Associate Producer
세계적인 테너 엔리코 카루소의 일대기를 다룬 영화로 1873년 나폴리에서 태어난 카루소는 1894년 19세의 나이로 나폴리에서 첫 오페라에 출연한 이후 1903년 30세 때에 비로소 메트로폴리탄에 데뷔하여 세계적인 테너로서의 명성을 굳히게 된다. 마침 그 당시 유행하기 시작한 레코드(축음기)의 영향으로 세계에 그의 노래를 널리 전파하였다.
Kit Madden is traveling to Hollywood, where her best-selling novel is to be filmed. Aboard the train, she encounters Marines Rusty and Dink, who don't know she is the author of the famous book, and who don't think much of the ideas it proposes. She and Rusty are greatly attracted, but she doesn't know how to deal with his disdain for the book's author.
Fictionalized biography of George Gershwin and his fight to bring serious music to Broadway.
A dramatised life of Samuel Langhorn Clemens, or Mark Twain.
시나리오와 연기 면에서 특히 뛰어나고 아마도 혹스의 영화들 가운데 제작비가 가장 많이 들어간 영화인 는 혹스의 필모그래피에서 최상의 퀄리티를 가진 영화로 보긴 힘들지만 여하튼 그의 가장 ‘존중받는’ 영화들 가운데 하나이긴 하다. 실화에 기초해 만들어진 이 영화는 테네시주의 한 지역에 살던 농부가 1차대전 중 혁혁한 공로를 세우는 전쟁 영웅으로 바뀌게 되는 이야기를 다룬다. 이것은 말 그대로 영웅의 이야기로 볼 수도 있으나 다른 한편으로는 원래 종교의 가르침을 중시하던 남자가 그것에 어긋나는 일을 하면서 마음 속에서 겪는 혼란을 그린 비극으로 간주할 수도 있다. 이 영화로 혹스는 생애 유일한 아카데미 감독상 후보에 올랐으며 주연을 맡은 게리 쿠퍼는 남우주연상 트로피를 가져갔다.
A Paris cabaret singer dreams of becoming a Metropolitan Opera singer. A press agent arranges her Manhattan debut by way of Africa.
An Italian immigrant singer, Nino, hoping to succeed in Hollywood, falls in with a gang of crooks who use his talent to distract everyone at a party while they steal the jewels.
Suave French actor Philippe Martin provokes a scandal when, in a darkened theater, he mistakes young Monique for his mistress, Yvonne, and tries to kiss her. Charged with assault, the quick-thinking Philippe claims it's French tradition to do as he did, and is let go. To his surprise, Philippe learns that Monique has paid his fine. As the tabloids exploit the situation, Monique dates Philippe, until a photo appears of him kissing Yvonne.
Opera singer Chivo is currently playing a singing cowboy, and Mexican bandito Braganza kidnaps him (along with Jane, an heiress) so he can learn to become more like the American movie gangsters he admires.
Kathleen Gerard, a high society wife fed up with her husband's artistic "protegées", decides to take one of her own in Nino, a promising tenor, patronizing him to study in Paris. He and her girlfriend are perfectly happy until the Gerards pay a visit and Mrs. Gerard starts to show too much interest in him.
A wide-eyed working girl wins a $5,000 sweepstakes and plunges into the lush life of New York City, where she meets a bellboy who is more than he seems.
A film star finds herself in trouble with her co-star when she has to flirt with the backer to prevent him from withdrawing his support.
The title represents the hopeful, ambitious students at a hospital training school and is primarily a story of the stern discipline and laborious physical and mental toil they endure in order to become nurses and join the White Parade. It is told mainly through the character of June Arden who finds romance with Ronald Hall III on the way, with side stories of the other girls who find failure, success, laughs and tears on the way.
A rakish fellow involves himself with a married woman. Later his secretary endeavors to win him away with the promise of a more stable relationship. The rake is tempted, but then decides he prefers the married woman, which is fine with her husband who has an eye for the secretary.
