
Hans Hartung, la fureur de peindre (2019)

장르 : 다큐멘터리

상영시간 : 53분

연출 : Romain Goupil




Romain Goupil
Romain Goupil

비슷한 영화

에곤 쉴레: 욕망이 그린 그림
오스트리아 빈 근교의 툴른에서 태어난 에곤 쉴레는 유복한 가정에서 태어났지만, 매독에 걸린 아버지의 광기로 인해 어린 시절 큰 상처를 받은 인물로 기록되고 있다. 매독에 걸린 아버지가 모든 집안 소유물을 아궁이에 던져 태워버린 것, 어머니의 무관심 등은 에곤 쉴레가 짧은 일평생 동안 여동생 게르티 쉴레에 집착하고 자신을 예술에만 몰아치게 한 원동력을 만든 트라우마로 분석되고 있다.두 살 때부터 무엇인가를 그리기 시작했고 어려서부터 그림에 천부적인 재능을 보였던 에곤 쉴레는 정식으로 미술 교육을 받지 않았지만, 명문인 빈 예술 아카데미에 최연소로 입학 허가를 받으며 천재성을 인정받는다. 하지만 아카데미의 보수적인 학풍에 반대해 학교를 그만두고 ‘신예술가 그룹’을 결성하며 자신만의 독특한 화풍을 발전시키며 작품 활동을 펼쳐 나간다.특히 당대 최고의 화가 구스타프 클림트는 에곤 쉴레의 재능을 아끼면서도 질투했는데, 서로 그림을 교환할 때마다 그가 매번 ‘왜 그림을 교환하려 하지? 네 그림이 훨씬 나은데?’라고 한 것은 유명한 일화. 구스타프 클림트와 에곤 쉴레는 서로에게 자극과 영감을 받는 사이였고 구스타프 클림트는 그의 가장 친한 친구이자 조력자 역할을 했다. 도발적이고 과격한 터치로 적나라하게 인체를 표현, 금기를 깨고 죽음과 에로티시즘이 결합된 충격적이고 매혹적인 작품들을 남긴 에곤 쉴레는 28세라는 젊은 나이에 스페인 독감으로 아내와 뱃속의 아이를 잃고 자신도 짧은 생을 마감한다.
Ladies of Leisure
Kay Arnold is a gold digger who wanders from party to party with the intention of catching a rich suitor. Jerry Strong is a young man from a wealthy family who strives to succeed as an artist. What begins as a relationship of mutual convenience soon turns into something else.
Francis Bacon: A Brush with Violence
In this unique, compelling film, those who knew him speak freely, some for the first time, to reveal the many mysteries of Francis Bacon.
파이널 포트레이트
1964년 파리, 천재 조각가이자 화가인 ‘알베르토 자코메티’는 그의 오랜 친구이자 작가인 ‘제임스 로드’에게 모델이 되어 달라고 부탁한다. 완벽함을 추구하는 자코메티로 인해 드로잉은 수정을 반복하고 제임스는 고국으로 가는 비행기 스케줄을 변경하며 끈기 있게 작업을 도와준다. 그의 인내심이 바닥날 무렵, 자코메티는 진행 중인 드로잉을 보여주는데…
더 번트 오렌지 헤러시
Hired to steal a rare painting from one of the most enigmatic painters of all time, an ambitious art dealer becomes consumed by his own greed and insecurity as the operation spins out of control.
스테거링 걸
뉴욕에 거주하는 이탈리아계 미국인 작가 프란체스카는 그녀의 노모를 찾아 로마로 되돌아가야한다.
In 1891, the French painter Paul Gauguin leaves Paris and travels to Tahiti to renew his art as a free man, far from the European artistic conventionalism. On his journey of discovery, he faces solitude and disease, but he also knows the beauty of wild nature and the love of Tehura, a young native girl who becomes his wife and model.
The abusive professional relationship between Luis, an intransigent painter, and Ágata, his traumatized model, takes an unexpected turn when she finds a mysterious self-portrait of him…
The Common Law
When a woman models for an artist they fall in love. Can the artist overcome the beauty's recent past as another man's mistress?
Picasso: Love, Sex and Art
Documentary telling the story of the women who fed the life and art of Pablo Picasso, many of whom would find themselves damaged forever by the experience of being his partner.
Mucha: The Story of an Artist Who Created a Style
Czech painter and illustrator Alphonse Mucha (1860-1939) ranks among the pioneers of the Art Nouveau movement at the end of the 19th century. Virtually overnight, he becomes famous in Paris thanks to the posters that he designs to announce actress Sarah Bernhardt’s plays. But at the height of his fame, Mucha decides to leave Paris to realize his lifetime project.
Picasso's Last Stand
Biographer Sir John Richardson and Picasso’s granddaughter, Diana Widmaier Picasso, are the star witnesses in a documentary that reassesses the artist’s output in the years before his death in 1973. The story is of a creative spirit finding new impetus in response to both death’s approach and the censure of contemporaries and critics. Those who were members of Picasso’s private inner circle – gossip about his lifestyle also helped to fire him back up – put the later work forward as some of his frankest, wittiest and most profound.
