Manuel Berenguer

출생 : 1913-04-25, Alicante, Spain

사망 : 1999-12-20

참여 작품

The Black Pearl
Director of Photography
The young Ramon Salazar, son of a village owner, dreams of becoming a pearl fisherman. His father agrees to let him experience this job. Ramon enters a forbidden cave, den of a giant skate nicknamed the Manta Diablo. He finds an oyster containing a black pearl of unusual size. His father donates it to the Virgin rather than sell it to dishonest traffickers. Shortly after, the flotilla of the village led by Salazar perishes at sea. Ramon must face the Manta Diablo with another fisherman to bring prosperity to the village ..
Las alimañas
Two bandits steal a number of gems and other valuable art from a museum in the Dominican Republic. They are helped by their American partner, Tom who double-crosses them and escapes with the stolen treasure.
Jeez, Dad!
Director of Photography
Enrique lives in a city in the northwest of Spain. He is married to Alicia and has two daughters: Pilar, 23, and Carmen, 8. Enrique made the civil war on the national side, which in his youth led him to cross Spain from Galicia - his native land - to the Mediterranean. And now he wants to remember his adventure and offer it to his family, especially Pilar. The four travel the country treading where Enrique had stepped. But the trip will be much more complicated than expected ... A film made when the Franco dictatorship gave its last breaths and, thanks to it, could launch its timid message that we must forget the past and always look to the future, no matter how glorious it is. To highlight the presence of some young Ana Belén (with nudes included
Blood Stains in a New Car
Director of Photography
Driving home in the brand new Volvo his wealthy wife gave him for his birthday, Ricardo comes upon a smoking, overturned auto with a man and boy trapped inside but, afraid he'd get bloodstains in his new car, he ignores their cries for help and drives away just before the wreck explodes. Soon after, blood begins pooling in his backseat and Ricardo comes to know how Lady Macbeth felt when he can't get the damned spots out no matter how many times he cleans the car...
Night of the Devils
Director of Photography
In this adaptation of Tolstoy's story the Wurdulak, a mentally ill patient known as Nicola flashes back to horrifying experiences that he encountered while driving through the country. Upon damaging his car, Nicola sets out for help, only to meet a mysterious family that lives in total fear of someone or something. This evil force slowly penetrates the household and thrusts each of its members into a frenzy of absolute terror!
La cera virgen
Director of Photography
María works in a hostess bar in Madrid because, forced by the Puritans of her little village, she had to leave accused of public scandal just for having kissed her boyfriend. María, together with her three sisters, decides to return and builds a club in the village faced with the scandalized don Florencio, a repressed banker and overlord who secretly desires María. In order to go unnoticed, María and her sisters run the club through a wax-chandler's shop where the majority of men of the village will parade, which excites even more the lascivious and hypocritical don Florencio.
지옥으로 불리는 마을
Director of Photography
A group of Mexican revolutionaries murders a town priest and a number of his christian followers. Ten years later, a widow arrives in town intent to take revenge from her husband's killers.
루 모귀의 살인자
Director of Photography
In Paris, in the beginning of the Twentieth Century, Cesar Charron owns a theater at the Rue Morgue where he performs the play "Murders in the Rue Morgue" with his wife Madeleine Charron, who has dreadful nightmares. When there are several murders by acid of people connected to Cesar, the prime suspect of Inspector Vidocq would be Cesar's former partner Rene Marot. But Marot murdered Madeleine's mother many years ago and committed suicide immediately after.
¡Vente a Alemania, Pepe!
Camera Operator
Peralejos, a quiet village in Upper Aragon, is a place where nothing ever happens. One day Angelino returns home to spend the holidays, an immigrant who drives a Mercedes and tells great wonders of Germany and their women. Pepe, fascinated by the stories of his friend, decides to immigrate, but his dream begins at five o'clock, cleaning windows, and ends at twelve o'clock pasting posters.
Rain for a Dusty Summer
Director of Photography
In Mexico, a mad general is leading his own war against the Church. Priests are rounded up, churches burned down and religion outlawed. The suffering of one pious catholic priest could bring the tide of change however.
라 레지던시아
Director of Photography
19세기 프랑스, 엄격한 여성 교장 포노는 외딴 곳에서 문제 학생를 위한 여자 기숙학교를 운영하고 있다. 여학생들은 다루기 힘들다지만, 그곳의 학생들은 자꾸 미스테리하게 사라진다.