Based on an AJ Cronin novel, a disgraced doctor exiled to the Canary Islands, meets and falls in love with a married woman.
A dancer falls in love with a puppeteer, much to the consternation of her manipulative manager. The puppeteer himself seems more interested in his puppets than in romance with her. Can she find true love?
A man's life is retold just after his funeral. Beginning as a track walker, Tom Garner rose through all sorts of railroad jobs to head the company. In the meantime he lost touch with his family. When he saw what was happening it was already too late.
A young American man is transported back to London in the time of the American Revolution and meets his ancestors.
The Warrior's Husband is a satire of the male and female roles in society set in 800 B.C.. Queen Hippolyta (Marjorie Rambeau) rules Pontus with masculine authority; in fact, it is the women of Pontus who do all the laboring, fighting, and governing. Hippolyta's husband Sapiens (Ernest Truex) is truly a sissy of the first order, and is not unlike most of Pontus' male inhabitants.
With Byrd at the South Pole (1930) is a documentary film about Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd and his 1st quest to the South Pole beginning at the Little America-Exploration Base. The film's soundtrack consists mostly of music and sound effects, with narration read by Floyd Gibbons. The film won at the 3rd Academy Awards for Best Cinematography.
A ruthless, crooked stockbroker is murdered at his luxurious country estate, and detective Philo Vance just happens to be there; he decides to find out who killed him.
Executive Producer
Heyst, a hermit on his own tropical island, plays unwilling host to red-headed stowaway Alma. Danger looms...
This early example of the "backstage" musical genre tells the story of Kitty Darling, a fading burlesque star who tries to save her convent-educated daughter April from following in Mom's footsteps.
A short musical documentary.
Directed by Richard Wallace.
Shortly after the United States enters World War I in 1917, a Broadway actress agrees to let a naive soldier court her in order to impress his friends, but a real romance soon begins.
Executive Producer
A young impoverished aristocrat falls in love with an inn-keeper's daughter, but has to marry money.
거구의 기선 화부 빌(조지 밴크로프트)은 자살하려는 거리의 여자 메이(베티 콤프슨)를 구해준다. 두 사람은 소란한 살롱에서 이야기를 나누다 순간적인 충동에 따라 결혼해 버린다. 그것이 진지한 결정이었는지 하룻밤 정사를 위한 핑계였는지는 알 수 없다. 차갑고 명징한 아침의 빛은 환멸과 변심을 가져온다. 그러나 나중에 빌은 충동적으로 배에서 내려, 자신이 메이에게 훔쳐다 주었던 드레스 때문에 메이가 받게 된 벌을 대신 받으러 가는데...
The Talbots, formerly one of the Eastern Shore's first families, have gone to seed: Pap is a drunk, soddenly decaying in his ruined ancestral home, and three of his sons (William, Carol, and Ezra) are lazy, shiftless young men. Mulligan, Pap's second son who supports the entire family by oyster fishing, falls in love with wealthy Anna Lee, but when he first kisses her, she calls him "white trash."
Finding his sweetheart, Christine, in the arms of a German officer, Price joins the French Air Legion. Christine is later revealed to be the spy whom Price has been ordered to drop behind enemy lines. They are reconciled, are captured by the Germans, and are rescued by his unit.
영화는 1928년 할리우드의 스튜디오에서 시작한다. 러시아 출신의 유명감독은 러시아 혁명을 소재로 하는 영화를 찍기 위해서 배우를 찾던 도중, 과거 제정 러시아의 핵심 인물이었던 대공 알렉산더 장군(에밀 제닝스)을 발견하고는 깜짝 놀란다. 신경쇠약에 걸려 계속해서 몸을 떠는 그 노인의 시점을 통해서 영화는 1917년 러시아로 돌아간다. 그 당시 권력자로서 한가롭게 휴가를 즐기던 장군은 성난 군중들에 의해서 노예의 위치로 전락하고 심지어 사랑하는 여인에게서도 버림받게 된다. 그 사건의 결과로 장군은 그만 신경쇠약에 걸리게 되는데...
