The Stool Pigeon (1915)
장르 : 드라마, 범죄
상영시간 : 0분
연출 : Paul Powell
Hickey, a contemptible character, acts as a spy for the police, keeping them posted concerning the doings of the crooks with whom he consorts. In return, the police, although they despise him, pay him small sums of money for expenses.
In the DR, hardened cop Manolo tries to take down an infamous drug cartel; meanwhile, his daughter has fallen in love with Lorenzo, a construction worker who's unwittingly gotten embroiled in the drug cartel's dealings.
A child's nightmare takes over his reality.
A group of friends take a trip to a cabin to help their friend Alex process a recent breakup.
After the incident the president gave bicycles to school children, some Papuan children also wanted to experience getting bicycles from the president too
1년 전 사랑에 빠진 캘리와 조지프. 서로에 대한 애정이 더욱 굳건해진 두 사람은 가족 사업을 위해 농장을 떠나 샌프란시스코로 향한다. 곧 다가올 결혼식을 기대하면서.
화성 기지의 씨앗창고가 별똥별의 공격을 받는다. 용감하게 이를 구하려던 중국 우주비행원은 신비로운 거곤을 만나게 되는데...
Withstanding misery, a young man who seemed to live like an ordinary person suffers and tries to seek help from the closest person named friend.
Julius is an upper-class boy in Lima in the 1940s. He lives in a palace with his aristocratic family and extensive servants. As the years go by, Julius will gradually lose his innocence, discovering and never understanding an adult world full of inequalities and injustices.
파혼과 실직으로 인해 불행한 나날을 보내며 방황하는 젠. 심리 상담사의 제안으로 최면 치료를 받고 인생의 주도권을 되찾지만, 뒤늦게 깨닫는다. 자신이 죽음의 올가미에 걸려들었다는 것을
딸과 재회하고 비로소 화해하고 싶은 죄수. 교도관과 함께 고향으로 여행을 떠나지만, 비극적인 진실로 인해 여정은 엉망이 되고 만다.
스물네 살의 젊은 여성 크리스털이 살해당한다. 어떻게든 심판을 내려야 한다. SNS를 이용해 살인자를 추적하는 그녀의 가족. 그들에게 정의와 복수의 경계는 어디쯤일까.
An African American widow with two kids who has so much love to give, she often fosters children who need a home. She finds out that Peter and Rachel, the white siblings she fostered twice before, fled from their latest foster home.
병상에 누운 델리아, 옛 저택에 보물이 숨겨져 있다고 말한다. 반신반의하는 데 라 모라 가문 세 남매, 죽기 전 소원이라니 옛집에 몰래 잠입할 계획을 세우는데. 보물이 진짜 있긴 한 걸까.
Laura, a specialized psychologist in sexist violence, receives the couple composed by Eva and Pablo when he is reported for abuse, at the same time that she suffers the consequences of trying to protect women from abusers.
Forest of the Chartreuse massif. A group of lumberjacks working on a job come across the body of a man suspended in the air by a rope system, as if it were a sort of disarticulated puppet. In charge of the investigation, Justine Verard is forced to collaborate with Mehdi Djaoud, whom she holds responsible for the death of her husband, himself a detective, during a mission that went wrong five years earlier. Despite this tragic past, the two agents will have to join forces to solve this first murder together in the face of a mystery that will get thicker as the investigation proceeds. Between a complicated personal life and her investigation, Justine will be caught in a vice-like grip until the final countdown under high tension.
While writing an article about an abused boy, a woman fights for protect him after she uncovers shocking details.
사기를 치며 먹고살아 온 남자. 한 건이 제대로 꼬여 도주하던 중, 하루아침에 밥벌이가 끊긴 여동생과 재회한다. 수년 만에 만난 두 남매, 함께 생활고를 이겨내기로 하는데 사기만이 살길?
결혼을 앞둔 티퍼니가 그녀 앞에 나타난 연인 데이먼의 친구 트레이에 마음이 흔들린다. 과연 연인과의 약속을 지킬 것인가, 아니면 연인의 친구와 성적 일탈에 빠질 것인가를 다룬 영상물