Simón Bolívar
Director of Photography
Simon Bolivar is the true-life story of the leader of the 1817 Venezuelan revolution.
자바의 동쪽
Director of Photography
A team of maritime salvage workers are about to embark on a recovery dive. However the 1883 Krakatoa Volcano eruption provides more pressing problems.
The Day the Hot Line Got Hot
Director of Photography
The most ultra-secret telephone number of all is that of the "Hot'Line' that links the heads of state of the United States and Moscow. A conniving double agent manages to steal the top secret phone number and then begins to implement chaos by phoning Washington and Moscow, telling the two powers that their respective spy chiefs are traitors. It's spy versus spy, agent versus double agent, counter spy against counter-counter spy in a rapidly increasing international crisis that finds its solution on the stage of Chinese theater in Barcelona, Spain as the spy leaders, the traitorous agent, a beautiful girl, three old ladies, a young man caught up in the chain of events and a troupe of acrobats collide head on in battle.
Sound of Horror
Director of Photography
When a group of isolated people in the Greek mountains set off a cave explosion, they are menaced by an invisible shrieking dinosaur that had been buried for eons
Bikini Paradise
Director of Photography
A pair of U.S. Navy officers are marooned on a South Pacific island with a group of women whom want to use them for marriage and mating purposes.
Bikini Paradise
A pair of U.S. Navy officers are marooned on a South Pacific island with a group of women whom want to use them for marriage and mating purposes.
Savage Pampas
Director of Photography
An Army captain in Argentina learns why his lonely men are deserting to an outlaw's gaucho gang.
닥터 지바고
Second Unit Director of Photography
고아 유리 지바고(오마 샤리프)는 그로메코가(家)에 입양되어 성장한다. 그는 크렘린 궁성 앞에서 노동자와 학생들이 기마병에게 살해되는 것을 보고 큰 충격을 받고, 의학을 공부해 빈곤한 사람들을 돕고자 꿈꾼다. 열심히 의학실습에 몰두하던 중 운명의 여인 라라(줄리 크리스티)와 마주친다. 1차대전에 군의관으로 참전한 그는 우연히 종군간호부로 변신한 라라와 재회한다. 1917년 혁명정부가 수립된 러시아에서 유리는 숙청을 피해 우랄 산맥의 오지로 숨어든다. 궁핍하지만 평화가 감도는 전원 생활을 보내던 그는 우연히 그 근처로 이주해온 라라와 다시 운명적으로 만나게 되는데...
Son of a Gunfighter
Director of Photography
A young man stalks his mother's killers.
Son of a Gunfighter
Camera Operator
A young man stalks his mother's killers.
Crack in the World
Director of Photography
Dr. Steven Sorenson plans to tap the geothermal energy of the Earth's interior by means of a thermonuclear device detonated deep within the Earth. This experiment causes a crack to form and grow within the Earth's crust, which threatens to split the earth in two if it is not stopped in time.
Bullet in the Flesh
Director of Photography
The Masters and the Cherokees living in relative peace until a key member of this tribe falls in love with a woman from the Masters family. From there the situation is complicated to unknown heights.
Constance aux enfers
Director of Photography
Rear Window meets Estate violenta. The middle-aged Constance watches a young couple that lives across the courtyard; the girl plays loud pop music and goes out of her way to be unpleasant to the classically educated and piano-playing Constance. Then one day Constance sees the boyfriend strangle the little tart in a fit of jealousy. He sees her, too, and has nobody else to turn to for help. Constance keeps silent about the murder and offers the young Hugo a place in her bed. Then the blackmail notes start to arrive...
The Thin Red Line
Director of Photography
Set during the Allied invasion of the island of Guadalcanal in the Pacific theater during WWII, this film is based on the novel by James Jones. Keir Dullea is Private Doll, who dreads the invasion and steals a pistol to help him protect himself. Sergeant Welsh (Jack Warden), a caustic, battle-scarred veteran, hates Doll, whom he considers a coward. In battle, Doll kills a Japanese soldier and is filled with remorse, which further angers the sergeant. The next day, an emboldened Doll wipes out an entire enemy machine gun post and begins to feel as sadistic as Welsh. The two must work together to clear away some mines, but as they do, their platoon is surprised by a Japanese raid.