A young American girl in Paris falls in love with a handsome nobleman, but he is about to wed in an arranged marriage. She hatches a plan to overcome that obstacle and get her man.
Wally and Ray are cousins intent upon getting the fortune of their Scots grandad, an aviation nut. They become mixed-up with the U. S. flying corps and are wafted over the enemy lines in a runaway balloon. Through misunderstanding they are honored as heroes of the enemy forces, and sent back to the U.S. lines to spy. Here they are captured and almost shot, but everything ends happily. Only 20 minutes of this 6 reel comedy are extant.
Le Marquis de Marignan is a French aristocrat and seducer who flirts with every Parisian girl he meets. If dallying with youngster fräuleins isn't enough to keep him busy, the Marquis also has to cope with an unexpected visit from his fiancée and her father.
A once notorious gunfighter takes a respectable job on a ranch. "Nevada" is charged with protecting the ranch owner's pretty daughter, arousing the enmity of ranch foreman Clan Dillon, who is in love with the girl. The villainous foreman leaks a rumor of his rival's dark past to the sheriff, and the former outlaw is soon on the run again.
Elephants disrupt the lives of a family deep in the jungles of Northern Siam, and an entire village.
A young flapper tricks her childhood sweetheart into marrying her. He really loves another woman, but didn't marry her for fear the marriage would end in divorce, like his parents'. Complications ensue.
Dave Saulter, a rambling young cowboy drifts into a small western town the day a big gold shipment is leaving by stagecoach. Two different people plan to rob the stagecoach...Buck O'Hara, the driver who is very trusted, and a stranger, Texas Jack. Dave gets involved and is accused of being one of the robbers.
Bebe Daniels was at the peak of her silent stardom when she appeared in this comedy, which was really more slapstick than farce. Ginette (Daniels) is a waitress at Pierre's café. She is in love with Lucien (Douglas Gilmore) and hates getting attention from anyone else. Whenever another man tries to kiss her, she angrily starts throwing glassware. The restaurant's patrons find this amusing, and Leon Lambert (Henry Kolker) makes a bet that he will be able to kiss her. (Janiss Garza)
Nick Carraway, a young Midwesterner now living on Long Island, finds himself fascinated by the mysterious past and lavish lifestyle of his neighbor, the nouveau riche Jay Gatsby. He is drawn into Gatsby's circle, becoming a witness to obsession and tragedy.
Rafi arrives in the city in search of Pervaneh who was taken by the Sultan. He is joined by Hassan the confectioner. Rafi is captured by the Sultan, but Hassan leads a surprise attack on the palace and the lovers are united.
Geoffrey is desperately in love with Mavis, who lives at his boardinghouse and is also pursuing a writing career. Unable to marry her because of his poverty, in his anger he curses God for abandoning him. Soon Geoffrey meets Prince Lucio de Rimanez, a wealthy, urbane gentleman who informs Geoffrey that he has inherited a fortune, but that he must place himself in the Prince's hands in order to enjoy the fruits of his inheritance. What Geoffrey doesn't know is that Prince Lucio is actually Satan.
An officer in the British Guards takes to drink when a friend and fellow officer convinces the woman they both love that he has another woman.
Doris Poole, whose parents were theatrical people, was orphaned as a child, and four members of the troupe adopted and raised her. When grown, she has become the leading lady in a San Francisco stock-company. She meets and falls in love with Ted, the millionaire son of a rich widow, but she thinks he is only a tax-cab driver. His mother objects to the romance and looks into Doris' past. She learns that her father had murdered, in a fit of jealousy, her mother, and tells Doris what she has found out. The four actors who had raised her had never told her how she happened to become an orphan. They persuade Ted's mother to send him on a voyage to the Orient in order to get him away from Doris. But they neglected to tell the mother they had also booked passage for Doris on the same ship.
