The Stool Pigeon (1915)

Gênero : Drama, Crime

Runtime : 0M

Director : Paul Powell


Hickey, a contemptible character, acts as a spy for the police, keeping them posted concerning the doings of the crooks with whom he consorts. In return, the police, although they despise him, pay him small sums of money for expenses.


Lee Shumway
Lee Shumway
Hickey - the Stool Pigeon
Velma Whitman
Velma Whitman
Mrs. Joe King
George Routh
George Routh
Joe King
R. Henry Grey
R. Henry Grey
Benny - the Pickpocket


Paul Powell
Paul Powell
Paul Powell
Paul Powell
Scenario Writer


In the DR, hardened cop Manolo tries to take down an infamous drug cartel; meanwhile, his daughter has fallen in love with Lorenzo, a construction worker who's unwittingly gotten embroiled in the drug cartel's dealings.
A child's nightmare takes over his reality.
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Pacific Smoking Club
A group of friends take a trip to a cabin to help their friend Alex process a recent breakup.
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Em Hypnotic, querendo mudar a vida, uma mulher (Kate Siegel) busca a ajuda de um hipnoterapista bem renomado. Mas depois de uma pesadas sessões, ela descobre que suas sessões e terapia estão lhe fazendo mais mal do que bem, revelando inesperadas e mortais consequências.
Acompanhado por um carcereiro, um prisioneiro é autorizado a viajar até sua cidade natal para reencontrar a filha. Mas um acontecimento trágico atrapalha seus planos.
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Forest of the Chartreuse massif. A group of lumberjacks working on a job come across the body of a man suspended in the air by a rope system, as if it were a sort of disarticulated puppet. In charge of the investigation, Justine Verard is forced to collaborate with Mehdi Djaoud, whom she holds responsible for the death of her husband, himself a detective, during a mission that went wrong five years earlier. Despite this tragic past, the two agents will have to join forces to solve this first murder together in the face of a mystery that will get thicker as the investigation proceeds. Between a complicated personal life and her investigation, Justine will be caught in a vice-like grip until the final countdown under high tension.
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Os Salafrários
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Pecados Capitais: Luxúria
Tiffanie Cooper está prestes a se casar com o belo Damon King, o homem dos seus sonhos e fundador da King Enterprises. No entanto, seu futuro logo toma um rumo incerto.