Pyro... The Thing Without a Face
Director of Photography
A married man has a brief affair, then goes back to his wife and children. His jilted mistress, believing that if he had no more family he'd come back to her, sets fire to his house, hoping to kill them. The man, unsuccessfully trying to rescue them, is horribly burned. After he undergoes an operation to reconstruct his face, he begins to plot his revenge against his former mistress.
Benigno, hermano mío
Director of Photography
Una isla con tomate
Director of Photography
Al otro lado de la ciudad
Director of Photography
Solteros de verano
Director of Photography
Kill and Be Killed
Director of Photography
A former singer lives alone with her fortune - and with her nephew, Fernando, a low character to whom she refuses to lend more money. Elisa leaves prison and starts a new life as a personal attendant to the aging singer, using her knowledge as a former nurse - a profession she can not return to. Fernando meets Elisa, and together they plan to poison the lonely woman, and use her money abroad. They plan their alibis well. But those who kill by the sword will perish by the sword.
엘 시드
Second Unit Director of Photography
스페인이 기독교인과 무어족으로 양분되어 있을 때, 청년 기사 로드리고는 전투에서 사로잡은 이교도인 무어족 사라고사의 왕 무타민을 같은 스페인 국민이라는 이유로 석방시켜주자, 그로부터 '엘 시드'라는 영웅 칭호를 얻는다. 하지만 이 일 때문에 반역죄로 몰리게 된다. 명예회복을 위해 약혼녀인 시멘의 아버지이자 반대파의 수장인 고르마즈와 결투를 벌인다. 그러나, 고르마즈가 죽게 되자 약혼자이지만 아버지의 유언대로 시멘은 사랑에 대한 배신감에 복수를 결심한다.
Director of Photography
로마의 침략으로 압제에 시달리던 유다인들의 유일한 희망은 성서의 예언대로 하나님이 구세주를 보내리라는 것이었다. 구세주가 나타나면 로마를 몰아내고 이스라엘 백성을 해방시켜 줄 것으로 굳게 믿고 있었다. 예수(제프리 헌터 분)가 가는 곳마다 병자를 고쳐주고, 죽은 사람을 살리는 기적을 일으키자, 그들은 예수가 하나님이 보낸 구세주라고 믿고 따른다. 그러나 그는 평화와 사랑과 화해에 대해서만 말할 뿐, 로마인들을 친다거나 하는 폭력과는 전혀 동떨어진 사람이다. 그가 세우려는 왕국은 세속의 왕국이 아니라, 하나님 나라의 왕국이라고 말한다. 바라바를 지도자로 로마의 압제에서 해방을 꿈꾸는 혁명당원들은 지하 동굴에서 무기를 만들며 기회를 노린다. 그들 중 하나인 유다는 바라바에게 예수와 손잡을 것을 제의한다. 그러나 바라바는 예수와 같이 일할 수 없음을 안다. 그리고 폭동을 일으키나 실패하고 체포되어 옥에 갇힌다. 한편 백성의 원로들과 바리세인파는 예수가 자신들을 위선자라고 책하는 등, 그들의 권위를 떨어뜨리고 민중의 인기를 모으는 것을 시기하여 예수를 어떻게 죽일까를 모의한다. 마침 유다에 로마에서 새로 파견된 본티오 빌라도 총독은 신이나 기적같은 것을 믿지 않는 사람으로, 예수의 설교를 들으러 많은 군중이 모이는 것을 보고 혹시라도 로마의 지배에 저항하는 폭동이 일어날 것을 우려한다. 그와 같은 상황 속에서, 예수의 체포에 결정적인 역할을 한 것은 유다. 그는 예수가 손끝 하나로도 천상 군대를 불러 로마군을 몰아낼 수 있을 기적의 능력을 가졌다는 것을 믿고, 그를 궁지에 몰아넣으면 틀림없이 그 능력을 발휘할 것으로 생각한 나머지 그를 바라바와 한 통속이라고 모함해 고발한다. 예수는 곧 체포되어 십자가형에 처해지지만, 그의 왕국은 세속의 왕국이 아니었으므로 끝내 무력하다. 그러나 그는 사흘 뒤에 부활해서 제자들에게 양들을 잘 보살피라고 부탁한다.