Two Portraits of MIYAGINO
In Edo-era Japan, a ukiyo-e artist languishes in his master’s shadow. Creatively stifled, he finds consolation in the company of a prostitute, and becomes entangled in a love triangle. A mystery emerges involving two portraits and the sudden disappearance of the artist Sharaku. Helmed by Cannes-selected director Tatsuji Yamazaki, the film employs kabuki-inspired sequences and stylised sets.
Her and I
In Barcelona, Queralt, a painter, tries to talk by phone with her daughter Gemma, also a painter, who lives and works in a small studio in Athens.
Egon Schiele: Between Love and Hate
An account of the short life and the astonishing and provocative work of the Austrian painter Egon Schiele (1890-1918), seen through the peculiar point of view and the critic voices of the women who defined the paramount milestones of his existence: Gerti, his sister; Wally, his main model and lover; and Edith, his wife. A brief story of love, hate, betrayal and misfortune.
The Russian painter Wassily Kandinsky claimed, or has been credited with, the 'creation' of abstract art. At the core of this film is a dramatic recreation of Kandinsky's account of returning to his studio one dark evening, and being astonished by an unknown masterpiece of abstract art leaning against the easel - a picture which turned out to be one of his own landscapes fallen on its side. 'Now I knew for certain that the object spoiled my pictures.' While this film's narration does indeed emphasize the notion of an inspired breakthrough to Abstraction, the picture it conveys in more purely filmic ways is a rich and complex one.
I will not travel hidden
Blanca Luz Brum traveled an unusual path, through twentieth-century Latin America, actively participating in the intellectual, political and artistic movements of Uruguay, Chile, Argentina, Peru and Mexico. It is today a symbol of female emancipation in Latin America. The versions about her life are varied and dissimilar, the testimonies of those who knew her, full of contradictions.
Dora Maar in Spite of Picasso
Dora Maar, a world-class photographer who began her artistic career in the French Surrealist scene of the 30s, lived in the shadow of Spanish painter Pablo Picasso, her lover between 1935 and 1943, with whom she maintained a chaotic, even violent, relationship. Fortunately, she survived Picasso's abusive behavior and its sequels to find a new path, the best one, the one that is worth to be told, in spite of Picasso.
The Genius of Turner: Painting the Industrial Revolution
A film that looks at the genius of JMW Turner in a new light. There is more to Turner than his sublime landscapes - he also painted machines, science, technology and industry. Turner's life spans the Industrial Revolution, he witnessed it as it unfolded and he painted it. In the process he created a whole new kind of art. The programme examines nine key Turner paintings and shows how we should re-think them in the light of the scientific and Industrial Revolution. Includes interviews with historian Simon Schama and artist Tracey Emin.
Looking for Modern Art: Rethinking Art History
Many twentieth century European artists, such as Paul Gauguin or Pablo Picasso, were influenced by art brought to Europe from African and Asian colonies. How to frame these Modernist works today when the idea of the “primitive” in art is problematic?

