
Voices That Care (1990)

장르 : 다큐멘터리

상영시간 : 27분

연출 : David Jackson, James Yukich


Behind the scenes making of the charity single "Voices That Care".


Marcus Allen
Marcus Allen
Self - Choir Member
Peter Max
Peter Max
Self - Choir Member
Garth Brooks
Garth Brooks
Self - Lead Vocals
Chevy Chase
Chevy Chase
Self - Choir Member
Gary Busey
Gary Busey
Self - Choir Member
Michael Bolton
Michael Bolton
Self - Lead Vocals
Jimmy Buffett
Jimmy Buffett
Self - Choir Member
Peter Cetera
Peter Cetera
Self - Choir Member
Kevin Costner
Kevin Costner
Self - Choir Member
Céline Dion
Céline Dion
Self - Choir Member
Billy Crystal
Billy Crystal
Self - Choir Member
Paul Anka
Paul Anka
Self - Choir Member
Little Richard
Little Richard
Self - Choir Member
Catherine Bach
Catherine Bach
Self - Choir Member
Brian Bosworth
Brian Bosworth
Self - Choir Member
Bobby Brown
Bobby Brown
Self - Lead Vocals
Ralph E. Tresvant
Ralph E. Tresvant
Self - Choir Member
Downtown Julie Brown
Downtown Julie Brown
Self - Choir Member
Nell Carter
Nell Carter
Self - Choir Member
David Cassidy
David Cassidy
Self - Choir Member
Candy Clark
Candy Clark
Self - Choir Member
Clarence Clemons
Clarence Clemons
Self - Choir Member
Cindy Crawford
Cindy Crawford
Self - Choir Member
Ted Danson
Ted Danson
Self - Choir Member
Rick Dees
Rick Dees
Self - Choir Member
Paul Williams
Paul Williams
Self - Choir Member
Micky Dolenz
Micky Dolenz
Self - Choir Member
Clyde Drexler
Clyde Drexler
Self - Choir Member
Sheena Easton
Sheena Easton
Self - Choir Member
Sally Field
Sally Field
Self - Choir Member
Kenny G
Kenny G
Richard Gere
Richard Gere
Self - Choir Member
Debbie Gibson
Debbie Gibson
Self - Choir Member
Whoopi Goldberg
Whoopi Goldberg
Self - Choir Member
Jean-Claude Van Damme
Jean-Claude Van Damme
Self - Choir Member
Wayne Gretzky
Wayne Gretzky
Harry Hamlin
Harry Hamlin
Self - Choir Member
Mariel Hemingway
Mariel Hemingway
Self - Choir Member
Marilu Henner
Marilu Henner
Self - Choir Member
Lindsay Wagner
Lindsay Wagner
Self - Choir Member
Orel Hershiser
Orel Hershiser
Self - Choir Member
Henry Winkler
Henry Winkler
Self - Choir Member
Sissy Spacek
Sissy Spacek
Self - Choir Member
Al Jarreau
Al Jarreau
Self - Choir Member
Magic Johnson
Magic Johnson
Michael Jordan
Michael Jordan
Carol King
Carol King
Self - Choir Member
Joanna Kerns
Joanna Kerns
Self - Choir Member
Don King
Don King
Self - Choir Member
Mark Knopfler
Mark Knopfler
Martin Kove
Martin Kove
Self - Choir Member
Jani Lane
Jani Lane
Self - Choir Member
Jon Lovitz
Jon Lovitz
Self - Choir Member
Ali MacGraw
Ali MacGraw
Self - Choir Member
Gael MacGregor
Gael MacGregor
Melissa Manchester
Melissa Manchester
Self - Choir Member
Kathy Mattea
Kathy Mattea
Self - Lead Vocals
Alyssa Milano
Alyssa Milano
Dudley Moore
Dudley Moore
Self - Choir Member
Gunnar Nelson
Gunnar Nelson
Self - Choir Member
Matthew Nelson
Matthew Nelson
Self - Lead Vocals
Jeffrey Osborne
Jeffrey Osborne
Self - Choir Member
Donny Osmond
Donny Osmond
Self - Choir Member
Michelle Pfeiffer
Michelle Pfeiffer
Self - Choir Member
Anita Pointer
Anita Pointer
Self - Choir Member
June Pointer
June Pointer
Self - Choir Member
Ruth Pointer
Ruth Pointer
Self - Choir Member
Gary Wright
Gary Wright
Self - Choir Member
James Woods
James Woods
Self - Host & Choir Member
Billy Dee Williams
Billy Dee Williams
Self - Choir Member
Dominique Wilkins
Dominique Wilkins
Warren Wiebe
Warren Wiebe
Self - Lead Vocals
Deborah Benson Wald
Deborah Benson Wald
Self - Choir Member
Luther Vandross
Luther Vandross
Self - Choir Member
Blair Underwood
Blair Underwood
Self - Choir Member
Mike Tyson
Mike Tyson
Self - Choir Member
Michael Tucker
Michael Tucker
Self - Choir Member
Randy Travis
Randy Travis
Self - Choir Member
Self - Choir Member
Linda Thompson
Linda Thompson
Self - Choir Member
Alan Thicke
Alan Thicke
Self - Choir Member
Meryl Streep
Meryl Streep
Self - Choir Member
Stephen Stills
Stephen Stills
Self - Choir Member
Will Smith
Will Smith
Self - Choir Member
Brooke Shields
Brooke Shields
Self - Choir Member
Nicollette Sheridan
Nicollette Sheridan
Self - Choir Member
Sheryl Lee Ralph
Sheryl Lee Ralph
Self - Choir Member
Ahmad Rashād
Ahmad Rashād
Self - Choir Member
Helen Reddy
Helen Reddy
Self - Choir Member
David Robinson
David Robinson
Self - Choir Member
Paul Rodríguez
Paul Rodríguez
Self - Choir Member
Kenny Rogers
Kenny Rogers
Self - Choir Member
Brenda Russell
Brenda Russell
Self - Choir Member
Kurt Russell
Kurt Russell
Self - Choir Member
Katey Sagal
Katey Sagal
Self - Choir Member
Fred Savage
Fred Savage
Self - Choir Member
Jane Seymour
Jane Seymour
Self - Choir Member
William Shatner
William Shatner
Self - Choir Member