Director of Photography
길은 멀어도 마음만은
Director of Photography
이태리 명문가의 청년 "카를로스"는 스페인에 체류하는 동안 "엘레나"와 사랑하게 된다. 그녀와의 결혼을 허락받기 위하여 아버지인 "안젤로" 백작을 만나러 비행기를 탔으나 불의의 비행기 추락사고로 사망한다. 그의 애인 "엘나"는 귀여운 유복녀 "마리솔"을 낳게 되고 백작은 적자가 아니라는 이유로 "마리솔"을 받아들이지 않는다. 그러나 "마리솔"의 천진난만하고 귀여운 행동은 완고한 할아버지 마음을 사로잡게 되고 권위와 체면 등으로 음산했던 백작의 대저택에는 웃음꽃이 피게 된다.
La fiel infanteria
First Assistant Camera
La fiel infanteria
Director of Photography
El Lazarillo de Tormes
Assistant Camera
An adaptation of the anonymous sixteenth century novel Lazarillo de Tormes (1554), it tells the story of Lazarillo, a poor boy who has to live by his wits after being sold to a series of cruel masters.
El Lazarillo de Tormes
Director of Photography
An adaptation of the anonymous sixteenth century novel Lazarillo de Tormes (1554), it tells the story of Lazarillo, a poor boy who has to live by his wits after being sold to a series of cruel masters.
Molokai: la isla maldita
Director of Photography
Kingdom of Hawaii, 1866. Fearful that leprosy would spread throughout the archipelago, the king banishes the sick to the island of Molokai. In 1873, the Belgian Catholic missionary Damien de Veuster arrives on the island to help improve the lives of its unfortunate inhabitants.
The Thieves
Director of Photography
An Italian-American mobster is sent back to Naples from the States. He moves to Italy with all his illegal proceeds hidden in jam jars--which fall into the wrong hands when they get to the harbour of Naples. These hands belong to people who demand their fair share. Meanwhile, the mobster is questioned by investigators.
The Girl of San Pietro Square
Director of Photography
Armando Conforti, his family and his friends have a business: they sell souvenirs near St. Peter's, in Rome, they change dollars, in short they get along.
The Inveterate Bachelor
Director of Photography
Marcello is engaged to Gina, the daughter of the boarding house where he lives, but he is undecided whether to marry her or not.
Those times of the cuplé
Assistant Camera
Mercedes Pavón, a famous singer of cuplés is harassed by three men totaly different.
Those times of the cuplé
Director of Photography
Mercedes Pavón, a famous singer of cuplés is harassed by three men totaly different.
... Y eligió el Infierno
In a Eastern Germany harbor town, two siblings, Elsa (Sabine Bethmann) and Richard (Conrado San Martín) Wolff, help people to cladestinately cross the borders and escape from the communist regime to Western Germany, .
Horas de pánico
Director of Photography
Fedra, the Devil's Daughter
Director of Photography
Estrella, a wild young woman, is lusted after by every man and therefore hated by the female community.
80일간의 세계일주
Camera Operator
영국 빅토리아 여왕 시기, 모험을 즐기며 꼼꼼하고 감정을 잘 드러내지 않는 성격의 거부 필리스 포그(데이빗 니븐)는 자기가 속한 클럽의 친구들과 내기를 한다. 80일 동안에 지구를 한 바퀴 돌 수 있느냐는 논쟁을 벌인 끝에 그의 전 재산 2만 파운드를 건 것이다. 새로 일을 시작한 그의 충실한 집사 빠스빠르뚜(캔틴플라스)와 함께 그는 곧바로 세계일주 여행을 떠난다. 그러나 그들은 여행 시작부터 마르세이유행 열차를 놓치고, 여행사 직원으로부터 기구를 구입하여 여행을 계속하나 목적지가 아닌 스페인에 도착하게 되는 등 어려움을 겪게 된다. 빠스빠르뚜의 코믹한 투우 덕에 배를 얻어 타고 스페인에서 벗어난 그들은 계획된 여행경로를 따라 여행을 계속한다. 마지막까지 자신을 방해하며 뒤쫓는 탐정을 따돌리며 세계일주에 성공하지만, 결국 그는 기한보다 하루가 지나서 영국에 도착한다. 그러나 지구 반대편의 시차로 인한 착오였음이 밝혀지고 그는 내기에서 이긴다.
