
Art (2022)

장르 : 드라마

상영시간 : 0분

연출 : Pietra Couto



Matheus Coelho
Matheus Coelho


Pietra Couto
Pietra Couto
Caio Arruda
Caio Arruda

비슷한 영화

영국 왕립 미술관(Royal National Gallery, London) 최악의 직원 빈(Mr. Bean: 로완 아킨슨 분)이 하는 일이란 기껏 한쪽 구석에 앉아 졸거나 빈둥돼는 것이 전부다. 하지만 모두가 꺼려하는 빈을 유독 왕립 미술관 회장만이 전폭적으로 지지하고 있다. 언제나 그렇듯 왕립 미술관 이사회의 가장 중요한 안건은 천하의 사고뭉치 빈을 쫓아내는 것. 그러던 어느날, 빈을 사라지게 할 호재가 생겼다. 미국 최고의 걸작 '휘슬러의 어머니'의 본국 송환에 앞서 그리어슨 미술관(Grierson Art Gallery, Los Angeles)은 대대적인 기념 행사를 계획한다. 그 일환으로 영국 왕립 미술관에 저명한 박사를 초청한 것이다. 이사회는 빈을 대신 보내기로 결정하고, 빈은 열렬한 환성을 받으며 미국으로 향한다. 하지만 빈은 처음 도착한 공항에서부터 불법 총기 소지자로 오인받아 공항을 아수라장으로 만든다. 이제 그가 지나는 곳은 모두가 혼돈과 무질서의 세계로 뒤덮히기 시작한다. 한편, 영문도 모르는 채 빈을 최고의 미술학자로 오인한 그리어슨 미술관측은 소수의 관계자들만이 모인 자리에서 '휘슬러의 어머니'를 최초로 공개한다. 모두가 잠시 자리를 뜬 사이, 빈과 '휘슬러의 어머니'의 너무도 끔찍한 악연이 시작되는데.
The Legend of the Nahuala
Leo San Juan, an insecure child of nine years old, lives eternally frightened by horror stories that Nando tells his older brother. Within these stories it is 'The Legend of Nahuala', according to which, an old abandoned Casona is possessed by the spirit of an evil witch known as the Nahuala.
휴먼 네이쳐
12세 소녀 라일라는 온몸을 뒤덮기 시작한 털 때문에 정상적인 생활을 할 수 없다. 숲속으로 들어가 자유로운 야생의 삶을 살기도 하지만 독수공방의 고통까지 감내하기엔 역부족. 결국 밤에는 사랑을 나누고 아침이면 면도를 하는 편법으로 정상적인 남자와 짝짓기에 성공한다. 그러나 하필이면 털난 짐승을 경멸하고 학대하는 과학자일 줄이야. 우연히 면도하는 라일라의 모습을 목격한 남자, 마침 산 속에서 마주친 또다른 미개인 남자. 이제 사건은 복잡하게 꼬여만 가는데..
시애틀의 한 회사에서 전화 주문 부서 매니저로 일 하고 있는 토드(조쉬 해밀턴)는 여느 때와 다름없이 고객과의 거래를 능숙하게 처리하고 있지만, 곧바로 그의 상관 데이브(맷 스미스)로부터 아웃소싱으로 인해 그의 부서가 해체될 것이라는 날벼락과 같은 소식을 전해 듣게 된다. 다른 부하직원들과 달리 토드는 회사에 남을 수 있었지만 저 멀리 인도로 날아가서 자신의 부서를 대체할 현지인들의 상사자리를 잠시 맡아야하는데..
Chaotic Ana
Ana, a teenager artist, is raised in Ibiza by her German father Klaus in a naturalist lifestyle. She meets Justine, who invites her to move to Madrid and get an artistic education and financial support. Ana befriends Linda, meets the problematic Said, a Saharawi youngster, and later she is hypnotized by Anglo, who opens a door to her memories and past lives.
Andy Warhol: A Documentary Film
Ric Burns unearths rarely seen footage and offers keen observations on the life and artistic influence of Andy Warhol. [Made for and aired on PBS's American Masters series.]
Steal This Film II
These are strange times indeed. While they continue to command so much attention in the mainstream media, the 'battles' between old and new modes of distribution, between the pirate and the institution of copyright, seem to many of us already lost and won. We know who the victors are. Why then say any more?
Drama in the Desert: The Sights and Sounds of Burning Man
Drama in the Desert: The Sights and Sounds of Burning Man is a full-color book (which includes a DVD) based on the captivating images of Holly Kreuter, with contributions from an additional 90 Burning Man participants, offering the reader a taste of the Burning Man experience. The DVD includes an original Score by Sean Abreu, seven slideshows featuring 560 Kreuter photographs and video interviews with 8 artists including Larry Harvey.
Someday I Will Become a Rock
We see a rock. It transcends languages and cultures. It traverses time and space. Perhaps it has its own nature and memories.
Andy Warhol
The first major profile of the American Pop Art cult leader after his death in 1987 covers the whole of his life and work through interviews, clips from his films, and conversations with his family and superstar friends. Andy Warhol, the son of poor Czech immigrants, grew up in the industrial slums of Pittsburgh while dreaming of Hollywood stars. He went on to become a star himself.
