
Maturant (2019)

장르 : 드라마

상영시간 : 0분

연출 : Braňo Holiček
각본 : Pavel Kilián



Antonín Mašek
Antonín Mašek
Lucie Žáčková
Lucie Žáčková
Jan Hájek
Jan Hájek
Filip Bařina
Filip Bařina


Václav Sadílek
Václav Sadílek
First Assistant Director
Titti Fügediová
Titti Fügediová
Iva Aussenbergová
Iva Aussenbergová
Production Manager
Marta Janotová
Marta Janotová
Makeup Artist
Peter Tistan
Peter Tistan
Costume Designer
Robert Smělý
Robert Smělý
Lighting Director
Filip Kettner
Filip Kettner
Focus Puller
Jan Kolář
Jan Kolář
Assistant Camera
David Matoušek
David Matoušek
Assistant Camera
Jiří Gadža
Jiří Gadža
Tomáš Srovnal
Tomáš Srovnal
Executive Producer
Jan Šulcek
Jan Šulcek
Tomáš Klímek
Tomáš Klímek
Gašper Šnuderl
Gašper Šnuderl
Director of Photography
Monika Schwarcz
Monika Schwarcz
Jan Schwarcz
Jan Schwarcz
Pavel Kilián
Pavel Kilián
Martin Kožíšek
Martin Kožíšek
Braňo Holiček
Braňo Holiček

비슷한 영화

오드리와 데이지
성폭행을 당한 두 소녀. 그것이 끝이 아니었다. 현장에 카메라가 있었음이 드러나고 잔인한 사이버 폭력이 뒤따른다. 그 고통의 시간을 담아, 변화를 촉구하는 다큐멘터리.
어린 아들을 잃고 남편 데릭(알렉산더 스카스가드)과의 대화마저 단절된 채 힘겨운 시간을 보내던 신디(폴라 패튼)는 상처받은 사람들을 위한 채팅 사이트에서 위안을 얻지만 채팅으로 인해 전 재산이 피싱 당한 사실을 알고 패닉에 빠진다. 지방 방송국 기자 니나(안드레아 라이즈보로)가 특종을 위해 불법 성인사이트에서 화상 채팅을 하는 18살 미성년자 카일(맥스 티에리옷)에게 접근해 은밀한 거래를 통해 성사된 인터뷰는 화제선상에 떠오르며 CNN을 타게 된다. 기뻐할 시간도 잠시 니나를 찾아온 FBI는 미성년자 불법 성인사이트를 수사한다며 취재원의 정보를 요구하는데...
A chilling real-time thriller featuring a teenager, Casey, battling with an anonymous cyber-stalker.
Capturing the story of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange with unprecedented access, director Laura Poitras finds herself caught between the motives and contradictions of Assange and his inner circle in a documentary portrait of power, betrayal, truth and sacrifice.
An insider's look at the fake news phenomenon and the consequences of media misinformation. Interviews from those who have been accused of spreading it themselves are featured in variety throughout the film.
Tommy Robinson goes on the offensive by documenting how his own “hit piece” on his character was being constructed by the taxpayer-funded BBC for their popular investigative news special “Panorama.” In the film he manages to capture footage of the blackmailing of his former employees to invent stories, along with an organization—known as “Hope not Hate”—on set with the BBC, intimidating ex-employees of Robinson during interviews. The host of “Panorama” at the time of filming is caught on camera casually using racist and homophobic slurs during a £220 champagne lunch with the same ex-employee they had planned to coach for a fake interview in which the BBC would possibly edit in which to make it appear as, “a gender, a sexual thing against Tommy Robinson,” according to the host. Within 24 hours of releasing the film, social media giant Facebook made a public statement of their own and removed Tommy Robinson’s accounts permanently.
키야는 사람들의 관심이 고프다. 그녀는 난감한 상황을 만들어 찍은 비디오를 SNS에 올려 일약 스타가 되고, 우쭐해진 그녀는 선을 넘는 상황을 연출하기에 이른다. 감각적인 화면 속 극단으로 치닫는 주인공의 심리가 묘한 긴장감을 불러일으키는 작품. (2017년 제21회 부천국제판타스틱영화제)
Marion, 13 ans pour toujours
The real story of Marion Fraisse, who committed suicide at the age of 13 after being viciously and repeatedly bullied by her classmates.
Our New President
The story of Donald Trump's election told entirely through Russian propaganda. By turns horrifying and hilarious, the film is a satirical portrait of Russian meddling in the 2016 election that reveals an empire of fake news and the tactics of modern day information warfare.
With his documentary "Hold-Up", director Pierre Barnérias denounces the lies, corruption and manipulation in France around the management of covid-19.
인터넷 중독자 수용소
China is the first country in the world to classify Internet addiction as a clinical disorder. Caught in the Net features a Beijing treatment center where Chinese teenagers are being "deprogrammed," and follows the story of three boys from the day they arrive at the center, to their three-month treatment period, and their long awaited return home. The film provides a microcosm of modern Chinese life and investigates one of the symptoms of the Internet age. It examines inter-generational pressures and the disregard of the human rights of minors who get caught in the net.
악플러 죽이기
여성 컬럼리스트 펨케는 출판을 앞두고 노심초사하고 있다. 하지만 자신의 TV토론의 내용을 트집잡아 악성 댓글을 달아대는 악플러들로 인해 우울증과 신경쇠약에 걸릴 지경이다. 어느날 우연히 악플러 중 하나를 공격하면서 묘한 해방감과 카타르시스를 경험한다. 이후 홀로 숨어 악플러들에 대한 사적 처단을 시작한다.
Manufacturing Ignorance
Tobacco, climate change, pesticides,... Never has scientific knowledge seemed so vast, detailed and shared. And yet it appears to be increasingly challenged. It is no longer surprising to see private corporations put strategies in place to confuse the public debate and paralyze political decision-making. Overwhelmed by excess of information, how can we, as citizens, sort out fact from fiction? One by one, this film dismantles the workings of this clever manoeuvre that aims to turn science against itself. Thanks to declassified archives, graphic animations and testimonies from experts, lobbyists and politicians, this investigation plunges us into the science of doubt. Along with a team of experts (philosophers, economists, cognitive scientists, political men, or even agnotologists), we explore concrete examples of doubt making and try to understand the whole process and the issues behind it.
Sieged: The Press vs. Denialism
Behind the scenes of news coverage during the pandemic. Follow the work of the professional press in a fight against denialism.
David Troll
Big Data, Big Brother
The story of the cross destiny of George Orwell (1903-50) and Aldous Huxley (1894-1963), the genius authors of the two most groundbreaking novels of anticipation of the 20th century: 1984 and Brave New World; two lucid witnesses of the maledictions of the modern world whose novels have found a considerable echo with our time.
The Wikipedia Promise
In 2001, Jimmy Wales published the first article on Wikipedia, a collaborative effort that began with a promise: to democratize the spreading of knowledge, monopolized by the elites for centuries. But is Wikipedia really a utopia come true?
Factory of Lies
Russia has launched an information war - introducing a new weapon. Hundreds of young Russian are producing fake news from fake profiles. And the fake stories are spread in US and Europe to sow division and distrust. But some brave Russian journalists are fighting back. Meet the brave journalists in a new documentary about the "Factory of Lies".
On the Web #1 the troll
An online gamer encounters an internet troll, he swears to seak vengence by seeking sexual intercourse with the troll's mother.