Green (2009)

장르 : 다큐멘터리

상영시간 : 48분

연출 : Patrick Rouxel


Her name is Green, she is alone in a world that doesn't belong to her. She is a female orangutan, victim of deforestation and resource exploitation. This film is an emotional journey with Green's final days. It is a visual ride presenting the treasures of rain forest biodiversity and the devastating impacts of logging and land clearing for palm oil plantations.


Vanessa Cartier
Vanessa Cartier
Eugénie Zebrowska Selin
Eugénie Zebrowska Selin
Sandra Gengoul
Sandra Gengoul


Patrick Rouxel
Patrick Rouxel
Simon Apostolou
Simon Apostolou
Sound Designer
Patrick Rouxel
Patrick Rouxel
Patrick Rouxel
Patrick Rouxel
Frédéric Sanchez del Rio
Frédéric Sanchez del Rio
Original Music Composer

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