David Jackson
David Jackson
David Jackson
David Jackson
James Yukich
James Yukich

비슷한 영화

카시 삼부작의 첫 작품. ‘코야니스카시’란 호피 족 인디언 말로 ‘균형 깨진 삶'라는 뜻이다. 뚜렷한 내러티브도 대사도 없이 그저 음악과 영상으로만 되어 있는 이 영화는, 고대 인디언들이 그린 벽화에서 시작한다. 이후 광활하고 경외로운 대자연, 그리고 인간이 약간의 가공을 가한, 노동하는 인간과 함께 하는 자연을 그린다. 이후 정신없이 빠른 속도로 굴러가는 도시를 묘사하는 씬으로 오면, 자연과 완전히 등을 진 채 오롯이 인간이 만든 인공적인 환경 속에서 속도와 파괴에 지배당하는 인간의 도시문명이 대비된다. 도시 문명의 속도는 점점 심해져 클라이막스에서는 거의 기하학적 무늬로 표현되며 현기증을 준다.
인사이드 딥 스로트
제작비 2만 5천 달러! 포르노 사상 최초로 정식 극장 개봉! 표현의 자유 둘러 싸고 정부와의 전쟁 선포! 시민들의 뜨거운 관심으로 연일 장사진! 워터게이트를 압도하는 화제 속에 총수익 6억 달러 돌파! 영화 "목구멍 깊숙이"는 그렇게, ‘세기의 신드롬’이 되었다. 그로부터 30년이 흐른 지금, 의 화면과 함께 전문배우가 없었을 당시 남녀배우의 캐스팅과 촬영에피소드, 관객들의 다양한 반응을 소개하며 영화가 불러온 사회적, 문화적 파장은 무엇이었는가? 세기의 히로인 여주인공 ‘린다 러브레이스’는 어떻게 되었는가? 총 수익 6억 달러, 그 어마어마한 돈의 행방은? 이제, 그 영화를 둘러싼 모든 비하인드 스토리가 드디어 낱낱이 공개된다!!
Queen: Live at Wembley Stadium
One of the world's biggest bands returns to the scene of their Live Aid triumph (one year earlier in 1985) to play all their greatest hits in front of a packed Wembley Stadium.
잭애스 3D
하늘로 내동댕이! 무서워? 그래도 웃기지? 화장실! 더러워? 그래도 웃기지? 얻어 터져서! 아파? 아프다고? 그래도 웃기지? 거봐~!! 이미 웃고 있잖아~!! 불가능이란 없다! 하늘을 나는 제트 스키! 하늘을 나는 새가 부러웠던 인류의 소망을 이루고자 그들이 나섰다. 최고 속력으로 물살을 가로지르는 제트스키. 수영장에서 제트스키가 도움닫기 한 순간 점프대 위를 힘껏 날아오르는 한 남자가 있다! 비교불가! 하늘을 나는 짜릿함 쾌감을 맛보시라! 거대한 싸대기? 최고의 하이파이브! 늘 지나던 장소, 익숙한 그 곳에 거대한 손이 나타났다! 모퉁이를 돌면 하이파이브가 기다리고 있다. 서류를 챙겨가던 사람도, 동료들에게 줄 수프를 가져가던 사람도 하이파이브를 피해갈 수 없다. 그들이 거대한 손을 당기는 순간 기절할 것이니…. 피할 방법은? 물론 없다! 그냥 즐겨라! 상상초월! 하늘로 솟구치는 화장실! 응가가 튀어오르는 화장실이 있다면?! 이제는 화장실을 날려버리는 도전에 나섰다. 그것도 화장실 변기에 사람이 앉은 채로. 언제 날아갈지 모르는 불안한 그 순간, 화장실이 하늘로 솟구친다. 물론 배설물도 역류한다. 눈 앞에 펼쳐지는 갈색 이물질(!)의 향연! 스크린으로 악취가 느껴질 것만 같은 리얼한 비주얼 쇼크를 경험하고 싶다면 강력 추천! 즐거운 폭발! 행복한 지금! 무방비 상태에서 지금 당신이 있는 공간이 파괴된다. 피할 길이 없다. 그냥 궁금해서, 재미있을 것 같아서 폭파를 감행한 그들! 빵~ 빵~ 터져도 좋아~! 무섭냐고? 재밌잖아~!
Thinking XXX
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Curse of the Blair Witch
Mockumentary about the Blair Witch legend and the three filmmakers who disappeared in October of 1999. It first aired on the Sci-Fi Channel on July 11, 1999 as a promotional prelude to the release of The Blair Witch Project on July 30, 1999.