A wanted-fugitive, called "Nevada," is wounded by a pursuing posse of lawmen, and is left to die on the desert by his companion, Bill Hall. He is rescued by a young rancher, Ben Ide, who is in love with Ina Blaine, daughter of a neighboring rancher. While "Nevada" is recovering, he and Ina fall in love but, through his loyalty to Ben, he sends her away. Going home, Ina falls into the clutches of Bill Hall, now heading a gang of rustlers, but the real leader is Les Setter who is posing as an honest rancher, and he has designs on Ina himself.
Playboy Teddy Ward wants to marry Jeannie King, an artist, but his father wants him to marry Loris Lane, but tells Teddy he can marry whom he pleases if he will make the Mountain Inn a profitable operation. Teddy agrees, and with the support of his friends arranges an ice-boat race with a $10,000 prize to the winner. A problem arises when his father refuses to pay such an amount. Teddy thinks one of his friends will win the race and refuse the prize, but champion racer "Duke" Slade shows up and Teddy knows he will take the money. Some movie stars show up and, while using their own names, are definitely not playing "Self" in this fictional film.
Executive Producer
에스키모의 삶을 촬영한 다큐멘터리 (1922)의 성공에 힘입어 플래허티는 파라마운트로부터 폴리네시아에 관한 다큐멘터리를 제작할 것을 제안받게 된다. 아내와 함께 사모아 섬에 도착한 플래허티는 백인들이 이 섬에 도착하기 이전의 원주민들의 삶의 방식을 자신의 카메라에 담고자 하였다. 는 낚시, 요리, 축제 등 현대문명에 노출되지 않은 폴리네시아 원주민들의 일상이 담긴 영화로, 플래허티는 인위적인 연출을 통해 작품에 극적 긴장감을 불어넣기보다는 객관적이고 관조적인 시선으로 원주민들의 소박하지만 아름다운 삶을 응시하고 있다. (부산시네마센터 2011 - [개관영화제]백화열전)
'Big Boy' Morgan and his friend, invalid Charlie Grey, must overcome the efforts of the villainous Holdbrook to foreclose on the Los Rosas ranch and make off with the beautiful Nora Shea.
Executive Producer
A manicurist in the beauty shop of a large metropolitan hotel, is engaged to Antonio Luca an electrician. However she a meets James Morgan a wealthy guest who wants to go out with her, but she declines so he sends her ten dollars for theater tickets.
A silent documentary which follows a branch of the Bakhtiari tribe of Persia as they and their herds make their epic seasonal journey to better pastures.
An American soldier falls in love with a French maiden but their romance is thwarted when the Yanks return home. Years later she comes to America to put on a fashion show and find her long lost lover.
Jeff Farnell, forced by circumstances to take a job on a New York scandal sheet while he awaits the settlement of his claim against a steel company. Job Hardcastle, the hardened city editor of the paper, sends Jeff to get a story on "Mops" Collins, a society divorcée who has been reduced to dancing in a cabaret. Jeff takes pity on Mops, who is dying of consumption, and takes her into his apartment, telling Hardcastle that he could not find her. Afraid of losing his job, Jeff hunts for a big story, finding it when he discovers that Clive Ross-Fayne, a friend he thought lost in the war, has been arraigned on charges of narcotics peddling. (Pamela Short)
Wanting his son to get away from his many girlfriends and buckle down to work, the New York industrialist father of a playboy sends him to an obscure village in Spain to find samples of a rare mineral. When the son gets to Spain, he runs afoul of the local police chief - who has a secret that he tries to keep the young man from discovering.
A young woman marries a man several years her senior to provide a comfortable home for her invalid father and then feels the call of youth and falls desperately in love with a young man.
Peter Pan enters the nursery of the Darling children and, with the help of fairy dust, leads them off to Never Never Land, where they meet the nefarious Captain Hook.
Executive Producer
Peter Pan enters the nursery of the Darling children and, with the help of fairy dust, leads them off to Never Never Land, where they meet the nefarious Captain Hook.
