
No Hay Camino (2021)

장르 : 다큐멘터리

상영시간 : 1시간 32분

연출 : Heddy Honigmann


“There Is No Path” follows legendary director Heddy Honigmann on a real and spiritual journey. Today, facing a terminal illness, she will travel to her country of birth, Peru and through Europe revisiting all the important places and moments of her life, richly illustrated with clips of her films. Is it a farewell journey in which she lets go of her family, her loved ones and her work? Or is it a celebration of life? Her travelling companion is taxi driver Hussein, a refugee from Iraq with whom Heddy has a tight bond. As they trace Heddy’s family history they find many common themes. They are no longer taxi driver and customer, but two souls who each find joy in life in the face of adversity. It is a life affirming film about universal connection and comfort.



Heddy Honigmann
Heddy Honigmann
Pieter van Huijstee
Pieter van Huijstee
Heddy Honigmann
Heddy Honigmann
Kristien Hemmerechts
Kristien Hemmerechts
Adri Schrover
Adri Schrover
Director of Photography
Jesica de Koning
Jesica de Koning
Ruben van der Hammen
Ruben van der Hammen
Florencia Di Concilio
Florencia Di Concilio

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