
The Antidote (2020)

English Documentary

장르 : 다큐멘터리

상영시간 : 1시간 42분

연출 : Kahane Cooperman


The Antidote weaves together stories of everyday people who are making the intentional choice to lift others up in powerful ways, taking action in the face of fundamentally unkind realities that are once unfortunate facts of life in America and deeply antithetical to our founding ideals.



Kahane Cooperman
Kahane Cooperman
John Hoffman
John Hoffman
Andrea Berman
Andrea Berman
Jennifer Galvin
Jennifer Galvin
Matt Porwoll
Matt Porwoll
Director of Photography
Kahane Cooperman
Kahane Cooperman
Kahane Cooperman
Kahane Cooperman
Executive Producer
Peter Nauffts
Peter Nauffts
Associate Producer
Armando Croda
Armando Croda
Andrew Saunderson
Andrew Saunderson
Chris Ruggiero
Chris Ruggiero
Original Music Composer
Nathan Halpern
Nathan Halpern
Original Music Composer

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Twist of Faith
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