A wealthy New Yorker falls in love with a burglar's sister.
Executive Producer
John Marble, a construction engineer is stricken by paralysis and begins to envision the growth of love between his wife Marion and his best friend, Bob Alten. Bent on suicide, however, the shock of seeing his wife and child endangered on a broken bridge shakes him to recover from his illness and discover that his suspicions were all imaginary.
A Sam Wood silent South Africa romance is a love story (based on Cynthia Stocklet Story) with a sad...and then happy ending. antic love triangle melodrama, from the Cynthia Stocklet Story. Dalla (Betty Compson) is a pretty orphan who is adopted by a wealthy man. When she matures, he invites her to England (leaving her beau behind),and eventually marries her. After her husband is murdered, she is accused of the crime, because she has still been seeing her old beau Col. Valentia (Warner Baxter). After eventually being cleared of the crime Della maries her first love...Valentia.
Follows three generations of the Mayne family through the year 1921-22. The 81-year-old patriarch reminisces about his rough beginnings in post-Civil War railroading, son Rufus rides rough waters as a wealthy financier, and his wife and three daughters muddle through their New York high society life.
Angela comes to Hollywood with only two things: Her dream to become a movie star, and Grandpa. She leaves an Aunt, a brother, Grandma, and her longtime boyfriend back in Centerville. Despite seeing major movie stars around every corner, and knocking on every casting office door in town, at the end of her first day she is still unemployed. To her horror, when she arrives back at their hotel, she finds that Grandpa has been cast in a movie by William DeMille and quickly becomes a star during the ensuing weeks. Her family, worried that Angela and Grandpa are getting into trouble, come to Hollywood to drag them back home. In short order Aunt, Grandma, brother, boyfriend and even the parrot become superstars, but Angela is still unemployed...
Edith sets out to prove that a wife can never be fooled by her husband - but will she succeed?
Two wagon caravans converge at what is now Kansas City, and combine for the westward push to Oregon. On their quest the pilgrims will experience desert heat, mountain snow, hunger, and Indian attack. To complicate matters further, a love triangle develops, as pretty Molly must chose between Sam, a brute, and Will, the dashing captain of the other caravan. Can Will overcome the skeleton in his closet and win Molly's heart?
Executive Producer
Juan is the son of a poor widow in Seville. Against his mother's wishes he pursues a career as toreador. He rapidly gains national prominence, and takes his childhood sweetheart Carmen as his bride. He meets the Marquis' daughter Doña Sol and finds himself in the awkward position of being in love with two women, which threatens the stability of his family and his position in society. He finds interesting parallels in the life of the infamous bandit Plumitas when they eventually meet by chance.
A silent romantic adventure melodrama (from the play and novel by Richard Harding) about a womanizer who follows a beautiful Hispanic woman to her home country and his adventures there. He ends up helping her father become dictator of the entire country, and is rewarded with marriage to her and he is named Minister of Finance!
Jimmy Dent , son of John Dent, the maker of the reliable but plain Dent automobile, is dismissed from the firm after he refuses to drive a Dent. He goes west with the Tyler family, owners of a rival automobile firm, in one of their expensive high speed cars.
A young woman dutifully marries an older millionaire and then falls in love with a handsome nobleman-- who'd previously saved her life-- on her unhappy honeymoon.
James Berkeley (who wants to get rich) and Allan Franklin (determined to be a great engineer) are rivals for the hand of Lois Miller. Berkeley marries her, and 15 years later, though he has not realized his ambition, he keeps his wife luxuriously attired as a "trademark" of his prosperity. Allan, who has obtained a large tract of oil land from the Mexican Government, visits the Berkeleys; and James, hoping to profit from his wealth, goes to Mexico with him, accompanied by Lois, who unwillingly agrees to help her husband. When Allan and Lois realize their love for each other, James, refusing to become angry, is denounced by his wife. A band of Mexican bandits attempt to capture Lois, and in the attack James is slain. Allan rescues Lois, and they escape across the border.
