Silvia Abascal

Silvia Abascal

출생 : 1979-03-20, Madrid, Spain

프로필 사진

Silvia Abascal
Silvia Abascal
Silvia Abascal

참여 작품

Amazing Elisa
Elisa, a girl of twelve who thinks she's a superhero, lives with her father after her mother's death.
Mirror, Mirror
Employees at a cosmetics firm grapple with their respective desires by arguing with themselves in the mirror, ahead of their company’s anniversary party.
Los comensales
여러 해 동안 헤어져 지낸 어린 시절의 두 친구. 둘은 함께 웃고 추억을 떠올리고 눈물을 흘리면서 잊지 못할 며칠을 보낸 후, 작별을 고한다. 우정과 사랑의 비가이자, 죽음을 삶의 일부로 받아들이는 용기를 유머러스하고 정직하게 그린 초상화다.
내일의 안녕
Chemotherapy Nurse
남편과의 별거 중 느닷없이 마그다에게 찾아온 시한부의 삶. 그러나 불행의 시간에 허덕이기보다는 홀로 남게 될 아들과 주위 사람들의 아픈 가슴을 보듬어줌과 동시에 여성으로서의 의미 있는 삶을 택하는데... 마침내 찾아온 새 생명에 대한 설렘 속에서 불행을 행복으로 바꾸어 내는 마그다. 당신의 텅 빈 가슴을 어루만져줄 그녀의 이야기가 시작된다.
로마로 향하는 기차 안, 바티칸 취재 기자 '아나'는 우연히 남미의 베르골리오 신부를 만나게 된다. 이를 인연으로 친구가 된 '아나'는 그에게 평범한 청년에서 지금에 이르기까지 지난 날의 이야기를 듣게 된다. ‘아나’가 듣게 된 베르골리오 신부의 이야기는 어머니의 반대에도 불구, 사제의 길을 걷기 시작한 청년 시절로 시작된다. 첫 눈에 반한 여인과의 만남, 갖은 협박과 외압의 위기도 있었지만, 이 때 마다 베르골리오 신부는 흔들리지 않고 가난하고 소외된 자들과 함께 세상으로 나아간다. 그리고 대주교로서 정년 퇴직만을 기다리고 있던 어느 날, 베르골리오는 교황을 선출하는 선거 콘클라베의 강력한 후보로 오르게 되는데... 모든 이들의 축복과 함께 그가 우리 곁에 옵니다!
Safe Passage
In the present, in Spain, Miguel's mind, affected by a brain disease, seems cloistered in the past, in Argentina, in the seventies, when he risked his life for his ideals. He is obsessed with finding a woman named Diana. Mario, his son, who has been away from Miguel for a long time, now feels compelled to unravel the mystery of a name that, like a curse, pursues his father.
The Valdemar Legacy II: The Forbidden Shadow
Luisa Llorente
A group of friends discover an ancient book, the Necronomicon, the Book of the Deads. They discover that the book is a link between our world and the world of ancients creatures, older than our civilizations.
발데마르 레거시
Luisa Llorente
100년 묵은 발데마르 저택을 빨리 감정해서 매매하라는 상부의 명령을 받고 감정사가 파견되었다가 행방불명되자 그의 후임으로 루이사 요렌테가 두 번째 감정사로 파견되는데 의문의 사건에 휘말려 종적을 감추고, 사립 탐정 니콜라스와 세르비아 박사가 루이사를 찾기 위해 발데마르 저택을 찾아가는 도중에 그곳에 얽힌 이야기를 하면서 벌어지는 이야기
Blanca confesses to her aunt Barbara she met the man of her live and he disappeared. By chance in a charming old couples house for sale, they find his picture. It's their son and he's dead. Mad Blanca and Barbara began a crazy investigation in a city underconstruction. An insecure actress, a secretery with ESP and a husband who's fed up with all the madness, will help them unravel these knot marked by humor and intrigue.
Listening Gabriel
"Listening Gabriel" it is a full of magic urban story about fear to the unknown, personal growth and love as the main force for live. Gabriel is a strange and solitary young boy who lives inside his own world. New in town, Sara is a passionate and independent violinist that moves to the same building where Gabriel lives. Carlos, on their part, has just left the jail because of his dark past and he can't find the courage to meet his son Gabriel after 16 years. Three wandering characters in their own personal way who will meet in a crossroads in their lives. Around a missing piano and the world of music that surround it, they will have to find the hope and the motivation to love, to live and to forgive.
La dama boba
Spain, 17th century. With the arrival of two suitors, rivalry and jealousy come between two sisters with very different personalities.
Vida y color
Manolito Espinberg: une vie de cinéma
Too Much Romance... It's Time for Stuffed Peppers
After a long marriage, Maria and Jeffrey are now in crisis. Trying to keep the family together, she tries to convince their children to attend the birthday of the old grandmother Assunta, owner of the beautiful house in which they live. But their children are going through a rough patch. Francesco is a writer who is ashamed of having achieved fame with a book of literary shoddy, why his wife has lost respect. Marco is a doctor and is happy with his family, but his wife is determined to throw it all away for that to become an actress. Meanwhile, Miriam, a young emancipated, discovers she is pregnant, but does not know which of her lovers is the father.
Based on a true story. In the 70s, during the last stages of Franco's dictatorship, Txema, a basque construction worker, is arrested because of his connection to some terrorists who have just committed a murder. The secret service see in him an ideal candidate to infiltrate the terrorist band ETA and become a mole, so they try to offer him a deal if he will do so.
Viento del pueblo: Miguel Hernández
Josefina Manresa
The life and tragical death of the young Spanish poet Miguel Hernández.
My Mother Likes Women
Sofia introduces her three adult daughters to her new lover who is their age and happens to be a woman. The women, in particular Elvira find it extremely difficult to accept their mothers sudden apparent sexual reversal. The news pushes the neurotic Elvira to the point of nervous breakdown. Sol, the youngest daughter, writes a lude rock song about it and performs in front of them at a concert. The daughters plot together on how to get their mothers new girlfriend, a native Czech, and brilliant pianist, out of her life. Their plot goes terribly wrong and turns the film from a light-hearted comedy, into mildly amusing drama.
His Master's Voice
Basque Country, Spain, 1980s. In Bilbao, a gray city dominated by political corruption and nationalist terrorism, Charli works as a chauffeur for Oliveira, a businessman engaged in shady deals. Alarmed by a series of threats and attacks, Oliveira decides to entrust Charli with the protection of his daughter Marta.
The Yellow Fountain
Lola's boyfriend asks her if she believes in forgiveness, hands her a card with a name on it and shoots himself in the head. This sends Lola on a quest to find out what happened as well as solve the murder of her parents. The name on the card leads her into the shadowy world of the the Chinese Triad in Spain. She is helped along the way by a fearful young man who has an odd fascination for news clippings about the Chinese. She is drawn into this world and discovers her answer and loses more than she imagined.
El tiempo de la felicidad
It's summer 1970, and the hippie movement has taken over an entire generation. In a beach house, a very unique family begins their summer vacation, which will change everyone's lives: Fernando (the father) an actor, Lucia (the mother) devoted housewife, and their four children- Chucho (the eldest), Elena (the intellectual), Juan (car-crazy) and Veronica (the youngest).
Carbon Copy
A middle-aged married wealthy white corporate executive is surprised to discover that he has a working-class black teen-age son who wants to be adopted into the almost-exclusively-white upper-middle-class community of San Marino, California.
La señorita Zuenig