The Merry Dwarfs (1929)
장르 : 애니메이션
상영시간 : 6분
연출 : Walt Disney
A village of dwarfs dance and play through their day. A blacksmith shoes a centipede, a street-cleaner sweeps, a marching-band strikes up and the townsmen roll out beer barrels.
Julie brings a man back to her place with the intention of having sex with him. Unfortunately both partners body issues causes problems.
A claymation short that parodies 80s action flicks.
A mustachioed dandy gallops up and scales a high tower to "rescue" a sweet, innocent-looking damsel. She captures him and ties him down, for what he thinks will be a kinky little tryst...
A violent man wants some quiet time and he makes sure he gets it no matter what.
Tom pretends to have a cold in order to trick Mammy into letting him stay inside for the night. Jerry tricks Tom by making him think he really is sick - with the measles.
A 1968 animation/documentary that criticises the industrial system.
A shy teacher and a versatile driver from a small vilage are gonig to town send by the mayor to bring a computer for the Mayoralty and a lavatory for the mayor, but things don't end like they suposed to.
On Christmas Eve, a taxi driver takes home a man returning from working abroad.
All is not well at the Steak_Barn Meat Restaurant. The haughty head-waiter takes an order for the "vegetarian option," which creates havoc in the kitchen.
도날드는 조카들의 방해를 제치고 데이지의 환심을 사려다 극도로 좌절하게 된다.
A Spanish cat is more interested in playing flamenco guitar than trying to catch the mouse El Magnifico (Jerry). Tom arrives from the States with world champion mouse-catching credentials to have a go.
Tom settles in for a day at the beach with his sweety, accidentally ruining Jerry's day. Meanwhile, Tom's girl is paying more attention to the bodybuilders than to Tom.
작가 줄리아 도날드슨과 일러스트 작가 악셀 쉐플러의 베스트셀러 동화책을 기초로 한 작품. 밤이 되면 나가지 말라는 그루팔로의 경고를 무시한 채 커다란 덩치의 악당 쥐를 찾아 나선 꼬마 그루팔로의 이야기.
Not meant for the public eye, this film reveals the dark reality of what's wrong with company's product. With its primitive instincts triggered by bad behaviour of people around it, the seemingly tame Father Christmas will forget the intensive training and turn into a brutal beast. You better watch out, you better not cry, There's no room for mistakes.
Po and the Furious Five uncover the legend of three of kung fu's greatest heroes: Master Thundering Rhino, Master Storming Ox, and Master Croc.
A documentary looking at porn films that parody classic Hollywood movies.
As in the classic fable, the grasshopper plays his fiddle and lives for the moment, while the industrious ants squirrel away massive amounts of food for the winter. With his song, he's able to convince at least one small ant until the queen arrives and scares him back to work. The queen warns the grasshopper of the trouble he'll be in, come winter. Winter comes, and the grasshopper, near starvation, stumbles across the ants, who are having a full-on feast in their snug little tree. They take him in and warm him up. The queen tells him only those who work can eat so he must play for them. Written by Jon Reeves
Four sailors enter a Singapore dive, meet a Chinese girl from Brooklyn, and find there's more to her than meets the eye. Two songs.
An autocratic Director (Harold Pinter) and his Assistant (Rebecca Pidgeon) put the final touches to the last scene of some kind of dramatic presentation, which consists entirely of a man (John Gielgud) standing still onstage.
The mayor of a town gives a glowing introduction to the man who invented popcorn, while we're shown the much-different story of how popcorn came about.