추천 영화

Gaza Mon Amour
Gaza, today. Sixty-year-old fisherman Issa is secretly in love with Siham, a woman who works at the market with her daughter Leila. When he discovers an ancient phallic statue of Apollo in his fishing nets, Issa hides it, not knowing what to do with this mysterious and potent treasure. Yet deep inside, he feels that this discovery will change his life forever. Strangely, his confidence starts to grow and eventually he decides to approach Siham.
In 1945, as Stalin sets his hands over Poland, famous painter Wladislaw Strzeminski refuses to compromise on his art with the doctrines of social realism. Persecuted, expelled from his chair at the University, he's eventually erased from the museums' walls. With the help of some of his students, he starts fighting against the Party and becomes the symbol of an artistic resistance against intellectual tyranny.
세상을 드는 소녀들
이집트 알렉산드리아의 황폐한 공터에서 훈련하기부터 올림픽 경기에 출전하기까지, 건포도라는 뜻의 이름을 가진 14살 제비바는 유년기와 역도 챔피언 사이에서 갈팡질팡한다. 헌신적이지만 냉정한 스승인 라마단의 코칭과 제비바 자신의 재능만이 길을 인도할 뿐이다. 그녀는 도약할 수 있을까?
Nardjes A.
Accompanying activist Nardjes with his camera, Karim Aïnouz documents the youth culture, which is confidently taking to the streets for a democratic future in Algeria, whose independence their parents and grandparents have already fought.
Last Days of Spring
The Spanish family Gabarre-Mendoza is celebrating a birthday, when it is interrupted by a police inspection. In ‘La Cañada Real’, a shanty town just outside Madrid, the inhabitants are forced to leave their illegal homes. Each member of the family struggles in their own way with their unstable position.
중년의 변호사 야누시에게는 거식증으로 고통받는 딸 올가가 있다. 올가의 건강이 심각할 정도로 나빠지자 야누시는 고민 끝에 딸을 특별한 상담 시설로 보내기로 한다. 올가는 이곳에서 상담사인 안나를 만나 다양한 방법으로 자신의 문제에 접근하고, 안나 역시 올가를 보살피며 자기 내면의 상처를 돌아본다. 2015년 베를린영화제 감독상 수상. (2019 한-폴 수교 30주년 기념 폴란드 영화제) 현대인에게 몸이란 과연 무엇일까? 중년의 검사와 거식증에 걸린 딸, 그리고 죽은 이의 영혼과 소통할 수 있다고 주장하는 치료사. 그들의 일상은 몸과 영혼에 대한 상이한 화두를 던지며 서로 얽혀간다. 폴란드영화를 이끄는 여류감독 마우고시카 슈모프스카의 신작. (2015년 제20회 부산국제영화제)
붉은 땅
간호사 누르는 아버지가 일하는 화학 공장으로 이직하게 된다. 회사는 노동자의 건강과 지역 사회의 안전을 무릅쓰고 독성 폐기물을 방출해 왔는데, 그녀는 진실 앞에서 갈등한다. 영화는 진실과 사회 시스템이 충돌할 때 미디어로서 영화가 어떻게 반응해야 하는지 보여주는 예다. 환경 보호는 자명한 명제지만, 가족이라는 끈과 직장이 제공하는 생존의 조건을 무시하기란 힘들다. 거기에 고용 안정과 지역경제, 정치적 이해관계까지 개입하면 더욱 복잡해진다. 병원에서 근무할 당시, 누르는 의료 사고의 피해자 앞에서 “최선을 다했다”고 답했다.
수상한 범죄
아주 평범한 어느 날, 지극히 평범한 4인방이 사람들로 가득 찬 영화관에 불을 지르기로 결심한다.
Sandlines, the Story of History
The children of a mountain village near Mosul re-enact a century of Iraqi history, from the secret Sykes-Picot agreement in 1916 to the realm of terror imposed by the Islamic State in 2016. The children revisit their past to understand their present.
시네마의 죽음 그리고 나의 아버지도
이스라엘 감독 대니 로젠버그가 아버지를 주인공으로 만든 첫 장편으로, 자전적 픽션과 다큐멘터리적 요소가 공존하는 영화다. 감독은 카메라로 아버지의 불치병이 악화되는 과정을 따라가지만, 노아 콜러와 같은 전문 배우도 등장한다. 영화적 미로를 만들기 위해 고전적 형식을 의식적으로 거부하는 이 영화는 아버지와 그의 암투병에 대한 감독의 오마주다.
At 35 years old, photographer JR is a street art worldwide star. Discovered after the Paris’ suburb riots of 2005 for his portraits of young people, his collages have adorned the galleries of the Louvre, the Pompidou Center, the Pantheon, the National Assembly ever since … From New York to Shanghai, and the Israeli-Palestinian wall to the US-Mexico border, he has stuck or exhibited giant photos on the walls of dozens of countries and associated hundreds of thousands of unknown artists with his projects. With the active collaboration of the artist himself, the documentary “# JR” tells the extraordinary adventure of this art activist whose spectacular interventions are all clear expressions of humanism, pacifism or remembrance relayed by his very strong involvement in social networks. For JR, art can help change the world.