Avatar: Scene Deconstruction
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Avatar Spirits
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Taylor Swift: The 1989 World Tour - Live
Filmed in front of 76,000 fans at the ANZ Stadium in Sydney, Australia, "The 1989 World Tour Live" captures Taylor Swift's entire performance while also mixing in behind-the-scene, rehearsal, and special guest footage from her 1989 Tour.
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Enchanted Kingdom
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비포 더 플러드
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1963년부터 1966년까지 그들을 무대에서 볼 수 있었던 유일한 4년, 일주일을 8일로 살았던 치열했던 공연의 기록과 아이돌에서 진정한 전설의 아티스트로 거듭나기까지…
I Am Iron Man
A documentary covering pre-production topics like suit design and construction, storyboards, animatics, and pre-viz, sets, working in the suit, casting, rehearsals, and preparation, and the start of the shoot. From there we look at performances, locations and production design, stunts, hardware and practical effects, and various sequence specifics. Finally, the program goes through post-production at Skywalker Ranch, the titles and a few visual elements, and wrapping up the flick.
Thor: Assembling the Troupe
A short piece that looks at the casting and subsequent work of Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, and Anthony Hopkins.
Building the Dream: Assembling the Avengers
Witness Marvel's epic journey, from its comic book origins to its blockbuster film franchises, through seven exclusive featurettes. Get the inside story, with exclusive behind-the-scenes footage and cast interviews, and discover the history behind its legendary characters and films -- Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2, Thor, Captain America: The First Avenger, and Marvel's The Avengers! With over 90 minutes of original footage, this is your all-access pass to Marvel and Phase One of the Marvel Cinematic Universe!
Ant-Man: Let's Go to the Macroverse
A closer look at the film's technological advances that make and sell the the film's complex illusions.