
Wind from the East (or 2021)

장르 : 다큐멘터리

상영시간 : 0분

연출 : Sam Duckett


Wind from the East (or 2021) is a film about the movement at Bogazici University, considered by many to be the best university in the country, and its relation to the growing tyranny in Turkey. Highlighting the plight of women and LGBTQ citizens who are experiencing not only the rapid loss of their freedoms but what amounts to a fatwa when and if they dare to speak out against their government, the documentary aims to share the stories of Turkish citizens operating on the front lines in the battle for human rights, while expressing the need for art as a first line of defense against the totalitarianism that is quickly creeping westward.



Sam Duckett
Sam Duckett
Mehmet Emin Akyar
Mehmet Emin Akyar
Assistant Director
Yusuf Ölmez
Yusuf Ölmez
Executive Producer
Bilge Ucar
Bilge Ucar

비슷한 영화

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하비 밀크의 시대
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Wind from the East (or 2021)
Wind from the East (or 2021) is a film about the movement at Bogazici University, considered by many to be the best university in the country, and its relation to the growing tyranny in Turkey. Highlighting the plight of women and LGBTQ citizens who are experiencing not only the rapid loss of their freedoms but what amounts to a fatwa when and if they dare to speak out against their government, the documentary aims to share the stories of Turkish citizens operating on the front lines in the battle for human rights, while expressing the need for art as a first line of defense against the totalitarianism that is quickly creeping westward.
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