Keith Haring: Street Art Boy
In the 1980s Keith Haring blazed a trail through the galleries and nightclubs of downtown New York's art scene. Rebellious and ingenious, Haring chose to operate both inside and outside the art world. Inspired by the city's graffiti scene, he made New York's subways, tarpaulins and walls his canvas. This new feature documentary blends stunning archive and an edgy soundtrack, with tender and candid first-hand accounts of Haring. It tells the extraordinary story of an artist who lived and created with a boundless energy, throughout the social, cultural and political counter-revolution of the 1980s.
This harrowing tale of survival centers on Rose, a Masurian woman, whose German soldier husband was killed in the war, leaving her alone on their farm. A single woman had no defense against Russian soldiers who raped as a form of revenge, nor against plundering Poles who found themselves in desperate straits. Help arrives for Rose in the form of Tadeusz, a former officer in the Polish Home Army who deserted after he saw his wife raped and murdered by Russian troops and is attempting to hide his identity.
당신의 눈을 속이다: 세기의 미술품 위조 사건
추상표현주의 대가들의 미공개 미술품을 들고 뉴욕의 한 갤러리를 찾아온 여성. 검증되지 않은 출처, 터무니없이 싼 가격, 탐욕에 눈이 멀어 여러 허점을 무시한 딜러와 전문가들. 미국 미술 역사상 최악의 사기극은 그렇게 시작되었다.
저주받은 결혼식
아내의 고향인 폴란드의 작은 마을로 행하는 부부. 가정을 꾸릴 생각에 행복하기만 단꿈도 잠시…신부의 할아버지가 물려준 땅에 집을 짓던 중 정체 모를 해골을 발견한 뒤로, 온 마을 사람이 모인 결혼식에서 신랑은 악령에 씌우게 되는데…
Kala azar
A young couple employed by a pet crematorium finds fulfilment in respectfully removing cadavers. Their love blossoms in an environment where the boundaries between human and animal are fading. When they hit a stray dog, their relationship starts to derail.
In Istanbul, on the verge of a country-wide power surge, four characters come across in a neighborhood undergoing the process of gentrification for the “New Turkey”: a mother whose son is in prison, a young female dancer, a feminist artist, and a cunning middle man. Their stories intertwine during a drug deal, offering a roaring tale of the contemporary generation.
I'm in Love with Pippa Bacca
Giuseppina Pasqualino di Marineo, better known as Pippa Bacca, was a 34 years old Italian artist. She crossed 11 countries involved in wars, hitchhiking with another Milanese artist, Silvia Moro, both wearing a wedding dress. This was a performance for peace, trust and hoping to prove that if you rely on others, you’ll receive good things only. After travelling many roads, the two artists decided to split for a while in Istanbul, planning to meet again in Byblos. Pippa left then, alone, and nobody heard from her again.
The High Sun
Three different love stories, set in three consecutive decades, in two neighbouring Balkan villages burdened with a long history of inter-ethnic hatred: this is a film about the dangers – and the enduring strength – of forbidden love.
사미 블러드
엘르 마리아는 순록을 키우며 살아가는 스칸디나비아 렙랜드의 원주민 사미 족의 소녀. 1930년대의 인종주의와 인종생체학에 의해 박해받던 엘르는 새로운 삶을 꿈꾸며 도시로 탈출한다. 이제 그녀는 가족과 자신의 정체성을 다 버린 채 새로운 사람이 되어야 한다.