Based upon a description in a film publication,[3] Katherine Van Riper (Clayton) is an extravagant young society girl who is very much in debt, and her wealthy aunts and uncle refuse to give her any money. Katherine is desperate enough that she is considering marrying the wealthy Montee Buck (Hiers), although she is in love with the westerner Tom Jaffrey (Fillmore), who says he is poor. Finally, Katherine decides to sell the famous Van Riper pearls, pay off her debts, and marry Tom. However, upon examination the jewelry turns out to be paste, with her father having sold the genuine pearls several years earlier before his death. Montee is assured by the aunts that Katherine will marry him and tells this to Tom. Tom is about to leave town when Uncle James (Ricketts) steps in and pays off Katherine's debts, leaving the niece free to marry Tom.
Wealthy cripple Markley finances the education of blacksmith's daughter Ruth. When she returns to their small town he asks to marry her, but she runs off with city worker Jim Dirk who is then killed in a subway accident. Markley offers to marry her in name only to protect her new son.
Executive Producer
Robert and Beth Bordon are married but share little. He runs into Sally at a cabaret and the Gordons are soon divorced. Just as he gets bored with Sally's superficiality, Beth strives to improve her looks. The original couple falls in love again at a summer resort.
Inventor Harry Harper (Harry Houdini) travels to the South Seas, where there is buried treasure belonging to a girl, Beverly West (Lila Lee). Naturally, others are after the loot, and Beverly's father (Fred Turner) is being held captive by cannibals until she returns to them with a pearl that belongs to one of their idols. The climax consists of Harper saving Beverly from a safe which has been lowered into the sea.
Huckleberry Finn, a rambuctious boy adventurer chafing under the bonds of civilization, escapes his humdrum world and his selfish, plotting father by sailing a raft down the Mississippi River. Accompanying him is Jim, a slave running away from being sold. Together the two strike a bond of friendship that takes them through harrowing events and thrilling adventures.
Executive Producer
Jailed unjustly for a murder he did not commit, a young man uses his amazing powers of escape to free himself and pursue the actual killers, who hold his fiancée captive.
Silent version of the Twain tale, filmed in Pleasanton, California. A Missouri boy (Jack Pickford) encounters his first love (Clara Horton) and bucks responsibilities to find adventure with his friend, Huck Finn (Robert Gordon).
In the office of Major Northfield, the quartermaster of the Pacific Coast, a leak has been discovered which may endanger the safety of American transports that are secretly carrying troops across the Pacific. Nara-Nara, a Japanese detective, is assigned to the case because his country has guaranteed safety to these transport ships. Nara-Nara believes that Northfield is guilty, although in reality it is Northfield's secretary Kitty Little, a girl of German ancestry, who is passing information to Dr. Ebell Smith, a German agent. Nara-Nara falls in love with Kitty, but soon after discovers that she is the leak in the quartermaster's office.
While visiting Alan, who works in Tokyo, she attends a festival with her Japanese maid while wearing a Japanese kimono. There she meets the wealthy Arai Takada, who is taken by the mysterious woman. Alan has dishonored and betrayed O'Mitsu, and her brother Arai plans a terrible revenge.
An American heiress who goes to Ireland meets a bankrupt lord. She switches places with her maid to avoid fortune hunters.
A newswoman meets a man who has bet his colleagues he can make her beautiful.
Despite her love for penniless Dirck Mead, Lorraine marries wealthy Aaron Roth to save her family from financial ruin.
Executive Producer
A venal, spoiled stockbroker's wife impulsively embezzles $10,000 from the charity she chairs and desperately turns to a Burmese ivory trader to replace the stolen money.
Carmen, a maid, steals a locket belonging to the Aragon princess Maria Theresa and sells it to Gaines, a New York art collector, not knowing that the locket contains the clue to the Aragon family fortune's whereabouts. Based on the 1909 Broadway play of the same name by Paul Dickey and Charles W. Goddard.