Deborah Hoffmann

Deborah Hoffmann

출생 : 1947-10-17, New York


Deborah Hoffmann received an Academy Award nomination in 1995 for her documentary, Complaints of a Dutiful Daughter and again for Long Night's Journey into Day in 2000. She is widely acclaimed as editor of such classic documentaries as the Oscar winning The Times of Harvey Milk, Ethnic Notions, and Mullholland's Dream. She has received two National Emmys, a Peabody, a DuPont Columbia Award, and a Rockefeller Fellowship. Deborah has been a lecturer at the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism since 2000. She has served on juries for the Sundance, San Francisco and Mill Valley Film Festivals and on the Independent Spirit Awards, and Gotham Awards. She is a member of the documentary branch of the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences.

프로필 사진

Deborah Hoffmann

참여 작품

언레스트: 누워서 싸우는 사람들
Executive Producer
누구보다 건강하고 씩씩했던 하버드 박사과정 학생. 어느 날 찾아온 만성피로증후군으로 병상에 누워 지내는 상황이 되자, 용기 있게 자신의 투병 과정을 카메라에 담는다.
Long Night's Journey Into Day
This documentary tells four stories of Apartheid in South Africa, as seen through the eyes of the Truth and Reconciliation commission
Sing Faster: The Stagehands' Ring Cycle
With its four operas, seventeen-hour running time and months of rehearsal, Wagner's "Ring Cycle" is a daunting undertaking for any opera company. Jon Else goes backstage to show this rare event entirely from the point of view of union stagehands at the San Francisco Opera.
Cadillac Desert: Water and the Transformation of Nature
Documentary on water usage and the growth of the American west, shown on PBS as a four-part miniseries
Complaints of a Dutiful Daughter
This Academy Award-nominated film takes a moving personal story, illuminates it with insight and humor, and makes it universal. In recounting her attempts to come to terms with her mother's advancing Alzheimer's disease, Deborah Hoffmann explores the relationship between mother and daughter, parent and child, and the tenacity of love.
Complaints of a Dutiful Daughter
This Academy Award-nominated film takes a moving personal story, illuminates it with insight and humor, and makes it universal. In recounting her attempts to come to terms with her mother's advancing Alzheimer's disease, Deborah Hoffmann explores the relationship between mother and daughter, parent and child, and the tenacity of love.
Complaints of a Dutiful Daughter
This Academy Award-nominated film takes a moving personal story, illuminates it with insight and humor, and makes it universal. In recounting her attempts to come to terms with her mother's advancing Alzheimer's disease, Deborah Hoffmann explores the relationship between mother and daughter, parent and child, and the tenacity of love.
컬러 어저스트먼트
From Amos 'n' Andy to Nat King Cole, from Roots to The Cosby Show, black people have played many roles on primetime television. Brilliantly weaving clips from classic TV shows with commentary from TV producers, black actors and scholars, Marlon Riggs blends humor, insight, and thoughtful analysis to explore the evolution of black/white relations as reflected by America's favorite addiction.
에스닉 노션
This documentary traces the deep-rooted stereotypes which have fueled anti-black prejudice.
하비 밀크의 시대
85년 아카데미 장편다큐멘터리 부문 수상작 하비 밀크는 게이 활동가로서는 최초로 샌프란시스코의 시정 감시관(Supervisor)에 선출된 인물이다. 그러나, 공개적으로 자신이 게이임을 선언했을 뿐만 아니라 지역 사회의 산적한 문제를 진보적인 관점에서 해결하고자 했던 그의 노력은 수많은 편견과 장애물에 부딪치게 되고, 결국 그를 죽음에까지 이르게 한다. 1985년도 아카데미 장편 다큐멘터리 작품상을 수상하기도 한 이 작품은, 80년대 미국의 대표적인 독립 다큐멘터리이다. 감독 로버트 엡스타인은, 게이들에 대한 편견을 지니고 있던 좌파 운동가의 고백으로부터 하비가 살해당한 바로 그 날 조직된 45000 명의 촛불 시위 장면에 이르기까지, 주변 인물의 인터뷰 및 방대한 자료 화면을 동원하며, 새로운 세상을 갈구한 사회 운동과 게이 액티비즘에 대한 면밀한 케이스 스터디와도 같은 작품을 만들어냈다. 개인과 사회의 상호작용이 언제나 구체적인 역사적 계기를 통해서 교차하듯, 은 60년대 이후 동성애운동이 발화하기 시작한 샌프란시스코의 정치적·사회적 분위기를 그려냄과 동시에, 장벽을 돌파하려던 활동가, 그의 조직적 활동, 그리고 그를 가로막은 거대한 편견의 요새를 세부묘사한다. 동성애자는 물론 미국내의 모든 정치적 소수자들과 함께 손잡고 권익옹호를 위해 애썼던 한 활동가의 초상은 진정 시대를 초월한 운동가의 의지를 실감하게 한다.
Squatters: The Other Philadelphia Story
Discusses the squatters movement, made up of people who live in abandoned houses through necessity and in order to force change in housing policy. Focuses on Philadelphia, where Gloria Giles becomes a leader and gains a national reputation.