pioneer (uncredited)
Renee Jaques
Renee Jaques
Pioneer (uncredited)
Leroy Johnson
Leroy Johnson
Minor Role (uncredited)
Karl Kleint
Karl Kleint
Cavalryman (uncredited)
Clem Klink
Clem Klink
Dignitary (uncredited)
Eddie Little Sky
Eddie Little Sky
Spotted Tail (uncredited)
Bob Marx
Bob Marx
Harry Miller
Harry Miller
Jack Muhs
Jack Muhs
Minor Role (uncredited)
Gus Norin
Gus Norin
Robert Patrick
Robert Patrick
Cavalryman (uncredited)
Bob Patterson
Bob Patterson
Cavalryman (uncredited)
Hugh Porter
Hugh Porter
Ace's Man (uncredited)
Dallas Quick
Dallas Quick
Dignitary (uncredited)
Roland Ray
Roland Ray
Minor Role (uncredited)
Morton Remmels
Morton Remmels
William 'Red' Reynolds
William 'Red' Reynolds
Cavalryman (uncredited)
Rod Rosebrook
Rod Rosebrook
Ace's Man (uncredited)
Gard Safley
Gard Safley
Cavalryman (uncredited)
Ed Saluskin
Ed Saluskin
Scout (uncredited)
Walter Schenck
Walter Schenck
Alba Shawaway
Alba Shawaway
Scout for Custer / War Dance Drummer / Indian (uncredited)
Nettie Shawaway
Nettie Shawaway
Walt Smead
Walt Smead
Ace's Man (uncredited)
Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Cavalryman (uncredited)
Frank Stoul
Frank Stoul
Cavalryman (uncredited)
Leland Thompson
Leland Thompson
Indian Boy (uncredited)
Chester Von Pelt
Chester Von Pelt
Indian (uncredited)
Levi Van Pelt
Levi Van Pelt
Child (uncredited)
Harry Welch
Harry Welch
Cavalryman (uncredited)
Conrad Well
Conrad Well
Orderly (uncredited)
Glenn Wright
Glenn Wright
Minor Role (uncredited)
Al Wyatt Sr.
Al Wyatt Sr.
Trooper (uncredited)
W.C. Yeomans
W.C. Yeomans
Kellogg (uncredited)
C.R. Yount
C.R. Yount
Cavalryman (uncredited)


Lewis R. Foster
Lewis R. Foster
Lewis R. Foster
Lewis R. Foster
Lillie Hayward
Lillie Hayward
David Appel
David Appel
Loyal Griggs
Loyal Griggs
Director of Photography
Ellsworth Hoagland
Ellsworth Hoagland
Oliver Wallace
Oliver Wallace
Original Music Composer
Robert Emmet Smith
Robert Emmet Smith
Art Direction
James C. Pratt
James C. Pratt
Harry L. Underwood
Harry L. Underwood
Camera Operator

비슷한 영화

The Massacre
The story of the massacre of an Indian village, and the ensuing retaliation.
Don't Touch the White Woman!
A highly stylized surreal farce about the events leading up to Custer's Last Stand anachronistically reenacted in an urban renewal area in modern Paris.
Sitting Bull
Chief Sitting Bull of the Sioux tribe is forced by the Indian-hating General Custer to react with violence, resulting in the famous Last Stand at Little Bighorn. Parrish, a friend to the Sioux, tries to prevent the bloodshed, but is court- martialed for "collaborating" with the enemy. Sitting Bull, however, manages to intercede with President Grant on Parrish's behalf. Written by Jim Beaver
서부의 커스터
Biopic of General George Armstrong Custer from his rise to prominence in the Civil War through to his "last stand" at the Battle of the Little Big Horn.
리틀 빅혼
리틀 빅혼 전투 이후 벌어진 군법회의에서 원주민 관리자 가족의 호위 임무를 맡았던 벤튼 대위는 그와 관련한 진실을 밝히고 있음을 호소한다. 그와 함께 근무했던 커스터 대령은 원주민들을 정당하게 대우하고자 하는 인물이었다. 하지만 이후 정치인들의 알력으로 자리를 잃을 위기에 처하게 된다. 그러던 중 블레인 상원의원이 커스터 대령에게 접근하여 대통령 후보가 될 것을 제안하면서 욕망에 눈이 먼 그는 인디언과의 전쟁을 일으키게 된다. (채널 더 무비)
Little Big Horn
Two cavalry officers (Lloyd Bridges, John Ireland) lead a patrol to warn Gen. Custer about an ambush.
작은 거인
인디안 포니족의 습격으로 부모를 잃고 누나와 단 둘이 살아남은 잭 크랩(Jack Crabb : 더스틴 호프만 분)은 평화를 사랑하는 샤이엔족에게 구출되어 그들의 일원으로 성장한다. 조그마한 덩치때문에 인디안식 이름으로 '작은 거인'이라 불리던 잭은 캠프를 습격해온 기병대에 의해 백인들의 세계로 돌아간다. 목사집에 맡겨진 잭은 목사의 부인인 팬드레이크(Louise Pendrake : 페이 다나웨이 분) 부인의 유혹과 타락을 체험한 뒤 떠돌이 장사꾼을 따라나선다. 그러나 친구의 배신으로 전재산을 날린 잭은 우연히 만난 커스터 장군(General Custer : 리차드 뮬리간 분)의 충고에 따라 서부로 떠난다. 험난한 여정에다가 인디안들에게 아내까지 납치당하는 불운을 겪는 잭. 그는 수년간의 방황끝에 그 옛날 자신을 키워준 샤이엔족과 재회한 뒤, 진정한 인디안으로 살아가지만...
They Died with Their Boots On
The story follows General George Armstrong Custer's adventures from his West Point days to his death. He defies orders during the Civil War, trains the 7th Cavalry, appeases Chief Crazy Horse and later engages in bloody battle with the Sioux nation.
글로리 가이스
맥케이브 장군이 지휘하는 제3 기병대로 전출된 해러드 대위는 개인적 명예와 승리를 위해서라면 대학살도 서슴지 않는 맥케이브 장군이 마뜩잖다. 게다가 전투 경험도 없는 오합지졸의 병사들을 훈련 시켜 전투를 이끌어야 하는 임무마저 주어진다. 한편 그는 뮬 시티에 사는 미망인 `루`와 사랑하게 되는데 민간인으로서 기병대 척후병인 `솔` 또한 공교롭게도 루를 좋아하게 되고 둘은 앙숙이 되는데...