The Fall: The Wonderful and Frightening World of Mark E. Smith
A 1-hour Documentary looking at the Manchester post-punk group and its infamous leader Mark E Smith. The Film follows the current band recording their final Session for the John Peel Show (they were his favourite group and recorded more sessions than any other band) as well as chronicling the chaotic history of the band & its numerous line-up changes.
The Window
It is a significant day for 80 year old Antonio. After an absence of many years, his estranged son is coming to visit. All must be perfect. There will be a toast with a very special champagne an embrace; warm words that may finally bridge the gap between them-- But before, Antonio must wait. Bedridden, he looks out his window at the Patagonian landscape and sees light and life, the past and the pr
Burning Man: Voyage in Utopia
With a strong emphasis on founder Larry Harvey and temple artist David Best, this video expresses the scale and power of the Burning Man experience. Superb cinematography and editing are combined to make this is one of the most moving Burning Man videos ever produced.
Aidez l'Espagne
The Colegio de Arquitectos de Catalunya commissioned Pere Portabella to make this film for the Joan Miró retrspective exhibit in 1969. There wew heated discussions on whether it would be rudent to screen the film during the exhibit. Portabella took the following stante: "either both films are screened or ther don't screen any" and, finally, both Miro l'Altre and Aidez l'Espagne were shown. The film was made by combining newsreels and film material from the Spanish Civil War with prints by Miró from the series "Barcelona" (1939-1944). The film ends with the painter's "pochoir" known as Aidez l'Espagne.
L.A. Roll
As the pressures of daily life mount in a rapidly changing city, some residents turn to dance roller skating as an activity for release, creating a style unique to Los Angeles.
AquaBurn is an award-winning documentary film by director Bill Breithaupt showcasing "The Floating World" theme of the 2002 Burning Man Festival. AquaBurn features many of the incredible Burning Man art installations, the imagination and originality that went into their creation, and the artists who conceived them. Unlike conventional documentaries on the Burning Man Festival, AquaBurn captures the true feeling and excitement of the event itself, transporting the viewer to a hot, dusty wonderland without ever leaving home.
D'un Céline l'autre
Passers-by, those who knew him in his youth, René Barjavel, witness of his beginnings, his wife, his doctor, writers ... By questioning them Michel Polac tries to better understand the troubled personality of Louis-Ferdinand Céline, Notorious anti-Semite and genius writer.
Portrait of a Goan Collector
For over 30 years a man termed as a mad man, comes to light as his passionate work of collecting artifacts gathers momentum and gains the title of a museum. The film trails through the struggles of Victor Hugo Gomes, a Collector from India-Goa, and how he perceives to leave behind his collection.
Women in Film: BBC Introducing Arts
Cultural historian Janina Ramirez presents a collection of intriguing and exciting short films by emerging women directors and artists. Each film gives a female perspective on modern-day topics from body image and new love to grief and belonging. Expect honest and refreshing storytelling that will make you laugh, make you cry and make you think.