Cuerda de presos
Director of Photography
Los maridos no cenan en casa
Assistant Camera
La pecadora
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
A luminously beautiful, provocative young woman is rescued near a small fishing village on the Spanish coast. The scene is set for a drama of dangerous passion that threatens to tear apart the simple, tranquil life of the village forever.
La lupa
Director of Photography
La patrulla
Director of Photography
Madrid, 1939, at the end of the Spanish Civil War. Five infantry soldiers of the victorious side take a photograph of themselves somewhere in the defeated city, promising to meet again ten years later at the same place.
웰컴 미스터 마쉘
Director of Photography
A small Spanish town, Villar del Río, is alerted to the upcoming visit of American diplomats and its ruling townsmen begin preparations to impress the American visitors, in the hopes of benefiting under the Marshall Plan. Hoping to demonstrate the side of Spanish culture with which the visiting foreign officials would be more familiarized, the Castilian citizens don unfamiliar Andalusian costumes, hire a renowned flamenco performer, and re-decorate their town in Andalusian style, meantime waiting for their uncertain arrival.
Director of Photography
A news story in the newspapers announces the investigation by the police of a major scam. Precisely, following the steps of the author of that crime, we will know the cabaret where the whole action of this drama will take place. A place where the paths of a multitude of characters cross and where it is possible to find men and women of great humanity.
Estrella de Sierra Morena
Director of Photography
María Morena
Director of Photography
María Morena is a 1951 Spanish drama film directed by José María Forqué and Pedro Lazaga. It was entered into the 1952 Cannes Film Festival.
The Girl at the Inn
Director of Photography
Juan Luis and Dimas arrive to the "Venta del Catite", a tavern run by Rafael and his goddaughter Reyes. The tavern is frequented by tuna fishermen in the region, but in reality it is a cover for smuggling. Rafael decides to hire a beautiful singer, Raquel, to distract customers and the two new arrivals, so that he can do his business without being disturbed.
Black Sky
Director of Photography
A woman who works as employee in a fashion store has to care for her ill mother. At the same time she falls in love with a bohemian man.
La virgen gitana
Director of Photography
Through a pictoric play, this movie tells the story about the painter Eduardo Miranda who, one night, while he was lokking to a gipsy group that was dancing, discovers a beautifull girl called Carmen. Dazzled by her beauty he decides to paint a picture. This causes roumours in the neighborhood, and it also arouses the jealousy of his wife.
Yo no soy la Mata-Hari
Director of Photography
After the execution of the spy Mata-Hari, the secret service takes the opportunity to arrest some of her collaborators. To arrest one of the ringleaders, they use his girlfriend Niní, a naive dancer. The girl, tired of being manipulated by everyone, decides to become agent X25.
El señor Esteve
Director of Photography
Barcelona, 1860. Mr. Esteve, owner of a haberdashery and proud of his son, attends the christening of his grandson who, years later, determined to become a renowned artist, seems unwilling to continue the tradition and take over the family business. (Only badly preserved and severely mutilated copies of this film survive, just 69 out of a total of 108 minutes.)
The Marquis of Salamanca
Director of Photography
José de Salamanca was arguably one of the most influential figures of the Spanish 1800s. This films tells his story.
El huésped de las tinieblas
Botón de ancla
Director of Photography
Marín, Galicia, Spain. Carlos, José Luis and Enrique, three good friends and final year students in the Naval Academy, argue due to love issues.
Cuatro mujeres
Chance brings four men together at a coffee table during a poker game. The entrance of a woman brings back memories to all of them.
The Captain's Ship
Director of Photography
Port of Seville, Spain, 1640. A group of people from very different origins embark on the ship Capitana. They are members of the upper class, adventurers, peasants, convicts, who have only one thing in common: the illusion of arriving in America, the promised land where they can make their dreams and ambitions come true.
Reina santa
Director of Photography
A virtuous Spanish princess becomes queen of Portugal, and soon is affected by the social struggles and the reckless fight to power between the king's faction and that of his son's.
Barcelona, in the forties. Young Andrea comes to town to start college in the midst of an oppressive environment and extreme poverty. She's staying at her aunt Angustias, along with other family members. But the quarrels between them are continuous, making evident the open wounds left by the Spanish civil war.
Director of Photography
The loves of a Sevilian girl living in a patio house at Macarena's quarter and his sweetheart Manolo are troubled by her older and generous housekeeper who is also in love with her.
Cuando pasa el amor
Director of Photography